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Ash Revisited Feedback Megathread


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50 minutes ago, sushidubya said:

As a former Ash main...


I've moved onto other frames, so it's not a biggie to me...  (I play frames mostly for looks, because I enjoy guns and swords more than casting anyways.)  HOWEVER...  If I'm going to use a reticule to mark targets for bladestorm why wouldn't I just shoot them instead?  LMAO.

Sorry DE...  This one was half baked...  =/


5 minutes ago, Racter said:

Whelp, Bladestorm is completely useless now. This is far, far too slow to use in a public game ever, and even in private why would I bother with this over just killing them with regular weapons, faster, with no energy cost?

Ahem, creative feedback.. If you hate a rework don't just post "I dont like it or this is not efficient why should I use it?" post what you don't like in detail to be an actual feedback like many others did with Ash's rework. This IS a thread about Ash's rework feedback after all.

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The good: Reduces spam and makes for some awesome lighting affects. Seriously, I just turn it on because it looks cool.

The bad: How the new part works is basically we have a field of activation around us. You can mark and unleash upon these enemies when they are in that field. Where as BS used to be a deploy-able field that picked 18 enemies and hit each 16 times (I think?), this is more like Wof/Maim with marking. The marking takes too long in intense situations and never feels like it's enough (got to mark more before wasting my entire energy pool). However without the marking, BS would just be another walking nuke ability.

*The damage output below 200% power is not enough for the amount of energy used and only three marks per enemy. In example, an ancient disruptor/healer would just take time but now you'll hardly kill anything with them around.

The ugly: The lack of improvements to the actual ability. The most common complaints about BS are invincibility (pvp), inability to affect enemies, spam, and the camera. DE has obliterated the spam but everything else remains the same.

The painful: How soon until the carpal tunnel arrives? 'Did I look at that enemy? How many times did I look at that enemy? Best spin around and look at it again.' Not to mention the twitching we have to do just to get three marks on multiple enemies.

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So after killing 200 ancients in the Simulacrum, I find that the power drain on Blade Storm could be a bit lower (to like 10 when uncloaked and 8 or 7 when cloaked) since I can only target like ten enemies with it. Also, you could run around the entire map and select every enemy and kill them in one go with energy siphon(unless there's a cap or range limit, of which I'm not aware of). Overall, Blade Storm is still Blade Storm, with a bit more user input and more potential power drain.

Smoke Screen is a pleasure to use on the run and mid-air, but then again the duration isn't that great(though I find it okay since I prefer survivability over squishy-ness of Loki and that bow-focused Ivara.).

Teleport is still the good old fatal teleport + covert lethality = One Hit Kill anything = Singular Blade Storm

And Shuriken is still my favourite first ability of any Warframe  

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Please make Ash send clones to attack after the initial assassination so we don't have to sit through a longwinded animation for the 1000th time and have smokescreen be recastable. Doing this will allow him to have some level of survivability that isn't dependent on spamming 4 all the time.

Keep the range limitation but have Bladestorm use energy on initial cast and drain energy over time but have no cost for actually marking or killing enemies. Remove the energy reduction bonus from Smokescreen and have it give you a stealth damage multiplier bonus instead. This keeps the synergy between his kit and allows him to be competitive with other DPS-orientated frames, but still gives the player a level of interactivity that's makes Ash actually fun to play.


Edited by Yonm
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3 hours ago, (XB1)FCastle74 said:

4 and 3 are exactly the same. Except now I can kill more enemies and faster with 3. BS still tickles ancients to death. Im really not understanding the BS rework. The time it takes to mark i could fatal teleport instead. Its not on par anywhere close to other frames 4. There are many brilliant reworks this community has submited..PICK ONE AND START OVER. thank you.

At this point I wish they would just take up a collection. I would pay them cash for a rework. Especially like that one the guy I just quoted suggested.

Edited by Azur_Fenix
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Ok I tried it a bit and here is my feedback (included):

Smoke Screen: nice QoL changes, but I will never stop saying it should be changed in a real smoke bomb instead of giving plain invisibility

Teleport:  I'm not sure how I feel about the change. First, it doesn't target " anything with a health bar": it didn't work with blunts and resource containers (such as plastids carapace)... probably a bug. Second, it still has the problem of targeting objects which are between the camera and the frame (so behind Ash). Third, in the heat of the battle it happened to me to teleport to a container instead of the enemy which was 1mm away from the reticule dot: while the change is somewhat pleasing, it can lead to frustrating situations.

