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[U21 Megathread] New Warframe: Harrow


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Just now, Firetrucksrule said:

Ocerkin was talking about it draining energy for the toggle, not shields. Use the ability and your shields are drained to nothing like normal, the energy/second cost is determined by how much shield you sacrificed. Sentinels should still be able to restore your shields instantly under those conditions

Then it just becomes another toggled ability and makes the whole point moot, though :/

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1 minute ago, NightmareT12 said:

Then it just becomes another toggled ability and makes the whole point moot, though :/

right now its "just another timed ability" whats the difference? whats the point?

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6 minutes ago, Ocerkin said:

right now its "just another timed ability" whats the difference? whats the point?

Cohesion in theme and execution.

Losing shields in exchange of buffs and lifesteal while doing that sweet animation is a well executed way to put the ability to work given Harrow's theme. Ever played Dark Souls III and used the Rose of Ariandel?

Having him drain energy like half the rest of the cast does is just... boring and out of place. It would also conflict with Thurible, meaning both abilities wouldn't be able to be on at the same time.

I don't really see why people ask for a change on this, specially since duration is also a stat you will want on him for the rest of his abilities. I don't really think DE will change it, but if they did it it would be absolutely terrible in a few aspects as per the above.

Edited by NightmareT12
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1 minute ago, Ocerkin said:

sadly i have a feeling thats actually a bug they are going to patch, they dont like the ability to effect enemies through walls

I'll keep my hopes up lol. If they do change that then I'll support a cone 100% though.

Oh and on the topic of your suggestion for the three, I think Harrow should receive energy from friendly kills at a significantly reduced rate if they change that. Maybe tie the amount into how many squadmates are present, keep it constant with the spawns, idk. There's three potential killing sources restoring his energy with your suggestion and I wouldn't want them canning his self energy regeneration as a consequence. If they got rid of his self energy regeneration then bye bye solo play lol. Otherwise I do like the idea.

For his four invulnerability and damage abosrbtion is shared by the whole squad, I think that's why they made the casting sequence so long. I could definitely get behind an agro draw for it, makes survival, especially solo, easier on the life support and synergizes well with defence


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Just now, NightmareT12 said:

Cohesion in theme and execution.

Losing shields in exchange of buffs and lifesteal while doing that sweet animation is a well executed way to put the ability to work given Harrow's theme. Ever played Dark Souls III and used the Rose of Ariandel?

Having him drain energy like half the rest of the cast does is just... boring and out of place. It would also conflict with Thurible, meaning both abilities wouldn't be able to be on.

I don't really see why people ask for a change on this, specially since duration is also a stat you will want on him for the rest of his abilities. I don't really think DE will change it, but if they did it it would be absolutely terrible in a few aspects as per the above.

It doesn't have to conflict with Thurible. I'm pretty sure there's still some exceptions for allowing energy regen or Trinity EV with toggles in the game, they haven't patched them all out have they?

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12 minutes ago, Firetrucksrule said:

It doesn't have to conflict with Thurible. I'm pretty sure there's still some exceptions for allowing energy regen or Trinity EV with toggles in the game, they haven't patched them all out have they?

I can't frankly remember to be honest, but I can't think of one off the top of my head except maybe Ivara's Artemis Bow.

EDIT: I see now Ocerkin's point. I confused it with another point in the megathread that someone else made, apologies for that.

I see the interest in it, but making thurible work with that could be wonky still. Hmm.

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1 hour ago, NightmareT12 said:

God no please. You say shields are too weak one second then in the other suggest the ability to work so it inhibits the shield regen.

I don't really want to see this kind of change in his second ability at all. At all. I haven't downed a single time when playing Harrow because of casting that ability, because I actually try to seek the right moment to turn it on -- I try to go away, cast it, return. Cast it when enemies are all dead and you have a brief moment of peace, etc. But this would be terrible D:

At all this, DE why did you add a time cap to that ability and why, for the sweet love of all that's good in this Universe, decided to nerf the Covenant ability at earlier levels instead of switching the values around OR buffing those. I was not expecting that approach when I reported such behavior, to be honest.

