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Why are people hate Operator that much? what is the true reason?


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That question always bugging me. I have always like the solution that operator as a concept can provide , lore wise and mechanic wise in some rare instance. I'm genuinely curious on what are the actual reason you hate operator. However, every time .... every time  i encounter the statement "i don't like operator because .... ", the part after the "because" is always about something else .... "because they clumsy", "because i'm force to using it", "because they are kids, i don't like kids" "because they just mimic what frames can do",  and ... my favorite .."because it took away time and resource devs can spent to add other stuff instead"........ seriously?


Look .... I don't need to know the problemsoperators have a lot of problems, so does a lot of things in warframe. No, what i want to know the true reason you hate them. In time, problems can be solved, clumsiness are almost gone with PoE, Operators are now more like young warrior (that 1000+ years old) instead of kids, they aren't as forced to be used more than you are force to use energy pads. In fact ... if you truly hate operator, i doubt any kind of improvement could change your mind. I want to know your the argument from your side if you happen to be one after consider all the problems with operator can be solve. Why are you still hating them?

And also, please don't be toxic.


EDIT: the sole reason i made a new thread is to find something better than those lame excuse to bash operator that i mention above. If your reason end up just  align with those, don't post here, there are enough of that in the forum already. If the problem you describe also apply to other gear/frame in the game too, then that's not the reason im looking for

If Operator ruins something to you, then what got ruin? 

I do find some interesting point u guys mention below, that can  narrow down the real reason. I will reply as soon as i can if  could i find time to read all of it, best regard.

EDIT 2: Please read the part where i distinguish the "problem" and "reason" again before saying that it's the same. May be it's a bad word choice, idk, but they are different. If u have a better idea on which word should i use to avoid confusion, let me know.

Edited by FireSegment
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Because core gameplay of warframe is being very fast and agile, destroying hordes of enemies with abilities and multiforma'd guns. 

Then I transfer out of the warframe and I run slower than prodmen and shoot a pewpew void lazor that tickles heavy gunners even when it's maxed. 

Edited by NPC
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I don't hate them. Their gameplay feels lame and clunky right now. I just did Harrow's quest the day before yesterday, and it was probably the most annoying quest to date. 

Their combat is rigid, and their movement/counterplay is severely limited when compared to using a Warframe. 

Beyond that, I'm indifferent about their introduction to the game. It was jarring at first, but I just enjoy turning my brain off and grinding

Edited by Torhque
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well, from what ive noticed its mostly the same group of people that complain about the operator everytime. and i find the issue isnt that they're unable to accept them, its that they refuse to even look them outside of one perspective because of the lame reasons you listed. the most valid complaint thats been made about them post-PoE is about their lines, they do need work....


oh, and id say expect that group to show up here and start preaching their one-sided views cus they refuse to accept other views on the matter. people these days are way too close minded.

Edited by NightBlitz
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27 minutes ago, NPC said:

Because core gameplay of warframe is being very fast and agile, destroying hordes of enemies with abilities and multiforma'd guns. 

Then I transfer out of the warframe and I run slower than prodmen and shoot a pewpew void lazor that tickles heavy gunners even when it's maxed. 

Because operator purpose isn't to tickle heavy gunner but to blast kuva, take teralyst shield down, being invi while thinking how the heck to kill him, and negate sentient adapting defense. You aren't suppose to use Arca Plasmor vs Ogma, without AW. 

Honestly .... you are among the first falling to the problem/reason pit fall that i try to avoid in this thread, because this would just push the discussion into enemy scaling, which frame and weapon also subjected to.

26 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

well, from what ive noticed its mostly the same group of people that complain about the operator everytime. and i find the issue isnt that they're unable to accept them, its that they refuse to even look them outside of one perspective because of the lame reasons you listed. the most valid complaint thats been made about them post-PoE is about their lines, they do need work....

hmm ... i didn't really noticed if the ppl making that argument are the same group over and over or not. There are 2 massive negative thread about operator that ... ppl simply pour their frustration with operator into, but not much value can be taking from. I'm totally agree with you about the lines though, it need improvement, but i hardly think it's the main deal breaker. 

