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Tennogen Inequality

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This inequality between console and PC players when it comes to cosmetics is ridiculous. How about  just creating a community creations program for console players only? That way console players get their items and PC gets theirs. I'm sick and tired of this whole, oh we get tennogen items, but only some of those items, crap. Just keep that stuff over there on PC if it's such a trouble to get on console. I don't like people being skimpy with me.

Oh and another thing, to certain people, please don't come to me talking about things like "Prestige skins" or whatever they have on PS. The "exclusive" things we get are quite crappy to be completely honest. You cant even compare the two. 

Edited by (XB1)Rey Za BurreI
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4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

This inequality between console and PC players when it comes to cosmetics is ridiculous. How about  just creating a community creations program for console players only? That way console players get their items and PC gets theirs. I'm sick and tired of this whole, oh we get tennogen items, but only some of those items, crap. Just keep that stuff over there on PC if it's such a trouble to get on console. I don't like people being skimpy with me.

Oh and another thing, to certain people, please don't come to me talking about things like "Prestige skins" or whatever they have on PS. The "exclusive" things we get are quite crappy to be completely honest. You cant even compare the two. 

I think this is more of a problem of taking skins that are on Tennogen in PC which, by the way, are Steam items and making them viable for Console.

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"Give us all of it or give us none of it" is a very unfair request to make. Do you speak for everyone? Because from what I've seen, console players love the tennogen items they get just as much as PC players do. Not having all of them doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ones you do have.

Nobody is rubbing their hands in glee at the opportunity to deprive console players of select items. There are reasons for the disparity.

Also, your solution to this inequality is to... create inequality? Right.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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There were issues at first when getting tennogen as they're created on stream. We got exactly what PC got in the last tennogen bundle. I think that's how it will be from now on. I understand that it leaves all of the stuff that's been released that we don't have; but that's just how things are. We may get everything at some point but we just have to live with what we have for now. 

Edited by (PS4)jFresh215
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Yes, the difference is annoying. Now give me a chance to get jade and obsidian skins too!

Now seriously, I'm sure that previous tennogen rounds required DE to buy the rights of the top selling skins from their artists to prevent them from becoming a money loss on consoles. Be patient, since you got round 7 along PC, the remaining older rounds are probably coming their way too. Might take a while but it's still possible.

Edit Just saw the edit on OP and I'm wondering why there's no comparation between "your" exclusives that "we" are never getting, and "our" pseudo exclusives that "you" are most likely getting anyways. 

Edited by -----LegioN-----
Just saw edit on OP
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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

This inequality between console and PC players when it comes to cosmetics is ridiculous

Honestly, it sounds like your solution will just create more inequality.

3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

How about  just creating a community creations program for console players only? That way console players get their items and PC gets theirs


3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

Just keep that stuff over there on PC if it's such a trouble to get on console. I don't like people being skimpy with me.

It's not like they're trying to be "skimpy", it's the drastic amount of legality involved. Given the most recent round released simultaneously across all platforms, I'm fairly certain the previous ones can eventually be brought to consoles as well.

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53 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

a community creations program for console players only?

And you don't see any problem with this?. Because most creators are PC players. Only 1 PS4 player so far has submitted 1 helmet. And no Xbox One players have submitted anything at all. So even if the program exist high chance you won't get any equality simply because the amount of creators themselves are not equal.

Edited by Rekkou
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Might as well whine about updates on console being so slow as the cherry on top of the complaincake.


Making a platform for the community to create content and implement it on the game is difficult. Hell DE never bothered doing that, it's why they used Steam Workshop in the first place. Not to mention that Tennogen items are still technically a part of Steam Workshop, which makes porting them to consoles difficult.

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I do not know why DE used steam in the first place. Why not just create an extension on the website to submit modeling and have design council or a forum for people to vote on skins.... and then make them cost plat and pay the player in plat cuts (tradeable plat).

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14 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I do not know why DE used steam in the first place. Why not just create an extension on the website to submit modeling and have design council or a forum for people to vote on skins.... and then make them cost plat and pay the player in plat cuts (tradeable plat).

Because it's much, much easier to do it on Steam. There's more to it than hosting the platform.

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19 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

Not to mention that Tennogen items are still technically a part of Steam Workshop, which makes porting them to consoles difficult.

I don't think this is accurate. All you need is the item itself. They don't need the workshop to function. There are other obstacles.

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11 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I do not know why DE used steam in the first place. Why not just create an extension on the website to submit modeling and have design council or a forum for people to vote on skins.... and then make them cost plat and pay the player in plat cuts (tradeable plat).

The answer i would lean to would be development time. You would need a dedicated team to create said extension that could otherwise be doing something else.

Using steam workshop is a quicker solution, albeit steam having to take a cut on profits.


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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:


Go yell at Steam.

21 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I do not know why DE used steam in the first place.

They didn't. The first Tennogen items (skins for Magnus, Vectis, Scindo, Zorens, etc.) were made available through the Warframe client and purchasable with Plat, no Steam required. And in the approx-3 years the game was out, we had maybe a dozen weapon skins in Tennogen, that's it. Shortly put, Steam had the power and tools DE didn't have at the time, so the deal with Steam allowed content creators to produce new art for the game at a faster rate and higher quality than DE could have given.


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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

This inequality between console and PC players when it comes to cosmetics is ridiculous. How about  just creating a community creations program for console players only? That way console players get their items and PC gets theirs. I'm sick and tired of this whole, oh we get tennogen items, but only some of those items, crap. Just keep that stuff over there on PC if it's such a trouble to get on console. I don't like people being skimpy with me.

Oh and another thing, to certain people, please don't come to me talking about things like "Prestige skins" or whatever they have on PS. The "exclusive" things we get are quite crappy to be completely honest. You cant even compare the two. 

Sure... ONLY if all tennogen is purchased like it is on PC, with cash only.  Here on PC we can not buy tennogen with platinum.


Would you prefer what you have for platinum or have all but at $5+ each. Your call.



Edited by Krhymez
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personally I'm grateful and love the Tennogen we get, most recent round was the best yet, still 2 skins and a helmet that I'm after when I can get the plat. the way they've handled it is better than I thought, and I'm definitely down for simultaneous releases if they can continue. your idea of "all or nothing" only serves to create more inequality.

3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

please don't come to me talking about things like "Prestige skins" or whatever they have on PS. The "exclusive" things we get are quite crappy to be completely honest. You cant even compare the two. 

that's your opinion, and only your opinion. I'm willing to bet there's a few PC players out there who wouldn't mind those skins for their Excalibur. they look pretty good, though obviously I only buy Renown packs for the Plat. also, Prestige skins are Xbox only, Renown skins are PlayStation only.

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That moment when you're so spoiled that you complain about being able to get something free (Tennogen costing platinum on console) while others have to pay the overpriced values.

Seriously, stop thinking of everything as a given. You can complain you don't have platinum discounts all you want, but that doesn't prevent you from trading platinum and getting everything without spending a dime.

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5 hours ago, (Xbox One)Rey Za BurreI said:

This inequality between console and PC players when it comes to cosmetics is ridiculous. How about  just creating a community creations program for console players only? That way console players get their items and PC gets theirs. I'm sick and tired of this whole, oh we get tennogen items, but only some of those items, crap. Just keep that stuff over there on PC if it's such a trouble to get on console. I don't like people being skimpy with me.

Oh and another thing, to certain people, please don't come to me talking about things like "Prestige skins" or whatever they have on PS. The "exclusive" things we get are quite crappy to be completely honest. You cant even compare the two. 

The sense of entitlement is strong in thisone...

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