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This game needs a "No Limbo" option in the games Menu


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26 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

And with as much feedback as some tenno use to cry nerf,  would instead use it for better enemies design, we would probably already have it. 

Understand that the "from the foundation restructuring" would primarily be reduction in the strength of abilities and weapons so that there is no point where you can just switch from from "kill everything instantly" to "CC everything all the time." Ideally, you want a scale where your weapons and your powers would need to be in use at all times, together, and you have no options to trivialize anything on the entire route from Mastery 0 to Mastery 9000. Personally, I don't want "insanely hard all the time," but "can't go on autopilot" would be nice.

Likewise, you'd want to see an increase in the tradeoffs needed to mod for a particularly potent ability, as well as downward adjustments to the way enemy damage, abilities, and ability to absorb damage scales. In situations where a nerf to stats isn't warranted on a powerful piece of kit, a sideways deviation from what it does now (e.g., Telos Boltor: complete change to the way the item works) might be the best choice.

Edited by (XB1)CannyJack
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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

Feedback includes solutions. " If you're not helping to make it right, then stop complaining about it being wrong" 

(-All I see from you is DE should look into it because I have know idea how to fix it.)

"Don't come to me with a problem without a solution"

I posted my suggestions in the feedback mega-thread.
If they really want to fix Stasis, put an enemy limit on it similar to Bastille. Have it be affected by power strength. Currently, Stasis is incredibly powerful because it has no limit to how many enemies it can stop.

That would be my fix. I don't mention it though because i'm well aware that MANY players would disagree with this because it would be a LARGE drop in power.  

And yes, feedback does include solutions. But it includes more than that as well. I may not have a solid idea of how to fix it, but providing my responses on how it has affected me, my clan-mates, teammates, and more is feedback all in itself. Not all feedback is "Hey, this is broken or overpowered, here's how you should fix it." A lot of it is, but i'm not a game developer. I'm a player. I am aware that my ideas aren't super relevant. Do I post them a lot anyways? Yes. Have I avoided it in this situation? Yes, because peoples' opinions on Limbo are still very mixed and volatile. This can be seen throughout the community. As I mentioned, I'm already aware my idea wouldn't go over well with people. 

So far, I've seen you make a post telling OP to basically shut up, and then becoming quite defensive. Maybe you should take a break man?

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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

Understand that the "from the foundation restructuring" would primarily be reduction in the strength of abilities and weapons so that there is no point where you can just switch from from "kill everything instantly" to "CC everything all the time." Ideally, you want a scale where your weapons and your powers would need to be in use at all times, together, and you have no options to trivialize anything on the entire route from Mastery 0 to Mastery 9000. Personally, I don't want "insanely hard all the time," but "can't go on autopilot" would be nice.

Likewise, you'd want to see an increase in the tradeoffs needed to mod for a particularly potent ability, as well as downward adjustments to the way enemy damage, abilities, and ability to absorb damage scales. In situations where a nerf to stats isn't warranted on a powerful piece of kit, a sideways deviation from what it does now (e.g., Telos Boltor: complete change to the way the item works) might be the best choice.

That is precisely what we are talking about in the thread here:


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5 hours ago, The-Tective said:

A "No Limbo In The Squad" Toggle option in Options? I need that ASAP.

Not a joke. I'm serious.

So far when i see a Limbo i'm hitting the "Leave Mission" button as quickly as i can.

Good for you, at least you don't come to forums to cry about "ow he's too OP, let's nerf him"

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16 hours ago, MudShadow said:

This game is just not enjoyable to play when there is a Limbo present on the team. That is the sad reality of this Warframe, he is simply the most anti-fun element of the game right now. He has too much power and control over the enemies. To the point where he is actually controlling what other players in the game can and can't do.


ie I join a game and there is a Limbo present. He spams his AOE skills with max range. I can no longer deal damage in the effective Vacinity. I have to move to the other side of the map to be able to play the game and actually deal damage again. Either that or I can just stand there doing nothing whilst Limbo controls the entire flow of the rest of game. Bad design.

Have you tried to kill Kila on a sortie without a Limbo 4th?

If yes how many times you and yr team died?

Good luck

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I'm sorry but really? I don't like it when I'm questioned in squad chat about what my loadout. Then when they see that I'm not interfering but play as a teammate they shut up real quick. It's not a frame or weapon issue. It's a player issue. Seriously think about it.  Why do we see thread after thread bringing this up? Probably somebody ended up in a squad where something was abused or spammed. Then they make their way to the forums. Rinse and repeat. 

I hate to say it but form a squad or solo.

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I find it quite amazing that DE have managed with their rework to make Limbo, a frame that was great fun solo and useless/irritating in PUGs, even more fun solo and even more useless/irritating in PUGs (barring being able to pick up things in Cataclysm, that's a definite improvement).