Edited by FireSegment
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One of the biggest complaints I see about the Operator is the movement.  I just had what I thought was a pretty good idea.  Why not give the Operators the Parkour 1.0?  No bullet-jump, no double jump, just a bit smoother running, sliding, wall run instead of the wall hop we have now, all that goodness.  Warframes would still be a lot more mobile, but then Operators wouldn't have that feeling like we're just being massively gimped in our mobility.  Operators also don't have melee weapons, so it's not like we'd have them coptering around everywhere either.

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I just hate the way they look. 

Apart from that: 

1 hour ago, Torhque said:

Their combat is rigid, and their movement/counterplay is severely limited when compared to using a Warframe. 

Beyond that, I'm indifferent about their introduction to the game. I just enjoy turning my brain off and grinding on this game. 


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3 minutes ago, Cifrer said:

One of the biggest complaints I see about the Operator is the movement.  I just had what I thought was a pretty good idea.  Why not give the Operators the Parkour 1.0?  No bullet-jump, no double jump, just a bit smoother running, sliding, wall run instead of the wall hop we have now, all that goodness.  Warframes would still be a lot more mobile, but then Operators wouldn't have that feeling like we're just being massively gimped in our mobility.  Operators also don't have melee weapons, so it's not like we'd have them coptering around everywhere either.

But they will get melee weapons :D

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5 minutes ago, Verre said:

I just hate the way they look. 

Kinda agree on this. They need better faces / hairstyles , not so meaty looking armors , separate attachements and some other cosmetics like back sigil / emblems. I don't mind operators also having different tight space / jump suits or even syndicate themed ones.

Edited by Aeon94
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I continue to play Warframe almost daily because I genuinely enjoy it. I have never once in 4 years been in the middle of obliterating hoards with my frame and weapons and thought, this is boring, I wish I could could use something else to obliterate these enemies.

I don't hate the operator, I just don't want them physically appearing on the battlefield (the old "ghost" operator ability unlocked from the 2nd dream was fine...it was essentially a 5th frame ability with a cool down). I don't appreciate the added complication of switching between operator and frame to overcome artificial immunities, I find "frequent" use of transference disconcerting and the actual controller button combinations awkward.

Right now the operator requirements are minimal, but since this is the direction things are headed, Warframe is not likely to be a game I'll continue to enjoy. Which is fine, it's been an amazing fun filled 4 years, I'll find something else to play.

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I dislike them because I really liked the Mystery of the Tenno and the Warframes.  It's one of those few cases where wanting to know is actually preferable to knowing.  I'm sure there are just as many people who take pleasure in the knowing, but I'd rather still be wondering, and I don't say that about a very many things at all.

I have not really gotten into the whole Focus thing yet, but I am getting a little tired of fat-fingering 5 when I mean to hit 4.


EDIT: Elvenbane just above me hits some nice points, too.  I really don't like the Operator just popping out of the warframe, using it as some kind of teleportation conduit.  And then, going back.  It's just weird.  Just really really weird, and I can't really articulate why I dislike it.

Edited by PhotriusPyrelus
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3 minutes ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

I dislike them because I really liked the Mystery of the Tenno and the Warframes.  It's one of those few cases where wanting to know is actually preferable to knowing.  I'm sure there are just as many people who take pleasure in the knowing, but I'd rather still be wondering, and I don't say that about a very many things at all.

I have not really gotten into the whole Focus thing yet, but I am getting a little tired of fat-fingering 5 when I mean to hit 4.

I understand the first part.

You know you can change keybinding right ?

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I dislike playing operator for similar reasons to why I dislike archwing: it's a disruption to my accustomed playstyle that doesn't have much of a work around yet to allow for options. I have a collection of warframes and gravitate to just a few. There are far fewer choices of how to play archwing and fewer still for the operator. If my slow plinky operator acted like a human version of my dash-n-slash Nezha (increased void dashing, smoother movement, and a little stabby void sword/dagger) I'd be less loathsome.

And seriously, operators need way more fashion love. Ki'teer ears were an acceptable start.