EDIT: A proper explanation as to why I'm opposed to Penance being a toggle:

  • Right now you can cast Penance and cast his first ability to regain shields again instantly.
  • A Sentinel can provide those shields back instantly.
  • The shields on a toggle mode wouldn't be regained, meaning any enemy damaging you is going to have its way. It also goes against the main advantage of shields: That they are regained naturally.

So right now, Harrow is a shield based Warframe. Everything runs around his shield. While we're still lacking the gating, there is an advantage in the way Penance currently works for his shields, as you can instantly gain them back in a number of ways, and even if you didn't you should be able to recharge them back pretty fast with the right mods. Because Fast Deflection and Fortitude are a thing still.


Really, try to give it more spins before asking for a change here, because I have had 0 issue with it so far. In fact I am basing my build around it and I'm thoroughly enjoying this for a change.

I'm not really a fan of the toggle either honestly.  However I would also say that if you're in a mission that is not survival the moment you step away for your Moment of Peace in order to use your nifty ability the enemies in the next area are already dead and you wander out to find that getting your shields back is going to take time.   In survival and defense the idea of "A breath of fresh air," is possible but again I question team cohesion and whether your experience matches other's.  It very well might but from what I have seen in survival, you duck out of danger, cast your 2, then cast your 4, then cast your 1 asap... then realize half of your targets are dead and target one shield lancer and get back a few shields!


In defense waiting between waves is possible buut your duration might honestly run its course before the action gets anywhere.

What is wrong with sustained support honestly?  This entire duration gimping mechanism for a frame that can't explode the world, or overheal the universe is a show of consistency to the theme that I think needs to finally be broken.  We saw it when toggling was introduced and there was some rejoicing, then Nidus came out and synergy and looping became a thing which works.  This is a step back into the old world of Warframe where the mistakes of the past were patched over, adjusted, revamped etc.

The central theme is speed and maintenance.  I think those are the points that need to address.  The Cone idea for 1 is neat but 'eh' I get it.  Nidus is in a straight line BUT Nidus also has a cc ability where Harrow's CC is his 1... so yeah I can see that.

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The first gripe I have with Harrow are very similar to the one I had with Oberon.


1. His energy restore buff is too hard to apply. Its range is too small. It's actually smaller than EV, requires a charge up where he can't do anything but move, the energy restore is delayed and it REQUIRES Harrow himself to get the kill. Don't get me wrong, he's a good solo frame but he's supposed to be a support and right now he's not doing a good enough job. Make the range of his 3 20 or 25. Also allow allies to proc the energy restore for themselves and Harrow. This would put his 3 more on the level as EV and he would be a viable replacement in every mission except raids. I think there should be less benefit to the energy restore when allies get the kill such as allies not benefitting from the 4x energy restore when they headshot.


2. He's a support and his 2 doesn't even give allies the buffs. His 2 should give allies the buffs(but not the lifesteal) for the duration but at say 50% effectiveness, not scaling with mods. Also remove the energy cost of his 2. Sacrificing all his shields and leaving him with so little health is enough cost. There's no need for an energy cost. His 3 is so energy heavy.


With these changes I could safely say that Harrow would be less frustrating to use and be a much stronger frame than before. Obviously no one is ever going to challenge Trinity but this would make him a viable alternative.

Edited by Jimmeh420
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16 minutes ago, Jimmeh420 said:

The first gripe I have with Harrow are very similar to the one I had with Oberon.


1. His energy restore buff is too hard to apply. Its range is too small. It's actually smaller than EV, requires a charge up where he can't do anything but move, the energy restore is delayed and it REQUIRES Harrow himself to get the kill. Don't get me wrong, he's a good solo frame but he's supposed to be a support and right now he's not doing a good enough job. Make the range of his 3 affinity range but not scale with range mods. Also allow allies to proc the energy restore for themselves and Harrow. This would put his 3 more on the level as EV and he would be a viable replacement in every mission except raids. I think there should be less benefit to the energy restore when allies get the kill such as allies not benefitting from the 4x energy restore when they headshot.


2. He's a support and his 2 doesn't even give allies the buffs. His 2 should give allies the buffs(but not the lifesteal) for the duration but at say 50% effectiveness, not scaling with mods. Also remove the energy cost of his 2. Sacrificing all his shields and leaving him with so little health is enough cost. There's no need for an energy cost. His 3 is so energy heavy.


