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Are you Still Running Plains Missions? Why or Why Not?


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So it occurred to me tonight: In the last three days I have played, I had literally forgotten the Plains existed. Between Syndicate rep and missions, and trying for Prime parts, I have literally no reason to go there. I dont care enough about Zaws to be bothered by Cetus rep. I dont care enough about killing Eidolons or Kuva to care about the Operator. Especially since I dont find Sorties the least bit fun or care about the roughly 2% chance per day of getting a Riven that is at all useful. 

Hence, it occurred to me tonight that I literally dont even care about PoE any longer. I simply have no reason to revisit that content, now I have run all four of the bug ridden, relatively uninteresting Bounty variations about 10 times each. There's just no reason to Grind in PoE unless you want the very few things available in PoE.

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Not as intensely as I did in the first few days, but yeah. I figure getting Ostron and Quills maxed BEFORE the next content patch will be a Good Idea.

That said, spent most of the day fishing and farming Cetus Wisps. I wish there was a way to tell Space Mom to stop disturbing me when fishing.

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I've been playing a lot, it's something new and fresh. 

I like the focus rework, I like fighting against Eidolons, I like fishing, I like mining. 

I haven't done any bounties ever since I realized it's faster to farm rep by just fishing some lungfishes, I just hope for an alternative drop spot for Breath of Eidolons outside bounties. Or that u could choose it as ur reward instead of RNG giving u the poop tier relic. 

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1 minute ago, NPC said:

I've been playing a lot, it's something new and fresh. 

I like the focus rework, I like fighting against Eidolons, I like fishing, I like mining. 

I haven't done any bounties ever since I realized it's faster to farm rep by just fishing some lungfishes, I just hope for an alternative drop spot for Breath of Eidolons outside bounties. Or that u could choose it as ur reward instead of RNG giving u the poop tier relic. 

Oh the actual game play of the Plains is pretty fun. I find roaming the open spaces and taking on enemies as they come pretty enjoyable. I also actually like the fishing, and the mining is not intolerable either. That's just it; the Plains is actually a fun place to be.

On the other hand, its not a particularly rewarding place to be. And in a game based on acquiring loot...that's not a good thing. If they could find a way to tie the Plains to the rest of the game's economy and make it as rewarding as it is fun, I would love to revisit it. As it stands now though, its either play Warframe and get Warframe rewards, or play PoE and get PoE rewards. They are basically different games.

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I run tier 3 missions for a chance at some lens, maybe tier 4 if I feel like it (I don't cheese if I can get away with it, so this is a lot of twitch shooter action for me) and then I'm off chasing kuva for rivens I don't have and nightmare missions + derelict vaults for mods I still want to get.  getting into sorties for rivens.  I'm gonna track my rewards so when I *@##$ to DE about reward ratios, I can have a log ready...  At least Inaros+Astilla spectres are practically as good as a player.  Still need a f***-ton of endo too.  Only one rank 10 primed mod - Primed Fast Hands (yup, no regrets.)  I'll have to get into fissures again... soonish.  Out of forma, need more.  Got plenty of primes yet to get regardless.

Simply put, it's not that I've given up on PoE, it's that I've still got a metric ton of stuff to pursue.  For people that had everything and are driven hard by rewards, this update was probably a let down.  For someone with tons of things left to collect, it's more to do.  The lenses are nice as a reward at least, and I do want to get into the Quill's and Hok's anvil, but I'm in no rush.  Maybe one or two bounties a day and I'm good.

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Regarding the original question:  No, not really.  There isn't a lot of point.  I might go and fish sometimes, if it's night and I can do so without being constantly harassed by Grineer dropships and patrols.  But I do so with the knowledge that I could be bugged any time I attempt to pick up items that would update my character profile (minerals, probably fish, possibly basic Eidolon cores) and thrown to the login screen, causing me to lose almost all of it.  I don't know anyone who plays the game now, and I have less than no interest in fighting Eidolons in a random public group, so raising Quills standing is pointless.  Since mining is a risk of spending all that time for nothing, I'd only be able to get resources by paying platinum for them.  Which means trying to craft any of the Osteron items is *also* pointless.

I am also apparently nowhere near l33t enough to do more than the first two tiers of bounties - if an Assault objective pops up, I may as well just head back to town, because it spawns *far* more enemies than I can possibly kill.  Even if I manage to avoid getting blown into small squishy chunks the mission fails when enough of them pile up on the objective area.  Unless the Grineer bomber shows up, in which case it's a race to see if I use up all my revives before the Grineer can pile up enough to win anyway.

Even the new Focus system is pretty much pointless.  The amount of grinding to mostly unlock the passive powers is massive.  And fully unlocking the passives so that I could use them in each of the other schools requires the Eidolon cores that I'll never be able to get.  To be honest, after spending my refunded Focus, I didn't even bother re-equipping my existing lenses.  Doing so would be a waste of the Greater Lenses, since those are needed to make the Eidolon lenses.  Even though I'll never be able to craft them, because the lens blueprint is only awarded by the tiers of bounty missions I can't possibly finish solo.

The Plains area is a very pretty map, that I have no real reason to visit, and nothing really to reliably gain if I did.  Between rewards I might not be able to keep (due to bugs) and missions and enemies I can't possibly defeat, there really isn't anything for me here.

And yes, I'm aware that it's "my choice" to not join a clan or make friends with random strangers.  (My reasons are my own, and since I don't consider them negotiable, there really isn't any point in listing them out.)  That doesn't really change the fact that if I can't do it solo, I'm probably not going to do it at all.

