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[SPOILERS] Man In The Wall


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9 hours ago, PakkiTheDog said:

Anybody else heard "rap tap tap" while doing a random mission? I was doing akkad and than very quietly "rap". Ok, i'm hearing things...a few seconds later "tap". This is actually nice. Hope we see more of him. Maybe attack us like stalker?

You really want to see an immortal shadow trying to murder you in a quest?

Im much more want to utilize his power, you know he appears randomly at a defense run, you go talk to him and he goes like:

Okay, kiddo. Let the fun begin!

Then proceeds to chain and crush the enemies around him into meatchunks.

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10 hours ago, PakkiTheDog said:

Anybody else heard "rap tap tap" while doing a random mission? I was doing akkad and than very quietly "rap". Ok, i'm hearing things...a few seconds later "tap". This is actually nice. Hope we see more of him. Maybe attack us like stalker?

Harrow's 4 has a "Tap" when the invulnerability phase ends I think (probably a "Rap" when it begins though, didn't pay much attention).

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2 hours ago, arch111 said:

Tried repeatedly to make her show in the ship. Logged off, changed loadouts, went on missions, went to the relay, to Helminth,  walked as Operator. 

Nothing yet. Sad Tenno.

It seems a random as the Stalker appearing while you have a "Sortie super meta try hard loadout".

But there was a picture of him appearing after the Quest was long done with, but the granted way for him to appear is to really finish the Quest again.

Let me see if I can find it.

found it:


Edited by Kaotyke
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i redid the quest a few times and this happened

so basically he would loll his head from side to side and then laugh and kick back like in this picture .

TBH when i saw this instead of him just sitting there i got scared . thanks DE i won't be sleeping tonight.

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On 6/29/2017 at 7:50 AM, Sk3iter said:

i think i missed him is there any chance of him coming back?

There's a chance but it might be rare. I spotted him or her peaking from where my relic refinery is, and I didn't redo the quest for it to show. So there's a chance

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I was gonna replay the quest. I heard the 'hey kiddo' but I didn't see anyone, maybe I wasn't paying attention, maybe he was somewhere else.


But I don't think I want to replay it anymore.. 

I'm fine with Shadow stalker getting in my ship and try to kill me, but not this. Nope, nada


Also I think this 'Man in the Wall' is the thing/entity from the void that talked through is at the end of TWW.

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1 hour ago, Synataph said:

There's a chance but it might be rare. I spotted him or her peaking from where my relic refinery is, and I didn't redo the quest for it to show. So there's a chance

This is how it should be imo, and I am glad they are doing it like this. 

Instead of announcing that they can appear randomly (ruins the mystique, despite some people always wanting "transparency", there is something to be said about surprises), they just code it in so they appear randomly. And they make it rare enough that those who have it happen again may not always be believed, keeping the mystery and the spookiness. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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On 6/29/2017 at 1:38 AM, Fugana said:

I am neutral i didint drink the veil, i camp at the codex table for a while now and still no "hey kiddo" :( [and yes ive done the quest for Harrow] 

he should have appeared regardless of your quest result... However alignment does affect where "he" appears

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6 hours ago, NicholasGonnaSlay said:

After the "Hey Kiddo" thing, I'm now scared to even walk around my ship

same, after finished quest i just wanna take flashlight for making sure there is no spooky ghost watching in our ship...

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What does this mean anyway?


I've finished the quest already but I don't get why its in the quest or why its played through out the quest.


I like it and how its presented.


I just dont know why its there.


(FYI I loved the quest. Harrow, Octavia and Nidus's quests are really well designed and I wish there were more of these quests in the game.

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I remember someone saying that the RAP TAP TAP is supposed to represent Rell's sensitivity to stimuli.

Could also be an allusion to The Raven.

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. 
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door— 
            Only this and nothing more.” 


Edited by dreampuke
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