Bladestorm: I like the style of the new BS, but I have something to say about it.

-the cost has become too high. It's not a problem against low level enemies since you can't apply more than one mark, but in high level mission, if you encounter a crowd and you're in the targeting fase, you can deplete all the energy in seconds because for every enemy you spend 45 (15x3) energy since it's not so easy to control the application of the mark. So if you don't use Flow like me and you're not careful, you risk of being able to attack only  the equivalent of 3 1/3 (or 5 if you're invisible) enemies and ending with no energy after

-there's no way to end the ability without killing someone unless you kill everybody "manually". Maybe you can add that holding 4 after targeting, the ability ends (and your energy is refunded, maybe?) without attacking anybody

-artistically is very nice (actually I find it amazing! So dark...) but: Ash and enemies become bright red without considering energy color (a hard blow for fashionframe); marks are of the color of the energy and without the right color they are hard to see (so it's hard to know how many marks a target has). I suggest of reverting the situation: Ash and enemies become of the color of the energy, while the marks are bright red, so they are easy to see. Also, when the option of showing enemy health, bar marks are difficult to see.

     (little note: I'm still convinced that clones from BS should appears as made of smoke, not as holograms)


I'm sorry if I wrote so much, but I love Ash, you did a good job but there's always room for improvement :)


ps I found this nice bug in the Simulacrum


I accessed the armory while BS was active, and the visual remained, but Ash was unable to use BS anymore (I had to leave the Simulacrum to fix it)


Edited by Drufo
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I like the new targeting mechanic but it have several flaws.

Energy cost

The new target mod is a huge nerf to bladestorms energy cost. Compared to before with a energy cost of 100 and hitting 18 enemies, i got several different results when testing out bladestorm 10 times in the simulacrum. I had a max Primed Flow on my regular Ash giving me 425 power and a Strecth mod on which gave me 145% powerange, those were the only power mods i had on. Targets were level 40 kuva butchers. Below are the results.

At the start i ran at ground level avoiding taking a height advantage.

First try, 275 energy left, 7 enemies left.

Second try, 200 energy left, 4 enemies left.

Third try, 245 energy left, 5 enemies left.

Fourth try, 240 energy left, 4 enemies left.

Fifth try, 215 energy left, 6 enemies left.

For the next 5 attempts i tried selecting them more carefully from above by using the spires in the simulacrum.

Sixth try, 185 energy left, 3 enemies left.

Seventh try, 170 energy left, 3 enemies left.

Eighth try, 170 energy left, 1 enemy left.

Ninth try, 200 energy left, 4 enemies left.

Tenth try, 210 energy lef, 1 enemy left.

Id say id fared far better in the latter attempts than the eariler ones but these results are still far worse than the old Bladestorm. Dont get me wrong, i think the new target mechanic is a step in the right direction but its a huge nerf to the efficiency of Bladestorm. Yes the lowered cost via Smoke Screen is nice but its hard and chaotic to use.

Targeting problems

Its hard to target enemies without hitting already marked enemies. Finding unmarked enemies is a problem as you have to scan the battlefield and avoid already marked enemies to avoid unnecessary energy loss. Its good that energy is refunded if additional marks on a enemy is not needed to kill it but it the fact that energy is drained per mark on a enemy is troublesome because it limits the overall number of enemies you can mark even if they only need one mark. What could aid in the detection of unmarked enemies would be that Ash could see unmarked enemies through walls within a certain range of him. Lastly, certain energy colors makes it very hard to see the total number of marks on a enemy, please give us a uniform color for the marks that makes it easy to see the marks no matter what color you are using.

This was written before Hotfix 19.1.1

Edited by Hieracon
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Ash just became the first Mastery Rank fodder Warframe.

I've a number of Forma invested in mine, but playing a maxed-out Ash now is like playing a Warframe with no powers.

They did not re-design Blade Storm. They nerfed it into oblivion.

It's no longer instantaneous. You press 4, your screen goes black and white, and you wait. I don't know how long you have to wait, because I can't figure it out. But you wait.

