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[Update 21.4.0] Hydroid Revisited Feedback


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Hey, just wanted to share this idea I came up with regarding a new version of Undertow and ability synergies for Hydroid. Hope you enjoy, it was a lot of fun to come up with!

New Passive - Riptide

Hydroid can now gain Riptide stacks. Riptide stacks can be acquired by damaging enemies with Hydroid's abilities.

Riptide stacks give Hydroid health regeneration in proportion to the number of Riptide stacks.

Tempest Barrage

New synergy! - Casting in Undertow will make Tempest Barrage into a toggle ability similar to Chroma's Spectral Scream where Hydroid fires a concentrated and more powerful version of Tempest Barrage from his hands. If cast from Undertow consumes Riptide stacks instead of generating them.

Fire rate increased in relation to number of Riptide Stacks.

Tidal Surge

New synergy! - Casting from Undertow will now cause Tidal Surge to consume a large amount of stacks and Tidal Surge will be sent out from Hydroid, washing away with it all of the enemies that were absorbed by Undertow. Casting Tidal Surge from Undertow deactivates Undertow.

Wave size increased in relation to number of Riptide Stacks.


Changes! - No more puddle! Creates an amorphous dome of water around Hydroid that follows him. The size of the dome increases and decreases with Riptide stacks.

No longer makes Hydroid invulnerable, instead absorbs damage with Riptide stacks acting as Undertow's health.

Still pulls in enemies, but shows them being dragged around in the dome of water, similar to Valkyr's Prolonged Paralysis augment. The amount of enemies absorbed is now capped, and that cap increases and decreases with Riptide stacks.

Allows Hydroid to move at full speed, but moving suddenly (double jumps, bullet jumps, dodge rolls, back flips, cartwheels) causes the dome to burst.

Hydroid can use all of his weapons while in Undertow.

Tentacle Swarm

New synergy! - Casting while in Undertow consumes a large amount of stacks and causes Undertow to erupt like a massive geyser to herald the arrival of the Kraken, dealing high damage and sending enemies flying. Casting Tentacle Swarm from Undertow deactivates Undertow.

Geyser damage increased in relation to number of Riptide Stacks.


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After the latest buff i must say two things. 

First is, thank you so much for slowing the tentacles when they grab enemies. It's incredible how much better that ability works that way. 

Second is a bit of a flight of imagination. So you added the ability to spread damage to enemies submerged in Undertow by shooting at the puddle, and also ramped up the DPS it does. 

Enormous what if now. What if the new roll/jump to get out of Undertow, instead of simply decasting the skill, made Hydroid jump out of the puddle while leaving the puddle down for a duration? And what if the scaling damage mechanic was instead moved to Tentacle Swarm? 

Just a thought.

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Edited (sorry for the big font it didn't give to option to chance to normal as as it usually does)

So here are my suggestions after playing around with hydroid extensively and seeing the new buffs as of today. They are mainly suggestions for a few buffs, synergies, and audio/visual changes with the abilities he has currently. Only ability I seek to change completely is his passive ability to help synergize with undertow and make undertow more fun and interactive rather than just a chill n kill ability. Made it as short and sweet as possible.


New passive

My suggestion is simply that when performing a bulllet jump/jump/barrel roll out of his undertow ability, the puddle (passive puddle) will remain for a fixed duration of 10 or 12 seconds unaffected by duration mods. (much like how limbo leaves a rift pocket for 4 seconds when passively entering his rift). I Believe this alone would instantly make the undertow ability more fun as players wouldn't have to stay in undertow all day to damage and can participate 


•Only bullet jumping/jumping/barrel rolling out of his undertow will trigger this passive. Naturally this would suggest that we be able to bullet jump out of undertow.


•Would only be able to have two simultaneously active "passive puddles" at a time. Will not be able to trigger another one until one of the puddles' duration has expired.


Tidal Surge

•Would like to see little alien fish added to this, nibbling on all enemies affected by tidal surge causing slash procs/damage for a set duration unaffected by duration mods. (Inspired by nidus maggots)


•Would like for tidal surge to have a more chaotic and intimidating audio and visual effects.



Tempest Barrage

•Would like to see an increase to the AOE radius of the raindrops to compensate for the rng if you guys aren't going to improve the rng of the hits.

•base duration buff by two 2 seconds.