Edited by Omnimorph
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3 hours ago, Kjahla81 said:

I'm sorry but really? I don't like it when I'm questioned in squad chat about what my loadout. Then when they see that I'm not interfering but play as a teammate they shut up real quick. It's not a frame or weapon issue. It's a player issue. Seriously think about it.  Why do we see thread after thread bringing this up? Probably somebody ended up in a squad where something was abused or spammed. Then they make their way to the forums. Rinse and repeat. 

I hate to say it but form a squad or solo.

Well said.

Nothing like you join a pub run and someone gets annoyed and asks you to leave because you brough a slowa.

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1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Well said.

Nothing like you join a pub run and someone gets annoyed and asks you to leave because you brough a slowa.

They may hate the slowva in the beginning of a sortie 3 defense but when the hostage moves to a corner with no where to go Slowva becomes their best friend. 

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25 minutes ago, Kjahla81 said:

They may hate the slowva in the beginning of a sortie 3 defense but when the hostage moves to a corner with no where to go Slowva becomes their best friend. 

Yes, but thats the only place. If a team is doing less than 20 waves than slowa is an annoyance they say.

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6 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Yes, but thats the only place. If a team is doing less than 20 waves than slowa is an annoyance they say.

Slowva doesn't have to ult.  Antimatter drop does wonders on that build until mol prime is needed.

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i don't think you guys understand the problem. limbo killing everything in large area isn't the biggest problem.. the problem is he is denying every teammate in that area from playing.. while stasis active none in the squad can do anything in the cataclysm. also if a limbo starts spamming his 4 the rapid in and out of rift makes ppl very uncomfortable and confused even if we exclude the light flashes on the screen. its not about how many he kills or how fast but a limbo can make everyone in the team pretty much rage quit .. its new level of trolling that even the old limbo coudn't do.

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"Make No Limbo Option!" isn't a smart or wise decision for Warframe. A Button created solely to lock out a single frame? And what are you going to do when everyone else demands a "Lock out Loki!" option, and suddenly you can't be an invisible Survival basdass? Or a "No Stomp Nidus!" and you can't powerhouse your way through hoards of enemies with "Press 2" "Press 1" ease?


Should they also make Schools a lock-out-able feature too? "No Naramon OP Try Hards!", "No useless School I don't like cause Useless!"


Ohhh, I suppose they'd move onto weapons next as well. "No SOMA PRIME!!" "No NOT Soma Prime!!!" "So Synoid Simulors!!!"


Pretty soon they'd have a button for everything, and you'd find that, even though you originally supported this, suddenly all your favorite frames and schools and weapons were no longer accepted on any Public Squads ever, and just like Nazi Germany, everything goes to hell real fast.

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On 05/04/2017 at 8:20 AM, MudShadow said:

This game is just not enjoyable to play when there is a Limbo present on the team. That is the sad reality of this Warframe, he is simply the most anti-fun element of the game right now. He has too much power and control over the enemies. To the point where he is actually controlling what other players in the game can and can't do.


ie I join a game and there is a Limbo present. He spams his AOE skills with max range. I can no longer deal damage in the effective Vacinity. I have to move to the other side of the map to be able to play the game and actually deal damage again. Either that or I can just stand there doing nothing whilst Limbo controls the entire flow of the rest of game. Bad design.

No-Limbo and no-Octavia. 2 most annoying frames.

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On 5.4.2017 at 11:27 PM, The-Tective said:

A "No Limbo In The Squad" Toggle option in Options? I need that ASAP.

Not a joke. I'm serious.

So far when i see a Limbo i'm hitting the "Leave Mission" button as quickly as i can.

I started doing exactly the same thing and also played more solo missions. 

For me personally it is worse than Miragulor ever was. With Miragulor I could just turn off sound and keep a bit of distance. But Limbo forces me into cell-shade graphics almost permantently. There is only so much dark-grey Borderlands I can take in per day. 

Using Zarr and Tonkor is also a very tricky thing when Cataclysm is up because line of sigh is limited and stasis does not go well with self damage weapons.

Edited by k05h
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All the "reworks" to weapons were made under the banner of improving the team play experience. If you are playing Limbo, you wont have problems as you're the one deciding what happens, obviously. However, short of telepathy or a mic, there's no way for the rest of the team to have the slightest clue whats going on. In the rift, out of the rift, roll through an annoying void drop, miss a shot, roll out, get shot in the back. Think you should melee, it does nothing, swap to guns, whole screen flashes, you cant do any damage to enemies.

If Limbo's abilities had ZERO effect on his teammates, save for banish being cast directly on them, it would be fine. As is, it's infuriating, and no, its not about kills or power or any nonsense like that. Its the complete disruption of the entire team. You tell people they should play solo if they don't want to run into a Limbo, how about if you want to play Limbo, you play solo since that's how it's going to end up eventually, again.

Also, Nezha, Rhino, Frost, Nova etc. don't prevent their teammates from doing damage or, I don't know, ANYTHING useful in general. Their ults leave enemies perfectly vulnerable for the entire team to dispatch as they please. Trying to compare them to a frame known for being a walking team troll is ridiculous.

