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Sortie Rewards from PoE Dev Build


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29 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

kuva in sorties ais actually quite commonly requested, at least here on the forums.

I am all for Kuva being in sorties if it gives a reasonable amount. 3 missions for 4k is honestly just shameful and just as bad as a lens. I am still waiting for endless kuva, and this right here is salt in the wound.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

Well it's a start. But considering OP is "Mr. Tradeframe" I get why he made the thread and wants more kuva. ol

I honestly don't care what kind of Mister the OP is lol. All i know is, i can only agree. In fact, some friends and me already made our laughs when we heard kuva is replacing the lenses. Going all like "Lol imagine they're just doing them 4k just like endo"..."Haha i could imagine them doing that."

I don't know whether to laugh or to be upset regarding this situation. At least lenses are gone so there's that i guess <_<

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9 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I am all for Kuva being in sorties if it gives a reasonable amount. 3 missions for 4k is honestly just shameful and just as bad as a lens. I am still waiting for endless kuva, and this right here is salt in the wound.

Lol oh come on!

You know they will never give us "Endless kuva" ( I wish they would) because that equals "void old school cheese" all over again.

Most will cheese and cheese and acquire millions and millions of Kuva.

They will never let us do that, Won't happen. 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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2 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

I honestly don't care what kind of Mister the OP is lol. All i know is, i can only agree. In fact, some friends and me already made our laughs when we heard kuva is replacing the lenses. Going all like "Lol imagine they're just doing them 4k just like endo"..."Haha i could imagine them doing that."

I don't know whether to laugh or to be upset regarding this situation. At least lenses are gone so there's that i guess <_<

And the rewards table is less diluted. 

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1 hour ago, --Q--Voltage said:

You can get 5,000 from a Kuva Flood with Kavat and Booster. 4,000 is a slap in the face for 3 Sortie missions.

Had a strong feeling it would end up being 4k.

It's not great but I guess it's better than a lousy 2K.

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11 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

Lol oh come on!

You know they will never give us "Endless kuva" ( I wish they would) because that equals "void old school cheese" all over again.

Most will cheese and cheese and acquire millions and millions of Kuva.

Won't happen. 

News flash: Some people already have millions and millions of Kuva.

I have spent close to atleast ~800k kuva and I have 1 decent riven from it, and it isn’t even good because it’s missing multishot. You realize 1 million kuva doesn’t garentee anything in terms of your rolls.

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55 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

News flash: People already have millions and millions of Kuva.

I have spent close to atleast ~800k kuva and I have 1 decent riven from it, and it isn’t even good because it’s missing multishot. You realize 1 million kuva doesn’t garentee anything in terms of your rolls.

So then maybe we need to change how the Rivens are rolled. Because 10k Kuva obviously won't help if some are spending "millions" and getting :poop:

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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1 minute ago, xFrostKnightx said:

Thank you for speaking on behalf of every single player in the game. /s

And thank you for adding quality discussion to this post /s.

My point is how no amount of kuva will garentee a good roll, so giving us atleast 3 rolls from 3 missions isn’t that unbalanced. 

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Well, you can only run a flood once every hour, and to the average player (considering only hardcore farmers really run boosters, and the cat buffs are far too inconsistent to really count), that's 1250 +/- kuva. And there's idk, 5-6 siphons that spawn with that, with about probably 3k +/- kuva  in those as well. Seems like getting 4K kuva for 3 missions and about 40 minutes of your time is reasonable for the average player. 

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2 minutes ago, Ker-Blammo said:

Well, you can only run a flood once every hour, and to the average player (considering only hardcore farmers really run boosters, and the cat buffs are far too inconsistent to really count), that's 1250 +/- kuva. And there's idk, 5-6 siphons that spawn with that, with about probably 3k +/- kuva  in those as well. Seems like getting 4K kuva for 3 missions and about 40 minutes of your time is reasonable for the average player. 

Eh, which can disappear and feel wasted within seconds when you get slapped by RNG. I don't expect it to increase from 4K but it isn't too great of a reward.

I hardly do kuva runs now because I find it so tedious and it completely kills my interest in playing the game, even when I started to rock out a booster I started to feel as if I wasn't playing with one. Didn't feel worth it and jeez it was incredibly dull.

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2 minutes ago, Valiant said:

Eh, which can disappear and feel wasted within seconds when you get slapped by RNG. I don't expect it to increase from 4K but it isn't too great of a reward.

I hardly do kuva runs now because I find it so tedious and it completely kills my interest in playing the game, even when I started to rock out a booster I started to feel as if I wasn't playing with one. Didn't feel worth it and jeez it was incredibly dull.

While i agree its not a reward i would really ever want, its certainly more welcome than another potato bp. Or even a lesser lense... at least those are out.

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2 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

You can get 5,000 from a Kuva Flood with Kavat and Booster. 4,000 is a slap in the face for 3 Sortie missions.