•From a personal standpoint I feel that this ability shouldn't be JUST about enemies drowning but ALSO about the kraken feeding on the enemies down there and getting stronger so visually I think it would be cool to see some enemies being spit out of undertow upon death. Would also like to see some of those little alien fish jumping around at the surface, increasing as more enemies die from the ability.


•Allow ability to bullet jump out of undertow, launching submerged enemies 0.5 to 1 meter(s) in the air slightly in the direction of the bullet jump.


•A buff to movement speed of undertow by giving it the same speed as wukong's cloud walker if not a tad bit faster. Would increase fluidity in undertow movement without having to spam tidal surge all the time which it a tad clunky currently. Would still consume energy at a slight faster rate when moving in this. Think about the upcoming POE update!! This needs to happen in my opinion.


•Would like for Impact damage dealt to enemies in undertow to be stored up for use as extra damage on for tentacle swarm ability. The extra damage would be evenly distributed between each tentacle.


Other than that I'm really like the QoL changes and the buffs. Definitely consider the new passive though.





Edited by (XB1)Slimm qp ReapeR
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Very gratifying to see that DE is heading in the right direction, but the way is no short, keep walking and doing your thing. Keep improving Hydroid and LISTENING to the community. He's definitely better than he was before, and he's gaining space in some of the most difficult missions, for me thats help a lot, since i use him almost 100% of the playing time. Just thank you, jst keep it up.

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So here's a 1stone-2birds suggestion, instead of deactivating sentinel abilities so vacuumed items don't block your view, allowing to collect items while in undertow can stop items blocking the view and let us be able to collect them.

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The most recent patch to Hydroid was really good. His damage potential in Undertow is now enough to make him a relevant DPS in endgame. However apparently even after they buffed his damage to a point that was very obviously powerful, it's somehow not what DE intended? I guess now we're just waiting to see if the nerf will be reasonable, or if we're back to square one where his damage was irrelevant. I'm fine with them making the damage a little less powerful than now. However, his time to kill needs to be fairly quick to compensate for the fact that he can't do anything else but sit there when he's using undertow. You are trading mobility and use of your weapons for survivability and excellent damage. I think that's a fair trade. But if they implement new mechanics that make you sit and wait to kill enemies for long periods of time, hes going to be the most boring warframe in the game. Speaking of being boring, this brings me to the very important point that has gone completely unaddressed.

Hyrdoid still leaves enemies behind as he moves in his 3. How is this a good idea? It incentivizes sitting still in one place which is exactly what everyone does not want to do. It decreases the interactivity of the gameplay so much. I know a lot of people have been complaining about this. At the least there needs to be a compromise where hydroid can keep about 10 enemies in undertow as he moves. I think that would fix so much for this warframe. And if DE is worried about people capturing too many enemies and just keeping them subdued throughout the match, a cap of 10 guarantees that it won't get out of hand. Sitting in one place to kill enemies is not going to go over well with the community though and it will probably hurt the prime access sales.

Edited by (PS4)Jedi_Arts_
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This is a bit off the hydroid rework issue But I am tired of going into endless missions in public only to have players extract after the first run, so could you please make it to where you put what you are running and then you are locked into that, if you want to go 1 interception and out then you will be matched with the same and no more do you want to extract, until you have completed what you put in for so if you put wave 20 you will go 4 extracts in defense if you put 4 in  interception then it is taking the points and killing enemies for 4 rounds before you can be asked if you want to extract. which is c rotation, a little tired of going into public only to solo the rest of the run. if I want to solo I would put it on solo.

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Clearly this update in Hydroid's revisit has made him worth using, but DE is likely going to, again, nerf him to death.

Even if they do I will continue my side of the topic. In the spoilers is how I feel his kit could do with being revisited, open to interpretation by DE.



1: Undertow (Crouch + hold reload; Undertow will remain for a short time upon exiting it) and Tidal Surge (slide; isn't part of Hydroid) should be a passive (Hydroform). The abilities themselves will be unchanged except for how they are accessed, and Tidal Surge not throwing Hydroid into a wall (Tidal Surge is uncontrollable, I only use it if there's a long corridor or straight line - serves as a flawed bullet jump with wide heavy AOE knockback).