Eventually, you can press 4 again, and you attack. It looks like the old blade storm, but you only attack a few enemies. And your damage is capped at 3600, so you are entirely worthless to your team—unless you are playing very lowest level missions.

I was doing an alert against Corpus in the 20's, when someone got attacked by a Syndicate hit squad in the upper 50's. Blade Storm did very little damage to these enemies. I could not kill them, but kept getting killed, myself.

So, there it is. Ash is the first entirely worthless Warframe. New players should consider him Mastery Rank fodder and forgo any attempt to max him out. I guess you could play as Super Ninja, and teleport to enemies one at a time for finisher damage (if they haven't taken that away, too), but that would be of no use to any team. The new delay imposed on the power is plenty bad enough. His low maximum damage is what really ruins Ash. He won't kill anything on Sorties with his wimpy new power.

I'm sure this will delight the crowd who wants all Abilities removed from the game, making it more like Call of Duty. I'm disappointed they invested no time or energy into a proper design. I was imagining some sort of AoE with flying blades or something similar to other frames, but that would have taken time to do.

At least we have Kuva to grind.













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Hello DE,

Just some remarks on Bladestorm here.

1. Marking targets is slow and in low-mid level missions while in a group it's nearly impossible to get any kills with bladestorm, which then has me wondering: why use bladestorm when I could just shoot them? What use is this?

2. The ability is actually useful in solo stealth and extreme high level missions due to the high damage and the new stealth based synergy. But I think the stealth synergy could be greater if smokescreen was a more useful ability and if teleport wasn't so glitchy and could be used to teleport to locations WITHOUT any enemies to instantly see me. The addition of objects is nice, but only really benefits me in defense missions.

3. Removing the clones was a mistake. Not only do I sit in the boring animation but this means I also can't get out to help allies if need be... Just... Why? Please reconsider this change over all else.

4. Honestly the best thing you could do with Bladestorm is bring back the clones and after marking enemies the clones do all the killing allowing you to continue on. This would allow for Bladestorm to not limit you while using it, but intead give you some crowd control while you focus on something else. (Perhaps Teleport could do a bladestorm animation while in the lock-on phase, if people really want that animation.)


Thank You for listening and please consider this feedback for some changes. Personally the clones coming back would be a start, but removing the effect of me being locked into the animation would be fantastic for Ash's kit.

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in my opinion if you are looking for more interaction in ash's 4th ability then why not make it similar to excaliburs exalted blade.

1. make blade storm a channeled ability that sends out a shadow clone to the enemy when your press your melee button that does the same animation as the current blade storm animation. also allow other players to damage the enemy while a shadow clone is attacking it.

2. have the blade storm skill scale with some melee mods.

as for his other skills

smoke screen should have a longer duration (9-10 seconds) and teleport should teleport the player behind the enemy.

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So here's my thoughts: 


 first I really expected BS to be totally revamped, but this 'rework' is just not enough imo and didn't really address that whole issue with BS 


 the whole point of the rework from what I read is that DE didn't want just pressing 4 and waiting, well that didn't really change. I will press 4, and I will wait until the kill animation is over. You just added the marking thing in between


 the marking only fixed BS killing a lot of enemies even without line of sight, and with a large radius, which imo I think it's the real reason behind this rework 


 I honestly think this marked for kill idea isn't working here, it didn't address that issues with BS. Yes it did add interaction but it's not enough. It also fixed completely ignoring duration on almost all ash BS builds which is very welcome, since now SS has a nice synergy with BS


 I really hope they just don't forget anout BS and call it a day. It doesn't have to be tomorrow, next week, month...he'll even next year. Just don't think it's over. Don't read this thread (which I doubt you would tbh) and think "nah, this isn't necessary, we have important things to do" 

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16 minutes ago, Dimzor said:


Ahem, creative feedback.. If you hate a rework don't just post "I dont like it or this is not efficient why should I use it?" post what you don't like in detail to be an actual feedback like many others did with Ash's rework. This IS a thread about Ash's rework feedback after all.

Normally, I'd agree with you. But... there is this huge pile of Ash rework threads right there *points at forum archives*, and the grand majority of them constitute a superior alternative to what we were given. Heh, some of them are sheer brilliance. And all of them are constructive and detailed. Did not help much, didn't it?

