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Prime Vault and Prime Vault Accessories Discussion


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50 bucks for normal accessories, 60 bucks for re-released ones with the other stuff included.

It's basically the same price, plus some extra plat and some slots. I don't know why people pretend like DE is trying to grub money because of this, but it's quite comical.

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1 hour ago, xFrostKnightx said:

They get funding via other methods not just us 

What other methods? Yes they were bought recently, but most of that money isn't going to be liquid assets in the first place. Furthermore, apart from the sale to that Chinese holding company, what in the world are you even talking about? 

Where else are they going to get money besides selling stuff to their players? 

And having another company invest in them like that means NOTHING if they can't show spreadsheets showing players are continuing to constantly buy stuff. The lifeblood of any F2P game is players buying stuff, that's it. Any investment or any other money that comes in is only a result of that, not a "secondary stream of income" that devs can just keep pulling from forevermore. 


I am not saying I never sometimes feel that DE makes decisions that are cynically smart for business in the short term (the next year or so) but may be bad for customer loyalty in terms of people buying stuff regularly long term for years to come (I was quite unhappy with them choosing Valkyr over Banshee for example) -- but let's not pretend that the players buying stuff are not the key to DE's success. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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To be perfectly fair the original accessories cost 50$, and came with boosters an no plat.
The unvaulted packs cost 60$, and each one comes with 60$ worth of plat.

Simple fact is that they can't really lower the price all that much.
Otherwise why bother buying the accessories with the PA when I'll just get it later for cheaper?

At the absolute worst you're getting 60$ in plat and the accessories you want along with slots.
And that's a pretty fair deal IMHO.

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Based on my understandings from @[DE]Rebecca's tweets, there will only be 3 packs. Fire, Ice and some combo pack.

When Frost prime first got unvaulted there was a community uproar about there not being any separate pack for accessories. I faintly remember someone from DE saying they would look into a different solution on the next unvault, which I do not remember what was. We still did not get a separate pack. 

My question is, why can't we get that? I skipped the last unvault that had Misa Prime Syandana in it simply because I already owned it all except for the accessory. Now I'm going to skip again as there will be no option to buy the accessories separately for a cheaper, though not too cheap price. $20 and I'd happily buy Misa Prime Syandana. But not $50 or whatever the price is going to be this time around. 


Sidenote: Why is Operator cosmetics locked behind a $50 paywall?


Edit: Dang it, was in the middle of editing when this was merged in xd

Edited by Multicom-EN-
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Well, they said that they'd look into other solutions, but they never said that they would enact those solutions (says the devil's advocate). It is less than ideal but that seems to be where we stand at this time. 


As for Operator cosmetics, almost all cosmetics are paid some way or another. I don't think that any non-syndicate, non-Baro cosmetics are available through non-platinum means. 

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This kind of discussion comes up every time there is an un-vaulting.  The reason for not offering accessories as a standalone is simple: in a free market it is hard for DE to execute price discrimination, so if product A is worth $40 to you and worth $30 to Bob, DE can either price it at $40 so Bob doesn't buy it and make a total of $40, or price it at $30 so both of you buy it and make a total of $60.  In this example it is clear that DE should go with the lower price because the total money made is more, but what if product A is worth 100$ to you and $30 to Bob?  DE will price at $100 cutting Bob out and making your $100 instead of both of your $30s.


By putting out an accessories only package at lower price, yes it will bring in more sales from people that would not have bought the full package at full price, but you are also giving an alternative to those who WOULD HAVE bought the full package an option not to have to spend more.  At the end of the day, it is just a matter of measuring the money gain by more sales on the cheaper package vs money lost on the conversion of full price customers down grading to purchasing the cheaper package, and this varies from product to product.  We don't know, but base on DE's marketing strategy it is clear that offering a cheaper accessories only package will decrease their total profit DESPITE increasing their total sales.


2 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

1) It is kind of insulting to those who dropped a lot of money on the original Prime Access offerings, and you do not want to anger the whales who spend a lot of money on your game, and make them feel like their purchases weren't worth it after the fact.

