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Tennocon [2017]: content thread


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1 minute ago, kyori said:

Hydroid prime is looking very good. The only frame that has a real samurai feel to it. Good job to whomever designed it.

The one who designed oberon prime.... needs to be fired.

Good thing he's already gone then, huh.


Edited by Valiant
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Also, I dont want any of the aforementioned primes. melee wise TBH. There are still melee types that hvnt been primed, so I

d like to see one of each before repeats of the same. Still missing, Whip,  Whip sword thing, Single Dagger, Hybrid,  Machete, Nunchucks, rapiers, Sparring, and tonfa's

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DISCLAIMER: Dear Haters, I'm about to communicate "My Opionion" about The big TennoCon Reveal. So, even tho you don't give a damn anyway. I'll advise you to channel your strenght into something more productive, then telling a Stranger online to go f*ck himself. Thank you for your "Attention".


Good Evening,
As we all have witnessed. The Hypetrain Umbra that speeded away on that certain DevStream, now crashed into the Wall of misleading Disappointment called "F*ck your Hopes and Dreams!". For thoose who not know what the Hell I'm talking about, no worries I'll make it short and painful:


Now that you returned from screaming out your Despair, i shall continue.

This. is Hydroid Prime. practiclly enough said. some say Hydroid is underrated. some say Hydroid s*cks. I find myself in the middle of thoose two parties. I don't hate him as for another A**plug tipping MoFu, but I don't thoroughly enjoy him either. to me his abilities feel "empty" as refference:

Expectations: "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!"
What you got: *puddle*

like that kind of empty, if you catch my Drift. Which one of the Drifts however is your Decision. Speed Drift in my case. Now that we got a S#&$ty pun out of the way. Let's continue.

Basiclly Hydroid and Hydroid Prime in General in my Eyes:


Oberon to Oberon Prime Fashionwise:


I think [DE] playes favourites. Oberon is a good Frame however his looks are... well the picture above explains it well. And Hydroid who feels empty gets a Damn good looking Prime version and Oberon Prime gets more diabetes and an Accordion for a Neck.


Hydroid Prime looks fantastic. Hopefully he gets a Rework which is just a fantastic. 


Good day.


EDIT: i take back everything ive said about Umbra. appearently i should watch the stream till the end xD

Edited by GameOrDerp
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14 minutes ago, ShadowStalker said:

i mean they paid to go there and also help people if they really wanna sit through and watch nothing for a whole hour

Many people who weren't able to get off work to travel to Canada for a single day Con also paid for a Digital ticket.  I don't see why covering this sort of stuff in the Livestream instead of this heavy focus on these ridiculous YouTube personalities is bad and I believe that's what the person you quoted was trying to say.

I don't care about people who play Warframe on YouTube and happen to have enough followers to get verified by DE.  I do care about upcoming game stuff and updates and they are focusing far too heavily on the former and not enough on the latter.

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Just now, Ker-Blammo said:

I think it's awesome, but I assumed everyone already expected that. I'm assuming there is going to be a bigger reveal than that?

It's DE we are talking about it, I doubt there will be anything bigger than Undertow Prime announced during this TennoCon.

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17 minutes ago, Ceryk said:

How exactly does the Attica fit in with his obvious pirate theme? The Nami is a Cutlass so there is no way it wouldn't have been picked.

he launched with the nami and the attica, and we've been needing a prime crossbow for a longtime, and I guess people (including myself) hoped they'd go with the oldest one that doesn't already have a syndicate variant.

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Hydroid Prime isn't really surprising. Design looks pretty neat.

I'm seeing a lot of people on the subreddit saying that it's Nami Skyla Prime, but I can't find any confirmation (hope they're wrong, prime machete would be better imo).

Ballistica Prime is unexpected. Would rather have a prime crossbow, but as long as the stats are good, it doesn't really bother me.


Edit: Ok, so it is Nami Skyla. That's pretty disappointing. We already have plenty of great dual swords and Nami Solo Prime would've been a great contribution to a weapon class that's lacking.

Edited by UvBenServed
Saw OP edit w/ pics
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