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HEMA Final Word - No Mutagen Drop or Cost change


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45 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

If you don't have it by now, your clan doesn't deserve it. Working as intended

I wouldn't use the word "deserve" here, as that's a loaded word that's actually being used as a pejorative towards a segment of the playerbase that haven't completed this because of limited play time and having to focus on other things (like most of the play time this weekend went towards the Razorback and related farming sessions to actually fight the Razorback).

I get that there should be grind in this game, but making the assumption that all Ghost clans are 10 active players and then planning the grind around it is what caused this issue in the first place.

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27 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

No one is arguing for that to be taken away from you. Even if the cost is reduced by 90% tomorrow, you still have the knowledge that you did it the 'hard way' and can take whatever pride you find from that.

A better solution is to give all clans that completed the grind pre-nerf a trophy for their dojo because it's actually a lot of effort to have completed - and then reduce it to a much saner 1-2k samples.  I'm fine with there being a grind, but the amount is excessive.


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Are people really still whining about the Hema research cost six months later? If you put half of the energy you've spent stewing and whining about the number of Mutagen Samples needed into actually farming those samples, you'd have it by now. Get over it.

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2 minutes ago, Calvyr said:

Are people really still whining about the Hema research cost six months later? If you put half of the energy you've spent stewing and whining about the number of Mutagen Samples needed into actually farming those samples, you'd have it by now. Get over it.

100% this ^

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Just now, Calvyr said:

Are people really still whining about the Hema research cost six months later? If you put half of the energy you've spent stewing and whining about the number of Mutagen Samples needed into actually farming those samples, you'd have it by now. Get over it.

Not all of us have infinite time to dump into the game.  When you factor in a 40-50 hour/week job on top of other RL concerns, it boils down to what you want to do in Warframe - get new stuff, work on in progress warframe and weapon builds, or grind for Hema.  I'll give you a guess at what tends to get the least attention....

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1 minute ago, Almagnus1 said:

Not all of us have infinite time to dump into the game.  When you factor in a 40-50 hour/week job on top of other RL concerns, it boils down to what you want to do in Warframe - get new stuff, work on in progress warframe and weapon builds, or grind for Hema.  I'll give you a guess at what tends to get the least attention....

Yet you seem to have just enough time to lurk here in the forum...

No offense, but if they do change the Hema cost (i dont think they ever will), then what? Laugh at the poor bastards who got the Hema research done without raging about it in the forums?

I honestly dont understand the point of raging over a sub-par weapon that doesn't really affect general gameplay in any way.

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Just now, Almagnus1 said:

Not all of us have infinite time to dump into the game.  When you factor in a 40-50 hour/week job on top of other RL concerns, it boils down to what you want to do in Warframe - get new stuff, work on in progress warframe and weapon builds, or grind for Hema.  I'll give you a guess at what tends to get the least attention....

You don't need an infinite amount of time. It's been six months! Surely if it were that important to you, you'd have been able to devote a few hours a week into grinding. Also, you can use those grinding runs to Forma weapons and frames, so there you go. If having the Hema is that important to you, spend some time running fissure missions, or grinding syndicate standing to get things to sell for platinum and buy it from the market. The point is that DE said months ago that they aren't going to change it, so if you want it, do something about it because whining isn't going to get it for you.

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14 minutes ago, Calvyr said:

Are people really still whining about the Hema research cost six months later? If you put half of the energy you've spent stewing and whining about the number of Mutagen Samples needed into actually farming those samples, you'd have it by now. Get over it.

I do have the Hema, I've had it for months now.

It still doesn't change the fact that I think the costs are too high and should be reduced.

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Just to make the point for everyone saying "You'd have the Hema by now if you just spent the time grinding instead of complaining," I am one of the folks who went in and farmed it. I extracted four and a half thousand Mutagen Samples from the Derelicts over the last few months, and got the Hema researched for my Ghost Clan, of which I am the most active player. 


I have literally done exactly what you are telling people to do, and I'm still here, holding the Hema which I built instead of buying, saying that DE screwed up and that the Hema's research costs are BS.

