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Getting Wet


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This would be completely useless, but more immersive. 

When I jump into a pool in my Dojo, or in any mission, I don't really get wet, even with my graphics set to high. I jump in, then come out completely dry. Now, either the Tenno have an instant drying machine in their suit, water has gained some ridiculous properties suggesting that physics is different in the Warframe universe, or we just don't have a graphic for it. 

I suggest that when you get wet, you become, well, wet, but you also leave a short trail of liquid footsteps behind you. I think that would be nice. 

A call to DE: "Hey, yeah uh... I'd like to complain that I don't get wet playing your game."

Edited by Spartan336
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11 minutes ago, jjpdn said:

Sounds like a lot of work for no real reward.

It depends on what level of immersion we want.  I have a skyrim mod that upon exiting water, a mask is applied to the character's model that gives a water dripping effect on the character's skin.

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49 minutes ago, jjpdn said:

Sounds like a lot of work for no real reward.

This is different from a lot of what DE has done for Warframe... how?

A lot of the development in this game is along the lines of "lots of work, little return."  Partly because a lot of it is graphical updates, the rest of it is cool concepts implemented with atrocious design decisions behind them.

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5 minutes ago, --Q--DragonSkllzz said:

I'm gonna go ahead and blame the void shielding (aka our shields, you know, the blue regenning hp bar bit), and say it works similar to thin oil-layers on specific animals so they don't get wet.

That a good one. But what if you're Inaros? 

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1 hour ago, Spartan336 said:

Yeah. There isn't much point to this. I'm literally just annoyed that I can't get wet. 

Just use Hydroid. He's always wet and plus, we already have the technology to prevent items from getting wet in water. This is the Future we're talking about and if we have it now irl, they probably have a much better version.

Edited by (PS4)godlysparta
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3 hours ago, Insizer said:

It depends on what level of immersion we want.  I have a skyrim mod that upon exiting water, a mask is applied to the character's model that gives a water dripping effect on the character's skin.

Nier: Automata has this effect also.  Quite nice to be honest.  Then again that game has a perv factor designed into it from the get go.  

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Along these lines, I can't remember if we have footsteps in the Venusian snow, or the Europa environments. Even if the protagonist can't get a timed skin texture, it'd be cool to see a simple foot trail.

Edit: Same thing with fire, as in ashen steps, or blood from walking/sliding over corpses. Sliding! XD

Edited by AandOE
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On 2017. 08. 26. at 10:03 PM, jjpdn said:

Sounds like a lot of work for no real reward.


On 2017. 08. 26. at 10:09 PM, Shichibukai88 said:

Literally no point in this, immersion cool but no one needs that at all. I dont play warframe for immersion oO

then the enterity of the earth remaster was wasted work hours

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22 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Seriously, can you not be any more misleading..

The title was entirely apropos... 

What would you type out for a topic like this without having to be entirely too specific? "Water representation on warframes" "Water and light deflection on Warframes" "When you enter water, allow it to stick to your Warframe?" 

Like, c'mon man. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)theelix said:

The title was entirely apropos... 

What would you type out for a topic like this without having to be entirely too specific? "Water representation on warframes" "Water and light deflection on Warframes" "When you enter water, allow it to stick to your Warframe?" 

Like, c'mon man. 

1. To start a discussion.

2. Because I wanna be wet. 

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