With these changes I could safely say that Harrow would be less frustrating to use and be a much stronger frame than before. Obviously no one is ever going to challenge Trinity but this would make him a viable alternative.

I pretty much with everything you say here. Penitance already sacrifices the shields, so I can't really understand why it has an energy buff. Without energy it's hard to regain them back anyways since you won't have access to his chains.

As for buffs for teammates, I'd need to double check before I can say if it should stay at 50% or fully, but they should totally be shared.

As for the energy coming back from allies -- yes. As long as they kill the enemies in the area I can't see why it shouldn't be able to work for them too, same rules as if it was Harrow -- we're playing a team game after all, but I feel penalized for trying to.

Edited by NightmareT12
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Harrow is a frame that has a lot of potential, but over the last 2 days DE has been chaining him back up. I've been using him since release day and have a few ideas as to how Harrow can be fixed.

Stats (max rank): 

Passive: Overshield cap doubled. In addition to his overshield cap increase, give him a built in bonus shield recharge (Something like +50%? ).

Armor: 150 (armor doesn't affect shields, so leave as is)

Energy: 150 (increase to 250)

Health: 300 (decrease to 200)

Shield: 450 (increase to 600)

Sprint Speed: 1.00 (leave as is)

CondemnWiden this abilities cast range. Possibly increase the base duration to 8 seconds (from 6). Allow finishers to be dealt on all enemies that are caught by this ability. 


Penance: This ability reminds me of Scarab swarm and left me wondering why I have to sacrifice energy to sacrifice shields (which is what Harrow is built around). Remove the energy cost and the duration cap. Also, make Harrow invulnerable for the duration of the cast.


Thurible: This ability is kind of a difficult one. On one hand, its build up time is incredibly slow, but if it was increased it would turn into an energy hog. It also doesn't work well with dps frames like Ember and Excal.

 Before doing anything, I'd change the way energy is gained. If Harrow assists in killing an enemy (meaning he at least deals 1 damage to them and a teammate kills them) 50% of the energy will be given to all teammates affected by the buff. If Harrow doesn't deal any damage to the enemy and a teammate kills them, 25% of the energy built up will be given to all teammates affected by the buff. If Harrow deals damage and kills the enemy, 100% of energy built up will be given to all teammates affect by the buff. This would help with the problem of an ability only working if the caster gets the kill. 

I would then give Harrow a 50% damage reduction while charging. He's stuck doing nothing but running around and spinning a pendulum. 

I'd also remove the energy cost to activate the ability (the drain would remain).

And allow people to use emotes again with this ability!

Maybe allow damage mods to speed up the abilities energy build up a bit more (I know it already does, but it's so small that most people wouldn't even notice it. 100% strength allowed 7.3 energy per sec, while 262% strength brought us up to 11.8).

Other than the mentioned changes, I don't know how I'd fix the amount of time it takes to build up the energy per kill meter.


 Covenant: I want to like this ability, but there are a few things that need to changed. First, increase the duration of Retaliation by 3 (brings it to 15 sec). Then, remove the critical chance cap. This is the main reason why I look at this ability as a waste of potential. Capping an ability that can help your weapons scale?

Option 1: Allow every 100 damage to increase the critical chance of weapons by a certain percentage. For example, if the percentage was 0.75%, we'd gain 0.75% critical chance every 100 damage absorbed.

Option 2: Make the ability act a bit like the melee combo multiplier. Think of it as a milestone type of ability. For example, 100 damage = 1%, 1,000 damage = 10%, 10,000 damage = 100%, 100,000 damage = 1000%, etc.

Weird Idea: Maybe turn his 4th into a drain ability (affect by efficiency or duration)?


Final Thoughts: Harrow is a really good frame, but his abilities need to be a bit less selfish. Harrow shouldn't have to do all of the work to help out his team. In the state he's in at the moment, once he can no longer kill, he losses out on his energy ability (thurible). With no energy, he's left spamming 1 & 2 for his team. The management of 4 timers also hurts him a bit. Uncapping his 2nd ability would help a bit. When I first used Harrow, he instantly reminded me of a shield version of Inaros. His abilities have a lot of potential, but they're hindered by their selfishness (mainly his 2nd and 3rd) and handicaps (capped 2nd and 4th). If you've made it this far, I'd like to think you for reading my post and would encourage you to leave feedback of any kind.


