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Bard Warframe Speculation, Discussion and Feedback Thread


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Just now, Goodrich said:
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Or you could mute the game. Assuming everyone is going to have bad sounds via your opinion is pretty rude in of itself. There's going to be silly memes and personal biased music because this is a community. It won't last long ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Why do i have to mute MY game just to not listen to all the crap people make on purpose to troll and annoy?

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Just now, Stormandreas said:

He has a point though. One of my friends finds it very hard to concentrate when there's random music going on ontop of the basic, so he always tries to turn it all off.

DE will need to implement a separate option or slider for the Bard Frame so that people can play with their preferences rather than be forced to listen to something they don't want to hear, or that could be giving them terrible headaches.

Again, we don't have all of the information. For all we know, only Bards will be able to hear each other, or you'll have to be close to the center of where it spawned to in order to hear it. I totally understand, but it's personally to hard to make a call on how it's going to work out for players who are not playing miss Bard.

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So the visuals of the Bard is awesome  and I love how the powers interact with her music. But I can't help feel like players won't have fun with her music if there are 4 different kinds of music playing that doesn't sound good altogether. I feel like this will be an issue when she releases. I would want to hear my music but also other player music that they have created. Also I can already see that it's going to be a visual nightmare. Lol


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As a music tech major, I can't wait for this! (:

They did mention they're working pretty diligently on making sure that other Bards' pieces of music will all be in sync and play separate parts of their song in conjunction with another.

i.e. The melody from one player, percussion from player 2, the counter-point from player 3 (since more times than not, different parts from different players will be harmonically independent from one another), and so on. Or at least something of those lines.


Though I suppose one thing that could happen, since I'm not sure if we'll only be able to create something in one key, but assuming we'll have options for more than one that if two players are in two different keys, the next player's song will be transcribed to the same key as the initial Bard who did the first cast so it at least sounds nice lol.


Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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13 minutes ago, Ketec said:

Did they address annoying kids spamming bright colored simulor  everywhere?

They did. They decreased the sound volume of the gun for other players. They did not touch the particle effects probably because it will be hard to have one set of particles show up for the user of the gun and one set for the others. 

Edited by aligatorno
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6 minutes ago, Raniu said:

I'm pretty sure that it was mentioned on devstream #86 (or the one before) that multiple Bards' abilities would be synced and sound good played together.

You are correct haha.

No idea how they'll pull that off though, unless we'll only have one key to create our song in or something like that~

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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14 minutes ago, AXCrusnik said:

Well... they did say they planned on doing this before they even showed that gameplay. Not really a surprise.

Except I have created a thread right then and there (which interestingly enough seems to have been deleted) that I don't think that 4 deployables could possibly hold up to the expectation that the bard frame should get a mobile and interactive skillset.

And a dissapointment is not less of an dissapointment just because you know it's coming.

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