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18 minutes ago, (PS4)Soul_o-O_Eater said:

OOooo, or what about the crush ability stopping all incoming fire. If the enemies are stopping and floating, why wouldn't the projectiles as well?

Do you want Mag to become max range Limbo 2.0? I thought of it, except unlike min range Limbo, min range Mag is silly.

Magnetize is already annoying enough when it blocks your team's bullets. Giving her another bullet block is just ... Not nice?

Considering how DE handled Limbo, Nyx and Magnetize, I don't think they would make the power only block enemy bullets if it stopped bullets dead. It would become another stasis.

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Wrong ability listed
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Hopefully the S word baited someone from DE here, we all know how much they like it.


Have Chroma's Auras be duplicated on his Effigy, so allies can stand next to Chroma or his Effigy to get their buffs.



Oh, and fix the energy drain for Pete's sake. 10e/s is insane for what Effigy provides, especially considering Exalted Blade has a drain of only 2.5e/s.

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RIP My solo Teralist captures.


- Changes to 1 are great.
- New skill for 2, cool.
- I hope there's a way not to guide a tornado, otherwise this can be a pain in many situations. Also, with the new tornado "shoot-it" mechanic, I'm sure as hell avoiding public matches with my Zephyr. I rather have CC tornadoes, instead of damage dealing ones.


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Obviously dont know ember. She can go against level 80's at her max power. I run sorties almost exclusively with ember prime. WOF is the reason one plays her aoe paired with a status effect weapon are fantastic and tear down the greatest foes. Please if you do not play ember enough to know her tolerances you have no room to recommend a rework on an ability you cannot control. I am sorry i just could not sit back and see you bash Ember in such a way. Be well Tenno and always improve your understanding of your warframe. 


Edited by Oz-Salem
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A few more thoughts regarding Ember.

I'm not necesarily against changing Ember, but changing World on Fire isn't going to outright fix low-mid level missions. Changes need to come to enemies and missions as a whole. It's as much of a drag for an advanced player to be forced into low level as it is for new players going through exterminates without seeing a single enemy. These are bigger problems than World on Fire. Looking at the factions, the only things enemies have to combat total CC or massive ability damage are auras in the form of nullifiers and ancient disruptors. Creating new enemies that, for example, individually resist abilities (while also giving them weaknesses to offset this resistance), may be a better way to approach frame balance and would create more use cases to balance frames or individual abilities around.

As for missions, I'm not sure how this would work except to overhaul matchmaking and open up the farming of all relics at level 35+ rather than having players enter very low level as they do now - and of course have some incentive to play at higher level rather than try to speed run low level.

Edited by Neightrix
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Combining Zephyr's Tailwind and Divebomb is a nice change, but it should be able to control similarly to Operator's Void Dash(directional input + dash). Not being able to dash backwards or to the side was always frustrating for me. 

Can her new second ability give her a small boost in altitude when casting it in mid-air?   

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6 minutes ago, AcceptYourDeath said:

There is QoL and there is the notion of "I can`t be bothered to play my videogame and push buttons" 

DE is trying to reverse this trend not emphasizing it. 

No, they're trying to sell boosters by making it more annoying to farm focus and affinity.

"Oh wait we made a horribly unfun system with unreasonable caps and refuse to act on the mountain of feed back about this, so players found ways to make this tolerable! ha ha not on my watch" *nerfs afk farming*



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vor 2 Minuten schrieb (PS4)iQuedas:

I'm sure as hell avoiding public matches with my Zephyr. I rather have CC tornadoes, instead of damage dealing ones.

There isn`t really a downside to this "damaging" mechanic. Tornados will keep their CC aspect as it is and even improved. You only get an added benefit to murder everything inside if you like :laugh:

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35 minutes ago, Sorise said:

So what if Speed Nova was in your party instead?

I'm not seeing the comparison. Speed Nova makes things faster, yes, but it doesn't make things die much faster--or at all, without further player interaction to trigger the explosion--so it's ultimately not the same problem as something like World on Fire or Resonating Quake. If anything, it has the opposite effect, because it gets enemies into engagement range much faster, and makes them more dangerous because of their increased speed.

Personally I find it vexing at higher levels, when drastically increased enemy speed can often spell death, but that's a completely different problem than everything dying so fast that there's nothing to do.

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As a person who's been playing Ash since I bought him for plat a few weeks after I started playing, I've seen the before and after changes to Ash's 4th. I do have to say I liked his 4th after the first update, but the clones just doesn't seem to fit Ash's theme in my opinion. I understand that the bladestorm ability can impair gameplay for a lot of people, but I feel like it could be made even cooler than just casting out some clones. This change ALMOST puts us back to what bladestorm used to be (Push 4 and go out to get a pizza).

Why can't we have Ash's 4th ability allow us to use his Wrist blades manually as exalted weapons like Excalibur and Titania? That would be way cooler than physically teleporting, and/or having clones go kill everything for us.

That's my two cents.

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Banshees sonar is still incredibly powerful.

I use Banshee only to unveil defense rivens and do defense alerts. I find defense too boring, to a point where I actually fall sleep during many defense matches, regardless of the warframe I'm using. Banshee allowed me to end those matches more quickly.

Guess I'll wait for the final numbers, but so far I don't like this nerf.

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So the answer for "how do we improve petrify? No one likes it" was "make everything reliant on it."

Not that it was obnoxiously bright, irritating to use, and slows you down, oh no! The problem was you didn't tie enough garbage into it.

Want to make Petrify good? It's real easy - in fact, you already did it, on another framein this very preview! Make it work like Chroma's new, free movement Spectral Scream! And make it so the effect isn't an ungodly huge whirlwind that obscures everything, but a horizontal glow extending a few inches to either side of the character's head at eye level.

Tying everything into Petrify when Petrify itself is genuinely unpleasant to use doesn't solve anything.

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Sure, having Effigy broadcast the Aura gain can work, 

so too going to say a Health drain on the Sentry over the Energy Drain, where when Health reaches zero it returns to Chroma. And then using energy again allows Chroma to recast the Pelt / Sentry.

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41 minutes ago, Latiac said:

People will just use Equinox to fill the role Ember had.

Then DE will nerf Equinox.

This is texbook DE shenanigans:

1) They look at the warframe with the most hours played in their metrics spreadsheet.

2) Then they look at that warframe's most used ability.

3) Then they NERF said ability by making it either useless, or by making it such a pain in the &#! to bother with that it pushes players towards using other frames.

But then THAT only skews the stats of what's being used most, with whatever ability is being used on what, etc.

DE tends to shun reworking certain frames for some odd reason, versus doing what they're about to do to Ember. And they will continue to nerf, and nerf, and nerf until we're back at a time a couple years ago, where there were only a handful of frames that were worth the time to invest in.

I seriously don't understand why DE's philosophy is "2 steps forward, 3 steps back".

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