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I can't help it to put the scrap built composite photo. :p

Used http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/858/776/f2e.jpg_large, and the illusts of Prime warframes and sigil on Warframe wikia.

No discussions on here, please. You know there is the right place for it.

Free to use it when Ember faces a problem. I will gladly to see the high-quality one, though.

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She was never anything special anyway not much to say shes dead or something as a frame, she had niche uses anyway. She still needs a full rework though. So i wouldnt say shes dead frame, shes more of a "who knows what she is supposed to do frame". Personally i think she could be kinda like frost (which technically she is pretty close to in abilties other than globe and 4th), but more offensive than frost and her abilities could use that S Y N E R G Y.

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54 minutes ago, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:


Thank you so much, man. I was starting to think I was the only player who didn't just b****, moan and rage until they got what they want. This is exactly what I'll be doing, and happily. DE will revisit Ember again, these salty little whiners will leave the community and the game will be better for it all. Thank you. Part of what makes Warframe fun isn't just killing enemies by the hundreds (at lvl20), it's struggling against adversity and surviving when a single bullet could take out your shields and leave you bleeding (at lvl 80+).

Speaking of which, you guys are forgetting that this is a "first look" at Ember's rework, not the last. That's how all Reworks happen in this game; DE changes something, takes stock from the community, tries it themselves and sharpens the point until they find something everyone will be happy with. It never happens in a month, and it rarely happens within just one rework. Valkyr and Mesa both got "nerfs" that stopped them from dominating everyone else's fun, yet people still play them today. Sit back and be patient.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Awakenedwolf4 said:

Valkyr and Mesa both got "nerfs" that stopped them from dominating everyone else's fun, yet people still play them today. Sit back and be patient.

Agreed until this point. Valkyr hardly dominated anyone's fun, it's just that playing her was too easy because of almost permanent invincibility.

Mesa's "nerf" can hardly be called that. The only thing it took away was being able to literally go afk. She recieved a huge buff - secondary mods affecting Peacemaker made this ability incredibly powerful. Honestly, Mesa can easily dominate almost all the kills at any mission at both low and high levels. In her state she was already surpassing Ember and old Ash in terms of killing. Currently she's becoming more and more popular and I think her nerf is only a matter of time.

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7 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

Agreed until this point. Valkyr hardly dominated anyone's fun, it's just that playing her was too easy because of almost permanent invincibility.

Mesa's "nerf" can hardly be called that. The only thing it took away was being able to literally go afk. She recieved a huge buff - secondary mods affecting Peacemaker made this ability incredibly powerful. Honestly, Mesa can easily dominate almost all the kills at any mission at both low and high levels. In her state she was already surpassing Ember and old Ash in terms of killing. Currently she's becoming more and more popular and I think her nerf is only a matter of time.

That's precisely what I'm saying- I put nerfs in quotation marks. Imo, Ember's WoF nerf isn't a nerf, people are overreacting. The only thing that'll really be missed is the WoF range, and that can be fixed with a Stretch mod, which will also help the rest of Ember's abilities. I do wish it took a few more seconds before the counter reached 100% but what the hey.

I share your opinion. I remember when Mesa and Valkyr had their ultimates reworked, a lot of people were yelling that it was a nerf. The outcry was really similar to this, actually. Just a little less cancer. I think a huge part of it is that a lot of people are afraid to let go of something familiar, whether it's for the better or not.

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