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More Twitch Prime Free Primes


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I honestly don't remember the last time I've used the Soma Prime. Sure, it hits hard and can orange crit with a 200 Mag clip, but imho the Prisma Grakata is a far better automatic than the Soma Prime just because of the Status Chance. And if you've played the game long enough to reach the login requirement, the Zenith is a beast for being primarily Slash, 30% status chance, and having a passable crit chance of 10% for being an automatic.

Status Chance is king for stripping armor or applying your preferred status. I personally believe having high crit on weapons feels like a red herring in most instances when considering dps, especially in late game content.

This Twitch Prime bundle doesn't necessarily have an impact on anything other than Trade prices for sellers wanting to advertise vaulted weaponry if you ask me.

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I was okay with Frost Prime, it was the launch of Twitch Prime and that whole relationship between DE and Twitch to that degree, but again? Why?


Also, giving away arguably the best rifle in the game seems... poorly informed.


Edit: And to everyone saying "but they don't have mods" or "it is not that great", think of it this way. Your starter weapon is a Mk-1 Braton. After that you are able to upgrade to the Karak, or maybe a Latron, maybe a Harpak, but in comes the Soma Prime. Now all sentiment of rifle progression is thrown out the window because you can have the best rifle in the game sitting in your lap. People complain about "pointless" MR grind, and this only makes all of the aforementioned weapons that much more irrelevant. I don't care about my Soma sets, I think I have only ever sold one vaulted Prime set once (and it was like 200p below market value), what I do care about is meaningful progression, and weapon progression is one of the few things that actually has some sort of merit. Like... why would a number-minded new player ever want try something different? Sure something may look cool, but it all will be just novelty. 

The difference between a Prime warframe and weapon is massive, Prime Warframes are, at the end of the day, just a sexy version of the vanilla. The gameplay of a Frost and Frost Prime is exactly the same, but the gameplay of a Braton and a Soma Prime is years apart. 

Edited by DrBorris
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33 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I am a trader. I am a decently active one. I love this game for economy and how free market works. DE is influencing the market of these prime items outside of the game, and quite frankly it hurts someone like me who has spent a fair amount of credits + platinum + hours to grind vaulted items to make profits.

I have already adapted, by completely stopping farming vaulted items as there is no point. I will just hop to Arcanes and Rivens if DE is going to just dish out every decent vaulted item for free to a platform that rewards you for watching other people play a video game. You might as well watch someone else watch a movie at that point.

Arcanes and rivens are S#&$ as well. For arcanes the low drop rate of the good ones and for rivens the rerolling. A complete waist of time in my opinion.

I agree with you 100%. Trading is the true endgame and they are @(*()$ up the best aspect of it. I don't need the plat, i don't need to farm prime items, but this gives me something to do. Farm items, sell for plat and make the numbers bigger. With DE selling their souls to twitch i have less reasons to play the game. They have said that PoE is going to give vets a true endgame... sure.


I guess it is about time to move from warframe to other games...

Edited by PakkiTheDog
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1 hour ago, khangalanga said:

The difference is that in-game free markets are controlled by the players and changes result from supply and demand. What DE is doing is directly influencing the market not through gameplay, such as nerfs and buffs (which is fine), but by directly giving something away FOR FREE that was meant to be locked away for an indefinite amount of time. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for DE giving away some things here and there to support to player base. In fact, the whole reason I even got into this game was because of the frost prime access. I saw an ad, saw some free content for a free game, and decided to try it out. The problem, in my opinion, is that they're doing this twice in a row and are depreciating the efforts that players worked hard for. They either saved up a ton of plat to buy the weapons or worked hard to grind the prime parts to craft them before the vaulting. Doing this once is "fine," but doing this twice makes us wary about whether our primes even have value anymore if they will just be given away for free later. 

If DE is doing this to recruit new players, I think the best thing they could have done is to make the free weapons untradable. This entices new players without giving every already existing player free limited-edition items. 

You can trade built Primes?

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1 hour ago, khangalanga said:

The difference is that in-game free markets are controlled by the players and changes result from supply and demand. What DE is doing is directly influencing the market not through gameplay, such as nerfs and buffs (which is fine), but by directly giving something away FOR FREE that was meant to be locked away for an indefinite amount of time.

