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Newbies and Warframe - Why the hate? | Discussions and Confessions


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People like to say this community is different, it's better, nicer. But that's a just a face. Internet personalities haven't changed once you go deeper. 

That said, there are differences in goals and play styles between new players and old. Old players might want to stay in the mission longer, and new players want to tick off the mission and go on to the next asap. I also seen a few posts asking for harder versions of missions. (It would be nice to click on a mission and have a detailed mission window show up instead of jumping into a mission right away. Something like darksector mission overview. I am 100% surprised every time I do a nitain extract alert and find myself in an archwing, and kinda pissed bc archwing sucks.)

I like to grind on Draco a lot, and see all kinds of newbies and old players. Most don't bother me anymore. It sucks having to leave a mission too soon, it's something I have to deal with. 

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The problem is quite simple, actually:

Veterans like myself know every corner of this game (well...you know what I mean), while new players obviously don't.

We, or at least I, are aware that it's not their fault for not knowing certain things, especially because DE doesn't explain anything aside from how to log in. The issue here is that we find some things to be obvious and self-explanatory, mainly because we've been doing it for years.


For example, when I was new to the game, I didn't know you could improve mods until I already reached Mastery 7, just because literally nobody bothered to tell me. Yet still, when the new guys in my clan ask things like "How do I do that, where do I get this, etc.", I always feel like "Oh for god's sake, IT'S OBVIOUS!", just because I knew it for years.


In other words, we're aware that they simply can't know everything that we know, but, we're just used to it, and find it annoying to have to explain things.

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I've never seen or heard the phrase "nooby scum" and I've been on warframe ps4 for almost 4 years. 

As for new players, there are different ones. First you have the new player who does research on the wiki and such and is not afraid to ask questions in chat. This player also tries and I love to help people who try. When they do try it shows me that they are putting in effort into the game and are trying their best to get better at the games mechanics. When I meet these players ( usually in alliance or clan chat, sometimes in public missions) I don't mind handing them some mods like streamline or continuity to help them out. 

On the other hand, you have the new players who don't try. They want everything handed to them by everyone. These players will sit in every chat begging for items, mods and plat. They also beg (and demand) for vets to carry them through every mission. Those players I don't help at all because they're the ones who want everything instantly without trying. 

The bottom line is, I'll help out a new player if they try and put effort into getting better at the game. I don't expect them to be perfect but as long as they aren't begging or demanding me to help or give then stuff, then I'll hang out with then and teach them what they want to know.

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7 hours ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

Maybe I'm just hanging out on the wrong corners of the community (or the right ones), but I've never seen this kind of behavior. Not to this extreme, at any rate.

Agreed. In all my years of WF - sure Ive run across a handful of doorknobs - but the vast majority of my experience has been pretty cool folks.

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I try to spend at least a few minutes a day answering newbie questions. Usually I only go about 10-15 max in Region then I get burned out.Both from answering questions that I've answered many times, but also from Region itself.

The only time I get toxic, however, is if I get crap in return for trying to help. Mainly because they asked a question like "What do all the different damage types do?" and that's waaaaay too much to type, but need to know info.

This is a specific example in that I PM'ed the person to look up the Warframe Wiki and Search for "Damage 2.0". The response I got was (paraphrasing from memory here) "I don't have time to look things up on a stupid wiki. Just tell me the answer or shut up." So I shut up and went to take my aggression out on some Infested. What I wanted to say to the person, I can't type here on the forums.

The point is, that the toxic/salty responses from vets usually are preceded by rude/lazy noobs that are getting in the way of us actually answering newbie's questions because they just want everything handed to them on a silver platter. (Note that there IS a difference between "newbie" and "noob")

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As one of those nutcases who spent two months before playing the game optimizeing loadouts and going through every individual detail before jumping in with all my previous game experience, I never really got the whole "New Player" experience that Average Joes end up with.


That said, I DO understand that irritateing sensation when you need both fingers and toes to count how many times you've seen the same question sprout up in Region Chatroom. Depending on the question though, I'll either repetitively answer it if it's in text or ruthlessly ignore it if it's some manner of begging. I won't join any folks and I won't give anyone anything, but, talk is cheap.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)PS_90210 said:


Have you ever gotten triggered because you saw a new player ask a question that it really easy to answer?

I'm getting triggered, when I see MR 1-4 players with Frost, Scndo and Soma Prime. No, I don't feel envy. I just feel, that those players are using the good equipment, they don't deserve to have.

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i'm still a newb myself... i'm about 32 hours in and currently am only up to jupiter (been taking my time farming parts, leveling weapons etc. lol).

