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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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I personnally (and some of my friends) have 0 interest in teralyst farming. Plunging chroma into oblivion for that reason seems a bit... Well... Meh.

His buffs were already quite a pain to maintain (high end chroma eats up over 250 energy/min and has his buffs reset every minute.
Having his vex armor boost damage of friends is fine. However if it's an aura, it's gonna suck (since you do not have space for range in a typical chroma setup).
I'd say make the buff last longer. Or chromas are gonna be even more of a niche pick.

I love chroma, but I usually do not play him because he is a huge energy SINK.

5energy/s... And you want me to add up the elemental breath and the ultimate's drain on top of that? Hell no.

About Ember... Well, world on fire double damage in closer proximity is nice... except you ave gonna get one shot by whatever is at close proximity +1 meter. So. Meh.

Oh and yeah: maiming strike. Get rid of that S#&$.

Edited by Hinoiki
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On 2/3/2018 at 5:07 PM, Campaigner said:

If they nerf my endgame fire quake CC ember I guess I'll just have to give up on high level missions and spam my ult in low level missions to refresh the range and kill everything before the noobs can. 

If this doesn't hit the nail square on the head...

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10 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

A quick reminder to everyone that Octavia exists, while DE are nerfing Ember.







stop it right there!! dont be that guy that says " hey another change ti volt why not nerf gara since shes strong" which nerfed her wall to the ground. octavias abilities are good as they are 

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So, is Chroma getting some additional changes?  The proposed changes thus far are very lack luster, especially if Scorn is changed to calculate before mods like Fury.  All in all, his 1 is garbage any way you slice it, and his 2 and 3 are rather redundant and lack team utility without an augment.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Glaceon_Frost101 said:

stop it right there!! dont be that guy that says " hey another change ti volt why not nerf gara since shes strong" which nerfed her wall to the ground. octavias abilities are good as they are 


5 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

This is almost painfully funny.

Now why is that?


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Just now, (PS4)purpleskullgamin said:


Now why is that?


Because octavia is the definition of broken.  For the most part, she makes the game play itself.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)purpleskullgamin said:

And Volt I still think could use some minor tweaks.

Like the fact you loose his passives extra damage even if you miss your shot.

A small sprint speed buff to 1.15 

His 4 having the same sync as his one with electric shield and being able to electrify them.

His 4 does have a sync with his 1.  You zap someone who's affected by his 4 and it causes an explosion.  It'd be nice if it upped the dot dmg, but it just causes an explosion.

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8 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

That would make sense, now that you mention it.

Yeah, it should do the same thing as his 1 does and electrify the shield. So if you have all six shields you can have down you can get them all at once and spend 100 energy at base shocking them instead of 25 each going up to 150. Just save a little energy that way.

P.S. also it's annoying asf his speed Augment breaks Corpus windows so that needs to be fixed. 

Edited by (PS4)purpleskullgamin
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Il y a 9 heures, (Xbox One)Harbinger XK5 a dit :

Nerf's in general are absolutely pointless, it's a PVE Game not PVP, why do they need to make us weaker against AI

And this is why Warframe can't have an endgame:

Because the community is full of peoples who don't understand that a PVE game HAVE to be balanced, perhaps even more than a PVP game, since it's more about theorycrafting and less about pure player skill.

You can't put any sort of endgame if you give tools that can cheese any type of enemy to the players.

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6 minutes ago, Darkduprey said:

And this is why Warframe can't have an endgame:

Because the community is full of peoples how don't understand that a PVE game HAVE to be balanced, perhaps even more than a PVP game, since it's more about theorycrafting and less about pure player skill.

You can't put any sort of endgame if you give tools that can cheese any type of enemy to the players.