No offense, but it seems you don't understand what a free market is. 

A free market is not "controlled by the players". 

A free market is not controlled by DE through artificial auction housing mechanics. 

A free market is not controlled by anyone. 

A free market does what it wants because a free market is free.

Free means free for everyone, not just for the high roller seller. Big entities like DE also have fair game to throw their weight around in a free market. Free market doesn't mean fair market, if it were controlled or regulated to a point of fairness, it would't be very free anymore would it? Just like in real life, big entities have a bigger influence on the free market. You want a fair market by controlling those entities, that's a totally different thing, but one thing it ain't is free. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I thought frost prime was a good idea for free as frames all have different ways to play but as i see it these weapons early? Soma will take some work getting vital sense (Point strike is common) but then it'll decimate most early game weapons (Scindo p out of the box is good) which means little reason to swap which means little to no mastery gain to even get other weapons later it kinda throws a wrench inearly game flow like the Dex weapons but plain worse which makes for a short term player.

That's my concern at least, as much as i like seeing price gougers get upset i dunno if this is for the best.

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17 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

No offense, but it seems you don't understand what a free market is. 

A free market is not "controlled by the players". 

A free market is not controlled by DE through artificial auction housing mechanics. 

A free market is not controlled by anyone. 

A free market does what it wants because a free market is free.

Free means free for everyone, not just for the high roller seller. Big entities like DE also have fair game to throw their weight around in a free market. Free market doesn't mean fair market, if it were controlled or regulated to a point of fairness, it would't be very free anymore would it? Just like in real life, big entities have a bigger influence on the free market. You want a fair market by controlling those entities, that's a totally different thing, but one thing it ain't is free. 

Sorry, I just always heard as this game as free-market so I assumed it was. I chose the wrong word, but I think my point still stands in that the game developers shouldn't do too much to influence the market unless there is something drastically wrong with it (which, in the case of primes, I don't think there is.)

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Guys, its promotion...

What's wrong with enticing new players with good gear? In the end, everything is farmable, everything is for sale.

Just move on.

"Market forces dictate that you need to evolve or die. Which will it be Tenno?" - Alad V

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23 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Guys, its promotion...

What's wrong with enticing new players with good gear? In the end, everything is farmable, everything is for sale.

Just move on.

"Market forces dictate that you need to evolve or die. Which will it be Tenno?" - Alad V

But see, if it was promotion, why have it so soon after another promotion of theirs that hasn't even expired yet? And if it's solely for the new players, why not make it so that the gear is untradeable or have the access code only usable for a new account? 

I don't expect you to answer these because you of course aren't DE, but I genuinely want to know what's going through DE's minds to give away 200p items that can work into the late game to "new" players?

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36 minutes ago, khangalanga said:

But see, if it was promotion, why have it so soon after another promotion of theirs that hasn't even expired yet? And if it's solely for the new players, why not make it so that the gear is untradeable or have the access code only usable for a new account? 

I don't expect you to answer these because you of course aren't DE, but I genuinely want to know what's going through DE's minds to give away 200p items that can work into the late game to "new" players?

So you're saying you want new players to receive 100% exclusive items? Yeah I'm sure that'll fly well with the rest of the community.

DE doesn't care about platinum costs, they care about new player experience. If they can allow new players to get a good foothold in a game that is as daunting as Warframe, then they potentially have hundreds of new players/customers that are willing to keep playing their game.

Stop fussing over your plat and just help some of these new people out. Its honestly pretty disheartening to see how selfish some of you are being.

DE promotes their game by giving out free endgame items that aren't even exclusive and the first thing that comes to your mind is "ERHMAGERD MEH PLETENUM."

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1 hour ago, khangalanga said:

Sorry, I just always heard as this game as free-market so I assumed it was. I chose the wrong word, but I think my point still stands in that the game developers shouldn't do too much to influence the market unless there is something drastically wrong with it (which, in the case of primes, I don't think there is.)

I think you are confusing a player controlled fair market (or something like that), with a free market. 

A free market means literally no restrictions on anyone. At all. And that is something Warframe has always had. DE can set whatever prices and flood the market however they want, and the players can charge or pay whatever they can get away with. You literally cannot rip off someone in Warframe unless you give them something different than what you promised. For example, if you manage to charge someone 1000p for an ammo drum, and that was the deal agreed upon, you didn't break any rules. 