My experience with the community has been almost universally positive... i'm sorry yours hasn't OP :(

When i needed a basic streamline mod to help my "starter" excalibur build i offered up some plat in trade chat and ended up having a vet straight up give me one along with a host of other mods that helped the build (think he knew what i was going for lol). When i asked him what he wanted for all that (since i feel weird getting stuff free) his answer was "i want you to take em and use em :)"

When i've asked in regional chat about opinions on frames and weapons it almost always sparks some sort of debate about people's favorite loadouts and gear.

When i needed help getting through my first "rush" arcwing mission that was frustrating the hell out of me, i only had to ask once in chat and i had a full (apparently bored lol) squad jump in and help me through it.

I could go on.

Sure i've seen some trolls in chat and had a few people get upity because we weren't sticking around to look for "grineer caches" or whatever... but i've been in a LOT of online communities over the last decade and a half or so, and this one is one of the better i've seen IMO.


good luck to you OP

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5 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

The problem is quite simple, actually:

Veterans like myself know every corner of this game (well...you know what I mean), while new players obviously don't.

We, or at least I, are aware that it's not their fault for not knowing certain things, especially because DE doesn't explain anything aside from how to log in. The issue here is that we find some things to be obvious and self-explanatory, mainly because we've been doing it for years.


For example, when I was new to the game, I didn't know you could improve mods until I already reached Mastery 7, just because literally nobody bothered to tell me. Yet still, when the new guys in my clan ask things like "How do I do that, where do I get this, etc.", I always feel like "Oh for god's sake, IT'S OBVIOUS!", just because I knew it for years.


In other words, we're aware that they simply can't know everything that we know, but, we're just used to it, and find it annoying to have to explain things.

Yep exactly that, whenever i get into a game I always keep an open mind especially when i set things to public. Placing ourselves in other peoples shoes really doe help. 

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9 minutes ago, Sarge_Tarmus said:

I'm getting triggered, when I see MR 1-4 players with Frost, Scndo and Soma Prime. No, I don't feel envy. I just feel, that those players are using the good equipment, they don't deserve to have.

Im just wondering what these new players need to do to deserve Frost, Scindo and Soma? Buy it with plat? Grind for it? Be at a higher MR level.  

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)VaNiDgE said:

Im just wondering what these new players need to do to deserve Frost, Scindo and Soma? Buy it with plat? Grind for it? Be at a higher MR level.  

Since these are vaulted items, it is quite hard to grind for them. But trying to earn plat just to buy them... . Being a new player and receiving a decent equipment at the very beggining of the game, without any efforts is bad.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)PS_90210 said:


Do you agree that Warframe players hate new players a little too much?

Why do we refer to them as "nooby scum"?


1) No not at all, in fact this is probably the nicest most helpful community I've been part of in gaming.
Yeah OK, there are some bad apples here and there but I feel the helpful players, willing to give advice and help are far in the majority.
I've just spent over an our grinding Hydron with two new players to help grind some MR and level some gear and explain the basics of modding and the different weaknesses of corpus grineer and infested and what to build for etc.

I don't mind at all, there's something fulfilling about it. helping others.


2) The only ones I would refer to as "nooby scum" are the few trolls I see here and there - but then I just leave at the earliest convenience.





and this


Warframe, has a really big and colorful surface, great community, nice players, on the surface. But underneath the surface, lies a boiling pit of toxin. That perfectly describes me. My outer shell isn't toxic, it's more of a black and red, and a pure surface, but underneath that edgy colored Warframe, lies a disgusting, boiling concentration of toxin. 

"Why am i still getting hate"                    -Keemstar


I think you answered your own question right there, deep down underneath the surface and the facade ...
" lies a disgusting, boiling concentration of toxin", "That perfectly describes me.",

...." "Why am i still getting hate"  -Keemstar "


you should also stop watching him. and youtubers like him. you will enjoy things a lot more.

Edited by SilverRook
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9 hours ago, Erloser said:

In my opinion, new players are far less toxic than veterans, but that's from my experience.

There is no reason to hate on new players as their are going to be the new generation of Warframe that is gonna keep the game running.

This right here.  I can't tell you how many times noobs thought I was going to be mean to them cause over vets treat them horribly and belittle them.  You know it's a problem when noobs are shocked  that there's a " nice vet " that plays.

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I only dislike newbies if they choose not to listen, expect me to do everything for them, and just generally act like imbeciles. I'm willing to give new players a chance, but it's rare I find anyone actually willing to learn the way I did. recently though I was introduced to an MR9 (now MR10) via a close friend, and thankfully he seems alright for now... but then so did the two Americans I met a while back who left Warframe and never came back, and the third one who was kinda creepy..

all I ask is that you TRY to show interest in the game and it's mechanics, but nowadays I keep finding people who don't listen and then wonder why they do so badly. this insta-revive craze is really grinding my gears at the moment as well.