1 (in short) means his new passive is Hydroid's existing 2 and 3rd abilities in their current state. Though Undertow's passive damage amplification would be removed due to the damage scaling with enemies' health and number of enemies. This is one of the easiest changes that can be deployed due to it merely being a reassignment of power buttons.

2: Replace his first with some kind of throwable trident, or an array of abilities that can be used while moving, to open options for Hydroid instead of becoming a static defense grid. ...Made of tendrils and water, might I add. Hydroid is still a Pirate, and so he deserves something to define his piracy. Maybe a Void Anchor that Corrupts enemies into allies, or a Sentient trident that siphons energy from the foes' health/shields/armour? Or even both?

2, in short, is a new ability (or 2-in-1, like Vauban's 2) to get the actual 1st ability feel. Tempest Barrage should not be his first power.

2B: Hydroid's current kit leaves him exposed on missions where you must be on the move and need fast powers. Tidal Surge, again, because of it's uncontrollable nature beyond long corridors and Undertow shortening it and demanding it's use for mobility, could be given Impact + enemy hp = DOT (time = length of being hit by Tidal Surge) and should not carry Hydroid with it all the way (Hydroid, when not in Undertow, only is pulled 1/2-way with Tidal Surge). 

2(b) in short, is: A: Lack of quick-fire powers to use on the move. B: Tidal Surge being difficult to navigate with, and mostly throws Hydroid into walls or off cliffs; better off as a passive.

3: Otherwise, replace his 2nd - because his 2nd and 3rd would be passive - with a sustained ability of some sort (i.e: Elemental Ward, Roar, Desecrate) that would enhance power range and duration. in simpler terms, this would replace Hydroid's 2 with a buff power that buffs power range and duration, as well as chances for more loot for his abilities and everyone's melee kills.

4: Hydroid's current first ability will become his new third, and gain cold and electricity procs (lightning strikes from a storm due to weather differences, and heavy hail). Basically this turns Hydroid's Tempest Barrage into Stormy Tempest, or Tempest Storm - whichever sounds better, and moves it into the 3rd ability slot.

5: Hydroid's Kraken should swim around and gobble up enemies via a miniature Undertow, using Nidus' Maggot logic to chase enemies within a radius.


Beyond that, though, Hydroid's current flaws are now more visible through this puddle than ever.

He has no quick-fire abilities to use when on the move, and his passive is of no use.

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So even from the revisit the main thing I'm still hearing is that he still a boring frame to play with mainly due to the fact that undertow (although being a strong ability now) is still a boring ability. I can't help but to agree with that opinion because of its chill n kill nature. You're pretty much just sitting there. So I thought offering a new passive to synergize with his undertow to make it more fun, interactive, and more than just a chill n kill ability would hopefully help. I only sought out to completely change is his passive ability to help synergize with undertow. I also implemented more synergistic ideas and QoL changes for undertow and some of his other abilities if anyone cares to read past the new passive part. I made it as short and sweet as possible. I did post some of this in the feedback post but kinda added a few more things and a little further explanation to some things as well. All of these are ideas post update 21.5


New passive

My suggestion is simply that when performing a bulllet jump/jump/barrel roll out of his undertow ability, the puddle (passive puddle) will remain for a fixed duration of 10 or 12 seconds unaffected by duration mods. (much like how limbo leaves a rift pocket for 4 seconds when passively entering his rift). I Believe this (along with a movement speed buff to his undertow) would instantly make the undertow ability more fun as players wouldn't have to stay in undertow all day to damage and can participate in killing outside of undertow. This also would serve as great cc, controlling a certain area of the map with this passive while being able to fight elsewhere simultaneously. 


•Undertow damage would cease when jumping out of undertow to serve only as cc, but shooting in the puddle will still deal damage.


•Only bullet jumping/jumping/barrel rolling out of his undertow will trigger this passive. Naturally this would suggest that we be able to bullet jump out of undertow.


•Would only be able to have two simultaneously active "passive puddles" at a time. Will not be able to trigger another one until one of the puddles' duration has expired.


The rest of the suggestions mentioned (along with the new passive idea) would pretty much make hydroid a CC/DPS/Damage Support hybrid without changing any core ability mechanics in the process. If you care to read, here it is


Tidal Surge

•Would like to see little alien fish added to this, nibbling on all enemies affected by tidal surge causing slash procs/damage for a set duration unaffected by duration mods. (Inspired by nidus maggots)


•Would like for tidal surge to have a more chaotic and intimidating audio and visual effects.



