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The Vacuum Within: Hotfix #2


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4 minutes ago, Yorinar said:


Regen as far as I can tell doesn't do anything significant. I simple downed state will revive your sentinel. I know not everyone wants a downed state to do that, but I've yet to have regen ever work. So I'm curious as to the logic behind it. there are a couple mods that seem like they are ineffective, those being, regen, and coolant leak. 

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4 minutes ago, Yorinar said:

While I was originally enthusiastic about the change, I have tried several alternative sentinels tonight and found that the limit of only 3 available precepts (since one is consumed by the essential vacuum) is completely limiting.  I run regen and guardian for survivability, so that leaves one slot for attack.  Since I don't want to lose regen, guardian, or vacuum and want my sentinel to attack, there is no room for any other utility, so I'll just stick with carrier prime.

In my ideal world, precepts would not be restricted to |- slots so I could run as many as I want, not just 4.

precepts AREN'T limited to |- slots, you can put precepts in any slot you want on a sentinel's mod loadout, i for one use guardian, sanctuary, medi-ray, coolant leak, regen, both base precepts and vacuum on all sentinels.

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1 minute ago, LazarusRis3n said:

still not hotfix for the Vacuum Passive distance calculation. it says 6meters. i tested it, it works only on 3meters.

and yesterday the vacuum passive was working, today it isn't.....

they removed the passive, its now a universal vacuum mod precept for all sentinels, you should find a new mod in your list. Its at the top of the patch notes you are currently responding to.

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I would have prefered it being on Warframes as a passive part of the game tbh, that way it doesn't take a mod slot and everyone can choose whichever they want (still being limited to sentinels isn't perfect, and this is a change that doesn't make the zeros sense with puppies and kitties running around like nutters far away from you.)

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Ignore those who still having demands for more after getting how awesomely you've just done something for this community. Truly and this is why I madly love this game. Keep up the good work.

Edited by AhmadIYE
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6 hours ago, Fabpsi said:

Thank you^^

Here Redtext:


and here the basic reaction of 90% of the Tenno in the region chat:

  Reveal hidden contents


you can't make everyone happy, this is not a perfect solution, but it is a good one atm in my opinion^^


Again, thank you ^-^



This isn't Imgur and I don't care.


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12 minutes ago, phazefox said:

precepts AREN'T limited to |- slots, you can put precepts in any slot you want on a sentinel's mod loadout, i for one use guardian, sanctuary, medi-ray, coolant leak, regen, both base precepts and vacuum on all sentinels.

after i posted that i tested it.. facepalm lol

13 minutes ago, Babellon said:

Regen as far as I can tell doesn't do anything significant. I simple downed state will revive your sentinel. I know not everyone wants a downed state to do that, but I've yet to have regen ever work. So I'm curious as to the logic behind it. there are a couple mods that seem like they are ineffective, those being, regen, and coolant leak. 

maybe i'm mistaken but for carrier prime which has a lot of hp at max level, it's a pretty good heal that can save it without a down. last time i checked that still worked

but since i was mistaken about only 4 precepts, it's a moot point for me now

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6 hours ago, marelooke said:

Preferred the 6m passive tbh, seemed way enough from the few missions I ran.

Or just get rid of the Vacuum effect entirely. Now I need to either revert Carrier back to how it was or muck up my build to fit in the "new" Vacuum mod (if I don' t want to dich the new precept) Annoying.

Anyway, this seems like a step back in the wrong direction. Might as well not have touched Vacuum.

I wholeheartedly disagree. I think they made the best choice for most players. If you don't like Vacuum, don't use it!


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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but why not have a base range(rng) of 3 vacuum on all sentinels and the mod can then extend that beyond, to a max of rng10-12

Also, something nuts, maybe if sentinels get a Companion Enhancer that replaces sentinel weapons. The Companion Enhancer would allow us to utilise the sentinel with vacuum and bring a kubrow or Kavat at the same time without being too weapon crazy or having the Kavat or Kubrow needing to utilise gravitational and spacial manipulation(vacuum) to "suck" up the mods to them selves or their Tenno.

<3 Hugs, GLHF!

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Aside from making Sentinel Vacuum a passive 12m and 24m for carrier, I'd like to see a way for sentinels to bleedout instead of insta-death. I'd also love to see sentinels in archwing missions. Seeing how they dont require oxygen to survive

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I am so happy with this change. It gives me the option to use vacuum when I see fit and not have to have it on screwing with my life support or orbs when using Necros, etc. The passive was too small a range and really hampered certain builds. This change allows everyone to make a build that suits them and doesn't weaken Carrier's already existing builds.

This Tenno thanks you!

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11 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Vacuum is now an equippable Mod (Precept) for all Sentinels. We have also increased the range from 6m to 12m at max rank.

First of all, thanks.
Now...Let me explain some things:
1) Yes, 12m range is good, no doubts. However, it is a mod. Our sentinels have no empty slots. Before the change i had to choose between hp / armor / health. Now it became even worse, at this point.
2) This change solves the problem only for sentinels. What about pets? Pets moving on their own, so even if DE makes Vacuum for them too, it is gonna be some kind of random looting, which is not okay.
 3) At this moment we are having stucked updates with almost no usefull content. Developer's time and resources became very precious. They need to listen the comunity, so they can actually save time and money for a better things. Because...There were ssooo many posts about how and what Vacuum suposed to be. They ignored them and yesterday we saw what happened.

Comes in mind only one salvation where everybody, including the developers, will be happy. Passive Vacuum with 10-12m range for Warframes.
That move let us (players) feel trully free to use all kinds of companions, and let developers to save their time and efforts for something actually more needed( i don't even mean TWW). Toggled innate Vacuum for Warframes. Or just make default pick up range equal to 12m.

You have failed badly with 6m range, yes. S#&amp;&#036; happens. Now you did a right step in the right direction, please do not stop. Innate Vacuum. For Warframes.Yep.

Edited by WhyNotBro
Changed my mind.
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Just going to put my two cents in because I can, but what the hell is wrong with some people?  Seriously?  Death threats?  DEATH THREATS?!

DE, while I love the decision you made, I wasn't upset with what you came up with a few days back either.  Those who did get that upset though really need a reality check and not rant and rave like a bunch of juvenile delinquents who could probably cut my lawn with their emo alone.  It's pathetic and I would have been glad to see them leave because the community would be better off without.

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8 hours ago, Raniu said:

That was a one swift reaction to the players' feedback. I wonder how many other companies listen to their players in the same fashion. Can't tell if it's good or bad. DE, you lack patience and persistence. Why revert a change you made almost instantly due to majority of the playerbase being so loud about it? It is your game not theirs. I don't say the previous solution was perfect but I say that we should've let it be for a little longer and seen the results.


It's a mixed bag really. I can understand why DE made the change, but I can also understand why players were upset.  We can look at it another way. Perhaps it's another temporary solution until the devs think of a better one.  

Edited by jfhsanseiIII
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Still would've loved a mod that would given "vacuum" to Kubrows and Kavats (I love my DogBearPig, but it's not really usefull when it comes to gathering all the loot)


IMHO, considering rough edges in balance and overall game being rather time consuming - making gameplay comfortable, like this vacuum for all sentinels (hopefully soon for all companions) is the right way to go.


What I'd also love to see - the "smart ui" similar to what you have in, per say, Deus Ex.

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