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weird that this topic is still going, but i'm definitely standing with the stance that this was a stupidly handled issue on both sides. People who have the hema and feel entitled to make other people suffer through the grind are flat out sadistic and not to mention rude and inconsiderate. Maybe it doesn't look as bleak if you have a fully active clan, etc. but i'm in a largely inactive moon clan. To those who say "oh just grind it yourself" I have sincere doubts that you had to grind out 500 thousand mutagen samples by yourself. Only a few people in my clan are dedicated enough to do derelict runs (which are some of the most boring, repetitive and unrewarding content in the game nowadays) and that number will probably only get smaller since there are so many better things to do, making it all the more unlikely i'll ever get the research. However, something that small isn't a reason to leave my clan and join another, more active clan because I've made lots of friends in the clan. The cost (at least for moon clans) makes it seem like DE is forcing a "join a competitive and fully active clan or be punished" schtick on players rather than encouraging community-driven clans that don't kick members out because they took a break from the game (don't act like burnout isn't a thing). Finally, it's good that people are still complaining because it should send a very clear message to DE; don't do this again. plain and simple, this game has some of the most responsive developers of any game ever and if people are ready to complain for months about a poor decision it's much less likely they'll repeat the mistake.

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I love how the "grind instead of complain group" always seem to assume we complain because we dont have it. I started research since day one and still think the cost is absurd. 

I played just about non stop for the past 4 years and barely managed enough though. DE should not balance the game for the hardcore.

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10 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Shame that the gun itself is not worth the grind. It has bad accuracy, low flight speed and is not crit viable, plus it somehow needs normal ammo even though it also needs health to reload. Only thing it has going for it is status.

Seriously dude, at least try to make a weapon work before branding it bad. I remember you saying similar thing about zarr, profile check revealed you killed 34 enemies with it. In case of Hema it's 6 enemies...

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10 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Shame that the gun itself is not worth the grind. It has bad accuracy, low flight speed and is not crit viable, plus it somehow needs normal ammo even though it also needs health to reload. Only thing it has going for it is status.

I actually really like the Hema! It's not crit viable, nor is it hitscan. Ok. Those are drawbacks. On the flipside, it's got very solid base damage, very good Status chance, good range once you get used to aiming its projectiles, and it's a base elemental weapon using Viral, which means that it's the easiest thing in the world to mod it for huge damage in just Viral and Corrosive or Viral and Radiation, and then throw in a maxed Shred mod for the fire rate and punch through, and it eats level 100 enemies. 


A couple weeks back I took a Viral/Radiation Hema in to fight level 100 Raptors. I also had a Toxic Flight on, because I'm just all about enhanced bullet jumps.


Enter arena. Locate Raptor. Bullet jump straight up, lock on for bullet time, open fire. By the time I hit the ground, the Raptor is on less than a quarter health, and is dead a few seconds later. After a few Forma, the Hema is a really satisfying gun.

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3 minutes ago, Arniox said:

exactly. If you don't have it by now. There is nothing to complain about. You should have it done, or you don't deserve it. I don't really know how else to word this. But seriously..... 6 months...

There remains to make the point to DE: "This was a mistake, people were pissed with you at the time, and are still wary of what you might pull in the future. If you do this again, there will be a total excrement storm."


There are people posting in this thread who did the grind, who researched the Hema, and who still think it was total nonsense, wouldn't mind if the research costs were decreased, and do not want DE to feel encouraged to do this kind of thing again. You want me to post the screenshot of me putting more than four thousand samples in the hopper, to prove that I am one of those people?

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Just now, BornWithTeeth said:

"This was a mistake, people were pissed with you at the time, and are still wary of what you might pull in the future. If you do this again, there will be a total excrement storm."

yes, IF they do this for a second time, then it's valid to say DE cannot do that. It's valid to scream and shout. But we can no longer worry about hema. It's set in stone and DE aren't going to change that.


1 minute ago, BornWithTeeth said:

You want me to post the screenshot of me putting more than four thousand samples in the hopper, to prove that I am one of those people?

I don't need proof. I believe :P

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11 minutes ago, Arniox said:

exactly. If you don't have it by now. There is nothing to complain about. You should have it done, or you don't deserve it. I don't really know how else to word this. But seriously..... 6 months...

So should we also apply this same logic to warframe issues?

What about weapon balance issues?

Other issues with the game?

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Honestly, it's not about it being unfair to those that did it.... It's the fact that because we did it- then yes, it's possible to get Hema without whining. DE should be allowed to create the rare long term goal for it's players. It's ONE weapon out of many.