There shouldn't be an ability that prevents the rest of the team from even knowing when they can do damage in the first place in a horde based co-op game. Just set it so it only affects Limbo's interactions with enemies and it would be fine.

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LMAO i think i was in a squad with you :p in some random kuva or sortie misson :p....ik this is off topic but as for your problems there are a lot of things you can do 1 leave a limbo squad(dck move but whatever) 2 premade Squad 3 playing with clan members ....oh and JUST SO YOU KNOW .when you go "PUBLIC" you cant complain..coz people can use whatever they want in public EVEN limbo and as for *"NERF LIMBO" DUDE really? your mad about limbo coz it reduces YOUR ENJOYMENT if they NERF limbo wouldnt it reduce the enjoyment of the Limbo players? so please just ... try other stuff*

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Yeah let's nerf Limbo! While we're at it, let's nerf the following frames too!

Titania: Dex Pixia wrecks absolutely everything, including lvl 100+ enemies with the proper mods on a Shotgun. Combined with good CC she has to be nerfed!

Excalibur: Need I say more? NERF!

Octavia: Ridiculous camp frame. 3 of these and a Nekros can go soooo long in Survivals and THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE TO USE THEIR WEAPONS! NERF!

Equinox: Maim, maim, maim. Massive CC potential that lets you do lvl 500 without issues. NERF!

Wukong: Invulnerability! NERF!



...And so forth.

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On 2017/04/05 at 1:20 PM, MudShadow said:

This game is just not enjoyable to play when there is a Limbo present on the team. That is the sad reality of this Warframe, he is simply the most anti-fun element of the game right now. He has too much power and control over the enemies. To the point where he is actually controlling what other players in the game can and can't do.


ie I join a game and there is a Limbo present. He spams his AOE skills with max range. I can no longer deal damage in the effective Vacinity. I have to move to the other side of the map to be able to play the game and actually deal damage again. Either that or I can just stand there doing nothing whilst Limbo controls the entire flow of the rest of game. Bad design.

Feeling nostalgic with the old mesa here.

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I do agree that the limbo count is rather high but i feel he is just as good as any other frame which is how it should be maybe there might be in need for a slight nerf for cataclysm

as it feels like i one shot many enemies when used.  to think about it other frames are still better than limbo so a nerf may or may not be needed i feel undecissive.

Edited by Slayer116
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1 hour ago, Multicom-EN- said:

Yeah let's nerf Limbo! While we're at it, let's nerf the following frames too!

Titania: Dex Pixia wrecks absolutely everything, including lvl 100+ enemies with the proper mods on a Shotgun. Combined with good CC she has to be nerfed!

Excalibur: Need I say more? NERF!

Octavia: Ridiculous camp frame. 3 of these and a Nekros can go soooo long in Survivals and THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE TO USE THEIR WEAPONS! NERF!

Equinox: Maim, maim, maim. Massive CC potential that lets you do lvl 500 without issues. NERF!

Wukong: Invulnerability! NERF!



...And so forth.

My biggest issue isn't his power level.

The frames you named off are powerful, sure.

But I can play the game with them in my party. 

My issue with Limbo is he has this giant bubble that when combined with Stasis says I can't use my primary or secondary (unless I want to deactivate the Limbo's power...) within the area of effect.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Sheev, but melee only becomes irritating fast. 

I think a lot of people are okay with him power level wise, but are irritated with his mechanics. At least, that's where I mostly am right now. 

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1 hour ago, Sasori4Q2 said:

Feeling nostalgic with the old mesa here.

You know, I got that vibe too. 

Back when she would just insta-kill everything around her and what not.

Ya, while that was cool and all, it sure was boring. It got to the point where like every defense I did had one of her. 

It's getting that way with Limbo now... something about him making the cryopod literally invincible or something? 

I'm irritated with Limbo's mechanics more than anything, both playing with him and as him. 

But, as I've said before, I don't think DE will every be able to make Limbo into a form where he isn't at least slightly annoying. 

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I going to have to agree with most of the other Tenno here; either leave when a wild Limbo appears or simply make your own squad. If there is a Limbo troll in your squad it just means that they are either a jerk or they simply don't know how to play Limbo properly. 

This thread is also an example of why good things get nerfed. Please, as a notice to the community, do not cry nerf every time you are inconvenienced by another poorly behaving player. 

The main thing about Limbo is his ability to remove enemies and allies, from the battlefield. The fact other players are not able to return from being banished and cannot damage enemies in turn is the real problem. That is what really needs to be addressed. 

Limbo needs 3 changes to be viable: 

1) The first would be the ability to cancel an object from being banished without re-targeting them. Maybe just hold down his 1 to release targeted object? 

2) Give him a better 3 or simply do something akin to the new rework and when activated, simply let it stasis targets in the rift. 

3) Make his 4 useful... I never really use his 4 except for Mobile Defense missions. It is not very useful as most spaces are not large enough for a portion of them to be removed because the entire area is usually covered by the cataclysm. This defeats the purpose of being a plane of existence away from your enemies. 

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