TL'DR:  Widen condemn's cast range & increase duration. Remove Penance's cap. Rework Thurible. Remove Covenant's Crit cap.


While doing a bit of research, I came across a thread that talked about a bug. This bug made armor affect shields, which got me thinking of Harrow. Before Harrow was released, I thought he was going to be all shields and no health (basically the opposite of Inaros). Just makes me think of the frame he could've been if armor did affect shields (not trying to say he would've been way better, but a frame with all shields could have been pretty neat IMO).


For the Curious: 



Throw Away Ideas (dumb ideas): Add a 2 energy restored per kill passive for his 3rd. You could remove the timer entirely from his 3rd ability and let the built up energy start draining after a period of time. This would tie in with the 2 energy restored per kill passive (you'd want to remove the energy popups from the passive though). You'd use his third to increase the passives energy per kill and after using the ability it would stay locked at the built up energy mark for a short period of time (3 seconds?). After the period of time is up, it would start to decrease (a base decay of 3 energy per sec?). The decay would be based on efficiency and would end once it reached the passives 2 energy per kill. (thrown away for being too much of an addition)


Allow his 1st to steal the enemies shields (thrown away because it steals from mag's powers)


Weird Idea: Maybe allow this ability to drain his shields in order to gain energy per kill? (Most likely wouldn't work, but it's just a thought) (Thrown away because it would mess with his 2nd ability)

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Harrow is a support so he should execute the role of support better than he currently does. Right now his 2 doesn't apply buffs to allies and his 3 is too difficult to execute. Here's how to fix him.


1. His energy restore buff is too hard to apply. Its range is too small. It's actually smaller than EV, requires a charge up where he can't do anything but move, the energy restore is delayed and it REQUIRES Harrow himself to get the kill. Don't get me wrong, he's a good solo frame but he's supposed to be a support and right now he's not doing a good enough job. Make the range of his 3 20 or 25. Also allow allies to proc the energy restore for themselves and Harrow. This would put his 3 more on the level as EV and he would be a viable replacement in every mission except raids. I think there should be less benefit to the energy restore when allies get the kill such as allies not benefitting from the 4x energy restore when they are the ones that headshot but making it so Harrow does if DE really want to keep the theme of headshot support.


2. He does nothing while charging up his 3. Allow Harrow to cast his 1 while charging up Thurible so he's at least useful charging. This would make Harrow more interactive and less ''stand in the corner while charging''.


3. He's a support and his 2 doesn't even give allies the buffs. His 2 should give allies the buffs(but not the lifesteal) for the duration but at say 50% effectiveness(this is debatable), not scaling with mods. Also remove the energy cost of his 2. Sacrificing all his shields and leaving him with so little health is enough cost. There's no need for an energy cost. His 3 is so energy heavy already.


With these changes I could safely say that Harrow would be less frustrating to use and be a much stronger frame than before. Obviously no one is ever going to challenge Trinity but this would make him a viable alternative and that's all I ask from this frame.

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Add another vote for the 'why the nerf to harrows 2 DE, it wasn't needed'.  Clearly DE hasn't been looking at the thread where we say about harrows issues...

And so much for me adding forma to him over the weekend because DE might do another change that screws up my polarities.

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Are you sure Penance doesn't give allies lifesteal?  I was under the impression that it does, seeing as how he's a support frame.  If it doesn't, that's just a plain dumb decision.

I do agree it would be nice and useful to be able to do something else while channeling Thurible.  Right now, Harrow has two abilities that basically call for him to cower in a corner while they're being casted (Penance completely drains his shields; Thurible leaves him defenseless while it charges).

Harrow definitely needs work.  I just hope [DE] doesn't nerf him any more than they already have by capping Penance duration.  He's far from being an OP frame.  I don't understand why [DE] felt Penance was immediately worthy of a nerf.  Meanwhile, other frames can be invincible, invisible, and clear rooms with their abilities.  Harrow gets a measly lifesteal and they nerf it a day after he's released...smh...