Hema is a difficult grind, but possible. As proven by many clans. I don't think that's a bad thing. 

If you don't have the time to grind it out, or the clan activity to reasonably get it... Then that's on you. It's you or your clans choice. 

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The Tonkor and the Telos Boltace had it coming. Oh frigging lawds did those weapons deserve their slap of the nerf bat.



Besides which, I can live with the Hema's cost not being changed. I think it would be better if it were reduced to, say, base three thousand instead of five, but whatevs. The most important thing is for DE not to look at what happened and think "Excellent, we'll wait six months and then do it again."


Finally, the Hema is actually really good. Once you get over the fact of it not being hitscan, it's an absolutely top tier burst rifle.

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2 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

Not all of us have infinite time to dump into the game.  When you factor in a 40-50 hour/week job on top of other RL concerns, it boils down to what you want to do in Warframe - get new stuff, work on in progress warframe and weapon builds, or grind for Hema.  I'll give you a guess at what tends to get the least attention....

pay to win DE is a game company either make time or buy plat when you get 50% off plat and save up for a while. Suck it up and be mature please the excuse you use is beyond overused and its getting irritating seeing people play the victim, this is a game mate there will be things locked in time constraints, its just how the MMO world works.


The devs should lock this thread since they already gave an official answer to this.

Edited by AlphaTheFinalBalance
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3 hours ago, Arniox said:

Well I agree with Steve. F@ck off, we spent ages farming the hem research and we have it. I'm not sure if others with the hema agree, but f@ck off. Leave the price as it is.

You go farm it or not. Up to you. But don't change the costs. It's ours because we spent ages farming it. 

Woah, hold on there cowboy!

3 hours ago, Arniox said:

Well I take pleasure in other people's suffering TBH. But meh. I don't love the grind, nor do I love the weapon.

I'm just saying that I'm very proud of my clan pulling through and grinding the weapon. It took a long time (about 3 weeks after release) and was annoying. But now were done. I feel very proud.

Dont take that away from us. 

Wow. Now you've just gone too far. Very sadistic. How co.....oh wait

31 minutes ago, Arniox said:

obviously someone doesn't get my joke

To make it clear: it was a joke. I actually hate peoples suffering.

All I am saying is that I am proud of my clan pulling through. But in complete honesty, no joking, I don't care that much if they change the cost. I wouldn't mind. I would like to have some sort of recognition, but I am not worried if we didn't get one.

Oh...it was just a


Keep up the backpedaling. I'm sure people will take you seriously after that. A typical "It was just a prank, bro." situation. (Why not simply admit your mistake?)

12 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Finally, the Hema is actually really good. Once you get over the fact of it not being hitscan, it's an absolutely top tier burst rifle.

It's pretty beastly indeed but,

1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

I actually really like the Hema! It's not crit viable, nor is it hitscan.

I suggest you to give it a try. Ironically, i had best results with a crit build than with pure elemental. For example against corpus, Gas crits paired with viral is not to be taken lightly when 8 bursts (aka 24 bullets) could kill 8 lvl 145 supra heroes. That's with no riven at all. I would even go as far and say that hema is our best assault/burst rifle that we currently have in terms of damage. The rather slow fire rate and travel time is a bit inconvenient but hey, i'm okay with that.

Even though my hema was already cookin' on the release day, i can see the problems of these costs and i agree with the majority. Most problems stem from having to rely on other players to reach your goal. Would have been better to have like 500 mutagen samples cost to craft, not to research till the clan system is fully fleshed out. But i don't really see much reasoning in putting all the energy and time in this here, fighting (yes, fighting) with a few defenders about it despite DE having made their stance pretty clear now. At least not for 106 pages holy damn. I guess the fact that this thread got moved from feedback to general discussion is also another clear sign.

I recommend saving your energy for future "hemas" so when it's actually needed and when DE seems to break their own words again. Reading through this thread every now and then gives me the question: "Why do they still bother if it's clear it won't get changed?". And it looks to me that this is just a mud fight anymore. I can only say as much that you anti-hema people should finally realize that you can't impress the opposition (defenders) to change their opinion on it no matter your arguments (the page count should really have made it clear). You're just fueling them more. And vice versa it's the same.

Sad to admit it but, at this point, it's really time to move on before this turns into another "Bring back excalibur prime!".


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