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Your Most Annoying Enemy?


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For me, it's always been and probably always will be, the Ancients. Ancient Disruptor, Corrupted Ancient, Ancient Healer, Ancient Eximus -- you name it, if it's an Ancient I hate it. For those of you who are wondering why, its solely because the passive aura it provides for other enemies. Ancients give all nearby enemies (regardless of faction) a damage reduction buff, which in many cases can, and probably will, reduce the damage to zero. Plus the reduction stacks with other Ancients and Ancients are also protected so each Ancient on the map makes every enemy harder to kill. One Ancient is no big deal, but as soon as there are multiple Ancients, its hell because of all the damage reduction.

Anyone got a better enemy to hate on?

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bursa - drag me all over place then grabbed me again then trapped me into walls then died and spamming knockdown every 2sec then grabbed me again then i end up fell under map... thanks bursa! 

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Kuva Heavy Gunners, Scorchers, Nox (if they don't keep still), Hyekka Masters, Nullifiers aren't as bad if you can hit the drone (Twin Rogga can now nullify nullifiers), Comba/Scrambus, Bursas, Ambulas (if weapons don't cut it, or if you don't hack it), Ancient Healers/Disruptors/Eximus, Energy Drains of all kinds, Scorpions, Rollers (when in large numbers), Sniper Crewmen and their microfactories, Sapping Ospreys.

Of course, the solutions I know of:



Gunners, Scorchers, Hyekka Masters, Scorpions, Rollers, Sapping Ospreys, and Sniper Crewmen:
Blind then stab. If they cannot be stabbed, kill them to death.

Full-auto large-clip weapons, or weapons that do AOE after impact (Zakti), or just AOE weapons in general (aim for the Bubble Drone).

Comba/Scrambus, Ambulas, and the first list of enemies:
High-damage fast-fire weapons (Zarr, Tigris Prime, Hek series are examples) and naturally durable Warframes (Inaros, Nidus) can handle them well.

Ancients, Hyekka Masters, Sniper Crewmen:
Radiation damage will nullify and cause havoc among enemy forces and disables the benefits of Ancients. Enemies that spawn enemies will be distracted by their spawn because of this. Naramon Focus also works, but the time between each activation is very, very long; use the Focus only if the situation demands it.

Abilities that isolate the Nox or weapons with enough accuracy to hit the glass dome and, by extension, the head within, will be more than enough to eliminate them.



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Sortie+ level Nox (their damage reduction + absurd, Sortie level armor values = bad times)

Sapping Ospreys (infinity-spamming insta-kill carpet that also has an invisible death aura above it for good measure)

Energy Leech eximi, Toxin eximi, Scrambuses (scrambusi?) and every other enemy with an instant, invisible, non-counterable, punishing debuff radius around them (aka what I like to call a "BS zone.")

Edited by Jackviator
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The literal only enemy I can actually consider unfair (i.e. it's the only enemy that kills me) is the napalm, due to the enormous wall ignoring explosion radius that deals a huge amount of damage and can then heat proc you, and lack of presence they have for such a powerful enemy. If I had a way to know where they are at all times, I'd be completely fine with it, since I can play around it. What isn't cool is taking 800 damage out of nowhere (i.e. through a wall 5 meters away), then taking a few ticks of 300 damage.

Comba and scrambus are also annoying, since I often get dispelled by them out of nowhere, and the sound isn't a good enough indicator for their location. I generally don't die to them though, as there is generally only a 1/4 chance that they compromise an ability that matters, and even then, they don't remove all your powers. My personal solution to them is make it so when in a certain radius (30 meters), every time they ping, they waypoint themselves. 

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Sapping ospreys are annoying but I find the zapping rolling things that the sniper crewman deploy waaaaaaaay more annoying. The reason I find them so annoying is they don't even really do anything and just swarm around you. Plus there's finding the spawn thing they came out of.

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10 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Ivan of Jupiter said:

Without a doubt, Corpus Tech. I can easily counter just about every other enemy type, but Techs spawn in greater numbers than say... Napalms. In higher levels their dps is just dumb. Even on a tank.

Their DPS has been cut in half in a recent patch (base damage per shot 45->25, fire rate slightly decreased). They are no longer quite as overbearing in terms of the threat they serve.

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