I agree completely :D GW1 was offering the constant challenge by having either minor or major changes to a lot of the skills that were the meta in both pve and pvp or to the mobs that were suffering from them and the community was always fine-tunning their builds to continue hurting those mobs even worse. To the point where the devs started taking our builds and givin' them to the mobs (which wouldn't hurt if it would be used here too :D)

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General comment
Based on previous frame reworks, my conclusion is that DE doesn't like to remove/change animations, ability effects and ability icon. My comments and suggestions are mostly with that in mind.
I focused on Mag, Zephyr and a bit on Atlas.

Introduced change is obviously a good one. I got into this game because of Ash and he used to be my frame for everything - Sorties, focus farm, fun... Now I simply prefer other frames - not because he is bad, but because I have more fun with some other frames.

Petrify should be able to quick cast or toggle. Quick cast (tap the ability key) does 4 ability ticks in 1 second and petrifies nearby enemies, while slows enemies further away. Quick cast also does all the buffing introduced in workshop. Toggle (hold ability key a bit longer) does exactly the same as proposed. Petrify quick cast would enable more fluid play style.


This way, Atlas would have a better synergy between abilities, because you want to use quick buff/cc then use your weapons, rather then move slowly while able to only punch enemies. Even the video showing the change you have on this post uses 'quick' cast to petrify bulwark. Think of it as a Harrow or Inaros 1. You hit it and then use weapons (or landslide) to kill CC'd enemies. You can still use toggled Petrify with landslide if you prefer that play style, but quick cast would allow you to use your weapons also, while preserving your energy.

Other than that, Bulwark and Rumblers probably need a rework, but looks like you want to focus on Petrify, so we'll leave it as is.


Looks good. Augment changes ability to make Banshee mobile. Great! (No more AFK Meso farming on Io for me)

I never understood Chroma. Based on that, Chroma will hopefully be replaceable with some other frame for hunting down a Teralyst.  :P (sorry Chroma mains)

Make an augment for WoF that will keep knocking down enemies in original range of the cast while damage range shrinks as you introduced.


Increased energy pool - great! Buffed shards - great! Mag 1, 2 and 3 basically untouched - great, because those are great abilities!

Crush - still a long, static, sitting duck animation that does damage to low level enemies and is terribly short CC to be used as a tool.
Crush needs to be two-part ability:
1. On cast: Mag lifts enemies in the air and creates 'crush zone' where enemies are floating in the air. This CC has a duration and range.
2. On recast or when expired: Mag crushes the enemies in crush zone dealing damage (lower than current damage, because it is heavy CC ability now)
No shields/overshields mambo jumbo. Polarize already does that. Mag can use Pull to get enemies from outside of 'crush zone' inside. One more synergy there ;) 


Also, if you need some more synergy, Crush can have a really small base range, but also affects Polarized enemies. This way you would build for duration, and cast 3 then 4 to polarize/lift/crush a lot of enemies. Or you can build for range and then pull enemies to Crush zone. The main idea is to make Crush a heavy CC ability and enable Mag survive high lvl content. In the end, enemies don't need to float, they can be slowed meaning she started crushing them. I just used the floating animation that is already in the game.

Augment is being reworked either way, this just creates more possibilities.


Augments like: Killing enemies in Crush zone adds overshields. Damage done to enemies in Crush zone is spread to all enemies in Crush zone. Crush duration is increased with every kill in Crush zone. Crush damage is higher with every enemy in Crush zone ....

As you can see, almost all ideas would make a great synergy between Pull and Crush - More enemies in Crush zone = More damage or some other benefit.

I guess this is good. :D I use Volt’s 4 only to CC enemies and to add overshields from the augment. If they both work the same, great! :)


Combined Tail Wind and Dive bomb - great! Charge Tail Wind to hover in the air? - WOW great! (I hope air glide mods will increase duration as well)

Air Burst - Please don't. Update to Tail Wind hover makes Zephyr the queen of Plains. She doesn't need any ragdoll abilities and I'll explain why:
With introduction of hover, she becomes the 'watch eye' on Plains. Air Burst will make her a nuker. This is in her 'air' theme, but it is not in synergy with other abilities. Making Tornados taller is not a synergy, it's a gimmick. You can use it or not, and when you use it, it is for fun, not because you need to. I would introduce more synergy type of ability:

