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Mag got "buffed", but do you see anyone using her?


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To me when the Mag rework which happened a very long time ago was a nerf, You used to see her being used frequently in missions, now you only see her being used by newer players that have joined warframe and in literally 0.1% of community (apart from new players)?

I mean everyone said mag got a "buff", yes because she could clear enemies in a hallway in seconds, but do you actually ever see the people saying it was a "Buff" actually playing her. I mean really if it was a "Buff" then why do you see literally 99.9% of players which are not new to the game, not playing mag at all anymore, to be honest, I would say the developers turned her into a hallway clearer rather than a frame that used to be used in every corpus mission which could nuke enemies and give overshields.

So what do you guys even do, do you even still play her? I know I don't because sitting in a hallway for a hour is not fun, what we used to have gave us more mobility and freedom in our mission, since our abilities had extreme ranges, specifically "Shield Polarize. And also now look at that augment for polarize, doesn't even work against the grineer and infested, they even tried to make polarize work good against the grineer and infested, but turned it into a pretty much useless ability, It is now not even useful against the corpus.

And also now that mag is a 20 hour camping warframe there is no point in using greedy pull either, since all you need is vacuum and that's it. And lets be honest here considering we now don't have survivals with decent rewards, what is the absolute point of mag, ok fine fissure missions, but most the time its RNG if there is even one survival on. Anyways back on the topic, really now, Do you actually used mag/prime anymore even though others (maybe including yourself) call it a "buff."

OK, I've typed enough about this and you probably don't need more to read.


After doing some testing I found out modding for power strength isn't exactly worth it and waste many mod slots for survivability, mag in her self is good for CC and running missions in general, and its much better when you play her as something other than a camping turtle in a survival mission, though may be hard to use without zenurik energy regen unless you want to use energy pizzas for the rest of your life. Anyways the way I found best modding her was not giving a damn about power strength and went full out range and just slapped on a primed continuity and some augments and survivability mods, she still has many uses, though is hard to mod her without sacrificing any essential needs, since she can get 1 shot by lvl 45+ enemies with even a maxed redirection mod (yes I tested this in a bounty). 

Though I can not recommend her as a starting frame as she feels very squishy and her abilities just don't suit new players that only have damaged mods. Keep in mind newer players do not have access to Hydron on Sedna to max out their equipment. They also have no forma.

Edited by CaptainJLP
Added a Summary after I did further modding.
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Last time Mag was popular was when she was used for greedy pull spam or mass corpus genocide, 

I play her sometimes for fun times with bubble and "quirky" weapons, you know the ones people don't use anymore...like the synapse. She is still super strong with aoe killing that way.

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Just now, KiteoHatto said:

Last time Mag was popular was when she was used for greedy pull spam or mass corpus genocide, 

I play her sometimes for fun times with bubble and "quirky" weapons, you know the ones people don't use anymore...like the synapse. She is still super strong with aoe killing that way.

I guess it could be fun, but it just doesn't feel so good anymore, she feels like the squishiest glass canon in the game, that places down bubbles and it just bores me to absolute death. Its kinda like aiming a zarr at your feet, yeah it gets annoying after a while.

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I see frames whose AoE abilities can be successfully spammed. If all of them will be reworked in a way of removing mindless spamming, I'm sure I'll be seeing many different frames in missions. Including Mag.

Edited by Ksaero
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You’re right about one thing: Her augment for Polarize hasn’t been updated to accommodate for Armor stripping to benefit Mag. It’s still primarily used for enemy targets that have shields and only benefits Mag in overshield gains. I’ve been saying this since her rework and I’ll say it again - “Shield Transference” needs to be updated so that if you’re stripping off armor from armored targets (Grineer), Mag should receive armor gains proportional to the amount of armor she strips per target with a hard cap to the total amount of armor she can achieve from Polarize. Probably not percentile-based in terms of gains but numerically additive, similar to how Oberon’s reworked synergy is like with Hallowed Ground + Renewal.

