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Limbo Rework Discussion and Feedback


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4 hours ago, Evanescent said:

Time freeze has a max cap, if this is exceeded you are ejected from rift and become unable to use it for a short time. Be careful!

Just watched the stream on youtube, gameplay wise I think it would be better if time freeze cap is reached the stopped projectiles would just go instead of being ejected from the rift, and items that drop from the rift and in the cataclysm should be obtainable. Overall I'm still hyped for the new limbo rework. Its like playing with stop time in dishonored, going Corvo Attano and sh!t.  

Reply triple posted sorry bout that. :|

Edited by SaintsTear
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3 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

They didn't mention it on the stream, but Rebecca could pick up things inside Cataclysm as she was playing through. Still can't pick up anything if you just use his new Rift Dodge though.

I didn't notice it, but I hope it will be in rework.

Edited by FelanGrey
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4 hours ago, Evanescent said:

Time freeze has a max cap, if this is exceeded you are ejected from rift and become unable to use it for a short time. Be careful!

Just watched the stream on youtube, gameplay wise I think it would be better if time freeze cap is reached the stopped projectiles would just go instead of being ejected from the rift, and items that drop from the rift and in the cataclysm should be obtainable. Overall I'm still hyped for the new limbo rework. Its like playing with stop time in dishonored, going Corvo Attano and sh!t.  

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4 hours ago, Evanescent said:

Time freeze has a max cap, if this is exceeded you are ejected from rift and become unable to use it for a short time. Be careful!

Just watched the stream on youtube, gameplay wise I think it would be better if time freeze cap is reached the stopped projectiles would just go instead of being ejected from the rift, and items that drop from the rift and in the cataclysm should be obtainable. Overall I'm still hyped for the new limbo rework. Its like playing with stop time in dishonored, going Corvo Attano and sh!t.  

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19 minutes ago, FelanGrey said:

For me the biggest problem of rift is, that you can't take loot.

So, I suggest to let pick up loot and, maybe, interact with objects that are in range of Cataclysm.



Because of the anti-loot/pick-up of Cataclysm...It would be nice if the Rift-surge chain shown in Rework would just be an AoE Banish rather than a mini-Cataclysm

-Still allows Limbo to time-stop them without prohibiting Teammates from Loot/Ammo drops


If Cataclysm does allow pickups; it should also allow Environment interaction:

Life-Support Capsules, Datamasses, Console hacks : All while inside a protective Cataclysm bubble


If the above is true: it would be very nice to have AoE Banish be able to Banish Defense Objectives

Limbo being able to Bansih several Extractors in Excavation would be amazing. Allowing him to use Cataclysm for combat. 


Limbo himself Rift-Dashing or a Banished Teammate not being able to carry Datamasses/Power-cell would still make sense as long as Cataclysm does not cause carried object to be dropped.

Edited by (PS4)MrNishi
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1 hour ago, PsiWarp said:

From what I saw on the stream, it looked like every time you wanted to enter/exit you had to move some distance away. Binding it to roll is quick to learn, but the degree of control is lowered since we have to compensate for the unwanted movement.

I'd be fine if they just ported Operator's Void Dash controls over (Crouch + Sprint/Roll). Maybe even just crouching (either tapping or holding) would allow us to enter/exit the Rift at will.

As a PS4 user : I strongly agree with Crouch+Sprint/Roll 

(Void dash to be Limbo's Rift Dash activation)

Keeping Parkour mobility in tact

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may i start with:

ive always been a nova user, but ive also always been a 'dont trash limbo' person.. i can see what is good about current the limbo. lots of frames do a lot less and are a lot less original (imo) so ive never seen the flack limbo gets as completely justified. im happy to see the changes coming for limbo but i think he needs an additional minor tweak to his role so that not only is he more fun to use but so that he is more fun to have in your squad.


the tweak would be something to the effect of:

 x seconds of additional dmg dealt when entering the rift


x seconds of reduced damage taken when exiting the rift.  


 before the TOO OP comments start, ill add in that only one rift buff would be active at a time. this encourages the transition into and out of the rift for both limbo and his squadmates, adds depth to the whole in or out of the void experience to more than just safe/unsafe giving emphasis to that duality of his existence 


Edited by PookieNumnums
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Nah, is pretty good as it seems in devstream, why you want damage reduction while he can stop the time and can be god inside the rift xD? and they will need to rework some of their augments like the augment for the 3, and since now the enter to the rift is smooth you can go in/out very quickly and stay in the rift infinitely. With all the ability kit that he will have he will have enough tools for survivability.

