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Razorback auto health decay & concerns over DE's implementation of the event


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1 minute ago, Genitive said:

I don't care, nor should you, because it doesn't affect anything in the end.

This effects you and your future gaming/Trust with DE as well, but you're just pretending it doesn't. No need to explain it to you, I suppose, because you're just going to brush it aside anyway.

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8 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

They just need to Admit they did it. So far many people question if such a Health-Decay is even happening, even though they could just look at their clocks and the Health UI.

well DUH ofcourse the health goes down WHEN PEOPLE PLAY THE EVENT

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Uhh, so according to you DE made a fail safe so that disregard of players performance no Relay would be destroyed?. If it's true then this made me trust them even more, now i can relax knowing that DE won't make any future event that forces us to play using relay or anything else as ransom.

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28 minutes ago, TaylorsContraction said:

Oh let's put on our Illuminati hats. This is just a theory you and a few other players concocted. And you're so convinced that it's true you make this post. Like what in the world....




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fun fact: the reason the razorbacks had so much health in the first place was because the last razorback event was ravaged for puncture mods so hard, that the razorback only lasted for a fraction of the time that it was intended to, and caused the event to be inaccessible to a large portion of people who didn't log in every day.

How does this affect trust? DE simply made it so that the first relay, which is a fairly important player resource, wasn't destroyed. This actually indicates that DE still cares about players besides the long-time veterans, but also says that they did give the veterans a good challenge in the form of a hefty razorback armada for them to chew through. The fact that hardly ANYBODY actually FOUGHT the razorback armada is our fault and ours alone. DE can't make their playerbase not lazy.

Honestly, the only thing that affects my trust in DE is the fact that they haven't updated their drop tables once since they made them, and that affects my trust hundreds of times more than this trivial health decay timer which was very heavily involved in new player progression.

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15 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

They just need to Admit they did it. So far many people question if such a Health-Decay is even happening, even though they could just look at their clocks and the Health UI.

This is a matter of Player and Developer Trust. DE promised they would be more transparent, but if they can't be honest about the actions they've taken today, then how can I Trust those Public Drop-Tables? How can I Trust anything they ever say again? I might as well start Datamining or finding Datamined information, as that will be the only way once again to acquire the actual Truth once more. (Something I really really REALLY don't want to rely on or do because it could potentially hurt the developers as well, and the work they've done)

I know it's chic to naysay after all that drama with the hackers and dataminers, but blind distrust of the devs is equally shortsighted as blind trust. The devs aren't our enemies.

DE earned my trust when they began posting their drop table stats publicly for us to view and use. DE is invested in giving Warframe players a good experience, and while I disagree with how they go about it now and then (buff companions DE), I at least can look at their past actions and trust they have our best interests at heart.

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1 minute ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

How does this affect trust? DE simply made it so that the first relay, which is a fairly important player resource, wasn't destroyed. This actually indicates that DE still cares about players besides the long-time veterans

Uuuuuuuuuuugghhhhhhh...Again...I can understand WHY DE took the Actions that they did. What I WANT is for them to Publicly Admit their Actions, and not try to Hide Them.

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Just now, Tangent-Valley said:

Uuuuuuuuuuugghhhhhhh...Again...I can understand WHY DE took the Actions that they did. What I WANT is for them to Publicly Admit their Actions, and not try to Hide Them.

Look, DE is and has been very accomodating for a dame dev team in terms of revealing the whys behind their actions, but they are under no obligation to constantly spout complex reasonings behind why they did anything and everything, especially when all they are doing is taking time out of someone's schedule to post what is essentially a "yep, we did this". DE did what they did, we KNOW, and they didn't try to hide it, they just haven't SAID anything, likely because they're busy doing actual work spending time with their families for labor day. 

What do you get out of it if DE does bother to confirm this? Nothing. They have no reason to say anything, nothing will be changed if they do say anything, and you might well end up delaying the release of future content, if only by a little bit of time.

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2 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

Uuuuuuuuuuugghhhhhhh...Again...I can understand WHY DE took the Actions that they did. What I WANT is for them to Publicly Admit their Actions, and not try to Hide Them.