I won't deny that I'm salty, but constructive criticism on this changes was given the moment they were shown. And people were right then as they are right now - this is a tweak to slow down the spam, just call it what it is and move on, or start from scratch. It's as simple as that.

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Hello DE,

Just some remarks on Bladestorm here.

1. Marking targets is slow and in low-mid level missions while in a group it's nearly impossible to get any kills with bladestorm, which then has me wondering: why use bladestorm when I could just shoot them? What use is this?

2. The ability is actually useful in solo stealth and extreme high level missions due to the high damage and the new stealth based synergy. But I think the stealth synergy could be greater if smokescreen was a more useful ability and if teleport wasn't so glitchy and could be used to teleport to locations WITHOUT any enemies to instantly see me. The addition of objects is nice, but only really benefits me in defense missions.

3. Removing the clones was a mistake. Not only do I sit in the boring animation but this means I also can't get out to help allies if need be... Just... Why? Please reconsider this change over all else.

4. Honestly the best thing you could do with Bladestorm is bring back the clones and after marking enemies the clones do all the killing allowing you to continue on. This would allow for Bladestorm to not limit you while using it, but intead give you some crowd control while you focus on something else. (Perhaps Teleport could do a bladestorm animation while in the lock-on phase, if people really want that animation.)


Thank You for listening and please consider this feedback for some changes. Personally the clones coming back would be a start, but removing the effect of me being locked into the animation would be fantastic for Ash's kit.

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I just tried out my Ash. Used the same build, which is a high efficiency Fatal-teleport build with bladestorm as a panic button.

I'm a huge fan of this Bladestorm! I don't know what everyone else is complaining about, it's streamlined and easy to use, and delivers more or less the same feel. Overall, I give the tweak in functionality a thumbs up, and I hope we go with this.

The only complaints I could pull up, is that maybe it's -too- similar to the old Bladestorm, just with a longer setup. Not as drastic of a change as Mag's (which sucked, if I could be perfectly honest). AND, importantly, there doesn't seem to be any way to cancel Bladestorm mode if you change your mind.

But overall, this is a great change to me, I love it.

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I’ll be blunt, I do not like Bladestorm’s rework at all. This is coming from a person who has never really used Bladestorm though, I use Ash more like a melee assassin utilizing Teleport for the most part, but occasionally Smoke Screen if things get sticky and Shuriken to take out fliers. Bladestorm’s rework does not help his kit, it is just a nerf to an ability to remove the childish “dibs” it has now and feeble attempts to make it more interactive. I personally don’t care that it was nerfed, I just hoped that it would add some new gameplay… it doesn’t. If I want to individually target enemies to take out, I will use Teleport, no need for cut scenes.

So now that you know my bias, here we go.


New Mechanic: Death Mark: If an enemy has a death mark (can stack up to three times) they take an additional 20% damage from Ash (unmoddable), Death Marks decay after 30 seconds.


  1. Shuriken: Ash throws 3 Shuriken’s each dealing 400 damage. Once homing to a target (will try to each target a different enemy if multiple enemies in range) the shuriken will continue to travel its path with 3 meters of punch through. Still has a 100% slash proc. Each enemy hit gains a Death Mark. (Augment remains the same)
  2. Smoke Screen: Ash throws out a Smoke Bomb (think like one of Booben’s balls). On impact a Smoke Screen with a 6 meter radius appears and lasts for 8 seconds. When Ash is inside the screen he is invisible to all enemies. Once Ash leaves the screen he is invisible for 3 seconds (refreshed each time you enter a smoke screen). All enemies within the initial deployment are staggered. All enemies standing within the screen are effectively blind (no stagger animation for enemies entering the area after deployment) and open to finishers. Up to 4 Smoke Screens can be active at a time. All enemies that have been inside the field (or are currently inside of course) have a Death Mark added. (Augment retains relatively the same effect, Allies now gain all the benefits of Smoke Screen (which is insanely powerful))
  3. Teleport: Eh, it’s fine as it is. Add a Death Mark to the enemy teleported to. (Augment remains the same)
  4. Bladestorm: I think you know where this is going… Ash teleports to up to the last 10 living enemies that were given a Death Mark and deals 2000 finisher damage with a 100% slash proc, 8 energy per enemy. Multiple Death Marks (given that the target is alive) results in additional hits. If used again, it will go to up to the 10 previous enemies with a Death Mark (if applicable). Pressing 4 once Bladestorm is activated cancels the ability and refunds energy for every enemy not hit. (Augment remains the same)


One of the things I am still not sure on is if Death Mark's buff should be party wide and if the damage buff should be affected by power strength.

