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Can we have kuva as traditional drops from kuva fortress?


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What I suggest is that the primary way we could farm kuva is having them drop as traditional drops from the kuva fortress, but I understand that there may be lore inconsistencies, so if that isn't possible, maybe we can secure caches, reservoirs, and vials of kuva around the environment, or perhaps destroy kuva siphons in transport around the kuva fortress.

There's alot of RNG surrounding the acquisition of kuva, primarily with how kuva siphons spawn. I was thinking we could keep the kuva siphons in their current state as a bonus method of acquiring kuva.

My reasoning for this suggestion of farming kuva is because most people just spam rusalka sedna over and over again. With this new approach, we can see more of the new beautiful tileset, and have a more consistent method of acquiring kuva. What are some of your thoughts and suggestions for the acquisition of kuva, is it fine the way it is or are there ways of improving?

Thanks for reading.

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We need that desperately. I have been playing the last days since the update and was hoping to eventually find any Kuva but i haven't gotten any. I know the prerequisites for Kuva extractors to spawn at all, so i have been limiting my normal grind to the upper thirties but i still have not seen a single one.

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Indeed, I tried to mix various missions so I wouldn't get bored too fast and yet it's still getting boring and tedious pretty fast. I bought a resource booster and for the past 2 days I farmed ~15,000 Kuva and -5000 for re-rolls and those were speedruns (Capture, Rescue, Ext, Phorid Assassination). Demoralizing as heck.

There needs to be an alternative:

Adding AW Pursuit/Interception in Kuva Fortress region that rewards you with Kuva resource.

Getting Kuva resource as a reward for successful Spy mission on Kuva Fortress tileset.

Adding a high-level Grineer node on Lua (after completing TWW) with the mode similar to Excavation, but instead of excavating the stuff we'd have to find and destroy Kuva machines before they suck the Kuva and fleet away -- adding a countdown to reach their drop site will help, heck, i think even lowering Kuva quantity per Siphon will still be good in terms of efficiency.

Edited by Thundervision
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17 hours ago, Guapscotch said:

What I suggest is that the primary way we could farm kuva is having them drop as traditional drops from the kuva fortress, but I understand that there may be lore inconsistencies,...

No inconsistencies in lore for me. 


Well the twin Queen are kinda harvesting these kuva, and the worm queen 'was' the ex-owner of the broken scepter, which has Kuva 'vial? attached to it.

What's more, for you to harvest something, you need a storage to store the stuff. And kuva fortress seems like the best map for that. Make it 'Sabotage the Storage' or something. As the reward, you get kuva from Kuva' fortress' storage. JUST LIKE CLASH OF CLANS.

Let the grineer kuva-variation a chance to drop Kuva as well. You know, like how degrades (grineer) love drugs? to be happy... ... or something?

Edited by low1991
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No, never, no !
Kuva is the only ressource that require somethink special to be obtain and I reallu love how Kuva farming work.

The only think it need is a more frenquant spawn chance for Kuva syphons on others mission than "Kuva farm spots".

But please, never put it on regular drop tables of Kuva fortress...

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Current system how you can obtain Kuva is as broken as was Draco, it seem to be the only way to farm Kuva is spam fast missions like capture or exterminate, and with amount per cycle after 8 re-rolls it's not entertaining at all.

At least give us an option, ideas how and where are here and I support them!


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Yes please. Forcing us to use operator mode to farm Kuva seems narcissistic. Operator mode is wonky and immersion breaking for me. I hate it. I want to not use it. But I have to do the wonky Kuva farming thing because... well there really is no because. It's force-fed. We had the Kuva vial in the staff. If the Kuva syphons weren't invulnerable then we could just kill them for the kuva, or kuva guards could spawn in the fortresss till and drop it as well. I mean why haven't the grineer given warframe -proof armor to all their soldiers by now if they can build warframe proof siphons so easily? Isn't an invulnerable siphon lore-breaking in and of itself?

Should have just been a resource drop.

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5 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

They should be in assault caches. NOT a 0.5% drop like nitain, thank you very much, but a relatively common, farmable material.

Assault isn't worth doing, and farming siphons is horrible and boring.

They removed caches from assault for some reason.  No idea why.  Now it's definitely not worth doing.

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Game Designer - "Hey, let's make a new tileset, since it's been almost a full year without giving our players new maps to explore."

Level Designer - "Here you go,see this cool new map with great lighting , stealth elements and brand new enemies",,,

Game Designer - "Let's make it so that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING new drops on it !!! "

Level Designer - "Umm, shoudn't we have new mods, new resources there, maybe new treasure rooms, new spy mission rewards, new ordis fragments, new kurias, new things so players actually play on my cool new tileset ?"

Game Designer - "Why ?"

Level Designer - "Well, to justify the existence of the tileset, to give purpose to it and to motivate people to spend time doing the new content".

Game Designer - " Won't people play the tileset anyway ? They will clear the nodes, that's what people do in warframe, right ? "

Level Designer - "Let's add kuva extractors.. And weapon pieces that drop from Kuva Guardians..."

Game Designer - "Good Thinking...."

Game Designer ".. Kuva extractors and new powerful enemies... on all high level grineer tilesets"...

Level Designer - " Loads firearm as he watches everyone plays in random capture missions on easy planets other than Kuva Fortress".


I don't get it... The moon had Sentients that dropped exclusive mods and trial rooms... Kuva fortress doesn't have anything.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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2 hours ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Level Designer - "Umm, shoudn't we have new mods, new resources there, maybe new treasure rooms, new spy mission rewards, new ordis fragments, new kurias, new things so players actually play on my cool new tileset ?"

That's completely true. Why didn't they put new Cephalon Fragments ? We could've learn some Queens backstories with Fortress' fragments. :(

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:


Game Designer - "Hey, let's make a new tileset, since it's been almost a full year without giving our players new maps to explore."

Level Designer - "Here you go,see this cool new map with great lighting , stealth elements and brand new enemies",,,

Game Designer - "Let's make it so that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING new drops on it !!! "

Level Designer - "Umm, shoudn't we have new mods, new resources there, maybe new treasure rooms, new spy mission rewards, new ordis fragments, new kurias, new things so players actually play on my cool new tileset ?"

Game Designer - "Why ?"

Level Designer - "Well, to justify the existence of the tileset, to give purpose to it and to motivate people to spend time doing the new content".

Game Designer - " Won't people play the tileset anyway ? They will clear the nodes, that's what people do in warframe, right ? "

Level Designer - "Let's add kuva extractors.. And weapon pieces that drop from Kuva Guardians..."

Game Designer - "Good Thinking...."

Game Designer ".. Kuva extractors and new powerful enemies... on all high level grineer tilesets"...

Level Designer - " Loads firearm as he watches everyone plays in random capture missions on easy planets other than Kuva Fortress".


I don't get it... The moon had Sentients that dropped exclusive mods and trial rooms... Kuva fortress doesn't have anything.

Plus moon spy has exclusive mods as well.  I haven't found anything in kuva spy.

Edited by Callback
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