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The friendly side of the community is a bit of a facade.

It's easy for long term players to hand a newbie a bunch of essential mods like streamline, split chamber, hornet strike, what-have-you.  We've got dozens of these if we're not regularly selling them or breaking them down into endo.  And some of us will even go so far as to help a newbie in a mission (provided we can... still miffed I couldn't help someone on an Inaros mission simply because I needed to have the freaking vase to equip.)

But how many will actually go a ways out of their way for the newbie?  How many think of the systems the newbie will walk into?  The fact of the matter is this community is largely selfish, and to a degree, the "help" provided is driven a bit by ego flaunting.  We like being the reason someone thinks this community is great.  But that only extends in-so-far as our pretty trophies remaining exclusive to us, or all the work and effort we put in for something isn't diminished by nerfing the grind or RNG related to that something.  Mess with the status symbols of a long time player such that newer players don't have to bust their &#! for the same symbols, and all hell breaks loose, even if in several cases that adjustment is or was necessary. 

Then there's just the simple ignorance of experienced players advising newbies.  "Farm for prime items and sell them for plat!"  In this awful concept of a trade market?  They'll get scammed hard.  "Use Warframe market!"  Yes... because that's so much more inviting when other games provide that feature by default.  "Use this primed mod..."  Are you seriously so daft as to assume a newbie has a bunch of primed mods already?  Or nightmare/corrupted mods for that matter?

The truth is most players are actually really bad about newbies.  They can shower them with presents and rush them through a few missions with Ember's WoF active, oblivious to the fact they're basically making the game boring for the newbie.  But when it comes to improving the newbie's actual game play experience, at best they're oblivious to their problems getting into Warframe and don't openly support any suggestion to fix those problems, and at worse they're actively, spitefully impeding the newbie because they had to go through some sort of crap to get what they did, so everyone else should too.

Make no mistake, whatever newbie retention the game maintains is all DE's efforts, spotty as they are.  The community is generally unconcerned with newbies, helping them mostly on a superficial level but not really interested in actually improving the experience.  We really should be up in arms over the ridiculous concept of damaged mods, among other things... but no one cares because they already have the normal versions maxed out, so it's not their concern.  Just something for the newbie to find (or just as if not more likely, have handed to them.)  Focus 2.0 on the other hand?

Edited by Littleman88
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2 hours ago, (PS4)VaNiDgE said:

Im just wondering what these new players need to do to deserve Frost, Scindo and Soma? Buy it with plat? Grind for it? Be at a higher MR level.  

For my part, the problem with that twitch prime thing was threefold:

1. They gave everyone rare and highly valued vaulted primes that are a mark of experience.

2. The primes they gave out all fall into the "good when extensively modded, kinda bad when fresh" folder, with a side dish of "requires specific builds and mindsets to do well" and none of those new players are going to have the mod library or experience to use them well. For Soma and Scindo Prime that just means that they're not going to be able to use them in high level play (not necessarily bad), but with Frost Prime it means that missions are being flooded with people who bubble spots that hurt the team, have tiny unaugmented bubbles, &c.

3. The primes they gave out are still good enough to outshine pretty much all beginner gear, which exacerbates 1 & 2.

The cosmetics, on the other hand, are great. Glad that new players have a bit of extra fashion without having to pay for it.

What would have made more sense would have been a set of something like Rhino Prime, Lex Prime, and Dakra Prime. All solid, all still good even with a slim mod library, all easy to use. Not really any way to mess up or accidentally troll teammates. No resentment because none of those are super-rare.

Or, for that matter, they could have done something like a package with a yellow tater, the Tenno color palette, the cosmetics they already gave in the pack, and a tatered set of upgraded starter weapons with their own slots (Braton, Paris, Kunai, Lato). That way new players get a bit of a bump to their starter gear rather than shinies that overshadow it, as well as a slightly better taste of fashion. Not huge for veterans, just cosmetics and a few slots, but that's not terrible, and it's more important to give newbies a usable booster kit that doesn't throw early balance out of whack.

Edited by FlyingDice
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When I'm in some pubs without my friends, some think I'm a noob because I have Frost Prime,(I have two of them and ive been here for 2 yrsish nos btw),  ever since DE @#&*(d out my favorite frame. I get questioned constantly for the way I play my game and Im sorry to say sometimes I don't take it too well. Otherwise I'm always with my friends.

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10 hours ago, LazyKnight said:

I think your issue of toxicity is more of a PS4 problem. 

Most of the people I've encountered on PC help new players and are mostly friendly. 

Nah, even on ps4 (NA), i always find people willing to help newbies. I think op just had a bad stroke of luck in terms of encountering these. I mean, i have literally never met a single player dissing newbs, in game at least.

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