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Why do people hate Mag?


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She's not bad but not great either. I personally love her but she needs work. The issues I see with her is that her magnetize bubbles can get in the way of targeting enemies. And her ult is a bit underwhelming. Other than that her first is a good and cheap cc and polarize is a nice buff/debuff overall.

Also there was no reason for the last nerf of greedy pull to add line of sight to it. It was enough that they changed it so that it only works for Mag alone. I'd actually rather have it apply magnetic damage as buff to allies just like the rest of the frames based on an element like Ember, Oberon, Frost and Saryn.

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She has like 0 scale-ability, her magnetize can be pretty annoying to other players, she got too gimmicky with that whole "armor chunks falling off and adding extra damage" thing which feels like DE reduced the overall usefulness of Polarize for that gimmick, and her Crush is only good a low levels, since at higher levels its just a very expensive CC that only last for 4 seconds.

It really sucks because 3-4 years ago when Warframe was early in development she was my favorite and made the game a cake walk, but now the game has evolved and she didnt evolve with it.

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Too steep learning curve for most people to bother with, especially in a game where the point is not to stress yourself out too much.

She is pretty devastating in the right hands but absolutely horrible for the rest.

I think she needs work to make her 'user-friendly' to the masses.

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Because people want an easy game. Why is maiming strike the current meta? Cause it makes the game easy. Mag is in a bad spot I think. If DE buff polarize to percentage based rather than fixed value, she would be too OP, an scaling ability that can cover 2-3 rooms and remove all armor and shield after few casts is too crazy. But if she stays the same, people will keep thinking she's trash (which is not). I like mag too, I think she has a role of controlling the battle field, put all enemies into 1 spot for allies to kill but I'd like to have a new ultimate ability.

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You guys know what? It's funny to read all those people protecting Mag with their "Mag is for PROS", "noobs don't know how to play", "you don't understand her", "Leave Mag Alone!!!111", "She's the boss killer", "Mag is top DD/DPS" etc.

That's just stupid you know? Mag is as good as every other frame in this game, the only reason that she's useless in most situations is because she's very, very specific frame and simply don't fit. She can be playable for few of us, but most people prefer something... more universal.

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Mag would be perfect for me if DE took the time to rework the augment Shield Transference into something more fitting for Poloarize's current iteration with armor stripping. Right now it's only working for one side of what the ability does, which is adding overshields to the players. If the augment also added armor for whatever amount of armor is stripped per cast with the augment equipped, I'd be happy.

As it stands the augment just feels unfinished/neglected to how Polarize behaves now and it is only effective on 1.5 of the factions in the starchart (Corpus and Corrupted).

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I'll just go ahead and list a few reasons:

1: Her energy pool is tiny for such a spammy caster frame; it really needs to be closer to 225-250 at rank 30, because 150 just isn't enough.

2: Her 1 is very unpredictable in how it handles enemies; it can send them flying miles behind you, or shift them only a few inches, especially if they're already prone. This means it rarely, if ever, synergizes well with her 2. It needs more consistency.

3: Her 2, while a massive damage amplifier, doesn't work well with teammates due to it pulling all fire to the center of the bubble, meaning your squad often just isn't gonna hit what they're aiming for. It's especially bad if any of them are using accuracy-based weapons like Bows or Snipers. It's almost as bad as having a Stasis Limbo in your squad; once the bubble is up, the only surefire way of hitting things is melee.

4: Her 3 doesn't scale. If it did, it would be a great ability, but it doesn't, so at Sortie levels all it does is provide a small shield boost, and considering how bad Shields are at the moment, it's just not very helpful.

5: Her 4 is honestly one of the absolute worst abilities in the entire game. A weaker, non-scaling version of Frost's, Oberon's, and Rhino's 4 with a suicidal cast time that leaves you wide open to enemy fire (regardless of if you're in cover or not, before anyone says it; it's a horde mode game, enemies will just hit you from another angle) and does all of its damage in Magnetic, which is only useful against one faction, all at the cost of 100 energy at base.

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Well the most likely is that people dont like how mag plays and they dont play to any of her strengths at all.

aka not using projectile weapons. not using punchthrough etc

some people stare themselves blind on power strength when it comes to warframes. 

with max range:

her 1 is a 62.5 meters quick cc

her 2 is a 10 meter in diameter killzone that will take 25% of all damage dealt to it during its duration and hit everything not protected by obstacles in a 37.5 meter radius

i have enough duration on her to give the bubble tick damage of over 1k and explosions over 50k within those 37.5 meters. 

but for that you need to use the projectile weapons that benefit the most from magnetize like pox

2 shots is enough to strip a level 145 heavy gunner of all damage and because its cc from blast and magnetize it will take the full duration of all toxin procs as well as the raw damage from corrosive. 