A free market doesn't guarantee freedom from big players making a mess. In fact, the fact that big players can gain huge power and put small business out of business is exactly why in real life, where you have real life consequences, a truly free market doesn't work. You need to have some restrictions. 

However, my point is simply that some players (if the shoe fits) will defend gouging tee eff out of people on prices, as it being "a free market", but anytime anything goes against them they complain about the unfairness of it all. You can't have it both ways. If your going to excuse stuff as being a free market, you have to accept that big players can indeed unduly influence, because there are no restrictions on anyone. 

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51 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

So you're saying you want new players to receive 100% exclusive items? Yeah I'm sure that'll fly well with the rest of the community.

DE doesn't care about platinum costs, they care about new player experience. If they can allow new players to get a good foothold in a game that is as daunting as Warframe, then they potentially have hundreds of new players/customers that are willing to keep playing their game.

Stop fussing over your plat and just help some of these new people out. Its honestly pretty disheartening to see how selfish some of you are being.

DE promotes their game by giving out free endgame items that aren't even exclusive and the first thing that comes to your mind is "ERHMAGERD MEH PLETENUM."

This, this guys knows. Warframe is a very hard game to get into, there so much to wrap your head around, you can play for like 100 hours and then theres a new quest that put even more question onto you with new game elements, then when you wrap your head around that another quest gives you even more. No wonder there so many videos guides and thread on helping new people out. 

These items promotions are not going to harm you, it will entice new players and existing players who no longer players to comeback back and check things out, maybe give them an easier time with the game instead of hitting walls initially. Like me.

It promotes new players who will hopefully find it a tad bit easier peaking interests and want to put some money down on plat or whatever and in doing so will support the community and DE. In the long run it helps everyone out. Growing the community is what DE should be trying to do and that is what these promotions are about. 

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Let me preface this by saying any "but the economy" argument should be met with boisterous laughter.  If that was supposed to be a legitimate argument, then we wouldn't have unvaulting or returning Acolytes, because every single time either of those happen they greatly shake up their portion of the economy.  Describing it as "A slap in the face?"  Really?  And people complain about the Operators acting childish.  Though a note I find interesting is that while those events increase supply, the Prime promo decreases demand.  Neat to think about.

Which means the next major issue one could have with this is that newbies get free stuff.  So?  A leg up in the form of a good rifle and a good melee is somehow bad?  It's not like a new player would have anything even close to the mods required to make either of those "endgame viable," and a newbie has access to dozens of weapons every single bit as capable as either of those at those levels.  Two weapon slots and 60-capacity gear is an incredibly helpful boon for a player trying to grow.

And the last argument I've seen around is that newbies will become dependent on them as a crutch.  Which I find a difficult point to accept when Rhino is build-able so early, and guns like Hek and Tigris are right around the corner, all very very effective starchart gear even without advanced mods, so I feel worrying about "crutches" is a bit late.

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Am i only person that doesn't constantly use the same weapons? am i the only person that would get bored constantly using the same weapons?

Right now im using a freaking grinlock... why? because im finding it highly fun, i got sybaris, tigris, galantine all primes but im using grinlock becuse simple fun, DE giving soma p free will not stop anyone trying other weapons or even buying if anything it might alleviate some frustrations new players have progressing through the game and ultimately uninstalling it, if gaining this and frost p helps them stick around, contribute to the community an perhaps DE's pocket then wee all benefit, stop thinking yer own salty thoughts about imagined plat loose an hiding the saltiness behind lame excuses like "market"  put the dummy back in an say cheers DE kind gesture.

Worse than wow players when christmas comes round an the FREE stuff aint to there liking.

So aye cheers DE



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2 hours ago, Tricky5hift said:

So you're saying you want new players to receive 100% exclusive items? Yeah I'm sure that'll fly well with the rest of the community.

DE doesn't care about platinum costs, they care about new player experience. If they can allow new players to get a good foothold in a game that is as daunting as Warframe, then they potentially have hundreds of new players/customers that are willing to keep playing their game.

Stop fussing over your plat and just help some of these new people out. Its honestly pretty disheartening to see how selfish some of you are being.