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For me a part of the "true" reason is that 5 is an awkward key to be forced to press often to unlock some buffs or auras in a game where you're usually racing through hordes of enemies. Then you press the wrong button by accident, either turning operator or using the 4 ability. That's super frustrating.

I tried putting the 5 key on my mouse and now I am a lot less annoyed with my operator. It's like a 5th ability that's universal to all warframes. What still bothers me a little is the disruption when you need to renew buffs. Warframe is a bit like racing and being forced to pop out into hobbled mode kinda ruins the feeling of driving a sports car.

The emo teen voice lines are pretty bad as well. Maybe it would have been better to make the operator mostly mute except when necessary during quests.

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I can only speak for myself. The Operator as a concept is fine. The manner in which the Operator has been implemented so far into gameplay and its potential impact on lore, is what I have issue.

Either have the Operator remain solely on the Orbiter doing Transference or allow it to be unleashed as a full Void Demon.

  • If the operator controlling Void Energy remains on the Ship then I'd like one or even both of the following explored:
  1. The in mission manifestation can be fully customizible,  where I can choose to have an energy entity (not my Operator) and continue to be able to mistify enemies like Alad V who do not know the truth.
  2. Instead of the Void Energy escaping the Warframe when in '5' mode, the Warframe continues to move around, but with the limits of the new format with new energy emanations from the Warframe. Lorewise, the difference is that regularly the Void Energy is being contained to power the mobility of the Warframe for superhuman feats, in '5' mode Void Energy is being supercharged and used directly around the Warframe bypassing normal movement and the native powers of the Warframe as a direct conduit of the Operator's will.
  • If we really are swapping places with the Operator and it is the actual Operator running around and not an Energy manifestation of the Operator's will, then why can't the Operator be more Void Demon then? While sustaining the mystique of the Tenno?
    • Having a teenager running around was fine in the quests, as the Operator was not prepared and thrust into brand new situations. Having the Operator appear when facing Corpus and basic Grineer troops feels off.
    • If instead we have a manifestation that would mimic Rell and/or have more options with changes to movement and animations then I could live with having the Operator actually be appearing in missions.
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I think it's just the whole thing about them looking like teenagers and the fact that we first started out as a moody teenagers into edgy teenagers and now warriors. And the fact that Anime nowadays have so many different themes with super powered teenagers. And most people hate anime cause...reasons...so...yeah us being super powered teenagers in this game does nothing to make those types of players love it. 

Tho i myself personally like them, but i'm just a sucker for character creation in any game, especially if it's well done(tho i would love more options). And in terms of gameplay, sure they could could use some work in terms of strength but in terms of them doing what they need to do...well...they do what they need to do.  So that's fine with me. Not only that but they improved on them even in terms of mobility, sure it's nothing massive but that slide is a pretty big plus for a character who was never that fast. Besides the devs said they are still working on improving them so they will get better...at some point. 

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Mechanically: Slow, awkward, weak, squishy.

Aesthetically: Ugly, obnoxious, hypocritical, repetitive.

Mythologically: Nothing at all like what we were told about the Tenno prior to TSD/TWW. We got S#&$ty whiny kids (in terms of personality and worldview) when even the extant lore about them says that they should be mature and intelligent warriors, if a wee bit brainwashed.

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8 minutes ago, FlyingDice said:

Mechanically: Slow, awkward, weak, squishy.

Aesthetically: Ugly, obnoxious, hypocritical, repetitive.

Mythologically: Nothing at all like what we were told about the Tenno prior to TSD/TWW. We got S#&$ty whiny kids (in terms of personality and worldview) when even the extant lore about them says that they should be mature and intelligent warriors, if a wee bit brainwashed.

Aesthetically hypocritical?  I do not understand.

Let me take up some devil's advocate here.  You say they're whiny kids when they should be mature and intelligent warriors.  The only interaction anyone probably had with the 10-0 children that didn't leave the interactor horrifically scarred, was through transference, that is, the Tenno being projected into a warframe.  Transferrence is said to be a dream-like state.  I don't know about you, but in dreams, I don't always act in accordance with my conscious personality.

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