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[Update 20] Octavia Feedback Megathread


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Another top frame after nidus, just wow. I really like the way you're heading with the new frames, seriously!

I really enjoy how her Mallet actually scales and needs enemies to shoot at it to become effective. Makes a nice damage dealing trap. While i think the Line of Sight restriction doesn't make much sense logical wise, i can see why it got implemented for balancing reasons which is fine i guess.

Coming to Resonator, a funny little charming ball. Not much to say about the ability itself. It's unique in a way how it's CC works but also a bit unreliable. But as many people already have pointed out, the synergy between Mallet and Resonator is a bit flawed due to Resonator's effect countering Mallet's effect by charming enemies instead of making them shoot at it. I think it'd be cool to be able to decide whether the Resonator should pick up the Mallet or not. Maybe make it that when you spawn it a certain distance away from Mallet, it won't pick it up.

Metronome now is a bit tricky. Anything else other than the crouch thing seem to be a bit too difficult to get. Even more so due to how fast paces this game is. You more often than not don't have enough time to pay attention to all those rings and timing your actions. Other than that, a good support ability with various buffs. I do though enjoy that you have to be somewhat interactive instead of just pressing a button and gain things.

Last but not least, i don't have much to say regarding AMP. Gives the environment a more disco-like feeling while increasing Mallets effectiveness and also increase damage that gets higher the more abilities you have thrown out there (=synergy). It's alright.

All in all, she's a great team-supporting warframe with scalability and 4 useful and synergizing abilities. Also fun to play (imo) and i gotta say keep up with the great frame designs! Really appreciate the effort put into octavia, also regarding the mandachord.    i wish chroma had 4 good and synergizing abilities instead of just 2.


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Octavia's broken, plain and simple. she fills far too many roles in a farming comp better than the other options. need as buffer? take octavia for the 600% damage boost. need energy? take octavia, she passively gives it out just for using abilities. need team stealth? take octavia, she gives a full minute of stealth. she's even got a fair bit of dps and (admittedly) wonky cc. it seems like the devs took such a hard stance against camping in survivals and draco-lites, but still you make these overtuned frames. she simply does far too much for any comp with a lack of tradeoffs. at least with ev trin she needs to give up blessing resistance, loki gives up max stealth for radial build, etc etc. if you create a frame with no downsides or very slight variation in it's builds, then it's going to be very good as an all-rounder, to the point it makes other frames obsolete.


TL;DR: nerf plox, too good for one frame in farming comps

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8 hours ago, Clowee said:

all I can say is wow.

This frame is godlike once you figure out how the abilities work and add about 4 formas. Way more powerful than I would expect for a bard.

I haven't played her, and I won't, not even as mastery fodder. I don't even want to see an Octavia in my squad. The buff might be great, but hearing the sound of dying whales sped up through Willie Wonka's boat ride tunnel just makes the game terrible for me... especially when all of the enemies are aggro'd towards the dancing rave kid and you can't get any kills without being all up in their personal space while they destroy the integrity of your mind with their terrible "music." Please refrain from calling this music too, I've heard maybe three enjoyable tunes and one was "the epic sax guy." Also, highly concerned about the mandachord, paying for other instruments? This is going to be the beginning of paying for augmented abilities. It's disturbing all around.

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8 minutes ago, HC217 said:

Octavia's broken, plain and simple. she fills far too many roles in a farming comp better than the other options. need as buffer? take octavia for the 600% damage boost. need energy? take octavia, she passively gives it out just for using abilities. need team stealth? take octavia, she gives a full minute of stealth. she's even got a fair bit of dps and (admittedly) wonky cc. it seems like the devs took such a hard stance against camping in survivals and draco-lites, but still you make these overtuned frames. she simply does far too much for any comp with a lack of tradeoffs. at least with ev trin she needs to give up blessing resistance, loki gives up max stealth for radial build, etc etc. if you create a frame with no downsides or very slight variation in it's builds, then it's going to be very good as an all-rounder, to the point it makes other frames obsolete.


TL;DR: nerf plox, too good for one frame in farming comps

Completely agree. New Frames should offer a new creative approach to combat and squad strategy instead of being ten thousand times stronger than the last. It's ridiculous. Has anyone even had to revive an Octavia yet? Devs need to realize the selling point of Octavia was her uniqueness and not just stats. Even the most fragile have their purpose and balance. 

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using Mallet + Resonator is totally worthless

Resonator is doing pittiful damage and Mallet only does damage IF the enemies damaged it

so using both is waste of energy


maybe half the damage when Resonator picked up Mallet for a more mobile version of Mallet since the ability is very static.

or let the Resonator bring charmed enemies into the range of Mallet

or let Mallet amplifier Resonators damage... 

there are tons of better options than what we have now.