DE promotes their game by giving out free endgame items that aren't even exclusive and the first thing that comes to your mind is "ERHMAGERD MEH PLETENUM."

Read my other posts if you think I'm against helping the new players. There are plenty of other ways to encourage new players to join without giving away a 200 plat limited edition  arguably late-game item that people worked hard for to every person who has access to a free membership. 

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First of all, what the item is worth is completely irrelevant because there just isn't a set price for anything.

I could sell a full prime set for about as much as a Clem noggle. Does that mean its worth as much as a Clem noggle? It may be for me, but not for you. That's what a free market really is.

You set the price, I decide if I want to blow 200 plat on what you're selling.

This Twitch prime stuff won't even be available in a couple of weeks, so the price is eventually going to go back up. Plenty of people don't have Twitch prime or just don't care.

Its DE's game. They decide how they want to promote it, whether you like it or not.

Hell, they could advertise the game on Pornhub for all I care, its still advertising.

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Shame on me for giving away vaulted prime frames and weapons for free. Just to bad I picked up frost prime with my free trial instead of this for choosing between 1 frame slot or 2 weapon slots i probebly go with weapon even tho they cheaper.  And for those that picked up frost for free would now have to pay for the weapons. So either they pay on twitch or they pay plat ingame. 

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I moved most of my soma sets. So I don't care. If I hadn't, maybe I would. A small amount. Or not.

 imo prime part trading is a quick market and has been for some time. Just get what you can and make some loose predictors on price flucuations, but don't cry when you held onto something until the price crashes.

After seeing frost come out for free, as that was still one of the more valuable sets prior to twitch promo, even after it was just unvaluted, anyone caught by a price crash and was an active trader after all this, needs to git gud at trading. There will always be winners and losers, just learn what the reality is going to be like from now on.

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54 minutes ago, -InV-igo95862 said:

The argument "helping new players with twitch prime" should not be valid as twitch prime is only available in few countries.

Not only would that not invalidate the argument in the slightest, but on top of that, Twitch Prime or the Amazon Prime membership which also works is available in almost every country, and the Twitch Prime itself is available in all countries that make up the vast majority of DE's playerbase which they draw from. Sorry, but this is totally about helping new players, and their data on the first promotion proved it worked, so they are doing it again. 

The data doesn't lie. 

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14 hours ago, Zanchak said:

I'm definitely not in favour of the whole twitch thing. Not because people get free stuff, but the fact that to get something IN Warframe you need to be a (paying) member of something OUTSIDE of Warframe. (Because that "free trial" trick, yeh that aint gonna work forever)

Don't like how everythings going to twitch. I find the platform ugly to use and littered with gamers who think unhealthily... high, of themselves.


Im with you here man, i dont mind people getting S#&$ for free but im starting to think that the partnership programs is going a bit too far.


You pay for it outside of warframe and you get it in the game, i would like tl have some exclusive things bit i wont pay for twitch prime since i dont like nor use the platform


What if we want that stuff but we dont want to tie ourselves to that product?


"littered with gamers who think unhealthily... high, of themselves."


Yeah true, and those are dragged to the game.

Im ok with the soma and farmable things being given, but exclusive not obtainable anymore cosmetics? Man veterans who stick with the game should be given this not newish members that may leave the next day.

What if we dont want to pay for an external product, are we excluded from the exclusive things syandanas etc they get? This is not fair in any way.

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11 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I am a trader. I am a decently active one. I love this game for economy and how free market works. DE is influencing the market of these prime items outside of the game, and quite frankly it hurts someone like me who has spent a fair amount of credits + platinum + hours to grind vaulted items to make profits.

I have already adapted, by completely stopping farming vaulted items as there is no point. I will just hop to Arcanes and Rivens if DE is going to just dish out every decent vaulted item for free to a platform that rewards you for watching other people play a video game. You might as well watch someone else watch a movie at that point.

The whole game doesn't revolve around you and never will. You have to look from the other people's perspective. For newer players this is an amazing opportunity. Not only that but if you're a trader stuff like this shouldn't even bother you. Half my playtime has been spent in trading, and i have accumulated a lot of plat overtime, stuff like this doesn't bother me at all.


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