Distant observers video here 


is a good example of how it works. 

Miter pre hotfix was another amazing weapon to use. 

Max range give her 3 a base radius of 20 meters which will expand for several seconds affecting a much larger amount of enemies. 

also with max range her 4 affects enemies within 45 meter which to give a gameplay perspective means i can stand at the pod on hydron and hit nearly the entire map due to its small tile size. 


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Old Mag was broken against one faction (stand and hit 3 for everything to die) and near-useless against all others. Some players ignored her entirely (starter frame whose design I loved, but I too ignored her after crafting other frames), some used her to cheese missions utterly. When new Mag came around, some players held onto their old beliefs and either became disappointed that Mag no longer cheese-nuked the Corpus, or never bothered to pick her up, expecting the same lackluster experience.

Post-update, Mag is as boring as you make her. It's really easy to stand in one spot, tag a target with 2 and roast a specific location for a period of time. I make Mag interesting for myself by getting enemies into specific places and then subjecting that area to high-damage doom. I use the bubbles not only for damage, but also as CC and cover, leaping around it to guide in enemy fire and ducking in and out to protect myself or protect it from Nullifiers. I try to time the bubble's collapse just right and Pull/Crush enemies to maximize the destructive power of the final explosion. Polarize for support and general utility. She is situationally good, since her damage is big but fairly stationary and can sometimes take a bit of time to ramp up. I overlook her for Exterminates, but I find her excellent for Defense, Excavation, and any other mission where the squad can camp out for at least a minute at a time.

She still needs some love in places. Her energy pool (or economy) could use a bump to match her costs (or at least allow players to be a bit freer with her power usage) Crush is alright but could use a bit more interesting synergy with the rest of how Mag do. I think the most constructive change to Mag would be to change not Mag, but rather the Magnetic damage type. It's resisted by the tankiest foes in the game and only supereffects Shielding. Magnetic damage in general needs to be made more relevant. Maybe shield-gating will help, who knows.

She is certainly one of those Warframes that boils down to preference. Some people just don't like Mag, and that's okay. Some let their preferences affect their assessment of a Warframes potency (ie: "I don't like her, therefore she is bad"). Others see her strength but just dislike playing as her, or with her. I feel this way about Frost -- he's decent, he gets the job done, but I don't like playing as him. At all, really. I like Mag. She controls specific spaces and you get to mess around with positioning, with the added perk of pretty good damage in specific zones. End of the day, it's up to you if you play her or not.

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This is obviously entirely subjective, but here are my two cents:

The first reason for why I dislike Mag is that she is UGLY. Her default fishbowl helmet looks stupid, her alt helmets suffer from looking either squished or just plain weird and the worst offender is her prime helmet with that hideous cyclops thematic. She does have some decent Tennogen options, but I could never justify dropping cash on a frame I so strongly dislike.

The second reason is that she hinders the gameplay for everyone else in the squad. When you have the displeasure of having a Magnetize Mag in your team you have three options:

if you have a projectile weapon such as a Supra, you can shoot the bubble and chuckle at the bouncing bullets for a second or two before it gets old and then draw your melee weapon.

If you have a hitscan weapon, you can shoot the bubble and curse at it for blocking all your shots and then exclusively use your melee weapon for the rest of the mission.

If you don't have your melee equipped, you're SOL. Have fun looking at the funkiller bubbles for the rest of the mission.

Also, here's a fun quirk of the bubble: all the kills are attributed to Mag. Have fun if you have a bubblehead bubble-spammer in your squad while you're trying to level a gun. Granted, there are very few times when I appreciate having a Magnetize Mag in my squad. She's decent against some bosses.

Anyway, those two are my major grievances with Mag and why she's my least favorite frame in the entire game.

Edited by Shaonia
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7 hours ago, YandereWaifu said:

i dont really think it hinders game play too much as you can always just shoot round it from another angle or step into the bubble and shoot out of it using it almost like a frost bubble  or just ignore those enemies and focus on other targets as the bubble will likely handle any targets that come close and then nuke any others that didnt. At the end of the day, while wanting kills isnt inherently, it is a bit selfish as so to do other players. as bad its kinda expected that you would be annoyed when a mag drops a magnetise and nukes everything, however i feel like there are worse abilities out there such as sound quake, WOF, spore, maim. its always strange to me that people complain they cant play when i use magnetise when playing mag but no one complains about the equinox or the ember. ive even had moments in hierachon where i was carrying with my magnetize bubbles and people complained most notably and recently the banshee who claimed i made the game boring for them and that my bubbles were pointless (even though funny enough i decided to test this and didnt use magnetise for a while and well they proved to be VERY incapable of defending the excavators without them). sometimes people just need to shut up and suck it up.