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After playing Octavia for a few days, I agree, she's a wee bit (very) unbalanced. I hope this won't be a new trend for new frames as a selling point.

Nidus was alright because the player has to work for part of his scaling power, but of course there are still some kinks left making him nigh immortal in a good player's hands.

Octavia's main drawback is that she is very fragile like most caster-type frames. But her abilities can and will distract and effectively alter enemy AI behaviour to shut down incoming attacks. When modded properly in the Mandachord with some Duration, she can remain invisible for upwards to 30~ seconds per successful buff, and refresh Nocturne time and energy permitting (Metronome can pretty much stay active all mission with our wonky energy economy). This is Naramon Shadow Step all over again in the form of an ability, at Ivara levels of perma-stealth to make Octavia's low durability irrelevant.

Then there are clunkiness in Resonator and Metronome. The roller makes off with Mallet and stops enemies from shooting it, so anytime Resonator is active you can expect Mallet to basically not function properly. It would really good if Resonator has a Follow or Patrol prompt (like other Specters) that Octavia can use to choose if the roller goes off on its own or sticks close by to her, pretty please!

Metronome buffs require actions to be timed with melody, and if the players' timings are off, it's possible to lose any earned sync % toward the buffs you want to activate, making you start all over again. In the middle of combat, you simply don't have the time to dance like a maniac and fight effectively, so savvy Octavia players create single note per line Melodies to try to guarantee buffs at the cost of having an annoying melody you hear all mission (to Octavia players: please lower the Melody volume in Mandachord if you're doing this, for our sanity. Much appreciated that you can bring effective buffs to the squad).

Otherwise, she is aesthetically pleasing to me, and I really like her passive that makes her another good option to bring as a team energy restorer. I love that the roller pet can be recoloured, too.

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Please add a mute button, which mutes all octavia frames in my group. The mute should only apply for me.

Currently some people leave groups, when they have an octavia frame in group and I can totally understand this. I can't imagine this is the solution DE desires...

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2 minutes ago, sonkun said:

Please add a mute button, which mutes all octavia frames in my group. The mute should only apply for me.

Currently some people leave groups, when they have an octavia frame in group and I can totally understand this. I can't imagine this is the solution DE desires...

If Banshee can silence Octavia, she will be my answer for it. I'm sure Octavia is fun, and you feel like a boss when you play her. In my opinion, Octavia in the squad is just annoying, to me it's like having a court jester in the barbarian/witch/ranger squad stealing the thunder. The buffs help enormously, but the tradeoff isn't worth it to me, I don't want to put my squad through that hell, and most Tenno don't realize they aren't musician enough to be a bard. All I know is it doesn't seem like good business to just make the latest the greatest. Still waiting on some buffs for a certain sensitive subject of a Warframe.

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i personal had a bunch of luck farming her i assume, since i heard the opposite form other. but i got the two parts on the first attemp and spend about 5 runs for the third so. but overall when reading the patch notes my thought was nice, you can choose where you want to farm her. there was no mentioning that one place can only drop one part. so i would have loved to see some choice there for the player. overall the grind feels massive if you do not get the parts on the first runs. on nidus i spend about 40-50 runs for all three parts. from other players i heard they spend that amount on one of the octavia missions. yes this might not be the norm, but it will happen. so dont liking it much even if i personally had no problems this time. but more  detailed information in the patchnotes might be nice either way.

the frame:

so first of this thing needs a mute button/option for you to mute other octavias and espacially your own. it does not matter what song you pick,after the first 5 minutes you will regret even picking the frame. there was talk in one dev stream to solve the problem of her music being annoying for others, why was this not fixed/adressed? most of all why was this not fixed for the player picking her? it is the most annoying thing in the game by far, which says a lot...

with that if i want to listen to music in the background it is not possible with this frame in my hands or in my party. to that comes she obscures the audios of the game. most enemys give you audio queques of attacks or moving in, which i find the game does a pretty good job in general if you as a player choose to listen to them. with octavia these get overriden, adding to that the fact you lose your mind during the mission, well...

