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Something is wrong with the sortie mission generation


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47 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful?

I enjoy the missions that test reaction time and skill.  Interceptions aren't horrible, survivals NOT against corpus (with sappers & nullifers EVERYWHERE), and some defense.  It depends on the conditions it comes with though.

Spies are just awful, and boring, Loki -> Invis -> 3 vaults -> done.  No challenge to them at all.  Sometimes I mix it up, go with saryn in public, but those almost always fail due to someone failing a vault.  Easier to solo with loki/ivara, just boring.

51 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Where would you rank your most favourite to least favourite?

Subjective as hell to be honest.  Lots of people despise endo, others prefer it.  Many people have a huge cache of potatoes, others do not.  Everyone wants Lego cores.

Me personally

  1. Legendary Core (ofc)
  2. Rivens (nice to have something new to play with)
  3. potatoes (need catalysts aplenty, not so many reactors tho)
  4. adapters, fully built (a pain to farm for)
  5. greater lenses (feels like a waste to spend plat on these so yay)
  6. affinity boosters (though random they are nice occasionally)
  7. 4k endo (a nice solid amount for the effort)
  8. normal lenses (can build my own greaters, though 1 per day makes it hard, 1 every day would be annoying)
  9. forma (so easily obtained from relics)
  10. 2k endo (i've gotten this so many times during seasonal sorties it hurts) btw I have over 600k endo, yes check it


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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

We are reworking the generator entirely - our last Devstream touched on this. We're including new missions where applicable (Salvage, Fortress Assault), and making sure it's generating diverse enough Sorties each day. Shouldn't be too far off before we deploy! 

Hope so as I'm getting slightly tired of the same missions. Especially if we get shafted with two 'endless' type missions or a Lua Spy.

Painfully dull and tedious, intensified by lackluster rewards.

Is there even a Hive sortie? I can't remember, but that goes to show how often it appears. What about the one where you're ontop of that mobile Rover? How about another type, which is equal to that of the Rover like you get with the LoR, where you escort the Grineer battery.

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12 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Spies are just awful, and boring, Loki -> Invis -> 3 vaults -> done.  No challenge to them at all.  Sometimes I mix it up, go with saryn in public, but those almost always fail due to someone failing a vault.  Easier to solo with loki/ivara, just boring.

Forgive me but, everytime i read such i can only shake my head, people want challange but then skip it with such tactics because it takes to long then for them.

Try it with no invisibilty frame then?

Even then it is funny how often i see "Loki Master Race" failing at such because they have no idea of the room patterns and just run trough.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

I'd appreciate any constructive notes you can offer - is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful? I've played them almost daily and I find I'm happiest when I get a Riven or 4K Endo. Where would you rank your most favourite to least favourite?

This seems like the kind of thing that might be good to base a survey around.

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I'm at the point where I can't say anything positive about Sorties without lying. So take any feedback from me with the mountainous chunk of salt it has generated.


The prizes aren't worth the time (Endo, Nitain, and lesser lenses need to go), and the missions tend to be too tedious to do for the fun of it. Too many endless missions on top of many sorties forcing us to use Shotguns, Bows, or Sniper rifles against Corpus have turned it into a chore that I'd rather just skip outright now.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

I'd appreciate any constructive notes you can offer - is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful? I've played them almost daily and I find I'm happiest when I get a Riven or 4K Endo. Where would you rank your most favourite to least favourite?

Hey Rebecca-

Thanks for staying on this for us; on a Saturday :)  Here's my 2 cents since we have your ear.  Most to least IMO-

1)  RIvens

2)  2000k endo statue you talked about is kool

3)  4000k endo

4)  Ledendary Core

5)  3 Daily Boosters

6)  Greater Lenses kill the regular lense, make them an alert prize  

7)  Kill the 1 forma, add the 3 pack of Forma. I buy those puppies in the market for 35p

8)  Potatoes

9)  Exlius Adapter

*I will edit this if I think of anything else

Thanks a ton-

Edited by -Fe-McHamm3rShot
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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

I'd appreciate any constructive notes you can offer - is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful? I've played them almost daily and I find I'm happiest when I get a Riven or 4K Endo. Where would you rank your most favourite to least favourite?

I'm sorry to say this but it helps to be honest when we're having these conversations publicly - 2000 Endo being too common is one thing, but exaggerating when I can see the facts pertaining to a given account is not constructive I'm afraid. I'm not downplaying your frustration - I've gotten consecutive things I don't need or want. 