Edited by chofranc
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I want to preface this by saying Limbo is my favorite Warframe in the entire game. Understandably, I was pretty nervous when I heard they were showing some of the stuff they've figured out. For the most part, I'm excited. But, there are some things that could be tweaked or clarified.

I'm gonna tackle each thing individually, since there is a lot to cover.

Rift Dodge


Personally, I think its going to be incredible. My only issue is its a bit slow, and while Natural Talent affects Rift Walk currently, would it affect the dodge? Or would parkour mods? I just want it to be as fluid as possible.

Then there's duration. I didn't see any, which is pretty cool actually. Limbo is pretty heavy on duration right now, so easing it up for some build diversity is excellent.



AoE Banish. Man this is weird for me. On one hand, the synergy with Time Stop seems great, but on the other, I still want to be able to individually target a Bombard, or an Ancient, or the Defense Operative. Could it be made so that holding down 1 would cast Banish as it is now? Wouldn't take too much work, but would be tremendously useful.

Time Stop


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Seriously, this ability is amazing. My one feedback advice is to make it work a little bit like Terrify, meaning Power Strength would effect how many enemies could be stopped at once. If so, may I also suggest a % over the ability icon, which tells you how much you've filled to your max capacity? Either that, or make it a toggle ability, and each additional enemy adds X amount of energy drain. Either way, this is going to make his kit incredibly well rounded. Thank you.

Rift Surge


Are the enemies taking extra damage? Rift Surge currently multiplies it, and from what I could tell, it works the same way. Also, the extra Cataclysms, while neat, kind of belong in Augment territory. I personally don't want to stress out about more enemies that can kill me, or that my Time Stop is filling up too fast. But, if it was an augment, it makes perfect sense. Hell, Saryn already has an augment for Toxic Lash that does something similar, and it could add more diversity for the frame.



No real big changes for this, but I did see [DE]Rebecca picking up LS while inside the bubble, which suggests that finally we can interact with things there. Troll Limbos are now Banished(get it)



Natural Talent/Parkour mods should effect Dodge speed.

Banish should be held down to cast it as it is currently.

Time Stop should display how many enemies are stopped, be able to stop enemies based on power strength, or should be capless, and instead increase the drain for each stopped enemy.

Rift Surge needs to be clarified, and the spawning Cataclysms should be an Augment.

Cataclysm is looking like you can interact with stuff inside of it, and that's great.


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For anyone who didn't catch it, Rebecca picked up life support modules while inside the Rift. DO YOU KNOW HOW AWESOME THAT'S GOING TO BE??? I'LL BE ABLE TO CAST CATACLYSM WITHOUT SHAME OR FEAR! AT LAST!

Besides that it looks pretty neat, and I can't wait to forget how to roll, since right now my speedrunning strategy is Limbo and rolling.

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3 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

Listening is one thing.

Doing it is another.

I can listen to that one dude telling me to do my work his way... I'm not obligued to actually do what he says.

People who keep saying "They dont listen" dont know the difference.

It's a bit more complex than that for an online company-customer interaction scenario.  You're right, listening to us players doesn't mean what we say will ultimately have an impact to future updates.  But how do you know they are listening or not?  We can't know if they don't tell us anything.  I've played MMOs with publisher/developers ranging highly engaged to deafeningly hostile.  I'd say a concrete method to tell devs are listening to players is that they reply, with bits of their own insights, on how the suggestion is feasible from their point of view.

So yeah, if the devs don't let us know they are listening, it's only safe to bet that they aren't.

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Imo, being sent into the rift should give a bleed proc or a slow for a time post the knock down as limbo is still glassy

Yes, his 2 is now a stasis which freezes foes but it doesn't mean one wrong move and you're dead

Cataclysm needs some sort of buff considering the cast time for it

Just some thoughts

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