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134 runs and counting. You win DE, I'll pay for Nidus


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On 12.2.2017 at 10:56 PM, kaioshade said:

Congratulations DE,

Over 130 runs and the Nidus chassis will not drop. I have plenty of Stretch and Metal Auger. Endo is always nice as well. 

I have purchased one frame, Ivara because i thought she was cool and i wanted to support you guys. But everything else, even Vauban Prime didnt deter me and make me break out the wallet. Not this. ONE stage, ONE rotation with a diluted table, on a VERY BAD mission type. 

You broke me. 


I'm not even going to be all dramatic and say how i'm quitting, because i know im just one player, and my departure means squat in the grand scheme of things. I know plenty of people are going to come in here and say how they got Nidus in 3 runs effortlessly. Thats awesome. Luck was on their side. It should not be this much work and frustration to enjoy your game. I know you have to make money, you have a model to sustain. But essentially breaking your playerbase down to complete and utter defeat is not the way to do it.


All the time you could have invested in Prime set and Maiming Strike farming...

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Maybe it's balancing for the rest of use who got all of his parts in 3, 4 runs.  

RNG really isn't with you.  Maybe take a few days off from grinding that mission?  I notice sometimes my RNG, at least when I'm opening relics, would get into this pattern of receiving nothing but the same reward.  If I've gotten the same reward for 5-6 missions, I would quit doing that mission for the rest of the day/week.

Good luck.  Hope you get that chassis soon.

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On 2/13/2017 at 0:56 AM, kaioshade said:

Congratulations DE,

Over 130 runs and the Nidus chassis will not drop. I have plenty of Stretch and Metal Auger. Endo is always nice as well. 

I have purchased one frame, Ivara because i thought she was cool and i wanted to support you guys. But everything else, even Vauban Prime didnt deter me and make me break out the wallet. Not this. ONE stage, ONE rotation with a diluted table, on a VERY BAD mission type. 

You broke me. 


I'm not even going to be all dramatic and say how i'm quitting, because i know im just one player, and my departure means squat in the grand scheme of things. I know plenty of people are going to come in here and say how they got Nidus in 3 runs effortlessly. Thats awesome. Luck was on their side. It should not be this much work and frustration to enjoy your game. I know you have to make money, you have a model to sustain. But essentially breaking your playerbase down to complete and utter defeat is not the way to do it.


Even before "fixing" that mode was horribly hard(to me it is much harder than sorties).

At that time only host suffered from being outside of the bubble.

Yeah, i'm lucky i got it at that time(2 or 3 days of constant grind on that mission with just 4-6h of sleep).

I understand how hard it is and how horrible can be RNG.

I also proposed long ago to make RNG more merciful to players using memory effect but that algorithm is really hard so it was not implemented.

Also after nerf not sure Nidus is even worth farming(unless you really need mastery rank). 

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No no NO, don't make a thread like this! Don't buy Nidus just because you couldn't farm it! It's telling DE this is how to make all future frames and content, by putting it behind a massive grind wall that makes players give up and fork out cash! The answer is to just NOT GET IT! NEVER reward bad development decisions with money, ever. Nothing good will come of it.

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On 12/2/2017 at 5:23 PM, Chipputer said:

Oh but it does hurt.

You increase it a little bit for this case, then another case happens and you increase it a little bit. Then another. Then another. Soon there's no such thing as random rewards and there's absolutely no player retention as the people who cried about RNG realize that it was the very thing keeping them playing.

To be fair, besides ivara, every non-primed warframe has a guaranteed part drop somewhere: Chroma in junctions, vauban in alerts, a plethora in bosses and even more in their own missions. Making it a guaranteed drop in 3rd rotation would not be that bad: it's not tradeable, it's worth minimal credits, and it's worthless if you already have nidus unless you want to make more than just one

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Well, i finally got it to drop. Ironically something bugged out for me. On the reward screen, it showed i got yet another system, then upon extraction, i had two chassis in my reward screen.

I will upload a video showing this. Warning, there will be some severe profanity when i saw the systems on the reward screen though.

total runs: 147


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19 hours ago, kaioshade said:

Well, i finally got it to drop. Ironically something bugged out for me. On the reward screen, it showed i got yet another system, then upon extraction, i had two chassis in my reward screen.

I will upload a video showing this. Warning, there will be some severe profanity when i saw the systems on the reward screen though.

total runs: 147


That'll do...That'll do.

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I don't know why people are upvoting you like what you did is a good thing, you essentially did exactly what DE wanted and posted about it.

You're part of the problem.

Not saying that what DE is doing with Hema and Nidus are right, just pointing that out.

Edited by Vermillion-Code
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2 hours ago, Vermillion-Code said:

I don't know why people are upvoting you like what you did is a good thing, you essentially did exactly what DE wanted and posted about it.

You're part of the problem.

Not saying that what DE is doing with Hema and Nidus are right, just pointing that out.

It's because he stuck it out when most of us would move on.  A celebration of tenacity!

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3 hours ago, Vermillion-Code said:

I don't know why people are upvoting you like what you did is a good thing, you essentially did exactly what DE wanted and posted about it.

You're part of the problem.

Not saying that what DE is doing with Hema and Nidus are right, just pointing that out.

I upvoted them because they stuck it out a hell of a lot longer than I did.

And saying they're part of the problem isn't accurate in the least.  They made over 100 runs to avoid paying for content.  Of you really want to blame someone for the things "wrong" here, go talk to the people that purchased the bundle as soon as it hit the market.

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4 hours ago, Noamuth said:

Of you really want to blame someone for the things "wrong" here, go talk to the people that purchased the bundle as soon as it hit the market.

I wouldn't say so. People who bought Nidus right away were willing to spend their money regardless of grind.

OP didn't want to spent any money on Nidus, but gave up due to grind, which gives DE the idea that they can force anyone to spend platinum by making grinding worse.

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I do agree with people saying it's just RNG, and that's how it is to a degree.

One of my friends got it all in about 5 runs. It took me closer to 15 runs to get it, another friend of mine took about 25 runs. 

I also agree that this agonizing method of farming (RNG) is overall terrible though. Not that there is good alternate options other than a token system really, but the reward pools shouldn't be SO diluted. RNG is RNG, but if there's so many items in the reward table that there's a 1% chance of obtaining any particular one then there's a problem. That's an exaggerated example of the reward pool for the Nidus parts, but you get the point.

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13 hours ago, VentiGlondi said:

I wouldn't say so. People who bought Nidus right away were willing to spend their money regardless of grind.

OP didn't want to spent any money on Nidus, but gave up due to grind, which gives DE the idea that they can force anyone to spend platinum by making grinding worse.

My OP was definitely written in frustration, but i didnt buy nidus. I actually finally got the chassis to drop after a weird bug.


heres the video of my last part. *warning, LOTS OF PROFANITY*



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