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Why do so few people use a mic in Warframe?


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I talk with my clan over on our private TS server. I don't have the mic turned on in game as it can be a huge distraction especially for me as I am always recording content for youtube and don't want random people speaking. I can't control how good or bad people sound with this junky microphones. It would take me more time to mute an annoying kid who does not know what PUSH-TO-TALK is than to simply type something in chat if I need. There are simple markers we all have which allow us to tell others where important things are. This is not a FPS Shooter like Rainbow 6 or Overwatch where it is extremely important to have that vocal comm. 

I can continue giving many reasons if you need more.

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Personally, the majority of the people I come across with mics are either complaining, eating, or playing their own music for no reason. The minute I hear a peep on a pub mission I instantly mute everyone.

It's too distracting for me to be honest. I still can see exactly where you were downed, and I always seems to have to revive mic'd players more than text chatters. The waypoint beacons are perfectly acceptable methods of pointing out anything of interest. Only thing in the game that would possibly need mic coordination are the raids, and not enough people play that.

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Because I don't want to hear...


- People with hyper sensitive open mics that pick up their cat farting 3 rooms away 

- People crunching away on chips 

- People talking to other people in the room 

- People cutting in and out due to crappy mics and/or connections 

- People telling me how to play or questioning my loadout etc etc 

- People blaming me for their own mistakes. 

- People who have NO idea what they are talking about, but lecture me as if they do 


I know what you are gonna say "Not all players are like that" and you are completely right, but for every 1 competent player with a good mic there are 10 other idiots like the ones listed above. 

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7 hours ago, Berserkerkitten said:

If you happen to be from Russia or Poland, please don't feel offended.

Hah, offended... If anything, I understand you more than anyone, I have to deal with russians ALL THE TIME! :))

"Even russians hate to play with russians"

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I would absolutely love to, if only for the simple fact that A) I'm an idjit and have no idea how to quickly switch from muted to open on the fly so I can "filter" human contact where and when I see fit, B) I have the manner of voice that I KNOW folks usually grumble "I hope that kid chokes on his spit soon, GOD" about and C) My headphones are unnaturally sensitive and are apparently highly rubable according to my kitten. Hopefully I can murdbliterate two of these three problems.

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I am super opposite then a lot of you. I hate playing games and people don't talk. If you played with me before more then likely I said hello or whats up to everyone. I find it very friendly and the community less of #$&(% bags ingame. Lots of complaints people have about other people and why they don't use it is what I find in other games. Not here. I have not ran into 1 person who has been rude. Usually starting off a missions saying hello, how are you sets the tone for other people not being rude.

I love voice chat. I will talk to you whether you like it or not.

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i have a very quiet(soft) voice, whenever i talk people say "speak up" then they'll say "please make sure your volume is turned right up" then they'll check thier volume settings. Then if they really wanna communicate they'll turn thier game volume to 1%. The amount of hasssle to have to go through that everytime is tiring.

Saying that its awesome how WF does have voice chat. It;s allot better than nothing for some people.

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9 hours ago, Thylacin said:

I've played this game for years now, and I realized that with all the super cool space-ninja moves we pull off, hundreds of enemies coming at us at once, and high-end Grineer or Corpus ripping through our shields like paper, people still take the time to TYPE in the chat. In all of my time playing, I've met about 10 people who actually speak through a microphone. I understand that a majority of people playing this game don't own mic's, i get it, but there's so little time to type an entire sentence in such a fast-paced game. It is so much simpler to press a quick button and speak, or have an open mic and simply talk. I've seen too many players take the time to type something, and die within seconds of opening the chat window. Come on guys! Use your voice, we don't bite.

Because I don't like voice chat very much.

I don't want to use it, I don't want to -hear- it.

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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Some of us are sociophobes who don't like talking. Or find it hard to do.

The problem is that once i'll start talking i won't be able to stop. Its a cringe-worthy uncomfortable mess for everyone involved, especially me. Regrets for life.

I'd rather not.

Edited by Artek94
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9 hours ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

But Vortus, why would I buy a separate mic when I really don't want to talk to people online?

My example was just for those using not having a mic as an excuse.  Mics are also useful for programs like Dragon, or if learning additional languages.   If not wanting to talk, that's cool, most of the time I don't either.  Often even on coms, there are those that will say they have no mic, but are to shy or have other reasons for not speaking.   They can however listen and respond either in chat or with actions. 

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I sometimes have the mic on but to be honest I mute most people as too many seem to have an incessant need to talk nonsense. It doesn't help my calmness either when they are stressing out or have one of those voices/accents that drills a hole in your brain, not to mention those that have a lot going on in the background or those that feel you should be forced to listen to their tinny music.

I played with a friend of mine for about 3 months before we finally used mics because we both have the same view on it LOL! If they turned out to be annoying it makes it hard not to be rude and say your mic is broken :/

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I don't because WF's VOIP sounds like &#!. Everyone always sounds like static or some God awful noise. And most of the time everyones mics were on constantly at one point without people knowing. So simple solution. I just turned off from ever hearing WF's VOIP.

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For me, everyone are muted. Few times i had to listen to some squeeky screaming voices, and i am so done with it. I even turned off music so i can listen to music i prefer via steam browser. 

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17 hours ago, Thylacin said:

I've played this game for years now, and I realized that with all the super cool space-ninja moves we pull off, hundreds of enemies coming at us at once, and high-end Grineer or Corpus ripping through our shields like paper, people still take the time to TYPE in the chat. In all of my time playing, I've met about 10 people who actually speak through a microphone. I understand that a majority of people playing this game don't own mic's, i get it, but there's so little time to type an entire sentence in such a fast-paced game. It is so much simpler to press a quick button and speak, or have an open mic and simply talk. I've seen too many players take the time to type something, and die within seconds of opening the chat window. Come on guys! Use your voice, we don't bite.

The majority doesn't speak english fluently. Many peoples have bad mics and hard to see what they want to say. Peoples like me stick with the type in safe places because better to see what others want to ask or write. There is no problem with your attitude but everyone different here and not everyone likes this or that. Personally I hate the vocal communication because my english is not so great and hard to get what others say. Imagine a bunch of spanish or russian whom talk too fast.

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