Tempest Barrage

•Would like to see an increase to the AOE radius of the raindrops to compensate for the rng if you guys aren't going to improve the rng of the hits.

•base duration buff by two 2econds.



•From a personal standpoint I feel that this ability shouldn't be JUST about enemies drowning but ALSO about the kraken feeding on the enemies down there and getting stronger so visually I think it would be cool to see some enemies being spit out of undertow upon death. Would also like to see some of those little alien fish jumping around at the surface, increasing as more enemies die from the ability.


•Allow ability to bullet jump out of undertow, launching submerged enemies 0.5 to 1 meter(s) in the air slightly in the direction of the bullet jump.


•A buff to movement speed of undertow by giving it the same speed as wukong's cloud walker if not a tad bit faster. Would increase fluidity in undertow movement without having to spam tidal surge all the time which it a tad clunky currently. Would still consume energy at a slight faster rate when moving in this. Think about the upcoming POE update!! This needs to happen in my opinion.


•Would like for Impact damage dealt to enemies in undertow to be stored up for use as extra damage on for tentacle swarm ability. The extra damage would be evenly distributed between each tentacle.


•Synergize puddle with other elemental frames for cc/damage support


-Casting frosts avalanche over undertow puddle would freeze the puddle acting as a free ice wave impedance, lasting for the duration of frosts ability


-Casting saryns miasma over undertow puddle would corrode the puddle procing enemies with extra corrosive status/damage for the duration of her ability


-Casting volts discharge ability over undertow puddle would electrify the puddle dealing extra damage to the enemy for the duration of volts ability.


-Casting embers accelerant over undertow puddles would cover them in the accelerant. Casting her fire blast ability after that would ignite fire over the puddles dealing fire damage for the duration of her ability


-Casting Excaliburs radial javelin (only while chromatic blade augment is equipped) over undertow puddles will deal the said status proc/damage for the duration of time






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About the new interaction between Tempest Barrage and Undertown (read: high damage numbers), I feel that this is a trade worth doing if you want to kill stronger enemies. 
In game design you want to reward players for a specific playstyle, and/or give something in trade of a specific resource. In Hydroid's case, while in Undertow you loose almost all your movement and part of your vision of the battlefield. Hydroid becomes almost a turret and can't move (in a fast game like Warframe, this is really something to consider).
I think the high damage numbers must be kept, since almost all the players always tend to use Undertow only to heal or to do Interceptions. Hydroid is know for his Tentacle Swarm, and consequential farm potential, so the high damage of Undertow + Tempest Barrage is a way to reward players that use a different approach on the fights.
To create a more fair balance on this skills and allow this combo to be really a powerful way to kill enemies, I'll suggest only one change:
Increase the energy cost of Tidal Surge if cast while in Undertow: This is a way to tell players "Okay, you want to kill level 150 Corrupted Bombard in seconds? If so, you need to say where you are and not move".

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You guys at DE did another outstanding job with yet another great rework. Thank you for using the feed back to make Hydroid awesome. Here are some highlights from AGGP Rob. 

There are many happy Gilead Gunslingers in my clan. And they can't wait for Hydroid Prime. Thanks again DE. And great job! :thumbup:

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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One fix to hydroid... Would be turn his undertow inyo torrent.... Giving the puddle mobility like wukongs cloud walker! Absorbed enemies become aqua stacks.... And multiply damage for his 1 and 4 abilities... When it hit the ground.. It keeps it old puddle form...make tidal surge his passive. 

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i'd trade that insane damage buff on his camp/static ability anytime, for anything else that could grant more efficient cc / area denial without ABYSMAL long charge up times,with less RNG involvements on whether the hits are going to land on an enemy rather than an empty spot on the map, on the run mobility+dmg reductions/survivability and have those damn tentacles constrains enemies in place or pin them against a wall /  floor...

I guess that's my problem i really don't like to sit in a puddle form ( and camp in general for that matter ) or guzzle through energy while using his 2 to move the puddle around and have the enemies come out and get left behind lol but if other people love to camp in that puddle form well GG DE i suppose lol

unintended or not, the dmg numbers and the synergy with anything that can proc corrosive vs armor  are undoubtably 4 hours survival material ( damage wise ) lol


Edited by arm4geddon-117
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I like the passive, but I feel it's not going to be enough.