I personally find that 2k endo is waaaaaaay to common and I find rivens are not common enough, more often than not I see lenses boosters and even the rare rewards like spuds and forma more often than I see rivens. I feel forma should be removed from the drop table all together as there is enough places in the game to obtain forma they don't need to be in sorties too. I'd also remove lenses from sorties and put them in the reward tables of Lua as things currently stand its impossible for a player fresh off the second dream to get a lens because sorties are walled off behind sorties and I think thats a poor choice for the new player experience

Edited by Melos-mevim
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18 minutes ago, KYLoooo said:


I got your proof, hold out your hands and open your mouth.. JK

But, serious it's broken, I think they are looking into it.  I've also gotten beaten by the bad RNG stick.

It's been all 2k endo and lenses for me, mixed bag (11x) so far, almost 2 weeks with no Riven or other reward.

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1. Legendary Core

2. Riven Mod

3. Common Arcanes

4. 4000 Endo Or 2000 Endo (as the same reward with a 40/60 Split to decide witch you get)

5. Greater/Lesser Lense (1 Chance for either then 30/70 Split to decide Greater or lesser that way its not too common)

6. Exilus Adapter Vs. Forma (25/75 Split)

7. 250,000 / 500,000 / 1,000,000 Credits (Split 60/20/10 Respectively)

8. 1 Monthly Event mod (Only once with the lowest drop chance)

9.Affinity Booster 1 day / 3 day (30/70 Split)

10. 50% off Cupon (Once a month, Cosmetics only?)


11. 25 Tokens (Assign points as you will: 250 per Legendary core and 10 Tokens instead of any other reward if you choose to Deny your reward after the Sortie)


12. (Do NOT split any reward Except Arcanes) Every Reward is only obtainable 5 times a month (or less #8 #10)

When I say "Split" (Example) I mean 10% Chance to Draw any of the 10# Items lumped together and then it would have a second layer of RNG to decide how much of any given reward, Or witch of any given # Reward you would receive. Clearly not all rewards would have a even 10% chance all of the Numbers are variables Examples N stuff


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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful?

Really the end rewards are the only thing I can point to abd say I enjoy. The challenge level feels like what high teir game play should feel like, it is not really a hughe challenge but at least I am not suffering from saitama levels of being over powered. 

I would like to see rotation rewards introduced as well as the ability to go to 20 rounds or past the mission requirements if you want. Also the ability to repeat sorties for a watered down reward (relic packs, 1k endo, void fissue frags). 

Current play cycle is log in, do sorties, buy plat, log out.

Edited by Pyus
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1 hour ago, Marine027 said:

Try it with no invisibilty frame then?

I have and can do the majority of them without invis whatsoever, invis just makes things faster.  Making it challenging isn't quite the thrill you'd think it is (for me) because there are no rewards at the end

Look guys! I took [Non-Invis Frame nor Companion] and completed 3 60+ level vaults!  As a result I got ... nothing!! Yeah, may as well do it with Loki in a 3rd of the time.

People race through sorties because most do not care about the journey at all, just the reward awaiting them at the destination.

I find survivals fun because the purpose is to kill as many as possible, spies are the opposite, be stealthy, avoid detection, doing so in public which granted increases the 'challenge' level also increases the fail rate because you can't control who is gonna screw up a vault.  As I said earlier, I do switch it up and go public occasionally just for the thrill, but overall I just want to get them done quickly because why not.

And here I will shamelessly plug my recent thread, because rewards make things more fun.


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18 minutes ago, -Fe-McHamm3rShot said:

I got your proof, hold out your hands and open your mouth.. JK

But, serious it's broken, I think they are looking into it.  I've also gotten beaten by the bad RNG stick.

It's been all 2k endo and lenses for me, mixed bag (11x) so far, almost 2 weeks with no Riven or other reward.

The chance to get endo or a lens is 61.2%,

Getting Endo or a Lens for 14 days straight = 0.10339985%

Sounds legit, if you didn't get any one reward for 3(?) days straight?

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

I'd appreciate any constructive notes you can offer - is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful? I've played them almost daily and I find I'm happiest when I get a Riven or 4K Endo. Where would you rank your most favourite to least favourite?

That is if you get any rivens of 4k endo at all . my rewards for the past weeks have been lenses, 2k endo, lenses, 2k endo . i havent ever seen a riven drop yet 

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23 minutes ago, KYLoooo said:

The chance to get endo or a lens is 61.2%,

Getting Endo or a Lens for 14 days straight = 0.10339985%

Sounds legit, if you didn't get any one reward for 3(?) days straight?

