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DE, Seriously. Lua Rescue Sorties are NOT FUN


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Only one portal can be open at any one time, and there's usually four, takes time to hack, takes time to check, and with the auto alarm, it's literally up to pure luck whether you succeed or not. I jumped on to do my sorties, looked at the list, and NOPED right out of the game. I don't want to be forced to take a liset, and pray my entire team has liset, and pray my team has air support charges, just to have any sort of chance to actually find the operative before they die horribly screaming and send me back to Ordis' smug face with a massive, in your face, FAIL plastered on my screen.

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Once you learn the mission it is actually not bad.. For example, in my first run I found the secret entrance so you don't have to open the door. Also the best tip for this mission is that when you open the right portal the operative says something so you do not need to check each portal.

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1 minute ago, Kurokoz said:

Also the best tip for this mission is that when you open the right portal the operative says something so you do not need to check each portal.

This I did not know. It was not telegraphed very well, that's for sure. Thanks for that let know. Still not a fun mission on sortie for me. >.>

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10 minutes ago, Kurokoz said:

Once you learn the mission it is actually not bad.. For example, in my first run I found the secret entrance so you don't have to open the door. Also the best tip for this mission is that when you open the right portal the operative says something so you do not need to check each portal.

It's barely audible, and I find myself removing communication sounds to listen to music.
The Comm. screen with the operator face only appears when you actually enter the room so that's a no-no as well.
It's also all up to luck if 4 teammates are hacking at the same time and all suddenly complete their hack one after another

I've heard of the secret hole, never did search for it because of the Automatic timer.
I could go in a normal Lua Rescue and search for it, or I could keep going through what's considered the "Normal" route while fighting off enemies, but I'd rather not fight against my teammates and RNG over which portal is the right one.

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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Just now, Aeon94 said:

It's not bad , just hack consoles till rescue target says " Hey , I'm in here " then jump into portal. You know there is also regular version of that rescue , you can practice there.

Practice getting lucky to find the right portal. It's not an issue of stealthing in, since the minute you open the door, the alarm goes off, and the timer starts. It's not a matter of practicing hacks. It's a matter of hoping you get the right portal the first two tries, since you can only open one at a time.

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6 minutes ago, AshenSwift said:

Practice getting lucky to find the right portal. It's not an issue of stealthing in, since the minute you open the door, the alarm goes off, and the timer starts. It's not a matter of practicing hacks. It's a matter of hoping you get the right portal the first two tries, since you can only open one at a time.

If you need more time, bring air support charges and make sure you have the Liset landing craft equipped. It's Override will buy you a few more seconds, which should be plenty of time to hack all the consoles.

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The problem is that the Sortie version has some additional rules that combine with the Lua map in ways that makes it *way* more difficult than normal, even for a Sortie Rescue.  The big ones being that it's not possible to sneak in and avoid setting off the timer.  In normal Rescue mission, you're encouraged to be stealthy, because if you can kill all the Wardens you can take as long as you want to get the hostage.  For Lua Sortie, there's a one minute timer that starts (I'm fairly sure) the moment anyone enters the outer room.  If people don't know about the secret passage, you lose fifteen or twenty seconds hacking the door and waiting for it to open (it's slow) and then probably a few more dealing with the almost-certainly-an-eximus guard.  The few times I tried it, everyone started hacking consoles at once, so no one had any idea which one opened the correct portal, and that's on the runs where the guard didn't just murder everyone because each player assumed someone else would deal with him while *they* did the hacking and saved the day.

I tried Lua Sortie Rescue missions on about six different occasions. with probably ten or twelve different groups.  I think of those, *one* succeeded, and I'm reasonably sure that it did so more or less on accident.  Now, along with Radiation Hazard and Assassinate Infested Alad V, Lua Sortie is one of the "Nope, I'm not even going to bother today" mission types.  I skip Lua Spy as well, but that's because I don't like the parkour system in general, rather than any issues I have with the Sortie version.

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@UvBenServed Just going to refer you to the op about not wanting to be required to hope my team brings lisets and air support.

@EmberStar the level 100 assassinates are annoying with the armor scale, but not the worst. I still do those. And the lua spy has a few tricks to them that let you skip most of the bs. and if you take Ivara, you can just dash wire through most of it.

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11 minutes ago, AshenSwift said:

Practice getting lucky to find the right portal. It's not an issue of stealthing in, since the minute you open the door, the alarm goes off, and the timer starts. It's not a matter of practicing hacks. It's a matter of hoping you get the right portal the first two tries, since you can only open one at a time.

Practice the normal one if you want to find the alternate routes, lmao. Do not expect to be able to do that in the actual Sortie. 

Besides, you can also use the Liset's special ability to pause the timer for a while. While it's the most difficult Rescue Sortie, it's not that hard either with the right tools.

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15 minutes ago, AshenSwift said:

 It's not a matter of practicing hacks. 

It very much is. If you can't hack fast, you won't get many turns. If you can hack fast, you can easily get all 4 if the last one happens to be the correct portal.
And why do you pray your entire team has air support charges?  Your own gives you enough time. The game gives you the tools, use them.

They key to do this fast, you are either using an invisible frame or you are using a tanky frame. Ignore the guards and bulletjump straight towards your preferred shortcut and get in that room and destroy the two turrets and start hacking.  If with other people, tell them ahead of time that only ONE person will hack.

Edited by MystMan
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 I don't want to be forced to take a liset, and pray my entire team has liset

That's where you went wrong.

