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The Vacuum Within: Universal Vacuum Feedback


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I don't see why people have so much trouble keeping their Kubats alive. My Kubrows are tanks and my Kavats I put all those delicious utility mods on so they're a bit squishier. You guys pumping your frame strength and not your health? I seen a video of someone complaining about how op the Corpus are and he had 200 health.

But yeah sentinels regen doesn't have an invincibility frame so in a tough spot they'll die twice on the spot. There's also mods built around them dying, (self-destruct and spare parts) so it's an incredibly odd situation they have since they seem to be built around being expendable.

Edited by (PS4)Tactless_Ninja
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7 hours ago, pagepro said:

We asked for VACUUM UNIVERSAL TO WARFRAMES NOT SENTINELS. Then everyone would use whatever the hell they wanted and we have no problems here. 

No, what DE did was tie it to sentinels AND reduce the range of vacuum. This is a complete 180 from what we wanted.

"We" I certainly didn't ask for a universal vacuum for Warframes, maybe you and some others, but quite honestly you're kinda speaking for other people's behalf which isn't okay at all. 

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So it's a huge issue to you that companions MIGHT get more usage than sentinels had.

There will be always superior frame/weapons/sentinels/companion, i don't see the issue here. And i am still not sure if companions would be more used than sentinels. Helios is good at scanning and giving damage multiplier via weakspot. Kavats and kubrows die more easily because they run around where they might should not. You can unequip attack mod on sentinels.

Shred enemy armor... ONE enemy WOW... i do not rely on companions to kill my enemies...

smeeta buffs, powerfull indeed

EG. i use carrier(mostly),      shade,helios,smeeta,huras and that's it. I cannot see how i will use anything different than those through this update

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11 minutes ago, YUNoJump said:

I maintain the belief that DE doesn't like vacuum, that's just a theory though. With this change it seems that they want to focus pickups to be something that you actively look for as opposed to passively pick up in a large radius without thinking. That's a complicated thing to talk about though, as we enter the dangerous and very subjective territory of "what is fun". 

I also think that if the range were to be restored to its original number then Vacuum should be a high-cost Companion mod. Possibly emanating from the Warframe to avoid the issue of Pets running off and taking every drop with them. Vacuum needs to be an option to carefully consider, not just a guaranteed equip. The issue of mandatory mods is one that DE (allegedly) wants to fix on other things, like with Serration and Multishot, and it's a good idea to fix if they want to maintain the idea that mod builds are completely customisable. Same goes for Vacuum.

the conversation about serration isn't talking about cutting it by effectively 83% universally and pretending that it was done to listen to the community. N I still think the main goal here is selling resource boosters or a new prime sentinel. But thats beside the point. The issue of it being a "manditory mod" is solved by it no longer being a mod. The Nerf just adds frustration.

Edited by (XB1)ashes of suvius
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2 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

most funny thing about all this vacuum complaining if it was not in the game to begin with no one would notice or care

Ah the hypothetical argument, if it never existed at all, you'd never complain about it.  Here is the rub, vacuum does exist in warframe, its a huge part of most players choice in support companion due to the fact this is a fast paced, loot driven shooter.  The community is outraged at this change to an ability in the form that no one wanted.  It forces vacuum on sentinel users if they want it or not, it reduces one of the defining original abilities of carrier, and it still leaves us with the laughable condition of paper defense sentinels dying rapidly in higher level content which leaves the player without their vacuum.  Your comment of if it never existed, you wouldn't complain about changes to it is childish and frankly rude.  I'm guessing you primarily use kubrows or kavats since your reaction shows such a lack of concern to the outrage of the community at large.  And you know what, that is fine, keep using your companion of choice, but don't downplay the concern simply because it does not affect you.

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I never built carrier. Didn't see much of a reason too as I have a ton of loot I don't need anyways. Always used helios because of his auto-scans. I'm not going to complain about carrier being a lazy-man's sentinel because the same could be said for helios. I still don't see how this is a nerf. Carrier now has a precept that is true to his name, carrying more ammo for you, and still has a, albeit, small vacuum, but every sentinel has a vacuum now, meaning I can use helios further. I could even go back to using whatever the sniper sentinel was called.