Yeah! And I can get 10,000 if I get lucky and get a double boost from my Kavat! 4000 is a slap in the face!



... except 4000 for 3 missions that take next to no time to blaze through is more than fair. A regular Kuva Flood will give you a little over 1000 with no boosters or Kavat boost. 3 missions giving you 4000 is actually more than you'd get otherwise. Not everyone has boosters running at all times and not everyone uses their Smeeta.

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I think all i wanna is to remove 4k endo reward and give this probability to Kuva.

I'm happy with your booster and Kavat work all the time, but booster cost 200p, or even 40p for 3 days if you are can't play all day long and targeted to a weekend.

As for Kavat... It is really really low probability. 28%*1/6= 4,66% at 26sec. Dat mean you need 557 seconds to guarantee a buff. This is about 10 mins. Or you will have it randomly every 5 runs (couse Siphon work ~2 mins). This is 1250+250=1500, not a 2500.

1500*3=4500. this is, i think, pretty much calculation for a 3 sortie mission. With no siphons on road (-500). Not a big deal, but much better than... everything exept riven. For a "veteran" ofcouse. Newbie will be happy with another free potato.

P.S. Yes, since i farm Kuva only with booster, this number must be doubled (3000*3=9000), or it is just a bad joke, but not a reward. At least booster must work.


P.P.S. I'm just realise... Waiting for Charm is a viable strategy, at least at Flood, since...



...you will not finish 2 regular at that time. Specially if you targeted to grab them all. Note 8 failure is faster than 9,35 sec, so you are guaratee nothing. I guess in real life it will be one buff at every 2 siphons. And notice you have first 2 mins "for free" couse anyway you catch Kuva. I just hate it. Grab Kuva is boring, but stand and do nothing is a much harder.

Just for a clear math. Each 2 siphons you spend this 10 mins (5 for each). 6 mins of 'em you can skip and end mission, but instead you wait. You will get 1250+1250+625, there is 625=1250 1 time from 2 and this is bonus for this 6 mins. Sorry for offtop, just calculate it for myself now. I just hate to wait and love vacuum.



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3 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

I understand these are subject to change, but who actually considers 4,000 Kuva as a worthy sortie reward? That is a single roll from 3 missions. I am quite dumbfounded as to how someone can reason this. Can it please be at least 10,000? 3 missions should grant you at least 3 rolls, especially sorties.


It's official I'm never doing sorties again. What a garbage reward. DE will NEVER learn. 

They are intent on never making sorties worth doing.

Well, we got the message loud and clear DE. 

We don't do sortie's anymore. You might as well remove them from the game. 

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42 minutes ago, fatpig84 said:

I actually prefer tokens, but whatever.


I guess the thing is, if I'm going to run a Sortie Mission, it needs to be worth my while. Yes, you can cheese plenty of them, and yes, they are up every day. However, when you start needing 3500 Kuva for a roll, I think 4000 just isn't really worth it when Rivens are completely random and need far more rolls most of the time to get you what you want. 10,000 is a little much to desire, since you are going off of what you should be earning with Boosters, Smeeta and the like. I'd say 7,000 would be a fairer compromise (as you get two rolls maxed Riven rolls for one Sortie), yet still, you get a free maxed Riven roll even with only 4,000, so I'd say I'd be content with it even if it wasn't increased. 

I suppose you could say I don't feel it's worth it for those who do grind out Kuva, when it really isn't that hard to easily get 4,000 in a single day. Since we can't get what we want from Sorties with Tokens, the fact we only get 4,000 Kuva is a bit of a downer, since the reward doesn't seem substantial enough to account for a Rivens randomness. It'd be a bit different if we could choose our own reward, yet since we can't, the reward should probably be more substantial to make up for such a fact, especially since we can only run Sorties once per day.

Though, to be fair, Sorties aren't meant to completely eliminate the need for farming Kuva, or Endo, or much else really, so in retrospect, it seems more fair to me in that regard.

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:



How about typing instead of using a super large gif ?
Not everyone has unlimited data :)

And why tokens are better ?
So you can choose the reward you want.

Say i got 10k tokens, I can spend all of them on 10 sculptures if I want or spend it to get 2 rivens.
Or spend it on 5 unairu lens or 4 formas. It is my choice.

Less RNG, less whining for everyone.


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I am not bothering with the sorties since quest related stuffs and I am not eligible to play them but the rewards were always low. DE's reward philosophy is clear they doesn't like if you can farm efficiently but do many many times a mission to play the game and pray that Mr. RNG will notice you.

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Sortie rewards are the way they are so they are rewarding to the average player and so that the rest of you have a reason to participate in the rest of the game, as a whole, and not just do your Sorties and get everything you want.

You people need to quit acting like you're getting diddly squat from the rewards. You're getting plenty. Sorties barely take any time out of your gameplay.

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