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Bard Warframe Speculation, Discussion and Feedback Thread


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Hey folks,

Any ideas on the Bard's frames abilities, I heard the names were data mined, but of course that is subject to change, so just be creative with your abilities! Also, any thoughts on what DE means by sound packs? I don't mind paying for the additional sounds and instruments (in fact I've saved up a sizable amount of platinum dedicated to this frame, as i love the idea of the step sequencer), but I'm a bit confused if sound packs are the same as color packs (additional ways to customize your Warframe), or player created music. Any thoughts on the abilities, name or any information on the sound packs?

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I'm assuming that the sound packs will be additional genres or sound sets that you can implement into the frame's abilities. I know that they said something about syncing the sequencer with certain abilities. I think her passive will be what they mentioned in devstream 86, how her damage buff is activated with increasingly loud areas. The infested are gonna be amazing for that. 

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from what i understand per dev streams

she will be like  vauban multi trap changeout kinda kit ..in a way, multi selector powers but the rate of powers release /effect is dependent on your beat style/frequency

so for example her damage attack was discussed

if slow with big intervals in beat = large damage at a slow dispersal rate

fast beat , rapid notes ect = rapid release rate but lower damage

 also a snidbit of the power placeholders can give some idea


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Oberon, Nidus and Inaros can heal others, but when it comes to energy you're stuck with Trinity, or you can take Nekros and hope he will pull some blue orbs out of fallen enemies... So yeah, I would like to se some "energetic tunes" ability that would replenish energy of allies.

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Thanks for the replies so soon, you guys think that the design choice of the rate of powers is good? seems to me that if they can proc status effects, the faster rate of fire would be better by miles, and something I'm a bit concerned about is that straight damage rarely scales all that far (Mesa and Nidus being the exceptions i can think of atm), but its just speculation now, but although i love the idea of your beats of music playing an effect on your Warframe, its exactly what they said they didn't want to do with this warframe in a previous devstream (not sure which) because it would limit the creativity of the players. No matter the decisions DE makes here, as long as she is a solid frame, I'm happy with whatever they do with her. 

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As you may know, our pals at DE have made a point to release at least one alternate helmet with each Warframe when they premier. Though as far as I can tell, no hints or details are usually shared until the day of. What I'd like to know is what you think Bard's alternate helmet will possibly look like. Her main helmet is kind of like a cross between a bird and a drum major from a marching band. It's really unique! But the "Fashionframe" enthusiast in me kinda hopes the alternate helmet will be something that closer reflects my customizing style as well as my musical tastes.


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2 hours ago, mnb328 said:

Don't worry fellow Tenno, I bet that DE already has an ugly name for that frame.

Design Council votes on a name, which is made up of players.


As for the name, I am hoping they decide on a name that begins with a letter that has yet to be used for any MR-equipment – U, X, or Y.

Bad suggestions that actually have some sort of meaning:  Utana, Yarnah, Yoki

Incredibly bad suggestion (because why not): Soelloo

Edited by KettleTicket
didn't know &-ascii didn't work here
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