The weight of the gains outweigh the loss.

Even then, why are people complaining? Sentinels and companions are still relatively useless and will die within the first minutes of any real mission. 

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Just now, ObviousLee said:

then. leave.

How about no?

Some people actually trying to improve game, this is why Feedback section exist.

If you are fine with "miltigation" role, you can happily spend hours in game.

Just now, ObviousLee said:

it's range was reduced by half. it's still fully effective if you're not standing still and actually playing the game as intended.

Stop pretending that you actually know something about "intended" game.

DE introduced Synoid Smulor and "cheese them to guts" abilities for their "inteded" gameplay.

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I believe its simply because parkouring around and shooting things is fun, picking up loot with small collision boxes is not fun.

Picking up resources/mods does not in any way give you a tactical advantage in battle, it would most likely harm you if anything. It will however benefit you in progression, though this should not be tied into the core gameplay, rather let it be a result of the core gameplay which Vacuum provided. 

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6 minutes ago, letir said:

Yeah, this exactly what i'm doing right now. I'm *@##$ing about their decisions, because i don't like them.

And opposite of you, we are here saying the change is just fine because we now can use any other sentinel and get their effects as we like now without feeling like we are missing out on loot. Now a thing which should have been on all sentinels is there without being broken or abusable, as it was before.

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Just now, Beggining said:

It's Diriga. And may I add that it is an AWESOME sentinel? >:D

Yes, Diriga. I actually used to love that sentinel when it came out. Then they nerfed him, but buffed him, not to his original state, but still relatively good. The only probably I have with him now is the firerate, but that doesn't matter when he just electro-stuns enemies close by.

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9 minutes ago, Agentawesome said:

1. Stun for complete free and requires no effort? 

2. Sentinels don't suffer from wonky AI, Kavats only strip armor once every 10 second, Sentinels are always working.

3. Then use the Djinn?

4. Twin Grakatas, Synoid Gammacor, Boar Prime etc can run out of ammo fast.

5. Helios can scan targets to reveal weakspot like Banshee's sonar, but for free.

6. Same with your Kavat/Kubrow.  

1. yes its called space shift control or just used the cc all warframes have.

2. hahahahaha  ya like the carrer use to keep items away from you with there vaccum or how helios kills enemies  before it finishes scanning them. that totaly not wonky ai

3. no because my smeeta is better.

4. only if you dont build them right

5. k but its still dead when you actually need the weak spots to deal extra damage 

6. ahahaha no your clearly dont build kavat or kubrow health link shield link or armor link and pack leader. also most of them have built in survival. oh and you can revive them can you revive a dead sentinel more then once? no unless you wast a perfectly good life just to get a robot thats going to go down in the next second anyway

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1 minute ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

the conversation about serration isn't talking about cutting it by effectively 83% universally and pretending that it was done to listen to the community. N I still think the main goal here is selling resource boostsers or a new prime sentinel. By thats beside the point. The issue of it being a "manditory mod" is solved by it no longer being a mod. The Nerf just adds frustration.

Not having old vacuum doesn't decrease resource drops, it just means you have to move more to get them. No loss if you adapt your playstyle slightly. And you can't really say that the goal is to sell a new prime sentinel when there isn't a new prime sentinel, I don't think a new Prime set is coming for a while anyway, Nekros isn't that old. 

I hope everyone can agree that old vacuum didn't need a buff. If new vacuum had the old range for free on all sentinels, that would be a buff. Instead, it has reduced range and is free on all sentinels, the reduced range counters the rest of the buff. The issue definitely arises from the fact that the range is fairly integral to its operation, and shouldn't have been what got nerfed.

I understand that a lot of people really liked old vacuum, I think some people are overreacting when they say the game is broken now but there's definitely enough anger to put the new system into question. Personally I think a high-cost Vacuum mod on all sentinels with old range is the way to go, let it keep the desired range, a buff in the form of being applicable to all sentinels and a nerf in that it costs a lot, thereby not making it as mandatory a pick as old Carrier. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

No one is stopping you from using a pet and be a space ninja.
I think what you want to do is

"I want to use vaccum, a pet and be a space ninja"

Here's the thing: a lack of vacuum is what's preventing me from being a space ninja. Like I said, I want to be in space-ninja parkour mode all the time, and not have to worry about missing any resources, items, etc that have dropped, especially if they've glitched through a wall or into a bottomless pit.