There's no "team" in spy and Lua rescue. It's a solo mission. Because not nearly everyone knows how to complete Lua rescue. Yes you might run out of time once or maybe twice but if you're alone no one can possibly screw you over because they don't know what they're doing. All you need to do is to hack a console and listen. If you hear "I'm here" go into the portal. If you hear nothing, keep hacking.

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I skip Infested Alad V days because of the mechanics of the fight.  He spends most of the time completely invunlerable, so it's just a massive slog trying to gnaw him to death.  Especially if it's an Eximus Stronghold or bonus stats or bonus elemental damage day.  The fact that the few times I tried it he seemed to make a special effort to target me with the collar (or I just really suck at avoiding it) added a bit of bonus "bleh" to the cake.

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26 minutes ago, AshenSwift said:

Practice getting lucky to find the right portal. It's not an issue of stealthing in, since the minute you open the door, the alarm goes off, and the timer starts. It's not a matter of practicing hacks. It's a matter of hoping you get the right portal the first two tries, since you can only open one at a time.

Your hacking skills are required there and yes you can hack all in time limit. Also don't understand why'd you reject using Liset Support if you struggle with hacking those consoles ? Bring right tools for the job.

Almost all sorties are trivial and can be cheesed , this is the only one requires skill tho. -.-

Edited by Aeon94
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23 minutes ago, AshenSwift said:

@UvBenServed Just going to refer you to the op about not wanting to be required to hope my team brings lisets and air support.

Ah, missed that part. But I wouldn't really consider the air support necessary. I just ran the sortie again with an Oberon (without air support) and had enough time to hack all the consoles. But if you need/want the extra few seconds, I don't really see any reason not to bring it.

Edit: Just to clarify, I ran the mission solo. Still had enough time to hack all the consoles on my own. That being said, I wouldn't mind if DE did end up changing the mission to make it easier. I just don't think such a change is necessary.

Edited by UvBenServed
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2 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

I mean... sorties are endgame, guys. If you're not good at the base mission, you're not going to have a good time when the enemies are level 100. So... get good at the base mission.

You're in the absolute wrong place. I'm excellent at lua missions. The problem is the sortie conditions are so stacked against the player, that it becomes sheer chance to save the hostage.

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You need to come prepared, even your team isn't, the life support from the default liset is good, speed is also a factor, the faster you enter the room, the faster you can check if you got the right hack, not to mention you can dispose of enemies and turrents inside, however, it is very common for players to do the following:

  • not killing enemies before, during or after the rescue room
  • not using cc on enemies before, during or after the rescue room
  • not using side entrances that are faster and safer for everyone
  • waste time on the main entrance and even waste more time hacking so that enemies can come in
  • have no clue on how the lua rescue is unique, you don't hack everything at once
  • are new to rescue since they don't even protect the rescue target, they just hope the target to warp (something that is unreliable and doesn't work if the target is following someone else)

Players in rescue (altough visible in other missions types) are usually A++ players when it comes to rushing or moving from point A to point B, something that isn't exactly groundbreaking since many players dominate this, however they do this at the cost of mission mechanics and success.

I understand that there are many players here that find this insulting, a MR24, not knowing rescue? blasfemy, but that's exactly what happens most of the time. I know it requires effort, but doing rescues or any mission well takes time, dedication and practice.

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You think that's something to complain about, look at the most amazing birthday present me and three others got after completing all today's FINE sorties:

That's right. Nothing.

Best part is I needed to log in three times to the forum to post this just to keep myself signed in because this forum is as well put together as the game.


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3 minutes ago, AshenSwift said:

You're in the absolute wrong place. I'm excellent at lua missions. The problem is the sortie conditions are so stacked against the player, that it becomes sheer chance to save the hostage.

I don't want to be dismissive, but it's really really not chance. I just solo'd it with Inaros, and I went through the front door and had to hack three terminals to get the hostage. I had enough time left to hack the fourth if I'd needed to. If you move quickly and manage the crowd well, there's time.

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19 minutes ago, AshenSwift said:

I'm excellent at lua missions. 

You making this thread implies otherwise. There is a reason you see several other people telling you it's not hard. Because it's not had you practiced. It's all about speed and knowing the shortcuts. When I enter the room I destroy the 2 turrets and the lone enemy in there and have 35 seconds to hack 4 consoles. I don't even use the Liset air support.

4 minutes ago, Shichibukai88 said:

They really are cancer, not hard by any means. Just complete trash and cancer.

We get it!  Another Edgelord who uses the word "cancer" over and over. Geez, everywhere I look it's the same damn word. Starting to annoy me.

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10 minutes ago, SanguineSavant said:

You think that's something to complain about, look at the most amazing birthday present me and three others got after completing all today's FINE sorties:


You do know that second image shows quite clearly you got endo.... the first image is likely due to the servers being buggy tonight for some reason.  I've been noticing 'lag' on accessing things like the arsenal which taps into teh server database etc.


As to those saying the mission was hard...not really, went in with randoms and we managed it simple enough, only issue was syncing with the voice, for some reason it sounded then when you jump in it wasn't the hostage so can only assume there was a timing issue between us with the unlocks. 

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14 minutes ago, SanguineSavant said:

You think that's something to complain about, look at the most amazing birthday present me and three others got after completing all today's FINE sorties:

That's right. Nothing.

Best part is I needed to log in three times to the forum to post this just to keep myself signed in because this forum is as well put together as the game.

Based on that second screen shot, you got 4000 endo. It just didn't show up in your end of mission rewards. I've had that happen a few times too. It's an issue that they're aware of:

On 7/27/2017 at 4:37 PM, [DE]Saske said:

Hey Tenno! We have a fix for this issue in the next Hotfix. Note this was an UI issue only, you still got your 4000 Endo.


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