'Air Compression' is Zephyr's new second ability. Zephyr compresses the air in front of her. All enemies in front of it are outlined with Zephyr energy color. Zephyr does modified damage to outlined enemies, because shooting through Air Compression that is in front of her makes shots more deadly.
This ability would look similar to Odonata’s Energy Shell, or Volt’s carried Electric Shield, but with ‘wind’ or ‘air’ feel. Zephyr can see clearly her pray through compressed air like eagle sees its pray. This would look like zoom with Argonak. Ability needs to be range-independent, since it will be used to cover large distances on the Plains. That is also why enemies are outlined only in front of you (watched through Air Compression), not everywhere (Maybe the line of sight of Air Compression can be affected by range mods, like Mesa's Peacemaker). Not to mention, this would hopefully make Zephyr alternative for Chroma in Eidolon hunt.

Turbulence is a great ability that will protect Zephyr from any incoming missiles. Great synergy with Tail Wind hover! Augment makes almost any weapon act as a sniper, double synergy, gj! These first three abilities synergy is great, now we only need a setup that will enable you to take down enemies one by one from above, so let's see what we can do:

Tornado - What is the use case of Tornados following where you aim? What is the use case of making them taller with Air Burst?
What I suggest: Zephyr casts one wide Tornado. Enemies trapped inside of tornado are slowed by a large percent. Or enemies are spinning around their Z-axe, so you can aim for headshots. Tornado can be recast to explode and ragdoll all enemies that were inside. Potentially, percentage of damage done to enemy can spread out to all enemies in Tornado, though this feature it is not necessary.
Tornado needs to be clear enough to see through it and shoot the enemies from outside of it. Air Compression helps here a lot. Luckily, we have the ability in game that is similar - Limbo’s Cataclysm. Tornado would of course be cylinder, but would act similar regarding ability animation.
Tornado Augment would make recasting Tornado implode instead of explode and bring all enemies in tornado to the center of tornado. And then you can nuke them with Lens if you don't like playing with snipers.

With all changes I suggested, Zephyr would become the Queen of Plains and her play style would be something in the lines of:
Start a bounty. Tail Wind to Excursion area. Charge Tail Wind to hover above. Activate Turbulence and Air Compression for protection/buff/map awareness. Cast Tornado on area where enemies are falling and take them down one by one, or aim the strongest one and kill all of them if damage percentage is spread inside Tornado. Or cast Tornado on defense objective, or so much more… <3

The most important update to Zephyr: Make a sexy Zephyr deluxe skin! She is utterly ugly and it is a great turnoff for me to use her and I believe there are quite a lot of players like me. We need a bit of Saryn in Zephyr to make her attractive.


I hope these ideas are worth considering and I hope you had fun reading them. Also, I can't wait to try out all these changes to frames as well as to weapons when they become live! Tnx for this great game and gl DE

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Is the Chroma a dragon or a mouse? Come to say that the error lasted 2 years and only now have realized enough to change ridiculously, because mathematically it will be a waste compared to now. I stop playing on time. The company is treating the players as idiots who have useless time to lose. I have almost 700 hours of play. Chroma was my 2nd warframe built of 3 that I have with this game time. It's fair to be a dragon. The mathematician who put the calculation in this way did not know that the order of factors changes the product? I'm sorry to the players.

If they want to correct the problem of the teralyst and not of the chroma put limitador of damage in the hits that it takes but that still appear high numbers with the chroma and do not mecham in the verx armor.

That justification does not make any sense.




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Chroma: saw that nerf coming. As for his one, I still see little incentive to use it. Perhaps use that ability to switch between different elements, similar to quiver? Spectral Scream usually suffer when building for his 2 and 3 and the same goes for his 4. I understand that he will be looked at at a later date, just some food for thought.

