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Plains of Eidolon


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3 hours ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Yeah no. Every MMO ever created has this problem. A chaotic mass of people spamming a boss for 5 minutes until he dies and drops RNG loot. Visually that's just boring and quickly looses its "epicness" in favor of a feeling of relative impotence. In a 4 man squad you can make a dent into the enemy boss, no problem, but in a mob of 30 with an appropriately scaled enemy whatever you do will feel extremely weak.

Maybe as just a exploring group, bosses if they are in this sandbox of a world will have a player limit to how many players can fight the boss as a squad. So if there was a group of 30 people, there could be 6 groups of 5 fighting the boss on their own

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20 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

The game's engine can't handle rooms any larger than what we have now, though.

Don't know the world they showed at tennocon was pretty huge with the 3x3km field. And as you can use archwings to get around and you have mountains there could be alot of hidden small things to find. Not for any gain more then the challanges they allready have just something to go for while exploring.

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3 hours ago, GrayArchon said:

I'm curious as to how they're gonna explain this colony being untouched by the major factions. The Corpus clearly know about it, since they hang out in the market, and the Grineer are literally just outside their doorstep.

The corpus you see in the trailer could be the perrin sequence. I wonder if any of the syndicates will play a role in this colony. 

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1 hour ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Were you here when the War Within released? You should take that date with a grain of salt.

Difference is, 2017 is a big time frame, that's why they're not setting a month or anything

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5 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

So, if the towers are like bodies... where do we get out from when we exfiltrate? Or gosh... WHERE do we INFILTRATE from?!




...it's like that, but with a spaceship. It is not our proudest moment as Tenno.

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30 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

Forgive me if my musings wax pretentious, I only mean to explain, rather than simply state, that naming is usually complicated.

And that's fine! Some people enjoy giving their weapons silly names, others revel in the deeper roots of their cultural backgrounds, drawing forth inspiration from their ancestors when branding a blade. Speaking of European name origins for weapons, the primary reason for naming one's weapon in Scandinavian and Celtic cultures was the belief that a name gave the dull steel life, giving it and its wielder strength and valor in battle. Other weapons are named not by a warrior, but by his enemies for its might and ferocity, such as the Excalibur.

In other parts of Europe, during medieval times, a weapon was named for a myriad of other reasons. At the time, money was scarce and a weapon, scarcer. A knight would be deathly proud to own even a shortsword, and bursting with righteous happiness when in possession of a fearsome broadsword. In honor of this rare privilege, knights would then name their blades to show off their wealth. In addition, because of how dark the Dark Ages were, knights would sometimes name their weapon, shield, armor, horse, saddle and even clothing just to have the slightest illusion of companionship in a time of strife. It's not completely bonkers, as a knight's gear would keep him safe and as gratitude, a knight would treat said equipment as more than just material goods.

The Eastern side of the world works similarly, although they prefer more direct names in some cases. Take for example, how the Japanese name some of their weapons. The Tonbokiri is a fabled spear said to have such a sharp edge, it can slice a dragonfly in half. And it's name, 蜻蛉切, literally means "dragonfly cutter"!  The famous Chinese Tonbo Guandao wielded by the warrior Guan Yu is named the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, or the 青龙偃月刀. Not too fancy (or cool-sounding), but it's allegedly forged from the scales of a jade dragon. Allegedly.

In conclusion, is naming complicated? Heck yes! You're alright, Dreddeth, different people will take different views to naming, and that's fine! We can't have everyone swagger around with sexy weapon names such as Kusanagi, Durendal, or Elucidator! We need a fair share of cute, silly names like the fearsome, wrathful, almighty...



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2 hours ago, MVReed said:

Nope, it's coming this year, it said 2017

Yeah, exactly. DE never meets their self-appointed deadlines, so January 2018 at the earliest. (just joking, please don't hurt me or my post)
But for real I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't come this year. In need of a new pc myself though, so perhaps that's not all bad.

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i watched the livestream and read an article about it earlier and pretty sure.. the new area is based in earth so it's just gonna be another area you can go to on earth? it won't remove or replace the current stuff in the game. and then each instance of the open world can hold around 50 or so players? but then the missions and boss fight things are still 4 player teams.

my memory is very bad though so even though i only saw it earlier today could have easily remembered wrong lol. then someone can correct me.

i'm just worried because the new remastered earth lags me to heck. get really bad FPS drops which don't happen anywhere else in the game that i can think of. so hope this new thing isn't also gonna be lag city. 

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2 hours ago, MVReed said:

I get around ~10 fps on earth now. It's not optimized at all. Around 20-30 fps on normal missions

Oh I haven't checked out the new Earth stuff. I actually haven't jumped in for a few months now lol. I just know they did a lot of resource and loading optimization some time back, and it helped.

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I hope so, but probably not.After Earth been remastered I constantly losing about 50-30 % of FPS, and even when some option like volumetric lighting and high quality shaders turn off that does not help too much. And let's not forget a infested room - massive FPS drop after so many "fixes" and "optimization".

To those people that saying they can not support toasters forever I want to point out this thing - on part with the fact that warframe has cool concept and great gameplay one of main reason of success was great optimization for low-end systems, this this also contribute to why LOL still king of MOBAs despite fierce competition.


