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TennoGen Round 12 - Accepted Items!


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59 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

Awwww what a disappointing round :(

My wallet was ready for more than 5 items that were not selected. Shame we have to wait a couple of month for another chance to get our hands on them.

I'm digging everyone's contention on this whole Tenno aesthetic issue, DE. On every other aspect of the game you do great work at communicating with us, but it really sounds like someone's talking out of their Uranus when it comes to Tennogen criteria. More communication from now on, please.


I also wanted to say, DE, that it feels as though your selection this time contradicts the shared consensus among the player base. It's hard to tell whether we're talking about a vocal minority who is displeased with the chosen skins. From my experience on the comment section of the workshop and this sub-forum there is no doubt that many of the widely popular skins were neglected in favor of less popular ones. That's why many players feel a disconnected between what you say and what you do.

Maybe not a popular opinion, but certain content creators feel like they have a guaranteed in even when their work is clearly less inspired and of lower quality than their other efforts.

Also, this vague "Tenno theme" or whatever certainly restricts creativity. I can't be the only person who thinks these skins are starting to look like a big pile of same.

Edited by (PS4)Vagnar
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This is BS! Thousands of people have been wanting the Blade of the Lotus Rhino Skin and yet again something that got less than ONE thousand is allowed. Why even vote? DE has there favorites and will let them throw whatever crap into THERE game.

On another note. When are you ever going to allow more TennoGen weapon skins and ship skins? Is there ever going to be TennoGen attachements?

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I am not going to delve into the salt atm. This seems like an issue you guys are mouthy enough about. I am just happy to see the Chroma Graxx skin in there! You have my money from that Faven!


And the Other chroma skin is going to be added to my collection as well! (I really dig the syandana that goes with it, so that is another 5 bucks out there for ya Stench!)

Edited by Nihillian
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I'm quite perplexed by the criteria used by whoever at DE decides whic skins to accept... the thing about tenno style is clearly unfounded considering what they approved so far, or how some of the official deluxe skins are crap Ember's and Volt's in particular, both for violating tennoness canons and for being damn ugly to the point that ember's seems an overdone Zephir skin and Volt's seems a mess

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2 hours ago, VadiseReikaz said:

What is so difficult for people to enjoy the game and do what THEY like to do in it, instead of being bothered by what OTHER people like to do in it? If you dont like the Nova Skin, then dont vote for it. If it gets selected, then dont buy it. What are you so hurt over? It is their game, and they can choose whatever they want. Tennogen is voluntarily made, nobody is entitled to anything, if their piece gets chosen, they get a cut. If it doesn't, they dont.

So what is your deal? it bothers you that other people enjoy content that you do not? Cut me a break, if a skin comes out that that people like and it breaks the aesthetic, then what's the big deal? If people like it, and DE decides that it is appropriate in their game, then it is a good thing. I dont like a lot of the Tennogen, but I know other people love what I dont. And I dont go around the forums whining that the thing I wanted didn't get selected

DE's double standard is what bothers me, not the skin. I would prefer that DE not have any restriction on the style of content. I don't have a problem with skins that break Warframe's aesthetic. I have a problem when DE uses that as an excuse to reject some items, yet ignores it for other items that they personally like. That's my problem. That's why the focus of my comment was on DE's statements, not on the skin itself. I wish they would accept anything and everything that is high-quality on the Workshop. But what DE does is reject stuff they don't personally like and then claim it's because it doesn't fit Warframe's aesthetic, when there are plenty of skins that they've already accepted that don't fit Warframe's aesthetic, like most of lukinu_u's content. I'm not saying lukinu_u's content shouldn't be accepted; I'm saying that other skins that don't fit a specific faction's aesthetic, like lukinu_u's content, should be accepted. This whole "needs to fit a faction's aesthetic" excuse is ridiculous.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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Grats to those accepted ^_^

I do sense a lot of salt though.

