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Is DE ending their MFMF stock frame introduction pattern?


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Disregarding WuKong and Nezha, since they were Chinaframe creations, inserted into the world build for our benefit after the fact.  DE has always introduced stock frames in the pattern of MFMF while releasing prime variants in the pattern of MMFF.  However, Titania was female and now this new Bardframe is female.  Does this mean DE is breaking their pattern or does this mean we're getting a secret-stock-male-frame packaged with TWW?

What if it's Ordis's old body?  The one shown during the Cephalon fragment story lore clips?


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Just now, Major_Phantom said:

DE Rebecca said on the second stream podcast that it's female to offset for the chinese frames who are both male.

This ^ 


but to to add more detail, if you see the release dates for frames, you'll notice: 


atlas came thdn wukong. Nezha came then inaros.....so there are 2 cases of MM that needs readjustment 

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24 minutes ago, Major_Phantom said:

DE Rebecca said on the second stream podcast that it's female to offset for the chinese frames who are both male.

This seems reasonable. Especially since Bardframe is to females as Nezha is to males.

Keeping the balance is the Tenno way, after all.

24 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

This ^ 


but to to add more detail, if you see the release dates for frames, you'll notice: 


atlas came thdn wukong. Nezha came then inaros.....so there are 2 cases of MM that needs readjustment 

You forgot Ivara.

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Just now, KirukaChan said:

This seems reasonable. Especially since Bardframe is to females as Nezha is to males.

Keeping the balance is the Tenno way, after all.

You forgot Ivara.

I don't see why that matters. 


Its atlas, wukong, ivara, nezha and inaros....still 2 MM >.> 

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1 minute ago, lukinu_u said:

@GinKenshin you forgot Ivara, and how @Major_Phantom said, Wukong and Nezha do not count because they are China warframes.

And Bard is a male, so, it's not breaking the order.

Bardframe is a female frame, last devstream mentioned it while showcasing her colors and encouraging the community to come up with a set of default colors for her.

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1 minute ago, lukinu_u said:

@GinKenshin you forgot Ivara, and how @Major_Phantom said, Wukong and Nezha do not count because they are China warframes.

And Bard is a male, so, it's not breaking the order.

Bard has been called "she" multiple times on devstream and second stream. She IS breaking the order and it was addressed and confirmed by Rebecca that it's to compensate for the 2 chinease frames. You've misunderstood everything.

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1 minute ago, lukinu_u said:

Bard is a male

Pretty sure the bard frame is going to be female and the fact that Wukong and Nezha were originally made to promote the Chinese release is irrelevant.  They still exist and still add to the number of male frames, putting the count of males two higher than females.  The bard was going to be male but they then changed her to be female to help redress the balance which means we can probably expect the frames after her to be one male and then two more female to make the numbers even again.  So yes, they are breaking from the normal pattern but only to correct the fact they already broke from that pattern last year.

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10 minutes ago, Orcot said:

Seriously, why does it matter?  The genders of frames has no impact on the game or your way of playing, it's such an non-important detail one has to ask why even note it?

I agree with this statement and here we are again with another thread addressing it as an issue.

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11 minutes ago, KirukaChan said:

Yep. Reverse Nezha.

Except Nezha is pretty much a male equivalent to ember theme wise while the new frame is going to be a female equivalent to Banshee...

I really wish they'd just hold off on the bard and make it male so we don't have 2 female sound based frames.

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14 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

It apparently matters to DE. If it didn't, they wouldn't have decided to make the bard a female to fix their pattern.

Even then, it wont. They will need to release another female frame after the Bard to even the numbers.

Edited by Venom-Snake
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