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Shrine of the Eidolon: Hotfix 22.12.2


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3 hours ago, golfmike said:

I'm sorry DE but your methodology for spawning the subsequent Eidolons is horrible.

People aren't getting Brilliants, thus they can't spawn. 5 times now, 3 shards...and 4th person doesn't get one.

I don't mind going to the lake, but you need to ensure that the ability to spawn the next one is guaranteed.

Can someone confirm this? If true, it is a very serious issue just like when shards failed to spawn for others when PoE was released.

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4 hours ago, Maganar said:

Ah, this explains the reason why people speak of the "magical 100%" with shotgun status chance behavior.  Very odd - but very useful to know.

However, I hope my response does answer the question which the original respondent made about why Detron was not reaching 100% status chance.  It's all due to the pellet-by-pellet nature of status calculations for shotguns which I brought up - it just turns out that there's one more layer to the mechanical complexity than even I had realized.  Complexity within complexity!

Well, there's one more layer of complexity in the form of something funny happening specifically with projectile based shotguns. They all seem to be calculating status wrong and are getting less from mods than they should. I have no idea exactly why or how, though, just that they're getting lower than expected values from mods for some reason.

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i need to complain  DE about the Dual Toxocyst Nurf .. about the buff going 6sec-2sec i mean really 2 second buff 2 SECONDS .. this was my fev weapon in the game u u guys ruined it .. put lot of effort making it in to a good weapon .. least plz for god sake make it least 4sec's why 2 seconds .. plz give i use it on my mesa mainly ..i love this weapon .plz fix it for god sake DE . 

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Having an extremely weird bug with the latest updates: whenever the timer runs in matchmaking and someone leaves, the timer stops, the screen fades to black and nothing happens (except for Ordis babbling useless stuff as usual). Can't do anything about except for waiting around 2 minutes until the screen goes back with an error message "host has left the game" even if I've been the host...

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1. I somehow managed to break the specter "hold position" and "follow" commands, they were reversed in my mission just now. "Follow" would make the specter to hold position and "hold position" would make the specter to follow.

2. Mirage specter never casts hall of mirrors ability while it does cast all the other abilities quite frequently.

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So we were supposed to captured the third Eidolon. All lures were alive (and followed to the Cetus gates afterwards) -


and Onkko said that his energy's contained.

But it played the 'killing' animation and we got squat.


Please explain how this works. You make super sure that players can't "exploit" them by not adding actual rewards, I think you should be more concerned about players actually being able to claim their scarce rewards instead first and foremost. It's absolutely *not* fun wasting 30 minutes getting nothing in return, not even awful rng riven transmutation device.

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there is a small issue with the Zenurik/Void Singularity abillity, when in operator mode this abillity pulls in enemies within 20 meters but it aslo pulls in lures which are under our control and it makes it very difficult to do literally anything because you are constantly surrounded by the lures

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Although my builds have been very confused (Her 1&4 want other things than her 2&3 but oh well) I really like the Mag changes.

  1. The Ult casting so fast is amazing and feels really fluid, while also solving the "enemies shooting while being crushed" problem since you can move very quickly again now.
  2. Her New augment is great fun and opens many Duration based builds.
  3. The Energy pool free'd up another mod-slot for me and made her a lot better.
  4. Overall she seems pretty good right now!



After getting a little bored of Mag I decided to try your new Atlas Rework - and once again I quite like it;
Petrify so much better. His Rumblers are much better (nulli killers!). His kit feels coherent now, glued by his utility-3.

But this time there are a number of issues/qirks that I really don't agree with:

1. His 1 Augment. With the change to petrify this seems to not do much if anything now, are there plans to revisit this?

2. Why is rubble not vaccumable? At the very least 3m base vaccum should apply, it's like old cetus wisps right now; way to clunky!

3. Rubble is to weak, for the work you put in:

  • The rubble decays to quickly and to rapidly, you can rarely keep it stacking up even on Hydron/Starchart, when enemies don't force your rubble to become heals.
  • 75 rubble per enemy is not a lot to begin with, and that's the maximum you can get.
  • Why don't his walls/boulders also give rubble on destruction?
  • Why can't his 1 generate a small amount (say 10) of rubble per enemy hit?
  • With 740 Health 1500 armor feels like nothing, Oberon/Zephyr/Ash levels of healthpool might fix this?

4. His looks - I need to get that Tennogen Graxx it's sooo much better. 

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19 hours ago, Maganar said:

That's not a bug.  Shotguns display status chance in the arsenal based on the status chance if every pellet within the shot hits, and this includes shotgun secondaries like the Detron.  The actual status chance per pellet is much much much lower than the value you see displayed (often only a few % per pellet).  It is statistically impossible to hit 100% status chance without elevating the status chance of each individual pellet to 100% - and with such low starting values as one-digit percentages as your starting values, there are no mods in this game that can elevate a status chance THAT much (requiring several thousand percent increase).

Akbronco prime has 30% status chance and can reach 100% status chance with the 4 60/60 mods, detron, now, also has 30% status but can't reach 100%

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Can we do something about host leaving mid triple-Eidolon fight? We kill first, then second, both flawlessly then as we're waiting on the lake with 3 of us with our Radiant Shards contributed and waiting for the host to contribute his to spawn the 3rd Eidolon, he leaves squad, which then kicks us all back to cetus and disbanded from party and losing our rewards, time and PoE night. Such a waste of time and annoyance that one person being selfish can screw it over for the rest of the squad.

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Gantulyst capture bug..

Heya DE.. I solo eidolons and went out for a run to capture the new Eidolons.. Captured the Teralyst np put the brill shard into said place to spawn Gantulyst which then spawned np.. spent 33 minutes solo capturing the bloody thing .. which was fun btw.. but even though I had 3 lures hooked up at the finale.. it didnt capture only killed .. like WTF.. 

Also can we get the lures to back off a bit.. they get so close to the operator/warframe that I shoot the lures half the time instead of the Eidolons.. Lol with all the radial bloom that comes from the Gantulyst its bloody hard to see anything let alone have the lures move in front of us for 50 % of the time.  

Overall the new experience on the Gantulyst was frustratingly fun :)  just need to fix the lures and capture bug.  Please DE :)




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