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Gender of Warframes is starting to get unbalanced.


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1 hour ago, MagPrime said:

If the visual and kit has to be closely tied to the lore, then Loki doesn't fit, nor does Atlas.

Loki is known for illusions and tricks, the Warframe only has the one illusion ability and not a lot of tricks.  Visually, Loki doesn't even have horns.  Atlas holds the earth, not commands it, and visually, Atlas, well, he has a neck. :/

Hek, one of Atlas' abilities, turning people to stone, is a direct pull from another female diety, Medusa.


I'm just saying that since Loki and Atlas are depicted originally as male then it makes sense for that to be a part of their design in Warframe, same with Titania and Nyx.

If DE wants to pull from mythology and preexisting beings/creatures for some of their frame designs and that causes there to be more male frames than female frames it's not a big deal and is bound to happen. I think that mulling about a small difference in number is pretty pointless.

I've seen this same kind of conversation pop up here and it gets on my nerves, there's bigger problems with this game than the amount of frames with breasts being less than those that don't.

Edited by ArtisticLlama
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14 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I actually only play male warframes, it really doesn't help me to have more female frames. I just noticed that DE had been going for a pattern for years, and that it is getting a little away from that pattern. I thought it would be an interesting discussion. Personally, I think it has been an interesting discussion, and has been mostly respectful up until now. 

What's it to you? Why are you getting so bent out of shape because a discussion thread exists? You don't like the topic of discussion, you don't have to open and or read the thread. Are you so upset at seeing the title of a thread about the genders of frames that you had to click and come in and start off with some condescending reply? Because if so, I think the problem here is not with me. Have a good day. 

I see the virtue signaling is strong with this one

And it's wasn't the title its the fact that you even brought it up that annoys me

My problem is that we could be discussing more pressing matters, like the barrier for entry for new players, or how under utilized the syndicates are, or how some abilites just arean't up to par with whats needed in the game. But nah, you see a pattern of genders and decide to make a post about it talking about how many female warframes are needed to balance out the genders.


It's one big gender war fueled circle-jerk that has been happening for the past 3+ years when posts like these come up. And they all sound very genuine, but then sh*t will start to get crazy, people will start bringing up deitys and gods, then eventually religion gets thrown in there. And then discussions will pop up on the warframe steam forums and that can get horrendous in no time flat.

The crazy passionate people on both sides will start shouting back and forth at each other until the post either dies, or a mod shuts it down.

My side is the one where I don't want this crap to even start in the 1st place

Edited by ChivalricDeath
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I don't think it matters because they are actually mech suits and The operator which is what we actually are are the gender we choose them to be and can be switched anytime who cares if the genders are a bit unbalanced it's not as if this is the last frame to come out so maybe this would be more of a topic if [DE] said "hey we can't come up with anymore frames we only got about 2 more in us" than yeah I might be concerned with a gender imbalance but not if that number is as small as 3 and the first warframes were gender neutral or to be a gender swap of each other (Excalibur to Nyx) but not if it has the same balance it has now were you only need 4 female frames to stomp the entire male frame list 4 times over at once.

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Just now, ChivalricDeath said:

I see the virtue signaling is strong with this one

And it's wasn't the title it was what you said that annoyed me

My problem is that we could be discussing more pressing matters, like the barrier for entry for new players, or how under utilized the syndicates are, or how some abilites just arean't up to par with whats needed in the game. But nah, you see a pattern of genders and decide to make a post about it talking about how many female warframes are needed to balance out the genders.


It's one big gender war fueled circle-jerk that has been happening for the past 3+ years when posts like these come up. And they all sound very genuine, but then sh*t will start to get crazy, people will start bringing up deitys and gods, then eventually religion gets thrown in there. And then discussions will pop up on the warframe steam forums and that can get horrendous in no time flat.

The crazy passionate people on both sides will start shouting back and forth at each other until the post either dies, or a mod shuts it down.

My side is the one where I don't want this crap to even start in the 1st place

Lack of decorum noted.

Does the fact that we're having an open debate about this really bother you that much? If so, then I don't think we're the ones who have a problem.

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1 minute ago, ChivalricDeath said:

It's a debate now, but just give it a few days

Of those in the thread so far, you are the one who has been raising the most cain. Methinks you have a paired case of confirmation bias and self-fulfilling prophecy. You go in expecting there to be a flame war, and when you find none, you try to start one yourself.

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6 minutes ago, ChivalricDeath said:

I see the virtue signaling is strong with this one

And it's wasn't the title its the fact that you even brought it up that annoys me

My problem is that we could be discussing more pressing matters, like the barrier for entry for new players, or how under utilized the syndicates are, or how some abilites just arean't up to par with whats needed in the game. But nah, you see a pattern of genders and decide to make a post about it talking about how many female warframes are needed to balance out the genders.