Edited by Tizodd
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4 hours ago, Cris0407 said:

You're right but don't you think his passive and his THING Shields / Overshields are not used enough?


Someone gave idea for 2 Skill to be toggled and it should drain Shields... > @Phyrak

I have been summoned!

Toggle or switch like equinox 3 ability

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Okay, well I didn't expect to see such responses when I woke up this morning...

First of all, think of all the suggestions as if statements - one or the other unless said otherwise.

Condemn - if working as a cone akin to how frost is now. It would get greater use.

But the other option, energy return on hitting foe would be applied if kept in its current state to allow for spam-ability - not both at the same time.

As for penance, if you have played equinox; her 3 is a switch ability.

That is to turn it on and you can still benefit from it whilst gaining energy - quite unlike a toggle which means you cannot gain the energy.

Turning penance into a switch ability with some damage reduction/infintie time based on health would allow for buffs to continue, energy to flow and one less timer to focus on

Those two are the major issues that I've read from these last two pages

I hope it makes a little more sense with these explanations in hand

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3 hours ago, Firetrucksrule said:

It doesn't have to conflict with Thurible. I'm pretty sure there's still some exceptions for allowing energy regen or Trinity EV with toggles in the game, they haven't patched them all out have they?

Chroma Effigy still gets energy from EV

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4 hours ago, Firetrucksrule said:

In all the time I've been playing Warframe I always see the harshest criticisms for a frame not long after the launch. You can usually double that standard for frames that don't have direct damage abilities. Hell I still come accross people who think Banshee sucks, bad experiences just leave bad impressions on people. Either way I can agree that his one could use a buff, we'll have to agree to disagree on the extent of that hypothetical buff. I still would like to emphasize that the rest of OP's proposed changes would be a step sideways and a serious step backwards in my opinion.

IMO people are being over dramatic about him being "bad", but I think he does need a couple significant changes. 

The only really big change I would suggest is that allies within the range of thurible that get kills or headshots should also count for thurible and give energy to everyone in range -- even if at reduced effectiveness compared to Harrow himself. 

The only other things I would like to see are some quality of life things in terms of casting speed. The casting takes a long time for thurible, casting animation for Covenant is really long, and Penance seems to take your shield off in chunks, which can make it clunky to know when you can start that healing, and leave you vulnerable in the meantime. But those aren't even big issues, just mostly qol tweaks. 

If they would just make allies kills and headshots also count to give everyone energy, even if they didn't give as much as Harrow (like say only 50%) effectiveness, I think he would be in a great place. It's that one change that stops him from being the team player that he could be. He needs to get too many kills to make thurible effective for allies, but then you have the scenario where he either has to be getting most of the kills, which means he's being support and main dps, which doesn't make sense. Or the other true dps frames are dpsing so fast that he cannot kill anything and get any energy for anyone. This isn't an issue with Penance because Tenno tend to not have much max health anyways (apart from Inaros who has his own healing mechanics to take care of himself), and all he has to do is damage the enemies, not kill them. Getting in enough damage to top up the health of everyone in heal range is not something I've found problematic even with allies that kill quickly, thurible is another matter.

That one fix and IMO he wouldn't need anything more than the occasional qol tweak (which are stuff that we can live without). But without that, he will not ever be anything besides super good SOLO frame, imo. 

I just read some of your above concerns about energy regen. Think about it this way: Having three squadmates who can get back energy for Harrow and everyone in Thurible range isn't actually three extra sources of energy per say, because it is still limited by the amount of enemies there are to kill, and can be killed at a time, especially with headshots. Part of the problem people talk about is allies killing them before Harrow can kill enough, so when you think about it, you are always limited by the enemies around and how fast you can kill them. But still I agree reduced effectiveness would make sense. It also requires allies to stay way close than they would to Trin and still requires a lot more setup, so it would hardly be OP. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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The Penance duration cap is unnecessary and harmful, I prefer to build for long durations to make the most out of my sacrificing a bunch of shields. Harrow is already quite squishy, and I have to pop all his shields to even get the buff, so why not let me keep it as long as I can? How is it OP in any way?

Please Revert this change.


