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For female players


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As a male player, I don't get this treatment but when I play with my friend *who is a female* I see and hear horrid things aimed at her.

I'm a married man and she has a boyfriend of 9 years and we enjoy the shenanigans we have while playing together. We have total respect for each other and often do stupid stuff together. But I've noticed when we play together I see other players harassing and insulting her *sometimes over gender or the part of her username that contains Furry* and often enough it just kills her mood and puts a damper on our fun. We use voice chat *both in game and the Warframe discord channel* and others will taunt her for nudes or flat out tell her to go make them a sandwich. I've muted so many it's stupid and I'm sure she gets it even when I not there. She's been depressed recently and these issues aren't making her feel better and I'm wondering:

How often are you being disrespected over your gender? How do you deal with it? What can I do to help avoid little snots who give her hell and attitude?


Note: And in advance, I apologise for the behavior of some male players. At times I'm ashamed to be the same gender as these little fu**s.

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I recommend using a out of game voice service like TeamSpeak since your PC.

As for the furry part in the name that should stop when you guys move over to TS.

Hormonal teens are crazy kids...😂

Ps : Teamspeak works on your phone as well as laptops and PCs.

Unreal quality especially on the phone app. Plus the game chat is pretty bad quality anyway especially compared to TS.

I should also note you are playing a game and any online game will have people of all sorts. The choice is yours on how far you allow them in.

Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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Well coming from both a furry and a woman.

1) Grow a thicker skin, specially if you advertise things in your name.

2) Grow a thicker skin!

3) Grow a thicker skin already.


They are idiots on the internet, and likely teens.

Edited by SilvaDreams
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Frankly, when you are in group with randoms (because I asume this doesn't happen with friends and/or clan), you prolly shouldn't use the ingame-voice. Both for your sanity and the sanity of others. You are always running risk of meeting an unpleasant person, regardless of your gender or voice - and to be honest, having two people in alert random group who just keep talking to each other or singing or yelling, well, that is not pleasant either. It's best to keep the ingame voice to either friend-only groups or take it to discord/skype/ts/etc.

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I may not be female, so I can't properly understand what she is going through, however those guys are just plain awful. I am shamed to have anything remotely in common with people like that. I hope your friend finds a solution that works so they don't have to feel that way again. Have a nice day.

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Probability of human nature, is that eventually a troll will appear and try to troll you. Its the internet, no one actually knows the true sex of anybody, even in team speak what with many trolling voice modifier vid examples.  And asking for nudes in Warframe? Pfft, If they really cared they'd just go look up porn online or go to chaturbate. They aren't horny, they were obviouisly trying to piss you guys off.

Edited by UrielColtan
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I understand how this feels mate..I truly do. My friend who I have known for 4 years now, and a clan member that I've known for 2 usually have this type of issue. But we don't have it that much anymore. But it happens. It gets to the boiling point where I want to find where the people who are harassing my friends and smack them across the face and destroy their PC. 

But violence isn't my area I want to be in. My friends usually got harassed by PM's or in squad chat and some have even hit on them grossly. Even one said "I'm playing with my self for you." We report every single one of them but this isn't a common or uncommon occurrence. It happens rarely. But still bothers the hell out of me. We only talk in clan chat and Discord and we don't dare talk anywhere else.


This is not just a warframe thing either, Archeage (yes..the saltiest game on the earth), Halo, and so on, have these types of people. I've dealt with them harassing my female friends. SO I will just say again I understand, and best you use Discord, or TS if you can afford it or even skype. Best to talk elsewhere then deal with pricks.

Edited by Exlodian_Akitora
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If it's via voice chat, I start up shadow play, record, upload to YouTube and send a link to Warframe support.

I don't know if I've gotten less of this nonsense because of my personal RNG, I'm running into more female gamers or my reputation is proceeding me, but in Warframe I haven't had to deal with this for about a year now.

It used to get me down when I ran into it, but I have gained a thicker skin and don't take things personally.  I also have fun playing dumb and flipping things around on people.  Got told to go make a sandwich, I asked them why they didn't know how to do it and sent them half a dozen YouTube links on how to make a sandwich.

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Welcome to the internet... I guess? I mean at least you're not on Xbox Live.

But seriously, if you're playing with friends, there is no reason you shouldn't already be using mumble/teamspeak/etc. It's more efficient and reliable than any in-game voice function. Unless you are actually trying to communicate with other players in this game. In which case I have no idea what you're doing.

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welcome to the internet people are a**holes

If you want a save area way from the internet, we at Gods of salt don't harass anyone over sex, we just collect salty tears.