Yeah, I guess he still does not bring much more to the team, but this very clearly makes him a DPS character which, in theory, is an important part of a squad. He also is a bit less dependent on Bladestorm for later game from Death Marks. If you are all about that Blade Storm, Shurikens are intended to be a very effective way to spam Death Marks. Then of course you can throw Smoke Screens around to give groups Death Marks too. The Death Mark is kinda useless because, well, finishers, but it would be weird if it didn’t give one. The whole Smoke Screen thing is because what he has now is just boring. The rework gives him something that can be used to be more powerful than what he has now, but can scale with how tactical you are rather than ‘fire and forget’ like so many other abilities. And anyway, if you want plain old Indivisibility just use Loki. The lower energy cost than DE’s rework is because you already have to spend energy to get a Death Mark.


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A modified version of my post from the Ash Revisited Feedback Megathread.

This is pretty much a rough draft of my ideas to make him feel more Ninja-ish.


  • Give new synergy with Smokescreen effects. Disarm targets affected by Smokescreen. Like those stereo typical ninjas using them to disarm people.


  • This skill needs to be recast-able. Mainly for the suggested synergy with Shuriken. Also it would be ideal if we can recast Smokescreen before getting revealed and spotted.


  • See Bladestorm suggestion.


  • I would say change the functionality of the new released Bladestorm to something other players would like.
    • Make Bladestorm create imitation-smokescreens to stagger enemies near your target(s). Ideal for group play and for recovering after ability activation.
    • Make allies in the Bladestorm created imitation-smokescreen invisible if the augment "Smoke Shadow" is equipped.
    • Ash shouldn't be stuck into Bladestorm cinematic when activated, specters should attack all marked targets for him.
    • Leave a mark that last a few seconds after the initial Bladestorm. To go with suggestion below.
    • The player may manually use "Teleport" ability to a target marked/(recently marked) to do the animation manually with a radial slash proc with Smokescreen.
    • *Make it so when Bladestorm/finishers do not make the target immune to other damage sources while the animation is playing. This annoyed people the most.

Base Stats

  • Increase his rank 30 energy pool. Possibly to 225 for scaling.
  • At rank 30 have his Base Armor: 250 or alternatively Health/Shield: 700/500. Should allow an extra few seconds of survival in base game content of lvl 40-60.


Last thoughts.

  • I'm slightly happy the frame is less lazy, however, the rework to his Bladestorm doesn't seem ideal either at doing the exact same damage output but cost far more energy before efficiency mods. The change to Bladestorm also made me feel more fragile playing Ash.
  • I feel if we're going heavily ninja themed on Ash that he should feel you know... More Ninja-ish. Since teleporting and smokescreens seems to be his kit. Why not add Smokescreen to Bladestorms and make it so you can disarm targets with your Shuriken(s) while targets are affected by your smokescreen.
  • I feel like I'm going to get comparisons which people already do to Ash and his Smokescreen vs Loki's Invisibility. It's nice to have multiple warframes doing the same job but in slightly different ways. Ash is just more aggressive at doing his.
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So, after some testing my main thoughts are:

- Bladestorm costs more energy than before. Before the changes Ash could strike 18 times for a cost of 100 energy unmodded. Right now it's 15 (or 10 if invisible) per mark. So unmodded, we can mark 10 enemies at most for the cost of striking 18 times before the rework.

Also, to even be able to mark enemies using less energy you have to be invisible, so either Shade / Huras / Naramon / Friendly Ivara or Smokescreen. I know the devs are attempting to create synergy between certain abilities etc, but this one is a bad example.

- Marking feels slow and somewhat uneven, sometimes I had to wait few seconds for the third mark to appear and other times enemy was marked three times at a first glance.

- QoL changes for Smoke Screen are very nice

- I'm a bit confused by the Teleport changes. They supposedly allow us to teleport to any objects that have health bar. So what, we can now teleport to explosive barrels, containers and resource packs? It seems strange, why not allow us to simply teleport wherever we're aiming? It would greatly increase usefulness of this power as it would give the players excellent mobility instead of being mostly used as a makeshift Bladestorm using Fatal Teleport augment.


