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What's the most fun you've had in a pub?


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For me HAS TO BE when I just got bored and decided to recruit people for a endless mission on a mid lvl (35-etc) mission, so the come on in and I say we should pick any frame (mainly because I wanted to play limbo and pubs usually hate limbo) anyway once I pick limbo...

 the pub...




Boom!! There I was with 3 other random people who also were huge limbo players so we imidietly fire up an ods and just start going ham on people, we went 45 mins without realizing we had and decided to extract and oh man was it really fun to just letting loose on the old Limbo and have some G-N yoowhine fun

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Usually, it's an endless mod where the PuG just gels and you get a good, long run.

I recall a PuG survival where we had four Valkyrs. That was interesting. You didn't want to be a grineer in that mission. It was claws everywhere and nowhere to hide.

Mostly, it's just a group that works well together and you get a good game out of it.

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Well, there was this one time when I went to Ireland and found this little town in the middle of nowhere and..........

Oh, that kind of pub.



Probably the time I somehow managed to do a ODD on public. Not sure how I managed to do that, but I had 3 randoms join while waiting for the mission to start.

We were all Nekros.

With shadows.

And lots of firepower.

We actually managed to stay for about 60 rounds before leaving.

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I was farming a rare Nikana part with pubs and one of the team mates was a Valkyr and disappeared for 40 minutes. The other two team mates spent the 40 minutes insulting each other.

I decided to stay because their fight was too funny. 39 minutes in and I get stuck in a door and unstuck is not working. 40 minutes and here comes the part. Was way too funny and we got our rare part after all.

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When we went with 3 other person to farm some plastids and orokin cells on saturn normal survival and the map had many glitches around u 19-20 and we fell from the map into nowhere and we repeated it many times. It was cool to see others were too brave and they followed me into the death :D.

Edited by Sziklamester
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It was in DM in Conclave... I was dominating this guy with my Nyx and then he started to get so salty... then I started to make Dominatrix remarks to him whenever I killed him or he replied.

The rest of the team got into the joke, even the guy.

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Not only my most fun but also myost lucky run:

Was running som fissure def with a clanmate and two randoms.

He was Frost, I was Saryn, one of the randoms was trinity and I forgot what the last one was.

We worked as a team and stayed 40 waves.

We left with 7 rare prime parts without using a single refined relic

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Finding that cool pub squad that is all there for the same reason, use voice chat to talk about stuff while at the same time working flawlessly in the survival mission to get to 50 minutes with out realizing it. Only that hey it's getting pretty hard what time is it...damn 50 minutes!

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wen i started to pla wf i was been  about rank 6 and i played void  with some guys rank 20+   they ask me what wepon i like i say fang prime... and they spent almost half day with me  to get me full set great memories xd

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Nothing really stands out for me.  Public groups, in my experience, are "meh" at the best of times, and actually infuriating far too often.  People deliberately trolling with Limbo, or using Mag's Pull to yank enemies away from someone attempting to melee, or using those stupid narfing lasers on the Void Defense map to slice the rest of the team in half and then using Chat to make sure everyone knows it was on purpose.  I do public missions to clear the planet nodes, and then basically only for Rift Defense, or very rarely a public Defense if I'm re-leveling a weapon and want to get it done quickly.  Well, quickly-ish, a lot of people seem to be trained that you do one reward cycle and then bail out.  Roll C?  What's that, git gud scrub, no one does more than five waves of defense, it's a waste of time.

Edited by EmberStar
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Build your dojo into long labirynth and set spawn point on 1 end and have the only trading post on the other. Then shout something ludicrous on trade channel and when you get spammed start mass inviting people, then watch them run through your entire dojo attempting to get to trading post first to trade you. If you are particularly evil you could close off acces to the final room with trading post using decorations, there you go "pub fun".

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