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Everything you saw today at Tennocon is happening within 2017. That has been said. So, within 5 months. Given that they have spent 6 months on it already, I'd say it is only 1-2 months away. Possibly 3-3 and a half months for bug fixes and improvements, etc.

But that's just my two cents.

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Just now I was talking with a warframe player about what would happen with the experience of people who have done Quests and content Solo for most of their playtime:

Think about it, this is going to be Open World, we don't even know if a server is going to be dedicated to house a single instance of the Plains of Eidolon and all the players running in it, or have multiple plain instances running to keep population not so contaminated (if so, you better prepare some titan-class servers, DE), but single instance or not, assuming the areas you're directed to in a quest aren't randomized across the plains, you're going to see almost a herd of users running the same way, and people killing things before you get there, esentially getting carried.

So I thought about this: Why not have the areas of the plains that are meant for general gameplay/messing around be multiplayer, and (if the player chooses so via a prompt or something), have the immediate area of an objective transition said user to single player, so no other payer carries him/"ruins" the solo experience? The player could also have this prompt since the beginning, and if he chooses solo, he would not appear to anyone, and no one to him, but his instance is still there in the plains.

Also I think if it's a player's first time in the plains, and if there's going to be some sort of tutorial, it should take place in SP/Offline, and once that is done, once the player crosses the doors (if those even stay in the final product), transition to multiplayer.

Just my suggestion on satisfying both Multiplayer and Single player enthusiasts.

(I think Destiny does something like this)

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2 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

Is that a hole and you're asking if someone is on the other side?


Don't make a joke.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  Don't get banned.  



"harrow from the other siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide"


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3 hours ago, SoulStealer10 said:

And what about those white trees all around the towers, maybe they transmit messages from a central brain or AI, we can see the same thing on the operator room.

Also on the moon

Now that you mention it, I always found the white, calcified sort of color odd for the plants, but always overlooked it. Now, I can't help noticing how much they look like the synapses of a brain as they process a thought.

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4 hours ago, Tangent-Valley said:

If you look at Lua there's some broken Orokin walls there, and at first they APPEAR to be filled with some kind of Concrete or Stone substance...

That may actually be just building material in regards to specific habitats. This structure strikes me as being more unique and specialized by comparison to other structures we've seen.

4 hours ago, Tangent-Valley said:

Many times in Science Fiction Bio-mass has been used inside of technology, for one reason or another, to grant it more power, flexibility, and over all strength in some way. (Thought travels faster than light in some Theories, so Scientist creating energy pathways using literal Brains and Quantum energy-what's-it. Etc.)

I've been encountering this concept a bit more in some comics that I've stumbled onto more as of late. What if in fact the key to the Orokin empire's expansion and versatility was rather based on the fact that they literally grew some of these key structures more so than anything. Like I said, this structure strikes me as more unique and specialized. Maybe that's exactly the case and why it's a living structure as opposed to what we've seen in the void or otherwise. If you fail a Kuva siphon, Worm talks about trying to rez her sister. Maybe that is the inherent purpose of this structure or structures similar to it. To resurrect and build the Orokin masters new bodies as opposed to what appears to be GTA Orokin addition of host bodies. After all, they do say it's one of the last of these kinds of towers.... that we know of....

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Granted, if I'm going to name my weapons anything, I'm skipping my 1920-something book of "Good Names for Boys and Girls" (You know it's from the 1920's because it lists "Benito" and "Adolf."), and going straight for the fictional languages.

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4 hours ago, DogManDan said:

Sorry that you can't roll with the changes and expansion of the WF universe. Nobody will miss you when you leave though so don't worry about it much.

Sorry, but I didn't expect such a shallow quote from u. WF is hectic horde shooter, testing not only your reflexes and reactions during combat but also your logic and brain during modding and this is main reason why me, my friends and, I guess, majority of players play this game, not a running thru wasteland (even if it looks amazing, like was presented, imo DE has 1 of the best graphic team atm) from Point A to Point B to kill bunch of Grineer to get C and then run back to A to finally got D. I hope and I will really appreciate that DE will not fall into this Cliche of most MMO games. Teaser had 16min, it's around 2x Rotation, when I cut Steve's intros.

Edited by (PS4)Onder6099
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i think that the city part is like a relay, and when you walk across the door you enter with your teammates only, otherwise as you said they'll need a really powerful server, ruin the experience of who like to run solo and ruin the experience of players with no so great connection/computer that with tons of other players are just going to lag all the time
y big question is, how many player in a squad? 4 like normal? 8 like trials? more? i think that we have to wait for this, but i hope that the boss is doable in a 4 man squads (or even solo with hard challenge)

Edited by Fiftycentis
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6 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

This confirms my theory, that the Orokin were very good at biotech, to the point where they impregnated their buildings and ships with living tissue / neural fibers to help control various systems. The way I see it, they set up the basic frame of their towers, clad them in sealed cladding, and then triggered tissue growth within the walls.Once the living tissue had finished expanding, the Orokin would them implant tech into the tissue to allow for manipulation of the biotech systems. in addition to serving as a neural network for relaying information, the organic tissue would also process and probably recycle any waste and provide natural insulation to the denizens of the Towers.



That seems like the most possible interpretation. Just goes to show how... weird the entire Warframe universe is. Forget about warriors powered by dark-energy from magic land, the buildings are made of flesh! 

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