My number one problem with the ember change is how her augment works. The augment is used primarily for the CC, as we all know, and is a very potent one at that. Halving her range and increasing the cost will hurt this augment immensely. Perhaps we could change the augment, so it keeps max range, and does low damage. Maybe remove the increased cost while it’s equiped too I don’t know. What I think is that it will keep the augment useful while still not being a ‘kill everything and everyone who is below level 30’ type of frame. 

Although, as Tactical Potato said in a recent video, nerfing frames will only result in players finding other ways to bypass the grind. Ultimately, if it was up to me, I would reduce the grind further. I’m not saying I don’t appreciate the changes for the quills, I’m just saying that maybe we need more.

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I like that Banshees 4 gets some changes but personaly i think that the abilitiy should be changed in general.

So what i mean is: Make Sound Quake do the one hit thing you planing on adding to its augment normaly. Then the augment could for example let the stagger effect stay longer the more enemies where hit by the blast. Kinda like you did with Gaara now. If thats to strong make it reduce the range aswell.

Im suggesting this because i think the normal stationary Sound Quake is really bad and is not gonna be used without the augment. Basicly like it is now. So every ability should be usefull without an augment and just get modified in a way that add a little something special on top. 

Good examples are Nidus Larva Augment. Its just great! The base version is usefull and the augment just makes it even more fun and special to use.

Thats what id like to see happening to Banshee now and maybe even some other Warframes

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While we won't be able to test ember's rework until it is released, a lot of people myself included are concerned about the WOF rework and ember's survivability.

Just for info, here is the proposed rework as of now.

World On Fire - 5 seconds after casting, a percentage will begin counting up on the ability icon. As this percentage scales from 0% to 100% over 10 seconds, the ability’s energy cost and damage dealt both grow to double, while the ability radius shrinks to half.

Here is my suggestion. While scaling from 0 to 100, how about add an ability like immolate. What I mean is while WOF is essentially powering up, Ember's body is also heating up as well. at 100%, immolate works like a flame shield that blocks/melts a percentage of bullets fired at her. It would work essentially like zephyr's turbulence minus the reflecting of bullets. This would give her some survivability without being OP.

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1 hour ago, Samuell_Henrique said:

If they want to correct the problem of the teralyst and not of the chroma put limitador of damage in the hits that it takes but that still appear high numbers with the chroma and do not mecham in the verx armor.

No more of that please. Continuos mobs buffs and invincibility mechanics added to not upset the players who don't like changes brought no end of problems, as we can see. More damage limitators, more mobs scaling, just to avoid a fix that was obviously going to hit. Make Chroma better, yes. Give the toggle option, make the other elemental effects more desireable... wait! nevermind that, 'cause a good part of the community just wants a 1-button-win juggernaut anyway, preferably with a macro attached, so they can do something else while the game play itself.

Also also, always threatening to quit, to stop supporting, to throw the computer through your bedroom's window won't help make the game more enjoyable. Lastly 700 hours of play and 3 frames is supposed to mean?! I have 900 hours, some 12+ frames and I can say that while I do have my favorites, I enjoy most of the warframes, Banshee not so much, as her low-to-mid level playstyle is just watch-the-clock-to-prevent-afk-punishment (same applies to Equinox's and Ember). I tried Chroma and after also watching vids about how you should hurt yourself to be a dragon I just dumped him (the mechanic would make sense, but the way players seem to use the self-damage skills is always an abuse).

If we look at Valkyr's story, the warframes are not god-like creatures. Hell! Even Alad V's trailer depicts a group of 4 good warframes being at the brink of defeat for a moment.


Make the fights more rewarding and desireable, by rethinking the loot tables. Give the enemies a brain, not a bunker t-shirt. Put, if need be a story behind the changes (how, by some tech stolen from Corpus the Grineer have found better means of warframe or Lotus knows what!). And with the mobs changes coming gradually (as they get smarter, not tougher) have the warframes also getting more fit for the new style of conflict (and if that mean changes, then let'em change). You can't fix the monsters being dumb and strong in the game if the warframes are designed with the same traits in mind.

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