2cents on public voting systems though... Still waiting for my Boaty McBoatface and Harambeframe.

28 minutes ago, Ikusias said:

I'm quite perplexed by the criteria used by whoever at DE decides whic skins to accept... the thing about tenno style is clearly unfounded considering what they approved so far, or how some of the official deluxe skins are crap Ember's and Volt's in particular, both for violating tennoness canons and for being damn ugly to the point that ember's seems an overdone Zephir skin and Volt's seems a mess

Volts... yeah way to busy with too many ideas.
Not to mention my first thought when seeing him is "Sock Puppet"

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@[DE]Taylor I have followed BeastBuster on his journey of how he has made these skins for BotL. When I first saw them I was like, "WOW, I HAVE TO HAVE THIS!!!! :)". It reminds me of some of my favorite games where man and machine, flesh and metal are one. I am glad that the sword and syandana got in. I have even been running with the sword everywhere in game. My clan loves the skins. We have all voted on them in steam in great numbers because it is something different and epic. It still has that Warframe feel to us but it is different as well. Medieval hits Future is how most of us have looked at it. Yes they need work, but I also know the BeastBuster has worked incredibly hard taking ideas from the community to make them better. I mean he can do an organic feel under the armor plates if you want to.

All I ask as a veteran of warframe, as a person that likes people and things because they are different, and as a fan.... Please help him keep the design he had and just tweak it to make it acceptable. Who knows it might spark new ideas at the studios and in other creators. If it becomes changed too much we might lose the style that made us WOW when we first saw it. I love this game, I love the creativity, I love some of the wacky stuff you guys have come up with to make it fun. Your game is different than most others, its UNIQUE. 

An idea, "IF the armor is the techno part than maybe help him give it a cyborg half flesh half nanite look under the armor". Subtle but it might look absolutely sick while keeping the WOW factor.  Thanks for all you guys do and I will keep supporting this awesome content creator and your studios.

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6 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

As I said, DE lost credibility when it comes to rejecting skins because they "stray too far from the Warframe aesthetic" when they created deluxe skins like Chroma Deluxe and accepted Tennogen skins like the Diva polearm skin. It goes beyond skins that don't meet DE's guidelines. It's all about personal taste or technical issues. And if a skin with a literal vintage microphone on it counts as "Tenno style", then just about every item on the Workshop that isn't explicitly Grineer or Corpus style is "Tenno style".

Maybe it's just me, but Polearm with a bit that looks like a microphone doesn't seem out of place with three different weapons made to look like the Soma, Tonfas made to look like a Boltor, about three different weapons and a warframe that meet the minimum artistic differences required to not be sued by EA for ripping off Dead Space, and Limbo.

(Also, I never saw the mic thing until you mentioned it. I saw it as a not-activated burner head. Of course, looking at the original model it is SUPER OBVIOUS that it was meant to be a mic, but then it wasn't, probably because DE said having something that was 100% obviously a mic was a no-go, had to change the skin so there was at least some room to trick people like me that don't check Tennogen entries religiously... you know, enforcing a Warframe aesthetic)

In any case, DE has bowed to public demand before any claim to proper Warframe/Tenno aesthetic looong before Diva, with Nova Visage more than 2 years ago, remember that? They even made a big deal at the time announcing it in the Devstream that it was ONLY because it was so popular that they were accepting it. You're crying over milk that not only has been split, it's fermented into gourmet cheese.

P.S. I did buy the Diva skin for Octavia, and probably would have the polearm as well if it worked on Zaws, even now knowing it's origins, so I'm probably a hopeless case by your reckoning.

P.P.S. That bunny-eared Nova skin is absolutely atrocious, though, and I'm with you that I would be quite suspect of DE's approval process if that gets in.