I'll list my concept for what I would like, at the least for Hydroid's revisit:



Passive effects:



-Undertow is now accessed by crouching and holding reload for a short time (aquatic noise intensifies during this Javlok-chargeup-time-of-a-wait-time). Moving doesn't drain any more energy than standing completely still. Bullet Jumping or Sliding out of Undertow leaves the puddle, which shrinks into nothingness over it's remaining duration, resulting in enemies resurfacing in a state of not-dead-enough. Size of the pool cannot be changed.

-Tidal Surge occurs while sliding (but, unlike before, won't BE Hydroid) and will continue off for duration + range. Does no damage, but knocks over and flings enemies in it's direction. It's size is half of it's current size to compensate, and it's range is as if it was in Undertow with no range mods.


New first ability:
Pirate's Arsenal.
Ability details:
Choose one of two weapons.


-Pirate's Anchor; throws a Corrupted Anchor at the chosen enemy, causing them to be impaled and then sent to the Void with the Anchor. 
-Mysterious Trident; throws an unknown trident, much like how a speargun is thrown. When it hits, the enemy begins to be drained for energy. Nearby enemies are dragged to it. If the enemy hit is killed by Hydroid, the ability, or allies, it explodes.

Passive effects:


-Activating Undertow after at least one enemy is Corrupted will cause the Corrupted to climb out from the puddle with all sorts of weapons (taking a random weapon from your Arsenal and slapping it on these Corrupted; Corrupted copy your Warframe's colours and the weapons they wield retain all customizations, except mods).
-Tidal Surging into the Trident before it explodes causes it to return the energy used to throw it.

New second ability:
Kraken's Accord.
Ability details:


Ask your pet Kraken to grant you and your crew a boon. Increases power range and efficiency, but in addition it will increase chances for loot from melee kills for all allies.

Passive effects:


-The Kraken surfaces for a moment with a prompt available. You may pet the Kraken.

Tempest barrage is Hydroid's third ability at this point, gaining enemy health % = damage.
Passive effects:


-Casting this on an Undertow will cause Inclement Weather, where Void Fissures spawn and strike at the pool, dealing electricity damage.

Tentacle Swarm changes.
Passive effects:


-If Kraken's Accord is still in effect, the Kraken will stay for the duration and try to eat enemies. Hydroid can pet the Kraken.

Other passive effects:


-Petting the Kraken at any time will prompt the Kraken to linger and follow Hydroid around for 10 times the power's duration. Charging Kraken's Accord may summon and dismiss the Kraken, albeit it will not attack enemies who aren't under a Tempest Barrage, are not in the proximity of the Mysterious Trident, or aren't in the radius of Tentacle Swarm.
-The Kraken scales on a 2x version of Hydroid's max health/shields/armour + mods as health, it has no armour.


Hydroid's current issues, to me, are:


-Hydroid's passive is useless and looks more worthy of being an Orbiter/Dojo decoration.
-Hydroid's Tidal Surge is a relic from Parkour 1.0, and has almost no usefulness other than to smash Hydroid and enemies into walls and the many drops/holes/endless_pits, and deserves to be a passive slide effect for that reason alone.
-Hydroid's kit feels more configured to support a Vauban + Nekros + Trinity configuration defense grid, and lacks actual fluidity. How is Hydroid supposed to flow across the battlefield when all of his powers require the battle to take place in a single area (Interceptions, Defenses) instead of a path of destruction (Exterminate, Capture, Survival, Rescue).

-If DE reverts the change on Hydroid's Undertow being able to damage based on enemy stats, Hydroid will immediately lose his worth, so long as his other abilities don't have the same benefits (scaling damage for 1, 2 - if kept as it, Hydroid should only travel 1/2 the distance, and enemies hit are knocked over and issued impact damage based on their stats -, and 4; enemies can be damaged in 3 to trigger a slower scaling effect).

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Had some ideas, thought they would make hydroid more interactive to play.


Passive: Hydro-form. Hydroid gains a counter system like Nydus that holds a max of 10. Hydroid gains 2.5% damage reduction per counter and 2.5 hp per second regen. As the counter increases up to 10, hydroid visably gains the water effect from his ult on his skin. For hydroid prime, small shark fins will occasionally rise on the water effects on the body.