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I'm not playing Plains of Eidolon at all at this point. The grind is terrible, imo, with no means of really skipping some of it (which is what I usually do when new weapons/frames come out) - yeah, I'm a whale. And the Operator grind killed any desire of mine to play Plains anymore. I'll go there when a friend hops on and if they want to go there, but otherwise, I avoid it altogether. Beyond that, there isn't enough combat-focused (non-Eidolon) gameplay to hold my interest in the Plains and the gameplay space itself (the landscape) isn't appealing to me at all. There's no life in the Plains, just a few Grineer camps scattered around, a few animals here and there, and a completely brown terrain. No civilians in the Plains, no traffic system such that NPCs are actively moving throughout the Plains (enemies randomly spawning 50 meters away from you isn't a NPCs actively moving around, btw), no diverse terrain, no greenery (to help the Plains look more lively), and only two means of transportation. As an open world fan, I think the Plains are just boring all around. If an open world doesn't have those things (the things I find appealing about non-MMO open world games), then I'm not interested in that open world. And if more landscapes are like PoE, then I probably won't be interested in those either. So, for now, I'll stick to the tilesets, because I find them much more interesting and fun than PoE.

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It feels way too populated with grineer dropships and patrols. I can't go anywhere and do anything without stressing out over whether or not a grineer sniper 400 meters away just over a hill and behind some grass is going to somehow spot me and alert her patrol. The dropships sniping me is also really annoying. It's just constant combat all the time.

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I just do T345 bounties these days. Completed all gara parts, so there's no need to do T12. But when I do, I mostly got standard mods or credit rewards which I feel insulting for the amount of time spent and the hassle to finish the objectives. Other than that, I just fish and mine stuff with some friends after sortie. 

My goal for now is to be able to cap teralyst solo so I can reliably get brilliant shard for focus way bound passive.

Now... I just need to get those eidolon lens bp to drop

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It actually feels like a chore playing Plains and the burn out is real.

Do one or two bounties and it feels nauseating. 
Running around from way point to way point is ok, its the return to Cetus is what annoys me. 
Why can't I just get Ordis to extract me instead of wasting time and constant button mashing.

Use archwing then?
Yeah but 50 charges isn't enough.
Get fishing?
FishingFrame isn't something I'm that invested in... Time wise that is.

Speaking of extraction... Why isn't it individual extraction? Why do I have to wait for everyone to then extract? I've been getting a lot of players wanting to stay at an extended amount of time where as my time was up.

Resources is annoying cause you have to manually get them, search the map for a ore deposit and hope you get the ore you need. Wisps in particular is annoying as hell.
You'd think those vaults would drop some of those loot but nah. 

Overall nah... I've not been playing it much. 

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5 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

So it occurred to me tonight: In the last three days I have played, I had literally forgotten the Plains existed. Between Syndicate rep and missions, and trying for Prime parts, I have literally no reason to go there. I dont care enough about Zaws to be bothered by Cetus rep. I dont care enough about killing Eidolons or Kuva to care about the Operator. Especially since I dont find Sorties the least bit fun or care about the roughly 2% chance per day of getting a Riven that is at all useful. 

Hence, it occurred to me tonight that I literally dont even care about PoE any longer. I simply have no reason to revisit that content, now I have run all four of the bug ridden, relatively uninteresting Bounty variations about 10 times each. There's just no reason to Grind in PoE unless you want the very few things available in PoE.

That's just fine, you don't HAVE to play the plains.  

Me, I really enjoy the plains gameplay, particularly in teams, it's fun, epic and spectacular. 

My problem is that bounties and general PUGs on the plains are so bug-ridden that it's making me disinclined to play multiplayer on the plains until they sort the mess out.

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5 hours ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

Judging by all your comments in the forums. You don't care about nothing in this game and you're are always bored of everything.

Don't know why you're still playing.

He is a player from Destiny 2 trying to ruin this game to make people go over there.

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Occasionally for the standings, although I find fishing will be more efficient, besides you need the fish for crafting anyway. After I got all 3 Gara parts and some of the new mods there isn't really any reason to run these buggy multi-phases bounties with cr@ppy reward.

I run Eidolon capture sometimes but the reward from Quills are not very good anyway, so I started losing interest on it. Operators arcanes are just as worthless as the operator themselves and the Amps are pretty much the only thing that worth your time, that said, getting new Amps doesn't feel really rewarding either and they don't offer any real function asides from killing Eidolons.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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No, simply for the fact that I have to constantly go back and forth from plains to Cetus through the terribly designed gates, the only things that interested me in the rewards were Furax Wraith and Eidolon lens. Furax seems to be tradeable, and I'm pretty much burnt out on exclusively farming hydron or bere for focus, I've been ignoring focus all along since PoE doubled the cap, so I would rather spend plat on the tradeable furax than actually going to Cetus. I don't care about operator amps as I don't like their combat, besides I can already kill Teralyst with the base one. I only go to the plains casually like once every few days when I'm completely bored and no friends are online, so I go to free roam from ship and do some fishing/mining just to try ranking up Ostrons for the sake of max syndicate completion, but REALLY casual paced.

Edited by Kiwinille
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im kind of done with the plains besides trying to max out focus. Most of the bounty rewards i don't find interesting(probably going to just buy gara) and are not worth the time spent doing them. while i find mining decent enough i hate fishing do the the amount of time spent waiting for fish to even spawn when using bait. I've only been playing poe for the last week cause i wanted to atlest get the first upgraded amp but i don't care anymore cause oberator combat isent fun or useful when i can just be excal using my 4. ill be honest i think POE is a bad update considering all the time DE put into it because theres no reason to play it. i can run kuva or fissurs for plat or try to fill up my codex so many other things that i think are more worthwild then going to poe and waiting for dumb fish to spawn

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