4 hours ago, VadiseReikaz said:

What is so difficult for people to enjoy the game and do what THEY like to do in it, instead of being bothered by what OTHER people like to do in it? If you dont like the Nova Skin, then dont vote for it. If it gets selected, then dont buy it. What are you so hurt over? It is their game, and they can choose whatever they want. Tennogen is voluntarily made, nobody is entitled to anything, if their piece gets chosen, they get a cut. If it doesn't, they dont.

So what is your deal? it bothers you that other people enjoy content that you do not? Cut me a break, if a skin comes out that that people like and it breaks the aesthetic, then what's the big deal? If people like it, and DE decides that it is appropriate in their game, then it is a good thing. I dont like a lot of the Tennogen, but I know other people love what I dont. And I dont go around the forums whining that the thing I wanted didn't get selected

While I feel the same as you, I sorta understand it; It stems from a fear that there is a double standard, or at least, exceptions are being made for entries that meet some arbitrary standard of being liked by the devs (or, more likely, being extremely popular among people voting for tennogen: Diva had more than 3k favorites, while the arguably-truer-to-traditional-form Banshee Soronity skin that was released in a later batch had just a bit over 1k, and many other skins get in with just ~500) Mix in the fact that it isn't just bragging rights, but people earning real money if their creations are accepted and sold, and yeah, you're going to get a lot of salt when things that they believe don't fit the Tenno/Warframe aesthetic get accepted, while things they think are perfect for the game are left behind yet another round.

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1 hour ago, Ikusias said:

I'm quite perplexed by the criteria used by whoever at DE decides whic skins to accept... the thing about tenno style is clearly unfounded considering what they approved so far, or how some of the official deluxe skins are crap Ember's and Volt's in particular, both for violating tennoness canons and for being damn ugly to the point that ember's seems an overdone Zephir skin and Volt's seems a mess

IIRC Deluxe skins are expressedly non-cannon; They are just alternatives/re-imaginings to those frames.

It's why Valkyr Prime is based off of the default Valkyr skin, and not the Gersemi skin

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9 hours ago, Mogar said:

There goes my wallet

And I'm ok with this! Would have loved to see a Nidus submission go thru but this current selection is amazing! They're all so good!!

Suggestion: Can we have Tennogen bundles? Not priced cheaply or anything. It would just be nice to have a shopping cart type system and essentially make our own bundle so we can do a one time purchase. Also gifting would be awesome. I have a friend that would love the Jotaro looking Mesa skin but he wouldn't want to spend money.

If he's running game through steam he should see the Tgen items.  I'm pretty sure, not 100% though, if he puts them on his wish list, you can view it and buy it for him; or send him a gift card on steam, funds are added to his steam wallet.

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Really, i thought "there's no way BotL won't enter this time", at least Rhino and Oberon (3.5k and 1.1k favorites respectively) . The guy has changed the skins so much already based on you guys feedback. 

I've been following BeastBuster since the beginning because of his amazing work and it's so weird seen "vocaloid" stuff been added, while his is 
classified as not fitting into Warframe aesthetic.

I just hope the changes don't turn the awesome future knight into another boring skin.

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9 hours ago, ---SO---Crystallyser said:

Now I want to know something. Why do we vote ? There is items accepted that have not more than 200 votes that get accepted while some others don't. Can we have an explanation at least or it's just a proof that voting is useless cause in the end YOU and only YOU choose what you want.

DE doesnt care about our votes

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4 hours ago, Ikusias said:

I'm quite perplexed by the criteria used by whoever at DE decides whic skins to accept... the thing about tenno style is clearly unfounded considering what they approved so far, or how some of the official deluxe skins are crap Ember's and Volt's in particular, both for violating tennoness canons and for being damn ugly to the point that ember's seems an overdone Zephir skin and Volt's seems a mess

This is a comment that leaves me a bit on the fence... Volt has good skins, it's one of the best looking frames imo. (but that comes down the immortal skin and Rekkou's Tennogen skin and the Arrester Helmet). The thing is, Volt also as the bigger batch of most pointless skins in the game...