That would assume another angle would be possible, or practical. A magnetize in a doorway, no. Moving away from the defense target, no. Magnetizing a target next to an enemy capping an interception point, no. And the bubble taking care of the enemies would assume they actually walk close enough to the bubble, nothing about the enemies that aren't. Not everyone make kills at a close range.

Sure it might kill, eventually, but in most cases it's just pointless delay that can be avoided if someone else just outright killed the target. Killing 15 in an instant but having to wait for 10 seconds for the ability to expire is the same as killing 15 within 10 seconds.

I'm not really complaining about nuking, even though I wouldn't really choose magnetize as a nuking ability... I'm bothered by it blocking my shot.

But yes, I get that sometimes not taking damage is the more important aspect, like Defense, as with Frost Globes and Limbo Stasis, so I don't mind that. Even though Magnetize is a less consistent version of Frost in that manner.... What I do mind is when it is more important to rack up kills as fast as possible, like survival, and the bubble just delay kills. It's a hindrance, just as much as Stasis. Oh sure it can kill multiple enemies in an instant, but the time to reach that point pretty much negates itself.

Mag works well by herself, and the player that knows what they're in for. But just as with a lot of the frames, it doesn't work well with others.

But whatever, I can't change the way that people play. It's barely a co-op game in the first place, contrary to what the tag says on the Steam page.

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My philosophy on dealing with the Mag hate, ignore it. If you're good with her and like her, then play her and kick some backside.

Best way to shut people up is to consistently wreck face with her.

Granted, it probably won't shut some of the people on the forums up, but I don't think there is any force on Earth will do that.


Edited by Silvus-Sol
I'm not saying she is perfect, but she is definitely not "bad".
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If you want to hold a choke point, Mag is the frame for you bar non IMO.


But that is unfortunately about it. She is competent in every game mode, but is very meh unless she has a choke to hold down. 


Pull has little synergy with her other abilities, which is sad because Magnetize is just begging for synergy. And while it is okay on its own, it is often more aggravating than useful. 

Magnetize should be the foundation the rest of her abilities are built on, but instead it is her one silver lining.

Polarize is... meh. Doing percent based damage to enemies is just stupid and a horrible band aid, so thank god it is gone, but without it Polarize needs a bit more of something to make it worthwhile.

Crush is Crush... the augment has some great synergy with Polarize and Magnetize that for some reason I never see anyone bring up, but on its own it is boring in every way. IMO Crush should just be scrapped entirely and be replace with something that better meshes with the rest of her kit. 


Oh, and she has an insane amount of energy required to do anything. IMO she could use a mechanic akin to Nidus or Octavia where Mag can regen energy on her own. 


Mag can get work done, but her design kinda sucks. 

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because the rework was a failure


the goal of the rework was to make a good new player frame, an alternative to excal for new players, but this rework has a massive skillcap required to function and also requires specific builds to truely shine (specific builds, by the way, being not only mods being a certain loadout but also you need specific weapons and forma on those weapons to function). Heck you can even see posts on this thread from elite mag players saying how you need to "git gud". yah, you hear that new player? git gud or uninstall.


....or you could pick excal, stick any mod set up you want and do well.

remind me how she is "a good starter alternative to excal"?


if we look closer at the changes, there's a lot of stuff in there that makes no sense too. the bonus damage makes sense on a caster dps frame, but people play mag for utility. all the "bonus damage" you see in her tooltips was DE trying to deceive the playerbase (unsuccessfully) into thinking they buffed her through raw damage buffs. on the dev stream you constantly heard "polarize spreads like molecular prime", probably to correlate it to one of the strongest powers in the game, again, probably to deceive the playerbase into thinking they gave her something just as powerful as M prime.

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Ngl I think current mag is the strongest she's ever been. You can't take damage from bullets while you stand your in magnetize, tons of damage to every faction besides infested, good CC, and a still bleh ultimate. I do find it ironic how mag does more damage to armored targets than shielded targets though. That's my personal opinion though.

Edited by FoxsongHD
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1 hour ago, Obviousclone said:

....or you could pick excal, stick any mod set up you want and do well.

remind me how she is "a good starter alternative to excal"?

Tbh, if I started now I'd pick Excalibur solely so I wouldn't have to fart around with RNGwall that is Animo Beacons. That alone makes him the best starter regardless of playstyle.

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