It's one big gender war fueled circle-jerk that has been happening for the past 3+ years when posts like these come up. And they all sound very genuine, but then sh*t will start to get crazy, people will start bringing up deitys and gods, then eventually religion gets thrown in there. And then discussions will pop up on the warframe steam forums and that can get horrendous in no time flat.

The crazy passionate people on both sides will start shouting back and forth at each other until the post either dies, or a mod shuts it down.

My side is the one where I don't want this crap to even start in the 1st place

The fact you are using phrases like "virtue signalling" shows you care far more than anyone else in this thread, so maybe, perhaps, you should step back. 

You make predictions about "crazy passionate people shouting" and devolving the thread. It seems the only person trying to do that right now is you. Maybe you should take a deep breath, take a look in the mirror, and go do something else. 

Us talking about this doesn't take away from other discussions. Us talking about this doesn't hurt you. And apart from your disruption, this thread has been an interesting, polite and respectful discussion. Please stop disrupting the thread. Please and thank you. 

If you seriously just don't like the subject of discussion at all, and only wish to shut down any and all discussion on it, there are other topics to read and reply to. Why are you here if you just can't stand the discussion? You are not a moderator. It is not your job to tell people what threads to make. 

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1 minute ago, Corvid said:

Of those in the thread so far, you are the one who has been raising the most cain. Methinks you have a paired case of confirmation bias and self-fulfilling prophecy. You go in expecting there to be a flame war, and when you find none, you try to start one yourself.

Nah, I usually find the forums post late when there about 20+ pages of comments and it's locked. But thanks for the attempted psychoanalysis doctor

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Just now, ChivalricDeath said:

Nah, I usually find the forums post late when there about 20+ pages of comments and it's locked.

And in most cases, it's the people like you, the ones who try to shut down any discussion of the subject matter, who cause it to go that way.


1 minute ago, ChivalricDeath said:

But thanks for the attempted psychoanalysis doctor

Student, actually, and you are most welcome. ^_^

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It's a general knowledge of internet that when you ask for opinions it will come in full spectrum, so it's quite pointless unless it's a poll.

If you insisted it's not a bait... here take this instead... [aww i thought it hooked someone from 4th page]


Edited by Volinus7
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Why do people insist on suggesting I have bad intentions? It starts to get a little irritating after a while. This isn't "bait". I wrote an actual post to provoke actual discussion. More than anything, I am curious to know how much people care about DE's frame order thing. Because let's face it, it was never really called for by the players themselves. It's something DE enforced on themselves. 

And my question in the thread was basically, they seem to be moving away from this a bit, do most people care or not, and why? The answer from most people was "no" and the reasons were interesting to read. 

I posted this thread because I wanted interesting discussion on something that I observed upon noticing that the latest frame was male (something I am personally happy about because I prefer playing male frames for RP reasons). I shouldn't have to keep defending this. It's like I write a topic with the words "gender" and a bunch of young men get triggered and try to shut down the discussion completely because I used the g word. 

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1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

It's like I write a topic with the words "gender" and a bunch of young men get triggered and try to shut down the discussion completely because I used the g word. 

Sans the word "triggered" (which seems to have lost its meaning to overuse), I agree.

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14 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Yeah probably not the best word to use tbh, I used it for lack of thinking of a better word to describe what I meant. 


Some possible substitutes:

  • annoyed
  • peeved
  • get their knickers in a twist
  • have a hissy fit
  • b*tch and moan
  • whine
  • act like a bunch of pre-pubescent schoolgirls not invited to a party
  • (you get the idea)
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Oh no, this is a wrong that must be righted how could they lt this happen!
This is almost  as important as the why is there only a Space Mommy and no Space Daddy!
Complete inequality! Some one get Lotus on Tinder quick. 

We must correct both injustices at once.

(This was sarcasm) 

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I realized I never answered your question, Tesseract.

Should the Warframes maintain a 1:1 sex ratio?  I don't think it's required to enjoy the game.

Do I care if they do?  Not really.  Each Warframe stands on it's own merits and not it's genitals.  (Although, with those codpieces, some sure can try)

If it weren't for DE flat out saying "This one is Fe/Male!" on some of the new Warframes, I would view them as entirely androgynous.

I rather like that, actually.  It moves the attention from "tee hee, boobies" to "I just killed the entire map!"

Solution? TennoGen.  Allow the skin creators to make sex specific skins for the people that care enough to spend the money.

Edited by MagPrime
Missing entire sentences. wat
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