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Octavia’s Anthem: Hotfix 20.6.1


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Having Oberons heal affect Nekros shadows is somewhat useless since Nekros can heal them himself... Oberon has enough energy drain as it is without the addition of targets such as shadows (Yes I know the cost was reduced, but even so it's gonna be an issue)

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Now if DE gives him a way to regenerate power and a change to his ult so it drops health orbs on hit with some kind of cap to the number of these, then i will be happy as heck.


But now Oberon is in a MUCH better spot, if these 2 changes are implemented, the prime release will be really hyped. You know, cause Broberon :D

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9 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Pull, Magnetize, and Polarize can now be cast while in motion - their animations now only take place on the upper body. 

I feel that more of the abilities should be able to cast while on the move just like Ash's reworked smokescreen.

While Ash's smokescreen now can be casted while in motion but Loki's invisibility still cannot be cast while in motion, meaning it is stuck  in the casting animation while doing it during running or jumping etc.

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9 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Oberon Changes



  • Oberon’s Renewal Armor buff will be applied to allies anytime they step on Hallowed Ground while Renewal is active on them as opposed to them having to be on Hallowed Ground when Renewal hits them.


  • Oberon’s Reckoning Armor debuff is now based on the target's base Armor instead of current Armor (meaning no more diminishing returns).


Almost there.  At least the Hallowed Ground change makes it more likely that you can apply the armour buff to allies.  I had suggested making the armour buff/debuff fully separate of Renewal to remove the gating entirely, but this is at least helpful with the expanded range.

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To staff at DE ... I will no longer rage. I think you're a slow moving machine, but the changes (last ?) to Oberon are FINE, finally renewal feels not clunky anymore and no need to recast it every time. Thanks, Mag's changes are also very appreciated for the Mag enthusiasts.

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One thing that should be added:

You know how in arsenal appearance we can use mutation or metamorphasis to change the form in order to color the right way? Chroma need to be in that list ( Equinox and Nidus are the only two for now )

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Would love to see that, apart from changes to Mag, abilities like Magnetize, that either the bubble comes instantly, then a wait, or that the energy (and energy conversion buff) would be returned, if the enemie gets killed before anything actually happends. Love mag, but this is a major setback, but its not unique to Mag.

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13 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

 Mag Changes

  • Pull, Magnetize, and Polarize can now be cast while in motion - their animations now only take place on the upper body. 
  • Removed the .75 second delay at the end of Mag’s Crush cast.

I love Mag so much, This is soooo good! Thanks!


 Loki is like: OH! COME ON!! What about mehhh?! *Looks at Ivara and Ash going invisible with tears in his eyes*.

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13 hours ago, xXHobbitXx said:

i think you need to read properly, his projectiles always seek out other targets, its how it works, and there is a syndicate mod that does exactly what you stated hallowed ground should except its for reckoning lol

I mean exclusively different targets. One projectile for one enemy. That'd allow Oberon to chain Smite into Hallowed Ground into Reckoning or Renewal and cover a bigger area.

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Can we make it so Oberon doesnt require 3 Duration/Efficiency mods to reach max Efficiency with his Renewal or give him a flat cost? 

When healing a full team on a regular mission the best you can do for Efficiency is either 6.5 or 5.75 energy a second depending on wether or not Oberon is considered a Target in the calculations.

When there are 3 other frames that take what Oberon can do and do it better than him its kind of sad, for a Jack of all Trades we have the king of this description Nidus and then we also have Inaros, who has CC in his 1 opening enemies up to finishers, healing and invulnerability in his 2 for either himself or his allies, more CC in his 3, and even more CC in his 4 with a side of healing and more survivability for himself, and then there is Trinity with her out performing Oberon's Survivability, and healing capabilities with no mods.

The only real thing Oberon has is his theme of being a "Druid"

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