Welp, RnGesus hates some of us then.

(12x) so far no Riven or other goodie.. It's been consistent 2k endo, and or lenses.

Just did the sorties, (they were a breeze today)      -- Vazarin regular lense --.

Does anyone have any pigs blood?  It's obvi that RnGesus won't answer our prayers..

Perhaps the Dark Lord Satan will!  I need probably a pint and a half.. PM me in trade chat.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

I'd appreciate any constructive notes you can offer - is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful? I've played them almost daily and I find I'm happiest when I get a Riven or 4K Endo. Where would you rank your most favourite to least favourite?

Everything that is unique to sorties aka everything but endo.

If I want endo I farm endo. :nerd:

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I was a bit annoyed at first about all the endo that I recieved as rewards.

Then I maxed a few of my rivens, and put some more ranks to my basic mods I had left on the 8th or 9th rank because the last few are a lot more expensive...

And now I'm all out of endo.


Honestly, There's not much in the sorties that I can say I didn't enjoy, except maybe defenses - but that's simply because they are long and often dull, though I do like the challenge if they are the 3rd sortie.

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31 minutes ago, Tomppak said:

Honestly, There's not much in the sorties that I can say I didn't enjoy, except maybe defenses - but that's simply because they are long and often dull

true, would be so much better if there wouldn't be a pause between waves. (same for normal defense tbf, they are dull too.)

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5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

We are reworking the generator entirely - our last Devstream touched on this. We're including new missions where applicable (Salvage, Fortress Assault), and making sure it's generating diverse enough Sorties each day. Shouldn't be too far off before we deploy! 

My biggest frustration is that sortie missions don't autolockout weapons that are not allowed in that peticular mission. It becomes tedius to go into your arsenal, unequip weapons, do the mission, and then go back into your arsenal to equip them again. Itd be much more practical from a player perspective to simply equip the required weapon while allowing the others to simply "sit in the bench" when the mission begins.

(Off topic but the same thing goes for focus. I'd like to see focus implemented into the actual load outs so that I can keep certain focus powers applied to specific builds without the need to constantly go to the operator menu to change it)

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7 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

I'd appreciate any constructive notes you can offer - is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful? I've played them almost daily and I find I'm happiest when I get a Riven or 4K Endo. Where would you rank your most favourite to least favourite?

The most favorite are rivens (well I did get a legendary core once, but I don't expect to ever get that luck again, so that doesn't count), and greater lenses, which is what I feel the point of sorties are. But personally I haven't seen any lens greater or lesser in some time. 

I feel put out any time I get anything that isn't a lens or a riven, because to me, those are the exclusive rewards to the sortie that make it worth doing. There are many ways to get potato's, and you can get them very cheaply on the market, same with boosters. The other problem is that these rewards simply make the table too cluttered. And adding rivens for melee, I fear, may only compound that instead of truly making rivens much more common. 

My least favorite are boosters, then forma, then exilus, then reactor and then catalyst. my favorites are from least to best are lenses, greater lenses and rivens. 

I think the key here is to remove the clutter, especially with melee rivens coming. And while 4K endo is nice, it doens't have the shininess of a sculpture and clutters the table more. 

I would like to see a drop table that was basically

common tier: rivens, regular lenses (with rivens being more common among common rewards)

Uncommon tier: greater lenses

Upcoming Special sortie sculpture (maybe even make the base value a tad bit higher since it would be an uncommon reward, and still make it upgradeable with stars)

very rare tier: legendary core

This would of course include keeping legendary core at the same drop rate, as it is super rare for a reason, it would make getting endo less likely, but make it feel more "worth it" when you did. It would give a reasonable drop rate I think to greater lenses and make sorties feel like they have a distinct place in the game. 

Right now the rewards often feel all over the place -- they need to be tightened up, so to speak. 

I have had periods of inactivity, but when I am playing regularly my main thing every day if I have time for nothing else is to at least do the sortie. The thing that always makes me slowly fall off in activity is when the rewards start to feel repetitive, unrewarding, or when I feel I am mostly getting the "white noise" rewards and not getting the rewards unique to the sortie often enough. 


Thanks for reading! 


Edit: There is one other small issue though. In regards to lenses. While the only way to get lesser lenses in game is through the sortie, it can still feel bad to get one. Mainly because greater lenses are so cheap on the market for platinum, although rarely available in sortie. And yet it doesn't seem like anywhere besides sortie is a particularly appropriate place for a lesser lens. 