Will you stop complaining about a non issue? 

I am not able to lay at this time, and I'm glad to know that if may others aren't, the relay that is the most important of all of the three we saved during the initial event is not to be destroyed because people weren't able to be active to so so.

Why they did it? To not loose a cor emplacement in the game. 

Publicly admit it? Why would they need to since you found out on your own. 

Hide it? They aren't doing it since you found out on your own. 

Would they scam us? Who knows, but I think they wouldn't, it would only be their call anyways. 

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1 minute ago, redeyedtreefrog said:

What do you get out of it if DE does bother to confirm this?

Player Trust in a Game Developer to be honest over the Actions they take in a game I pay money for and honestly want to support and see do better.

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Just now, Tangent-Valley said:

Player Trust in a Game Developer to be honest over the Actions they take in a game I pay money for and honestly want to support and see do better.


one post.


and that earns your trust?

It's not exactly like they're lying right now. They just haven't said anything.

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1 minute ago, redeyedtreefrog said:


one post.


and that earns your trust?

It's not exactly like they're lying right now. They just haven't said anything.

It's not about a single Post, but the Idea behind it. Obviously this is apparently too much for you to understand though.

Edited by Tangent-Valley
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Yes.  I know it says that Razorback will take over the relay, and that would be extremely disruptive... but think about it for a second.  DE are not idiots.  I mean, that's a pretty easy concept to accept right?  DE are not going to allow their entire game to be screwed over by player actions... and losing Larunda would screw things over big time for new players since it's required to get past Jupiter.  DE being the competent game developers we all know they are, that leaves two options.  One, Razoback's destruction is not player determined, and the suggestion that it is is merely a deceptive bit of fluff to inspire greater player investment.  This seems to be the most likely option, since back in the Eyes of Blight event that introduced the idea of threats to relays the relay destruction conveniently resulted in each platform being left with one relay each for the three "tiers" of difficulty on the starmap.  It's also very unlike DE to create content ahead of time that could only ever be experienced on the condition that the majority of the community as a whole did not play some other content.  In this case we should stop attacking razorback just to prove this is the case and hopefully push them to change this.  The far less likely, but far cooler alternative is Two, the Razorback actually can be successful and DE already have content in place for that possibility.  This just doesn't seem likely since as previously stated it would require them to create content ahead of time that could only be accessed if the majority of the community chose not to play content previously provided.

Brozime inspired this post.  


Edited by Shoelip
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They stealth nerfed the Cryptographic Alu drop rate(can barely get 12 with a good team, before the nerf I got 12-20 in every run... solo), but you act like saving a low level relay from destruction is the worst thing they ever did...

If you want to see a relay burn, google it... there are enough videos about that lame event.



...nvm... seems like RNG is just trolling me, just got 36 in one run...

Anyways, stop spamming pointless threads.

Edited by O.O_
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Stop pretending this is a large issue. Stop ignoring reasonable explanations and people pointing out that this has been done before.

Stop ignoring that they raised the health for this event, and probably overestimated participation, based on the player base's feedback from the previous go-round.

You keep going on about """"""""""""""""TRANSPARENCY""""""""""""""""""""" but fail to grasp that this is a non-issue to basically everyone but you. A few of us are disappointed it's there because we'd like to see what happens when the Armada takes over a relay, but the same few of us also realize that it's Larunda and they can't afford to let it be lost until they have a suitable replacement for new players to congregate in.

Quit acting like your faith in DE is shaken because of a fail-safe mechanic to keep them from having to deal with the crap storm that would be destroying the easiest relay to access. It's not very becoming.

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14 hours ago, Navarchus said:

It's not really an event, it's a tactical alert but in any case.. This has happened in the past (Alad V versus Nef Anyo event where Alad V kept getting points when he was rewarding credits and Nef Anyo was rewarding fusion cores) and will likely not stop.

People chose Alad because of the story. IIRC, PS4 players chose Nef Anyo just to see the difference, and it worked, but later DE decided to make only one option canonical.

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