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Are you Still Running Plains Missions? Why or Why Not?


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i run eidolons and fish/mine for only the materials i need. the bounties are lack luster and too long and don't reward you with credits. on the other hand regular missions give me a lower level of RNG dependant on the mission im running, also the fact that focus(Convergence) orbs drop closer in regular mission maps i get more exp/ focus. there is a low level variant of plains freeroam but no high level free roam leaving an old vet like myself to deal with swatting flies whilst fishing.
At least the multi-part sorties have a chance to drop riven's by where bounties don't... so there is that...


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It's (almost) the only thing I play in warframe now. Love eidolon hunting, bounties are pretty fun, fishing and mining is a nice change of pace when I want to chill.

Don't really care for (or have time for) other usual routine stuff like sorties/kuva farming/prime part farming because I find those insanely boring, and also because I can do pretty much anything with warframe combat. My attention is devoted now to developing my operator - seeing her transform from a weak kid who dies from an insect bite into something that can run amok in any mission in the starchart and potentially more is where the fun's at for me. I can feel her growth with every node I unlock and every now and then it feels good to push her limits. 

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I've sort of been forcing myself to give the plains a chance, but ultimately I don't like them.

The bounties, besides being buggy, aren't particularly fun to play as they're just variations of the same 4-5 mission types over and over. Often you're not as much fighting for victory as you're trying not to bug out the mission or protecting a severely underprotected console on lower bounties (screw the defense mission!).
The rewards for them are equally unappealing and often outright insulting, meaning you didn't just waste your time, but you would've gotten something more useful or valuable for doing something else. It's more viable to just earn plat from relics and buying the new mods you want, rather than wasting your time on the plains.

I don't have a Zaw and apart from getting one for mastery I have no particular interest in building one either. It's the same thing with the amps, though I did build one out of the first three parts, which is largely underwhelming. The general consensus seems to be that there'll be a future point to having a good amp, but my guess is that there'll be better ones available later on anyway.

I don't mind the busywork in the form of fishing or mining, but again, there's not much point to it unless you're into being a literal fishmonger in trade chat (I'll gladly concede that it's a valid choice for as long as there are customers for it).

As for the focus rework, my Zenurik doesn't work for whatever reason. By that I mean the max energy/regeneration of the operator. While I'm not super upset at the loss of the energy regain (I have a stockpile of pizzas that I keep increasing), it's pretty tame and uninteresting. It's like the focus system moved sideways from "meh" to "meh". Maybe I'll start focus farming some of the other schools at some point, but it's not exactly something I look forwards to doing, for a reward that's largely unappealing.

I think of this update as wasted space of my harddrive, with the effort spent on it that could've been used to make a new epic quest instead. And that hurts.

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no, it's not worth time spended there: map became too familiar, mission boring and not rewarding, fishing and mining not so fun, archwing launcher too expensive to use, bugs everywhere, any reason to grind reputation for new factions, focus 2.0 just ridiculous...

no, I don't bother with Plains of Disappointment anymore

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20 minutes ago, Smilomaniac said:

protecting a severely underprotected console on lower bounties (screw the defense mission!).

Pick Octavia, pop Mallet, pop Amp if you feel like it, go AFK for the next 40ish seconds.

I do agree the rewards are insulting though, I've got ~30 Pressure Points while farming the chassis. Seriously, common mods, 50 endo, 2k credits should be removed from reward table.

I do enjoy doing 1-3 bounties a day and fishing once in a while though. I'm not gonna grind it, because that would be tedious.

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To be honest I only played on POE for 1 week to get the Gara Frame and to farm the mats needed to build her parts.
Haven't been back there ever since, perhaps when they fix all the bugs and provide more things to do then I'll give it another try.

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Been loving PoE. There are still bugs but overall I'm still enjoying it. I mainly play solo or with my clanmates at the moment - I will eventually try public.
I've been taking it slow with this update and only today did my friend and I defeat the Eidolon Teralyst with both of us using Ivara and still the mote amp. Got a long way to go before I become tired of it.
Oh and of course, I love fishing in this game. :laugh:

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During the week, I don't pay too much attention to PoE. I have very limited time for the game, so I'm generally just running any alerts that need done or farming for focus or relics, which means a survival or two and I'm done.

PoE requires more time to get anywhere and that time I only have on weekends--and frequently I only have one day weekends. If I go down there, I'm planning on staying for many hours and that sort of time block is a Sunday thing for me.

Somewhat ironically, I regard PoE as more of a single player experience and I'm generally going solo and shifting mission objectives as the mood strikes me--and moods might strike many times in an hour. Frankly, the teralysts don't interest me that much and I don't want to deal with others' obsession with the thing.

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It's my favorite place in the game. Yes its got bugs still to iron out (this is an open beta after all!), and no, Im not experienced enough to understand a lot of what I'm intended to be doing there (I dont grasp "standing" and have no clue what syndicates are or why I should care (yet!)). I simply love it. I bought platinum so I could "start over" with a new Warframe and built her around the planes from scratch. I dont so much do the bounties and won't till they save but I love the planes for a lot of reasons. What a lot of people call "grind" to me is gone there, I find stuff at my own pace and get my butt handed to me for attacking the wrong batch of baddies, I'm not dependant on others, and there's no forced plan. To me its wonderful and the same concept should be applied to all of the planets, moons, asteroids and so on. Even space should be a place we can blast off into. With this sort of addition this game has a gigantic future, one that I find riveting and hugely addictive.,

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I still have my target goal of building my Hok-Zaw and my Tower Cutter weapons so, every chance I have some time, I've been out all night on the Plains in the most peaceable spots for  fishing and mining with either my Limbo or my Octavia, happily harvesting as much as I can. 


Thanks to some helpful Discordians and Forumites and with the Lotus' constant stream of transmissions silent (sorry love, just don't wanna disappoint ya is all!), it's become quite satisfying to eternally mine and harvest fish for the cause. I can see this going on for quite a while, even for a little bit after the Zaw twins are in my possession and Umbra is completed. Disturbingly, the key to it all. . .was taking the combat out on my end.

Clear the Grins from their coastal cave, mine without care till mornin.

Find a fishing zone where neither Grin noir Vom bother to tread, fish fish fish away.

It feels strange to take the war out of Warframein (getting to the areas does inevitably mean leaveing a trail of cracked Vom husks and mangled Grin bits) but. . . it feels good.

Edited by Unus
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I haven't visited the new location once. But if you know me, you'd know that's not odd. I'm a casual for life and I play at my own pace. To top all this off, I'm more often on my work laptop (which cannot run WF). When I am on a gaming PC, I tend to run resource farm missions and trade. Got a lot of things to buy and even more to finish in my clan's dojo. Once I finish all the other quests (Atlas, Titania, Harrow, Glast Gambit) I'll dive into Cetus. Hopefully by then the hostage situation with extraction will be fixed and I can actually experience an open world, free-roaming environment to the fullest.

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12 hours ago, Atekron said:

no, it's not worth time spended there: map became too familiar, mission boring and not rewarding, fishing and mining not so fun, archwing launcher too expensive to use, bugs everywhere, any reason to grind reputation for new factions, focus 2.0 just ridiculous...

no, I don't bother with Plains of Disappointment anymore

Dont forget its plains of prime disappointment.

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NOPE. It's all insanely grindy, and I did my grinding. I'm MR19. I'm not grinding for jack anymore. If I can't use the mountains of resources I already have, and getting the new resources takes hours and hours of effort, I'm not interested.

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