To sum it up - Bladestorm changes seem like a nerf. It's now more expensive and yet the player receives very little in exchange. Using Cover Lethality dagger with Fatal Teleport might be simply better option now.

Other changes are nice, though I would propose further expansion on Teleport - give us the ability to teleport to the location we're aiming at instead of certain objects. Retain the ability to teleport directly to enemies / allies. To put it in perspective, make it similar to Blink in Dishonored.

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Ash was my favorite frame, not cause he's the only true "Ninja" of all Frames, but only because he got that Badass Feel to it, like jumping, throw out shurikens and land while the enemies die on the background. My build for him was pretty standart to get the benefit from all his abilities, not just a "Bladestorm" or "Lethality Teleport" build. Now, his Ultimate its completely WOTHLESS to me, and here's why.

Warframe its a pretty fast game, with frames that can obliterate, freeze, burn and slash into pieces  any enemy with a single skill, and THAT'S why Ash's ultimate its obsolete. It's SLOW, when you're finished marking all your targets and you're ready to activate your ultimate, they're all DEAD already, your team will not wait for you to kill any enemies around, its the same case for Trinity and her Energy healing, with the proper build, all waves come out in a instant and there's no need to keep the enemy alive while the energy keeps coming out for your team, no need to get mad about your friend who killed that single mob acidently, now Ash its a pretty worst case, cause you can't just select all enemies around you, the only thing that could work with it is if you activate it and then come around killing all enemies in your path, and then activate it when you're almost out of HP or Energy and you want to see if anyone of the marked enemies drop THAT Energy/HP orb that you're in desperetly need at the moment. It turned the ability in an "Secondary Thing" for him.

A ninja is supoded to be quick, silent, deadly, and EVERY SINGLE FRAME out there has those qualities, but Ash was the only one that made all of this at the best, now it's a godamn "Mini-Game" where you go around wasting time marking enemies wishing that they would not die, SO you could have your badass ultimate and kill everyone (assuming they're not dead already).

Why didn't i noticed that early? cause i was busy these days farming my way to the new Primes, then i'be seen his new Deluxe Skin and decided to check it out, but then i've tested him and noticed the horrible Ultimate that you guys gave him... When i've heard about the "Rework" i though it was going to be a "State", like Valkyr's Histeria, where you teleport to enemies when you press your melee attack or something like that, but no, you need to go around marking enemies wishing that your team just run around playing with bullet jumps till you're finished marking enemies that would already die in the first place.

I completely HATED that ultimate, am i going to sell my Ash? NO, here's other build to use with him, but now i'm here asking you, YOU DE, to remake that "Remake", make it a Energy Draining Ultimate, make it a state where you can properly use his Shadow Teleport Attacks like a real ninja, make it like you're in CONTROL of the godamn ultimate, that change was a Disaster, i don't even know why people aren't complaining about it, but that's the truth.

I don't know if you guys are going to do something about it or not, but i'm not using that Ultimate till there's a large change to it, i'll just change my build to a Teleport build and forget that my 4 Key even exist on my Keyboard, if you want Ash to be what he's suposed to be, than make his ultimate transform him into a Shadow, not just to make us go around marking enemies when we could just kill them right there in the first place.


Edited by lLegion
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Marking just doesnt seem to work for this game really but if we have to keep it then id say take of the bloody energy cosy per mark and stack and make it limited to 12-24 (somewhere between there) marked enemies and only have to mark them once. Once all marked... press 4 again and each get a shadow clone and kill everything that was marked in 2 seconds.. not 5-7 seconds watching each animation 3-10 times and repeat.


Or just completly make a new ash ultimate? id just go with something like shadow of mordors skill Shadow Strike Chain, aim at a target and do a finisher kill while you can aim at another target in the process to attack next while being invurnarble, that would be fun on ash. Oh and can cancel it at any time :) and make it a duration energy drain.


Smoke screen, good that its made to cast faster and on the go anywhere but come oooon, everyone agrees that it should be an ACTUAL smoke screen, smoke emitting from Ash himself covering himself in smoke and leaveing a trail of smoke for 3 seconds behind him letting allies stealth in it as well.... wouldnt that be cool eh o.o

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