I am a whale myself, 1 year 3K, pocket change.  From a whale's perspective I can't really say I'd care.  Making a purchase is a point-in-time thing, I don't usually look back.


2 hours ago, Venom-Snake said:


Let me first acknowledge that you have some valid points in the video in explaining why things are the way they are.  I do however take offense to your use of strong language insulting those that purchased the prime vault at full price.  It is NOT my fault that I make a F-ton of money IRL and wanted to spend some inconsequential amount on entertainment.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)LiamRising said:

on the offcial twitter Rebecca replied saying theirs 3 packs both together and an ember/ frost bundle so no separate accessories pack. personally i would be furious if the accessories are sold separate as i bought the frost one just for the misa prime since i had everything else.

So it's safe to assume you simply get a copy of the items you've already obtained? I was wondering about what would happen in that regard. (Misa Prime has eluded me twice, there shall not be a third time.)

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33 minutes ago, FAZZWARFRAME said:

Let me first acknowledge that you have some valid points in the video in explaining why things are the way they are.  I do however take offense to your use of strong language insulting those that purchased the prime vault at full price.  It is NOT my fault that I make a F-ton of money IRL and wanted to spend some inconsequential amount on entertainment.

... Video is not mine.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

This is insanely not cool.... I have the frames and the weapons... I'm not forking out 60-120 dollars for two items i really want.... :(


Fashion is fashion but jesus......

To be honest, with Ember Prime we had to dish out the full amount or you'd get no accessories.

In a way I see it as a fair trade because the Vault (DE used a loophole) or a separate accessory pack didn't exist back then - and there was no hint of it - so it was pretty much buy now or risk not seeing it again. It also gave the impression that if it did come again at whatever time, it'd be marked up at the same price.

Edited by Naith
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A lot of people will be very angry if Misa/Pyra will be released into a separate accessories pack.

It will be an insult to a lot of us if you do this, so please do not cater to the armchair financialists.

ITS COSMETIC, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY IT, it doesn't affect gameplay/mastery. I will buy this and will continue to support DE no matter what, they are one of the only remaining good game devs left in this industry.


Edited by N7_Lotus
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12 minutes ago, N7_Lotus said:

A lot of people will be very angry if Misa/Pyra will be released into a separate pack.

It will be an insult to a lot of us if you do this, so please do not cater to the armchair financialists.

Now I want them to do it even more, to spite people like you if nothing else.


Get off your high horse, people have to pay for the shiny either way, and it's an even bigger insult to require they buy extra copies of frames and weapons they already have.

Edited by DeltaPhantom
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I can't tell if you're arguing against the split or just stating an argument you've heard and then arguing against that.

At least try to make up your mind.

Regardless, I'm happy for them to split, thanks. I don't need the frames, just the cosmetics.

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so your argument is "Muh pride", when people who want the packs split have an actual argument of, we already have the frames we just want the cosmetics.

Like DE loses nothing when they split the packs i would argue that DE would miss out on more cash because most people wont go the extra mile and pay a ridiculous amount for 2 syandanas.

I'm just going to stop now because anymore would probably get me an abuse warning but this thread is stupid AF.

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7 minutes ago, Midrib said:

so your argument is "Muh pride", when people who want the packs split have an actual argument of, we already have the frames we just want the cosmetics.

Like DE loses nothing when they split the packs i would argue that DE would miss out on more cash because most people wont go the extra mile and pay a ridiculous amount for 2 syandanas.

I'm just going to stop now because anymore would probably get me an abuse warning but this thread is stupid AF.

No support, what a completely baseless claim.

If separating the packs would've made DE more money, wouldn't they have done it by now?

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45 minutes ago, N7_Lotus said:

A lot of people will be very angry if Misa/Pyra will be released into a separate accessories pack.

It will be an insult to a lot of us if you do this, so please do not cater to the armchair financialists.

ITS COSMETIC, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY IT, it doesn't affect gameplay/mastery. I will buy this and will continue to support DE no matter what, they are one of the only remaining good game devs left in this industry.

Legitimately, who would be angry? Honestly, I'm curious. And why?

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