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[Update 20] Octavia Feedback Megathread


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4 hours ago, Talvu said:

So I've finally gotten the chance to play with this frame, some good some bad.

I think that the disco ball and mallet issue could be addressed by allowing Octavia to have 2 instances of mallet out at once and only allow the disco ball to pick up one at a time. But other wise these are pretty good abilities

Her 3 is hot stinking garbage, it discourages playing the game sensibly, it does not reward the player enough to warrant the change in playing is such a poor manner, and it discourages song variety by reducing the number of viable songs due to mechanics.

Suggested fix

Metronome now grants a buff that increases move speed, grant's multi shot, and melee damage. This buff starts out a 0% but increases over time to 100%, the % of buff gained is dependent on the melody per bar and it takes 4 bars to gain full 100% buff, so each bar represents 25% buff. Nocturne is removed from this ability as this frame really isn't a stealth frame when the whole point of it is to play it and play it loud.

Mallet is far to strong to have multiple instances of it. i do like what someone said previously about removing the charm from resonator so that mallets charm is the only one. i like your take on metronome. it atleast it didnt reduce the buff gain (because sliding and parkour still activate the movement and stealth buffs) it would still be good.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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Octavia need a major nerf. Her powerlevel does not match any one of the other frames. Today we farmed polymer at Uranus / survival. We took Octava and Nekros ( to gain more loot ).

Efficiency : 50%

Duration: 227%

Range: 97%

Strength: 235%

After 60 minutes standing cloaked in one corner of a deadend just pressing 1 , 3 , 4 we had to extract because we forgot to collect life support modules. 

The Mallet ticks have been up to 6000 damage. Trashmobs hordes -  Eximus hordes - who cares ....


Octavia replaces more than half of all the frame ingame. She is a Crowdcontrollingslaughterhousekillingmachineofhell. Supportframe ? what the duck. Dont waste her supporting the minor ones :P 


You think a Simulor Mirage was the worst ever seen the sunlight ? you have no idea.....

Edited by Shypa
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Have Octavia, stopped leveling her in disgust at level 28... why?

- Bad sinergy between her 1 and 2;

- her 2 as stated by others is actually detrimental to her kit;

- her 3 is broken bejond belief: by optimizing the mandacord to something inascoltable, she can easily get 6 buffs at the same time - they instanerfed nidus due to his passive but this bullS#&$ is ok? seems someone isn't embarassed in showing favoritism!

- her 4 is meh, basically a general boost for her other powers

also her 2nd major flaw: visual pollution, people complained about mirage & Simulor, Octavia is much worse, multiple Octavias kill eyesight and framerate

DE, nice idea, nice attempt, but octavia deserves the nerfbat on her 3 as soon as possible and a loock at her visual effects.

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My only problem is that when mallet is riding around on resonator, any enemy that goes near gets charmed and won't shoot the mallet. If no enemy shoots the mallet then it doesn't do any damage making it useless. I propose that the charmed enemies shoot the mallet to give it damage, or for the resonator to lose it's charm ability when the mallet is on top of it.

Edited by JayZombieX
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Only issue I have so far is that her second ability (Resonator) works against her first (Mallet). Enemies should be even more enticed to shoot this combination, instead of ignoring ones effect.


I feel like this is one of those features that was either overadvertised or rushed. I do not feel like this will enable anyone to live out their creativeness, as the songs are too short and the notes are breaking off.

I'd suggest to have a function that allows to connect saves together.
E.g.: Song[1], Song[2], Song[3], Song[R], Song[1R2,3].
The idea here is, that it connects songs that have the same name, IF they have an order in brackets. In this example, Song[1] plays after third and before 2, Song[2] after first and before third and Song[3] after second and before first.
Song[R] may be played between any song randomly and Song[1R2,3] may randomly play after Song[1] or before Song[2] or Song[3].
The random options here may be a bit more advanced, but can add a lot to replayability over long missions.

Additionally I'd like to suggest to be able to drag notes over. Either by grabbing the side of the note (preffered, as altering will be easier), or hold down LMB to drag the note out. The note will then gradually fade over the dragged area and may be toggled with RMB to have either a linear falloff, concave fallof or convex fallof.

Such changes would largely improve composing in Warframe IMHO.

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22 hours ago, Shypa said:


Well said! ... But that's what i like of her xD

Her 1 & 2 are not working together as some have already stated. Resonator just F**ks Mallet up. I use Resonator to carry Mallet only after Mallet has stacked some damage to deal. Unfortunately the point when I launch Resonator, Mallet has 10 seconds left. This leads Resonator to F**ck the mallet up for next half a ~minute, which is really annoying. Her 3 is funny. i tested it with a few songs. If the song actually sounds good, it starts to be hard to launch buffs. But when the song is well designed to combat it's pretty easy to launch buffs. I like the most the invisibility buff.