Default Volt and Prime are just outdated, It just doesn't flow with the game anymore, Prime doesn't really give us room to create patterns because the whole thing is basically the main color, everything else is tid bits. 2 of the Tennogen skins are designed by Faven, he may produce nice looking skins today, but his first skins should have never got in, early Graxx skins look like the same basic design applied to every frame. They come down to plastic plates and a cluster of black leather/rubberbands. Notice that the workshop has a few rules like no eyes, no themes, and avoid geometric shapes, and his work still got in. And then there is that other Tennogen skin that has a Loki-look-alike head...

Volt is one of the few frames who for whatever reason never got cloth physics... And let's not talk about Deluxe Volt, because last time I got a verbal warning for it...

I am however looking forward to that Fulgursor skin, (altho I'm certain it's not gonna look as great ingame as it does on the workshop)

Edited by Duduminador
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I think it's time to tell us WHO really choose the skins and such, that will be in the round you know, @[DE]Taylor

We will pay for the skins unlike you guys so I don't get why one person or two at DE choose the skins we get. Also saying "this skin doesn't fit into warframe" is a bit....meh to be polite.

After all, we have already hatsune miku skin for Octavia (unless hatsune was a ninja), you are planning on releasing mods that are just useless like they said in the devstream (one put flowers on crit....I don't think flowers are much into the space ninja theme, just saying)

All we need, is answers. Tell us the truth. Don't make people still think they can influence something while they can't because when I see this round at least, I'm sure we haven't chose everything in there. It just make people upset because they haven't voted for those items.

Be clearer please.

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It may be high-quality. It may be aesthetically-pleasing. It may resemble Sentient stuff. It may even be comparable to DE's deluxe content (like Chroma Deluxe and Nova Deluxe). But Tenno-style, it is not.

You'd think that developers aka official creators themselves that created literally everything in this game including this faction would know better.

But apparently not and some random nobody knows best, as always. :crylaugh:

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7 hours ago, Nihillian said:

I am not going to delve into the salt atm. This seems like an issue you guys are mouthy enough about. I am just happy to see the Chroma Graxx skin in there! You have my money from that Faven!


And the Other chroma skin is going to be added to my collection as well! (I really dig the syandana that goes with it, so that is another 5 bucks out there for ya Stench!)

Whohooo! Moneyrain! Thanks for the support, really :)

Can't wait to have them in game :D 

Edited by Stenchfury
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Giving some thought to the replies that have been posted and I cannot stress that communication should always be paramount, there are probably a few things to keep in mind, that go beyond voting, popularity, and the submissions that eventually get picked by DE.

(now pretty sure that the following stuff all applies)

So from the point that the submissions are sent into DE and loaded into the actual game for evaluation we shift environments that the content exists and needs to exist in.
Going from a design, construction and public display phase using third party tools and software that at most can simulate the content and the glossy designed pictures that get submitted to the steam workshops to drum up support.

Then moving to the actual game warframe the submissions could start encountering a multitude of issues that may not have been apparent.(Aside from aesthetics, more on that at the bottom of the post)

Issues like interactions with other geometries, attachments, syandanas, warframe poses, emotes, rigging, graphical effects, animations and cutscene rendering.

Keep in mind that they're also currently developing their new effects with physx being phased that could also lead to issues. No point releasing something now if it will only be an issue down the track.

Not to mention i believe @[DE]Taylor mentioned that this is only the first phase of the current round. With those chosen being the submissions that are closest to being ready for implementation.


PS. On Aesthetics in general and specifically the mention of the Diva microphone polearm not being in line with Warframe. We do know very little about the cultures that exist in the warframe universe that is still growing, but I love how that's slowly changing as more and more history is fleshed out.

Specifically perhaps that polearm belonged previously to a Tenno announcer from the Lunaro matches? Functional, Visually pleasing and OFFENSIVE.

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