Overall though, Mag has had a huge QoL boost from having most of her abilities receiving the one-handed casts treatment and the slight cast buff from Crush. She feels like the mobile ninja caster she was meant to be and feel, and the fluidity she performs on the field feels spry and energetic. I still use her when applicable in Sorties.

On the PS4 side of Warframe, I still see peeps use her in Sorties. But, her community usage since the Polarize rework has dropped significantly tbqh.

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23 minutes ago, Orabell said:

Since IgnusDeis Mag Deluxe skin I've played literally nothing else.

Never underestimate the FashionFrametm.

Edit: I bought the Harka skin and have almost exclusively played Frost since... and I hate Frost. :D

Edited by (PS4)HSomDevil
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"Buffed" ? to me it felt like alaborate nerf , the pre-rework mag had one job and it did what job very well , she was shielded enemy unit destroyer , when she had 2 of the best augment mods what now are eather pointless or nich , Il talking about greedy pull and shield transferance , this two were god-tier augments .

Now shes an energy hungry boss melter and enemy unit debufer , shes not as good as she was .

Edited by bad4youLT
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Since her Deluxe released, I've been using her more often than I used to. She does seem a little meh right now compared to what she used to be. Hope she gets a buff in the future or something, but that deluxe skin is so beautiful I can't help but main her. Guess that's what a great deluxe skin can do eh DE.


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I re-visited her just prior to PoE and she can be very effective anywhere there are groups of enemies but it does need a more focused approach than just spamming SP.

Magnetise bubbles with Gas/Electric/Punchthrough modded weapons on chokepoints for defences or bosses.and Pull is still great CC.

Crush with the augement is okay but you'll need two casts of around 160% strength followed by SP to strip armour from a level 100 heavy gunner.

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Mag requires more modding and skill then other frames/weapons like Ember. This pushes her into a niche place along with practically everything else that isn't (stupidly) easy to use. Hell, Ember still comes out on top in terms of usage vs. other cc frames (like Equinox d) because her abilities are so damn easy to exploit.

8 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

On the PS4 side of Warframe, I still see peeps use her in Sorties. But, her community usage since the Polarize rework has dropped significantly tbqh.

To be fair before that Mag had only recently been found to be exploitable, kind of like Ash. Before the rails Ash wasn't widely used then it clicked that people could exploit his fourth. Until people found these exploits the frames weren't regularly used.

Although now-days they aren't so easily used, they still make for great frames. Especially in PoE were we have more space to move about. Mag can cover an entire base with her first, third, and fourth. Then magnetize can be used to halt any flying enemies. Yes there can be improvements but in terms of usage Mag probably sits along with the majority of warframes.

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I play Mag a lot more often since the rework.
IMO, her capability of removing both shields and armor is more useful than removing shields only (even though the latter is not as powerful as it used to be). 

3 minutes ago, Sabreracer said:

...she can be very effective anywhere there are groups of enemies but it does need a more focused approach than just spamming SP.

Magnetise bubbles with Gas/Electric/Punchthrough modded weapons on chokepoints for defences or bosses.and Pull is still great CC.


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4 minutes ago, Postal_pat said:

Mag can cover an entire base with her first, third, and fourth.

She can probably do this but well, it just feels like she does no damage either way.
EDIT: Especially against say, lvl 30 - 40 enemies, unless you chose to run with max power strength.

Edited by CaptainJLP
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7 minutes ago, Sabreracer said:

Gas/Electric/Punchthrough modded weapons

This is also a reason why I dislike mag, I mean really, all I see is people running around with those specific types of weapons when they say it is a "buff", making a frame weapon specific doesn't make the frame that fun.

*yawn* Lanka

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2 minutes ago, Sabreracer said:

Sortie 3 Assassination I came out with 80% of the damage dealt and similar results in many defence runs

Depends on what squad to be honest. She would feel very squishy in most situations, unless you had harrow, trinity or frost with his augment in your squad.

Deaths are also why i'm not too much of a fan of mag as well.

Edited by CaptainJLP
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