In a loot-based game such as this, I could certainly run with a pet, but I wouldn't get nearly as much credits, resources, mods, endo, or anything else I need to progress if I were to utilize the parkour to its full extent, and running in circles after every fight isn't what I want to be spending my time doing. It feel like a chore, it's not enjoyable, I feel like I'm forced to do it, and all of those things are the opposite of what I'm trying to accomplish by playing a game. AKA have fun.

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I myself never used carrier after it reached rank 30. Always found the auto-scan of Helios preferable.

On topic, it seems that most became reliant on vacuum to collect loot. Many simply panicked, as the community tends to do if anything remotely appears have been nerfed.


Edited by Ninja-Gyles
Grammatical errors.
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3 minutes ago, letir said:

How about no?

Some people actually trying to improve game, this is why Feedback section exist.

If you are fine with "miltigation" role, you can happily spend hours in game.

Stop pretending that you actually know something about "intended" game.


I DO know something about intended game design. it's called challenge. The reason for endless mode? force you out when you reach the end of your power threshold. The carrier adjustment? allow the use of other sentinels without sacrificing the most used and loved mechanic within the game for resource/mod/endo/ammo/energy/health gahering to be applied universally to all sentinels, instead of a singular one. Why the range reduction? because you could gather resources from 36 feet around you with absolutely no effort which in game design is commonly referred to as "not functioning as intended" as again, it mitigates the need to use any other sentinel.

get. that through. your skull.

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5 minutes ago, TigerACE08 said:

 Sentinels and companions are still relatively useless and will die within the first minutes of any real mission. 

I am not sure of what i will say, don't quote me on this please.

One friend told me this long time ago, and upon his advise, i tested it and it gave a positive result.

enemies do read what mods you have on your sentinel, and when you place the "self destruct" mod on it, they will fear to attack it.

I tired it and i had a positive result. i am not sure if this is a fact or a simple coincidence,. but surely it made my carrier live longer.

One more time, don't quote me on this as i am not sure that if this is a fact or no.

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Chill guys, it's a WIP and they are simply just testing this out and seeing how the WF playerbase uses the sentinels and companions now.
They have said companions weren't completely off the table. They also said it's "a community driven experiment" and that "This is not the final book in this conversation, just the beginning."

Please use this time to discuss the changes and come up with a good suggestion and provide sensible feedback. Now is not the time to make conclusions or to bash DE for their efforts.
It would seem the community have not read deep enough into DE's reasoning for doing this.

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Sentinels: Constant, 8m vacuum. 

Kubrows& Kavats: receive a new Precept Mod:

'Covetous Call':

Every 8 seconds, the Kubrow/Kavat does a howling animation and summons all the loot within 20m to itself. It picks up the loot for the player.

So, you now have a choice: Do you want a longer range and less intensive Pickup precept? Or do you want a constant 8m vacuum so you can pick stuff up as you go along.

The way I see it, you can now tailor your companion to either keep picking up loot for mission types like Exterminate or Survival, or be patient and have it pick up all the loot a little less frequently, which is useful in mission types like defense and to a lesser extent, Interceptions, for example where you don't move much.

Chesa Kubrow get's a new precept called:

Industrious Instinct:

The Kubrow carries upto 100% of your full ammo capacity across the board, replenishing from surplus ammo pickups. What this means is that if your total ammo pool is 800 rifle ammo and 210 pistol ammo, the kubrow will carry that amount around and supply it to you if you run out of ammo or are low on ammo, and it will restock the supply with ammo drops in-mission.

There you go.


Edit: Reader suggestions:

By the lovely Noamuth:

Reward players with all loot earned automatically  at the end of the mission!

By OzoneAle:

Give Warframes passive Vacuum too, and have them stack!

Reiterated by PapaFragolino:

Give Warframes the passive, original Vacuum directly!

And myself:

Instead of manifesting loot as physical objects add them to player pickup pools for all allies directly!


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