Ability 1: Hydration. A charge ability that gives hydroid stacks for his passive. Costs 25 energy per stack, effected by cast time and energy efficiency.

Ability 2: Barrage. Hydroids current 1st ability. deals damage in a targeted area and knocks enemies down. Effected by duration, efficiency, damage, and range. Costs 1 counter.

Ability 3. Waveform: Hydroids current 3rd ability. Hydroid dashes forward as a wave of water, knocking enemies down and dealing damage. Propose that it deal extra finisher damage on enemies already knocked down or are suffering from stuns to mesh with his other abilities. Passing waveform over the kraken will deal massive finisher damage to all enemies grabbed by tentacles. costs 3 counters. Effected by duration, efficiency, damage, and range.

Ability 4: Kraken. Combines Hydroids current 2nd and 4th abilities. Summons a kraken at target area and creates a puddle underneath. The kraken will summon tentacles to grab enemies and drag them under, dealing the combined damage of the tentacle and puddle. An orb will be floating above the kraken for allies to shoot, doing so will distribute a % of the damage to enemies underwater. Barrage projectiles from hydroids 1st ability will distribute the damage to all enemies grabbed by hitting near the orb. Costs 5 counters. Effected by duration, efficiency, damage, and range.

I believe this rework will combine the overall idea of the current rework, while also making the frame more interactive in gameplay.

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Just some thoughts I have on the Seaman.

QOL: Tap and Hold mechanics should act more like Ivaras quiver though maybe a bit longer. As it is now, it is just not worth holding the button down for 5 seconds to get marginal improvement.

Tempest Barage: Taping the button does the normal barrage. Holding the button causes bigger range, Longer Duration, and more projectiles per second (normal is 4 per second) Enemies hit by projectiles will have blast proc while enemies hit with splash will have impact proc.

QOL Change: Better Targeting. It is kind of annoying when I am in a huge group of enemies and I use his 1 for some breathing room but half of the projectiles hit the enviorment like a pillar and I end up going down.

Tidal Surge: Unchanged.

Undertow: Tapping the button does undertow as normal, Damage and scaling remain unchanged. Holding the button now allows puddle to be cast on its own (akin to snow globe). With an AI tentacle grabbing 1 enemy per second in range. Hydroid may also jump into puddle to take control (would act as puddle does now) Limit of 1 puddle at all times. Energy Drain remains same, hydroid may gain energy from orbs but not plates or abilities)

Synergies: Tidal Surge - Same as now. Holding the button down for tidal surge will now allow you to move the puddle in the direction of your aim point ( just like chromas guided effigy) for Half the energy at half the movement. Enemies who are hit by the tidal surge puddle will automatically fall into puddle.

Tentacle Swarm: Instead of flailing enemies, tentacle swarm now slams enemies into the ground and releases them, pursing other enemies to slam. If no other enemies are around, tentacles will keep enemies slammed on ground. As it stands now, it is still to hard to hit enemies in the tentacles unless you have some type of AOE weapon.

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Tac 'Tato's statement that he checked and they said it's unintended:



Personally, with this change, Hydroid's flaw has become clearer than a ship in a bottle:

1: His Tidal Surge and Undertow should be moved into Passives (crouching + holding reload = Undertow, sliding sends a Tidal Surge in the direction of the sliding). That's if they revert the damage overdose (assumption; DE will remove the damage scaling or make it equally as useless). If not, still do it.

2: His kit is too focused on static defense. His first requires charging, which requires him to hide in his puddle or run around; quick-casting is useless, his 2nd throws him into walls and is an outdated Coptering alternative more than an enemy crowd control tool - it does no damage either, and his 3rd is too static, even with Tidal Surge assistance it can't keep up with Bullet Jumping Ignis/Simulor/Lenz users.

To solve this, see 1, and then introduce a throwable trident of sorts that drains the enemy's hp/armour into energy as long as they're near it, or impaled by it as his new 1st ability - additively, if this isn't enough, his 1 could have an Ivara Quiver feature where he could have two other throwables - like a legitimate Pirate's grenade or an Anchor that Corrupts enemies into allied pirates? Then, on top of that, give him some kind of other ability that buffs power efficiency and range to solve the lack of innate power range.

These things are very possible and would not take as much work as restarting Hydroid from scratch would (which is what many people are asking for with their over-the-top suggestions).

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