Our clan leader is female and wouldn't stand for that, we also have a handful of other gamer who are female as well. if your friend wants to team up and make sexual harassment go the other way ahaha

if your interested you can see our reddit post at:


but good luck, try avoid public voice coms as in the in game ones they tend to be the worse as the people dont actually know you and hence are more likely to be abusive 

Edited by Dextral
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That is why a lot of girls are using gender neutral nicknames and don't use voice chat >.>

I don't show my gender so noone treats me like this weird mutant with boobs on the chest that dares to play this "masculine" game of Warframe (that pretty game with fashionframe XD)  

Edited by puciate
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As a female player I can say I never met with those kind of peoples. Also on the internet everyone can be male or female not really distinguish you the web.

Personally I didn't like the voice chat because the quality here and long times ago no have a mic for a reason. I hope your friend can ignore these peoples and you two can had a fun without any harassement and trouble.

Edited by Lady_Symphonia
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As a male player i don't get harassment for my gender because those people would be harassing themselves, but i do get some harassment which comes from idiots or kid who should not even be allowed to play this game. Because gender is one difference that these kids have from the girl makes it easier to come up with insults or ways to harass. 

One thing you could do is not use in-game voice chat or make sure she does not broadcast she is a girl. Those guys are mostly trolls, if you can't find out how to solve that they will never go away.

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Honestly if your name refers to you being a furry, you're asking for that. Especially with the extreme hate and stigma against furries.


As for being taunted over being female, it's the same as anything else you get taunted for, grow a thicker skin.

I was bullied every day of school (even in pre-school the year prior) you get to a point where it wont bother you, there is literally nothing anyone can say that would make me even give them a second thought at this point.

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"Don't use voice chat"

No. Forget that nonsense. I have the same right to use voice chat as anyone, and I refuse to stay silent out of fear of being taunted or told to make a sandwich.

Stop making this stupidity okay by telling people to not use a feature of the game.


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We do use Discord. The Warframe server hosted by JakeyPrime. Many of our friends use it too and we have our own little group with many of us in the same alliance. Even there we get people who pick her out of 8 of us to harass. We often call for a mod and said person will get a temp ban but really disturbs the bunch of us. I really should ask to be a mod for the General voice chat so I can shut down the negative talk in 3 seconds.

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7 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

"Don't use voice chat"

No. Forget that nonsense. I have the same right to use voice chat as anyone, and I refuse to stay silent out of fear of being taunted or told to make a sandwich.

Stop making this stupidity okay by telling people to not use a feature of the game.


Warframe's voice chat is horrible, I haven't used it in years and back then it was only to yell at a couple of idiots.

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5 minutes ago, Night4ce said:

We do use Discord. The Warframe server hosted by JakeyPrime. Many of our friends use it too and we have our own little group with many of us in the same alliance. Even there we get people who pick her out of 8 of us to harass. We often call for a mod and said person will get a temp ban but really disturbs the bunch of us. I really should ask to be a mod for the General voice chat so I can shut down the negative talk in 3 seconds.

Hmm. I assumed you were talking about ingame voice chat and random groups. Tho in this case the situation changes to "Don't associate with a**holes then." and I'm not sure what else to say.

Edit: Tho, I'm getting a bit curious, what are you doing in the chats? It's just weird to get target painted on you instantly wherever you go, unless you do -something- regardless of your name, voice or gender. 

Edited by RainbowFlash
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1 minute ago, Klavinmour said:

Warframe's voice chat is horrible, I haven't used it in years and back then it was only to yell at a couple of idiots.

Personally, I can understand them and they understand me and that's all I need.

If I want quality voice chat, I use a 3rd party program.

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I don't announce my gender in game because it's no one's business and I don't need attention from strangers nor do I do voice chat (but that's because I don't have a mic and I can't comprehend what people say in game voice chat).  My name is completely gender neutral.  I've never gotten harassed on account of my gender in WF even when they find out my gender.  Usually, they're like "Cool" or "Your so and so is so lucky!  How did you guys meet?" or "I can't find a girlfriend who plays games, lol."  They've been very polite and treat me the same as how they treat guys.

There are a lot more female players in this game than one might think, but it's not like they go around announce it because, like I said, who cares about their genital.   I judge a player by how they play, not by who they are.

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14 minutes ago, Night4ce said:

We do use Discord. The Warframe server hosted by JakeyPrime. Many of our friends use it too and we have our own little group with many of us in the same alliance. Even there we get people who pick her out of 8 of us to harass. We often call for a mod and said person will get a temp ban but really disturbs the bunch of us. I really should ask to be a mod for the General voice chat so I can shut down the negative talk in 3 seconds.

I'd recommend building a safe area, to either escape or simply stay away from all this nonsense. 

I personally never knew there were a Discord server for the game and thus made my own clan Discord in what ? Half a minute ?

So I'd say you should make your own and invite all those you like to play with and that are not idiotic jerks. 

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