(Note: I actually was able to compose one song, that sounds pretty good and buffs come off pretty easily, which is a miracle, if you ask me.)

Her 4 is pretty useful with 1. That's the best thing of her. You and the other players near get damage buff and Mallet's range is doubled. Both good. There is some frames, that deal more damage, than my (0 forma Octavia), such as: Ember, Frost and Saryn. I don't have any idea how many forma's those frames had put in when i witnessed those particular warframe's to deal damage, so it would be good if someone would do dome comparison with equally upgraded warframe's. 

Edited by Ryuurik
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Ok here's the deal, the biggest complaint about Octavia is how most music's suck and they suck because people value efficiency over everything else, Metronomes synching abilities has a cap of how many notes you need to get to get the buff, 2 minimum and around 8 maximum on nocturne, meaning that if you have 8 notes or 16 notes, you have to sync to the same amount to get the buff which leads most to just spam a single note non-stop, (I've seen some people that were creative on this use but most people just spam).

So, what I propose is that there should be no minimum or maximum notes to sync, the number of notes in the song should be the amount you need to sync to, at least for nocturne.

My hopes are that there will be less focus on efficiency and more on creativity.

Edited by Dwolfknight
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they should make metronome use percussion and mallet to use the melody, the composition for your mallet doesn't completely matter whether it damages fast or slow it does the same amount of damage in the same period of time. percussion is where you lay down the beat, a Metronome ticks at a constant rate so you can maintain your music on beat.

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Considering the fact that the window for sync is even shorter than some dedicated music games, and you need to do that in the middle of a fight, I'll have to say no. Honestly, it's already pretty hard for Octavia's teammate to keep up with.

And the main reason that most music sucks, is the incompetence nature of the mandachord as a sequencer. Even if you can manage to create something simple, creative and bearable, repeating it a thousand times would still lead to the same outcome.

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On 4/11/2017 at 8:31 AM, Callback said:

The way they handled volume for allied Octavias is wrong.  Don't put a generic option in the full menu.


Put a slider on the player in your squad menu when you press esc.  Let players adjust on the fly based on individual players and what they may have to offer.  Maybe default it to off if multiple are in a squad, and let players choose if they want it to always default off in options.


With this change, unrestrict the mandachord.  We need more freedom!  Maybe make it an "advanced mode" option when editing so players who don't know what they're doing can still have the simplified pentatonic version.

hell this idea would solve my only hate with excal....swish swish swish swish....24/7

on topic: So far the ONLY change I can see that needs to be done to Octavia is make her Amp an AURA around her...instead of an invisible ball at one spot....as it is Octavia REALLY encourages camping to the extreme...

Edited by Kalvorax
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It makes utterly no sense when you compare them: one is vulnerable and harmless, the other is an invulnerable mass murdering doom. Do you think it should be the other way around? Invulnerable hologram which deals no damage and vulnerable mallet that hits like a truck? Would not it be fair that way?

Edited by SeaUrchins
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I think the point of a decoy in general is to distract enemies.

Edit: Oh wait now I see what you mean. Yeah it should be like that. Though scaling issues would cause the mallet to be useless at some point. Especially if its stats become similar to a roller.

Edited by Madway7
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They serve different purpouses.

Decoy doubles as mobility tool when used with his 3. Also has quite OP augment.

Saryn has her 2 too - it serves as status removal and to spread her 1.

It's like with invis - 3 frames has it, all with it's own downfalls.

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12 minutes ago, BlueTheWolf said:

They serve different purpouses.

Decoy doubles as mobility tool when used with his 3. Also has quite OP augment.

Saryn has her 2 too - it serves as status removal and to spread her 1.

It's like with invis - 3 frames has it, all with it's own downfalls.

besides for octavia, which is longer than ash and loki, refreshable, and doesn't disable energy regain like ivara's

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" Wielding a Lato (Lex Prime in Loki Prime's case), the decoy is capable of inflicting an Impact b Impact proc that can stagger enemies, a Puncture b Puncture proc that reduces the damage of the target's attacks by 30% for 6 seconds, and a Slash b Slash proc that deals a minuscule 1 damage per tick. "

It can proc. You can also place it anywhere. Good luck with going on NM LoR with mallet in place of decoy.

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19 minutes ago, BlueTheWolf said:

They serve different purpouses.



I am taking into the account a very specific usage: drawing enemy aggro, where Mallet is infinitely more powerful, providing not only a decoy, but an excellent tool for enemy elimination.

There's no more reason for Loki's decoy to remain vulnerable when we have an OP Mallet in the game.

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You cant just compare ONE of their abilities. Loki has very effective skillset and he is one of the most versatile frames in the game, very mobile and CC heavy with his augmented disarm. IF his decoy would be even stronger then imagine the forum nerf posts spam ( like we dont have them already ).

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