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What weapons would you like to see in game!?


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1 hour ago, TolaShamgar said:

yes. so much yes. pyrana prime would make me whole again. 

I want to see a cold damage pistol and more cold weapon damage weapons in general too. I also made a post that got overran by A******s about introducing stone and wind damage into the game and expanding upon the carmine series from the Chinese build and the mara series of weapons as well as more prisma weapons, even a prisma pyrana. also a corpus argonak would be pretty cool. 

Carmine mam/sir? What is that series sir/mam?

Edited by Unus
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Just now, phoenix1992 said:

I would like for Baro to stop being stingy and bring :

Prisma Dual Skana
Prisma Twin Grakata
And in general most dual version of weapons (as long as they don't enter power creep territory)

and what, pray tell, is wrong with power creep? 

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34 minutes ago, Im_a_Turtle said:

A Orokin'ified riot shield and pistol/club.

Ah, minds think alike eh?


41 minutes ago, TolaShamgar said:

its sir, and its a weapon series in the Chinese build. yet to port to global as of now

Ah, sir it is then, and, what is the Carmine series exactly? Blades? Carbines? Handguns?

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well i thought of an intresting idea using a mechanic from 2 weapons that are in another game and it is sort of a gun/cannon/shotgun greatsword and the mecahnic i was thinking of was the gunlance and switch axe mechanic from the monster hunter series. i am thinking on the fly as i write this so here we go. i am thinking the weapon would be similar to the redeemer but doubled in size to a large size but having a normal sword handle the blades would resemble a  dragons head with the blades around the gun bit in the same way as a redeemer yet the barrel is more larger. there would be a guard in the shape of the back of the dragons heads along with the horns which will protecting the warframe hands from being slashed from the blade suffering kickback when using the charging fire or the frame could hold the horns of the weapon and fire it that way kind of like i think emperorgreymon (is that right?).  on of the combos of the weapon would involve using the fire mechanic to turn the weapon and frame into a missile with it then fallowing up with either a side slash, an uppercut, or a over the head chop. the idea of this weapon is its more of a short range cone aoe.

Edited by maddragonmaster
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A LMG with high damage at the cost of a overheat mechanic.

A Compound Bow.

Some kind of "hidden blade", like in Assassin's Creed.

A gatling gun. (Don't even try to counter this with the "it doesn't fit in the game" argument. It's invalid.)

A Bolt-Action sniper rifle. And no, the vectis is NOT a bolt action rifle. 1 bullet per magazine =/= bolt action.

A good looking semi-auto pistol. Or, in other words, a better looking Lato with much higher damage. (I refuse to accept the Lex.)

Some sort of arm-mounted cannon. I know we got the sonicor, but... that thing just is no match for this:




Or this...



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I'm not sure I would use this, personally, but it's a concept that fascinates the mechanical engineer in me.

I'd like to see if transformable weapons are possible. I know we already have the Dark Split Sword, but it is stance-dependent: no way to switch modes on the fly. And that's not the kind of weapon I'm thinking of anyway. I'm thinking something like Lightning's gunblade from Final Fantasy 13, or the myriad of weapons used by characters in RWBY, like the rifle/scythe and the brass-knuckle/shotgun.

Say a simple axe/rifle, where the axe head serves as the rifle grip and the axe shaft as the barrel. (See the original Black Power Ranger's axe. Yes, I'm at least that old.) Whenever you equip it in the primary slot, the game would recognize the weapon and auto-equip it in the melee slot as well, and vice-versa. That'd be the trade-off of having a transformable weapon: you'd have to take both modes. Then while you're playing you just hit the switch weapon button like normal and it'd shift between modes. Since it would be equipped in both slots, that would also take care of how you'd mod each mode.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Blast gauntlets/fists/sparring weapons would be cool. Or a retro 80s laser minigun (like the ones in thor ragnarok, or something with a starwars-esque sfx)

But there are sparring weapons, firsts and theyre stances or i misunderstood you?

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