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Did you buy nidus and ivara or did you grind (poll)


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Grinded for both. Nidus took a week or more, i was getting a lot of Axi E1s from Infested Salvage ;)
Ivara ugh, i grinded spies so much, i stopped playing the game on 3 different times just because of the grind for a month each time. But now i know every single spy mission ever and can do them half asleep.

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Bought both, I had probably run about 40-50 spy missions and still only had 1 part. Said screw it. With Nidus, it was such that doing the same mission over and over again bored the ever living crap out of me, bought him too. I'd have to say though, I kinda regret buying Ivara as I barely use her and since buying her, I've found 3/4 parts.

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Didn't complete the survey because there's no option for not having one yet. Haven't had the time to grind Ivara, but I got Nidus in 4 games and I didn't get a part on the first game. 

I don't believe in buying frames, that's the whole purpose to play the game. Its like buying the ending of a story line game, enjoy the grind people. I rather buy fashion frame items and tennogen stuff to support the game. 

Edited by (PS4)Regiampiero
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Got both running missions, i.e. via grind.

Ivara took me probably two or three evenings, and since I also got a ton of keys, some dual-stat weapon mods and focus/affinity I didn't really complain. I also got quite a bit of extra BPs/helmets unintentionally from high-level Spy runs later on so I'd say Ivara's grind isn't half bad if you know and like Spy missions.


Nidus, while taking similar amount of time, felt absolutely disgusting to farm. The Salvage mode is a prime example of lazy game design, repetitive, burnout-inducing process and overly diluted drop tables. I hope I'll never, ever have to come back to running around those vaporizers for relevant loot. Quest based warframes shouldn't be like this. 

Edited by Reifnir
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1 hour ago, (PS4)rowansprite said:

Grinded both. Nidus wasn't really that bad- yes, I'm aware, I did get lucky with him considering I got all three parts in three missions, but even with that considered his chances don't seem too bad. 15% isn't that low.

Ivara, however.... ugh. She took far too long to get. Talking literally multiple several-hour long sessions JUST for the chassis. I know Pavlov far too well now.

I think Ivara was 40 runs total for me.  Though I can do almost every spy vault with any frame without setting off alarms at this point thanks to it lol.

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I bought Ivara on 50% discount and never regretted it. I farmed Nidus and again never regretted it. Actually it took me some time to start the glast gambit and the salvage mission because I thought they were hard, but I liked both very much. Also I got Nidus parts in about 15 runs (2 helmets, 2 systems, 1 chassis) and I did not consider it a grind because I really liked the game mode...

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Bought both. Honestly couldn't be bothered to farm Ivara. Spy is one my least favourite missions and I just can't see myself grinding that for a hour before feeling burnt out. As for Nidus I bought his bundle with Hema. I had plat saved up so might as well put it to good use and skip the infested salvage and mutagen sample farm.

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Haven't got Nidus yet. Not in a hurry. Will probably grind him. In time.. 

Bought Ivara from Darvo. That was an excellent deal.

Got Atlas as a gift. Couldn't be bothered to grind him.

Got Equinox while I was farming the Manic Bombards for a specific mod (now no idea which TBH).

It SO helps, in this game, if you're not out to "get all teh things noaauuwww". Sometimes I'll farm because of a specific piece of gear I really want to have, not because I think I need it. Inevitable other things will come your way.

I remember the first frame I really really wanted, Frost. It was the frame that got me into Warframe. But while farming for cells to build him, which could be found by fighting the Jackall, I managed to gather all the Rhino bits. Which turned out to be my most favorite frame by far.

Getting things while playing for something else is extremely rewarding. More so then NOT getting the thing while actively grinding for it. 


just my 2 cts...

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If I was going to buy any frame, out of all of them (never bought a single one) it was going to be mesa. Hers is the only really intensive grind, because it wasn't as simple as sitting there and grinding it out.

With ivara and nidus, you just went ham on a particular mission till you got them. Ivara took a few days of casual farming while Nidus was laughably easy with (solo only) WoF ember, telos boltace, and that sweet Netflix-Second-Monitor Augment. I just kinda realized I had all the parts after a while.

But with Mesa, you have to get a salad key, and at the time do a trustworthy keyshare and HOPE you didnt have to do it again by getting lucky. I was lucky twice because I got all my parts in 1 keyshare, and also later managed to help my dad get all the parts in 1 keyshare. But had I not gotten lucky with her (wouldn't we all want to? *wink wink*) she definitely would have been the most miserable to farm. Mesa is honestly the worst frame nowadays to try and farm for, hands down.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:


Also please comment why and which one you bought or grinded for . 

I bought both btw, I couldn't deal with the grind 


Both were easy to get, its the time that tends to grate people, but as I had no desire to waste money buying what can easily be grinded for (specially after buy two PAs in a row).

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