Allow us to at least use Condemn while charging Thurible: let us have some way to retaliate and not be passive while swinging.

Allow Penance to remove status effects when healing is gained.

Allow ally weapon kills to contribute to thurible's  energy gain-in teams with frames like Mesa for example, it becomes almost impossible to gain energy or do anything.

Please allow us some way to affect Thurble's charging speed.

And lastly,

The covenant change is very welcome. Thank you very much.


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This is a bit off topic.. but if you quickly use Penance after using Chains on a group, you'll gain shields during the flog animation that aren't used for the buff, leaving you with some shields to protect yourself.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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6 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

Really? 60 seconds are not long enough for your? This killed Harrow for you? Seems more like you looked for an excuse to not play him anymore.


6 hours ago, Chewarette said:

Yeah, unlimited Penance is clearly what DE wants. You should just ask DE to remove the spell and apply the buff as passive, that's the same as your request.

I don't see the point of complaining about this "nerf". Maybe you'll play with a bit lower Duration now, and you'll have to hit 2... once every minute, wow, what a big deal, literally unplayable

I'm more concerned about the fact they changed the numbers on his 4. I thought the rank 3 was too low, it appears it was the other ranks that were too high. Disappointed (a bit). But Harrow is still good and fun to play with right now.

It's more about how it doesn't make sense. Multiple people in this thread as well as other commented about how people thinks he's under powered and yet the first big tweak is a nerf. The basis of the ability is to sacrifice all shields to stack duration on the ability. With this cap in place it STILL takes all your shields for a much more lackluster reward. Penance already was barely useful but I enjoyed stacking the duration. The healing is nowhere close to overpowered, hardly even mid tier. Stacking Penance was almost a fun minigame of playing harrow and it's what made it fun for me, screw me for enjoying the little things I guess? 

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So, a few thoughts on Harrow's current skill set.

So, first off, I think that he's fairly well balanced against Oberon's rework right now, but he's lacking in a team environment at the moment, but we'll get to that.

Condemn is pretty straight forward.  Quick CC and shield regen you can toss out while reloading or shooting, and it works well.  Could stand to be a touch wider and last longer, but generally works well.

Penance is excellent in theory but falls somewhat short in execution I think.  Currently it only heals for a portion of Harrow's kills, which is a problem with all the AoE and punch through we toss about.  My suggestion is to let kills by allies proc the healing, maybe at the expense of smaller heals per kill the more players in the party to keep it roughly balanced?  Letting him move while casting is also a must.

Thurible needs some love, namely let it work on allied kills and increase the conversion rate as the skill gains levels.  I'd gladly trade a larger energy per second drain per rank if it means I can get it charged faster in combat.  The range also feels short at all levels.  Maybe boosting the range 5m at all levels?


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Harrow is not done, his kit is anti-synergistic in its current state and just needs a few tweaks to work properly.

His 1 needs more duration, that's really it. 6 Seconds base is a joke and it barely benefits from duration mods. You say you don't want abilities to be spammy but that's exactly what this is. Either make the base duration like 10 seconds, or allow the ability to be refreshed when cast on enemies.

His 2 needs to have the 60 second cap removed, that is bullS#&$. 

Everything else is fine.

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Nothing more satisfying then realizing your energy because there were too many enemies and you were alone.  Spam that 1 to no avail because you can only kill with weapons.  Fair enough!  Okay my bad for not paying attention to the energy management.  However, in my defense the last time I Thurbled I was shield knocked into oblivion because when I rounded a corner he charged me, I quickly pressed 3.


Harrow delicately slid the thurble into his pocket and then devoured shield and by devour I mean the shield left a permament imprint on his face that then matched the floor print on the back of his head, y'know due to the impact of having hit the ground.


Curse you thurble!  You are worst Mcguffin!


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9 hours ago, Tizodd said:

I was just about to create a thread on this.

The 60 second limit makes no sense.  Harrow is a support frame and Penance is his only "heal".  Harrow has to find a safe spot and sacrifice shields to get the lifesteal buff.  By no means is this an OP ability.  There's no reason to nerf it by limiting it's duration.  A small lifesteal that sacrifices shields and takes two seconds to cast is already pretty balanced.

Especially since at higher levels stuff just instakills you.

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