This is why I have always wondered why we do not get any rewards for the first two missions besides credits? What if we did get rewards from some much smaller pool of rewards for completing the first, and then second mission, with tiering rewards for each one. This would make the sorties more rewarding as individual missions can be very long. 

For example, on the first mission you would only have a chance at rewards from some drop table of more common rewards, like regular lenses, perhaps 400 endo, and such like that. For second sortie you have a slightly higher chance of regular lenses, maybe a very low chance of a greater lens or something, perhaps 400 and 800 endo could be in the drop table.

Then lesser lenses could be removed completely from the main sortie drop table and it would feel more rewarding overall to work your way up through the days sortie. 

Sortie exclusive cosmetics would also be an interesting idea to make them more rewarding and make the rewards more interesting. 

A handful of sortie exclusive arcanes could also be interesting -- I am not suggesting moving current arcanes, as that would possibly cause people to do trials less, but new ones that were unique to sortie table. 

Short version of idea: 

Sortie mission 1 possible rewards: 

Regular lenses

400 endo

Sortie 2 rewards:

regular lenses

400 endo 

800 endo

very low chance of greater lens

sortie 3 table: 


rivens of all kinds



greater lenses


sortie arcanes, get people more interested in arcanes in general so they might do trials more, while giving people something more interesting and unique to get in sortie)

super duper rare:

legendary core

Edited by Tesseract7777
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9 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

I'd appreciate any constructive notes you can offer - is there anything in the Sorties at all you consider not awful? I've played them almost daily and I find I'm happiest when I get a Riven or 4K Endo. Where would you rank your most favourite to least favourite?

I'm sorry to say this but it helps to be honest when we're having these conversations publicly - 2000 Endo being too common is one thing, but exaggerating when I can see the facts pertaining to a given account is not constructive I'm afraid. I'm not downplaying your frustration - I've gotten consecutive things I don't need or want. 

Sounds good, perhaps the Special Ayatan sculptures will help a bit. The sculptures were said to be 2000 endo base with higher when stared; perhaps if that covered both endo rewards, that would be something unique for that reward tier. Back during an earlier patch of 19, it was said that standard focus lens would be moved to syndicates, is that still intended or was that a miscommunication? If it is intended, perhaps that could allow more variety in sorties reward-wise. Perhaps a poll or something might be the best idea to get the community's broad opinion, but with Trials as they are maybe arcane enhancements or at least a different offering of them might be a good fit as Trichouette and MobytheDuck suggested. Overall, I know one suggestion I liked from a previous thread was make endo deposits available for completing each stage of the sortie similar to the credit rewards; everyone likes endo, but perhaps not as their reward chance of the day.

Overall, I am interested in improvements to both Sorties, Trials, and also the hints of the Syndicate Assassination system; I hopeful that with some work, they will be great additions to retaining and involving players.

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11 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

We are reworking the generator entirely - our last Devstream touched on this. We're including new missions where applicable (Salvage, Fortress Assault), and making sure it's generating diverse enough Sorties each day. Shouldn't be too far off before we deploy! 

Cool, thanks, my post sounds worse when I reread it than it was meant, really just causally meant hey someone might want to take a look at this a recent patch may have broke the RNG that determines that stuff.... i just hate bows and that kinda bled through. Thanks for the update

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12 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

We are reworking the generator entirely - our last Devstream touched on this. We're including new missions where applicable (Salvage, Fortress Assault), and making sure it's generating diverse enough Sorties each day. Shouldn't be too far off before we deploy! 

I'm glad you guys are listening and taking notes on this.
I was trying to explain this to some players about a week or so ago and they were adamant that it wasn't the case.
Thanks for confirming this and doing something about it :thumbup:

EDIT: Also in regards to your question about least favourite sorties - I really don't like the endless mission types, especially when there is radiation or having only one weapon to choose from. I wouldn't mind spending the extra time doing the sorties and putting the effort in if the rewards were worthwhile. I'm someone who doesn't really need Endo (the new ayatan replacing 2k endo sounds like a great replacement), I don't need lenses (there are two in the sortie list and I don't want either), I don't want forma (I can get tonnes of blueprints from running relics anyway), so really all that leaves is the rest which I wouldn't mind getting. But the one thing I want the most are Rivens and since I rarely get them I gave up on sorties.

Edited by Alcoholism
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