-> mute option needed !!!

the design of the frame i generally like. the manacord references there are pretty nice.

for the abilitys i kinda feel the passive is not fitting with the theme of the frame. yes it is a good passive, but it has nothing to do with the frame/theme overall. music,sound, distraction by sound, some buffs for the team, but the main theme of her is music. so should not the passive correspond to that? yes the buffroute is a direction she is taking, but it is not her theme she evolves around. it is clearly music/sounds. i feel since most frames with fitting passives seem to have a passive going with the main theme of the frame the energy regen breaks it a bit here and feels slightly out of place. yes it supports here playstyle/modding, but themewise it feels like a generic decision and a passive everyother frame could have/get. nothing that says "ah this passive clearly is from that frame". if someone would say to me energy regen with me only knowing the ability of all frames i would probbaly put that to trinity. since she more the regeneration direction themewise. so i feel octavias passive feels a bit unoriginal and not fitting. an option here would be maybe something like: if you do an action at the same time like a teammate in range you would get somesort of buff. it would put the fokus more on the doing stuff on a specialrythm/mark and still hold the buff subfocus.

so for the other abilitys i must say i do not know. since i have only leveld the frame and found here such an annoyance, that playing and testing her feels not really worth to me until there is a mute option. the leveling process was enough for me, sorry. so please implement that, because her ability sound super fun on paper, but the audios make her a pain.

one thing when leveling did catch my eye, that is the ability icons. i understand that the circle icon is a reference to the manacord there, but it is basiclly all a circle. if you are fighting and level up and just look at the icon poping up an your screen, you just see a circle. i have basiclly had no idea from the icon what ability just leveled up. yes the system is the same for all frames so i kinda know, but still i feel the visual distinction should be there if i get an extra level into an ability and look down at my ability bar, i should see ah this was my number 2 that just leveled up only from the icon. your frame will be new msot times, so you will not know what all the names are at the start so some better destinction should be a musst. the circles thing is nice, but it is not needed i feel and hurts more then it helps. the player should see from the symbol what ability just leveled without needing to know the names at the beginning. and during level up in this one secound the symbol comes up you will not check every detail of the symbol and then check at the back. you fight see ah a circle symbol ability. look down and sadly notice they are all circles... so please some clarity here. themes are nice, but here less is more. we know octavia can play music you get that when using any of her abiltiy or let her idle animation play ;)

i would love to play her or have in the team, but in the current state not really an option for me. so yeah... not impressed overall due to that. since things that should have been adressed with regards to previous quests got worse (grind) and things that cause problems for players and were highlithed before are not fixed on release (sound). all this making her not a fun frame to play/level or even have in my group^^

thx for reading,

fight on tenno =)


Edited by sulusdacor
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2 forma in and I would say: Good but not great, problems below

The Mandachord is pretty gimmicky and the default Adau sounds are maddening, I don't like the fact that the better sounding packs are 50plat each especialy as you only get a small ingame snipet of how they sound. It becomes problematic when you realise that being creative and making something that sounds good is actualy detrimental to playing her well, with having each note filled being the most effective both in terms of damage and for her Metronome. Just drop all her sounds to 0 and you can spam your way through the inputs for Metronome while seeing constant damage from Mallet.

Resonator does not seem to work correctly, in and of itself I found it pointless, but the problem I found was that when it "picked up" Mallet, Mallet's damage stopped working and enemies only recieved the damage from Resonator. Resonator also tends to hurl itself into oblivion on maps with pits, infact its pathing and logic can be best called iratic, sometimes chasing enemies across rooms and others sitting at your feet while you're being shot.

Amp doesn't do much for all the visual spectacle, I feel like its all looks for an ability thats only real use is to pump up the damage dealing power of Mallet.

I've noticed some frame lose when using her, mostly with interactions betwean Resonator, Mallet, and physics objects. The game recovers well but it would indicate some problems under the hood with the latest version.

EDIT: I Also forgot the horror her Bird head, Shako face causes me. I cannot unsee the ever smiling beak with the beedy eyes inside, thank you DE for an alternate helmet to escape the horror of Beak hat jawa face.

Edited by GuiltBlade
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I think the sounds being synthetic was intentional. If you notice each sound pack has a fraction symbol on it. The default is Tenno, druk is grineer, and the others are corpus. Since the corpus like technology and robotics, I think their sound packs use synthesized sounds to fit with that theme.



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after hours of testing, i can confirm, that the resonator + mallet combo IS working most of the time!

it isnt as useful as mallet alone though

dont know what most people experience but i played octavia for several hours now and the combo is acutally working pretty good, even though it needs some improvements/bugfixing.

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Can we please have a full octave to make songs with the mandachord? As a pianist this is extremely disappointing to make songs with just 5 notes, which.. is not even close to having an octave. I understand there wouldn't be enough space but you could make each parts of the mandachord "pop-out" when you hover your mouse over it. 

Please DE, I need to make great songs with Octavia :p but I can't right now. 

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6 minutes ago, Dahx11 said:

They did this so everyone's songs could (potentially) mix well with one another without anybody being off key. That's why the tempo isn't changeable.

Oh. Is there any purpose of sycing with squadmates? If not then I dont get it.

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Just now, Stoner74 said:

Oh. Is there any purpose of sycing with squadmates? If not then I dont get it.

Yes. All songs created are in sync so that when you are with other Octavias, your music is able to blend with the others and create unique symphonies. (Or at least that was the intention)

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