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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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The only warframe i play.... 3k plat for arcane grace 8 forma all the endo to upgrade mods that i only use on him like a max blind rage and hundreds of hours for my chroma now they change his dps my favorite thing about him.. my fault for putting time into a warframe i like. BUT HEY it might not be that bad WHO KNOWS HAhaha..

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Very interesting changes. 


Love the idea behind the reworked bladestorm and it should make it a better ability for clearing groups then the first rework. 

With this change all his 4 abilities will be of great use on my ash prime build :D

Atlas: Mr one punch does not fit my playstyle at all but it seems to make him a stronger frame in the end for those that like him which is good. 

Banshee: Hum time to experiment a ton with the sound quake build :) should work very well in choke points and i bet we will figure out a great way to use it in defense as well.

Chroma: Wow while it might lower his maximum damage potential it will turn a squad into a even better killing machine. Should be intresting to see the new altered builds the community comes up with. 

Ember: hum that is quite a interesting change. I wonder if going max range will trump high strength due to how it scales over time with these changes.  Should be more fun for new players to squad up with a ember with these changes as well. 

Gara: So she will be more risk/reward oriented then frost. Looking forward to testing how it turn out in real content. 

MAG: Mag has very little use of high power strength. Most of her damage comes from range then duration so the shard change seems odd. But then her abilities are a  wierd mismatch now. 

Magnetize scale the best with range(and use of the right projectile weapons) while polartize gets increased range from duration. A max range Mag with a good projectile weapon can already output an explosion of 100k+ within a 37 meter radius with moderate 125 power strength. 

Besides nothing has been done to make sure polarize do anything versus infested at all. Its only use on such missions is to restore shields.

Oh well it will give some small % extra damage so why not. 

The most common complain about crush is its very lengthy animation is that also getting a look over? How will the shield heal affect Nidus and Inaros since they do not have shields. Will it act as a mini health heal for them?

Still its a net gain and will make the ability worth to use other then to mess around in low under 40 level missions. 

So thanks for that :)

Volt: :P now i have to rework my build for the 3 time to actually make use of his whole kit. No but seriously thanks a ton for doing volt justice in the end. There are so many nice close range ideas for him due to this change :D

Zephyr: Ohh this will be so much fun to test out in the game. Can your steer the tornado while airborn?

looking forward to test her new 2.





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2 minutes ago, Helm said:

This is how ive always felt. They nerfed her because she was the best nuker, along with saryn. And just like saryn, they cant do endgame content anymore. Now because of pablo unable to play warframe the right way, he thinks ember is ungodly god mode and destroys any sense of pve content (somehow) 

Better nerf ember even more, what little hope i had of a buff for ember was thrown out the window. I was hoping so hard they would do a rework on ember to be able to do sorties along with the rest of the cast.

Saryn can do endgame better than before her rework. Pre-rework was negative duration for Miasma which didn't work past Draco. Spores can carry their weight in sorties and even when they can't, still impart a strong debuff that halves TTK. 

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5 minutes ago, Epicagemo said:

I’m quite happy with the changes to ember, she’s finally not “press 4” and afk/ waltz through frame. Same with banshee, but I can already see players exploiting the new banshee for better CC/ damage. Hopefully the instances of the soundquakes are capped. 

Chromas breath looks pretty silly.

cant wait to try these new changes soon!

Ember will still be able to do this for the most part. But now she has virtually 0 late game. At least she could distance knockdown before.

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1 hour ago, PsiWarp said:

Thanks :)!

On paper, really digging Ash, Atlas, Banshee, Chroma, Gara, and Zephyr changes.

  • Ash
    • Bladestorm Teleport opt-in +1 for interactivity.
    • Teleport FREE to cast to opt-in to Bladestorm (livestream confirmation) +1!!
  • Atlas
    • Rubble passive +1 for survivability.
      • Q: Are Rubble pickups that can be vacuumed by Sentinels?
    • Landslide buffs +1 for unexpected surprise.
    • Petrify "exalted" mode with synergies +1 for multi-purpose functions, but -1 for slowing Atlas down still.
      • Tectonics Bulwark -1 for dependent synergy for faster boulder roll and damage, rather than an innate change.
      • Faster petrification at longer ranges +1.
    • Rumblers cast-petrify for instant CC +1, scaling Rubble amount +1.
  • Banshee
    • Resonating Quake becoming a deployable for brief widescale CC and higher close range damage (alternative playstyle) +1, helps keep Banshee on her toes and moving about, as well as get close to the action.
  • Chroma
    • Spectral Scream mobility restriction removed +1, synergy with Vex Armor Fury +1.
      • No mention of Ability Range calculation being changed, and weapons appear to go away still during breath attack -1.
    • Vex Armor fix will impact Chroma's damage output, will have to test to see the difference.
      • Overshield benefit +1.
      • Aura affecting allies +1, 10 m at rank 3 in dev-build seems a bit small if allies have to stay in range (livestream confirmation).
  • Gara
    • Tying wall bonus durability to shields and health of the # of enemies glassed helps this ability scale very far into endgame, while keeping the possibility for enemies to retaliate by breaking through +1.
  • Zephyr
    • Tail Wind/Dive Bomb combination +1, charge cast addition & ability to hover in midair +1, directional ability execution +1.
    • Air Burst concept sound for directed CC over targeted area +1, possible synergy with Tornado to push enemies into their pull range +1, Tornado size increase on contact +1.
    • Tornado spawn at crosshair for precision +1, guided Tornadoes +1, Elemental damage type based on highest damage output +1, holding enemies captive consistency +1, damage distribution to all enemies trapped +1.

Ember, Mag and Volt's though will have to see how effective they are. The premises are sound, execution awaiting test phase. I will say though the damage emphasis on Ember and Volt's changes are welcome as long as they stay relevant in high level play.

Mag's additional support capability via Crush shield restore might overlap with Polarize, but the numbers will determine its usefulness; I hope that Overshields can be created to further add more support and IT DOES give Overshields (livestream confirmation), perfect! Shards are an underutilized mechanic that came with Mag's rework, largely because they lay on the ground where the enemy dropped them; if Pull/Greedy Pull and Mag's passive Vacuum could collect them toward Mag, then I can see this mechanic being more relevant to her gameplay as a viable damage increase.

oh wow these sound pretty good. no more WoF meta hopefully

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Just now, jcfelix said:

Rumblers and Tornado, the two worst ults in the game, are still there. And as long as they're reliant on the brain dead AI, they will always be awful.

Well tornadoe is possible to steer now as per the post by DE connor so i can only see that as a improvement.

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