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TennoGen Round 12 - Accepted Items!


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Just now, FlawedLegacy said:

i would have happily bought them all in a heartbeat and I was saving up for them in hopes some might get through.


Likewise when it comes to this.



Just now, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

No one is saying that lukinu_u's stuff shouldn't be in the game. It's that lukinu_u's stuff being in the game means that other content should be in the game as well. The point is that it doesn't fit the Tenno style, so since since that stuff got selected, other items that do actually fit closer to the Tenno style should be accepted as well. DE's standards are unclear. And you make an excellent point about the recent Trident. That really isn't Tenno-style either, yet it's in the game.


The problem isn't with those skins. It's with DE claiming to reject some skins on the basis of them not fitting the aesthetic of a particular faction, yet DE has already accepted plenty of content that doesn't fit the aesthetic of a particular faction. Again, we're not saying that content should be removed from the game or shouldn't be in the game. We're saying that other content should be in the game because some of the content already in the game already doesn't fit DE's standards. To put it one more way: because there is already content in the game that doesn't fit DE's standards, other content that is rejected should also be in the game since they are much closer to DE's standards than that existing content.


I have to say, I never really questioned DE's decisions for TennoGen items, but now I'm starting to get a bit suspicious. Some disclosure would be appreciated, but I'm not going to demand it. Sure, I may just be salty that the only thing I wanted didn't make it in, but with recent accepted submissions, things are just off.

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9 hours ago, (XB1)BeastBuster1999 said:

Congrats to all the other creators with accepted pieces!

To the people who have and continue to support me, I just want to say thank you.  Your passion is a huge motivator for me to keep pushing myself!

I know some of you are expressing concerns about the designs needing further changes, but I wouldn't worry about it.  Throughout all the feedback I've received, I never felt like they were trying to change the skins into something completely different.  Just remember that the most recent versions exist because of DE's guidance and those changes (thus far) have been generally well received. 

I have no idea what kind of feedback I'll be getting, but I am eager to find out.  I do believe that whatever they say, will ultimately push the skins in a positive direction, as that's been the experience so far.  And I do promise that, as long as I am getting feedback from DE, I will never give up trying to get my work into the game!

Just want to let you know I absolutely love your Rhino BotL skin and hope you get feedback soon and that any changes will be ready for the next round of voting. 

Were all here backing you kid, hang in there! :thumbup:

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I wanted Nidus, Limbo, and excalibur ION skin. but, It didn't on this round.

DE, You guys troubled with yatus or what??

Why most of yatus's works are rejected?


well. honestly, this tennogen round is really sucks.

I won't buy anything. 


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2 hours ago, Chronometria said:

Meh, no Titania Lympharis but somehow the weapon made for it gets in?

That's what I'm baffled about too. Back at the DS, I didn't know that there was a Titania skin with the weapon skin until someone from Twitch chat said so.

Why didn't the skin get accepted?

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11 hours ago, Tiddlerdoo said:

It's like Baro himself picked these out!


(Maybe a little salty about no Nekros Graxx)

Might as well be him, atleast this time considering the selected skins.

But really, after reading through the comment section, i usualy expect positive reacions (With some mild disapointment comments here and there as one might epect), but this time, what i saw was a cluster of anoyed people, and for a good reason.

When i first read the guidelines when Tennogen was a new thing, they stated their rules clearly and i was expecting content that being accepted to follow the said guidelines, but here, anything goes, but it seems that it really goes to show for personal prefrence.

A mag helmet that was made a few years back wasnt accepted, despite it being tenno styled and very high quality, was quite disapointing, but then we have the most un-tenno styled skins being accepted just goes to show how these guidelines arent even followed by DE themselves.

Personaly i do love the fact that the most outlandish skins are accepted, such as the cute skins that lukinu_u makes (They make me happy inside, they are precious), and having the grittier skins such as the Graxx series for a more conventional looking suits, but this again also proves that DE seems to pick favorites, instead of votes (Unless every entry had a series of coincidences that makes things look differently than waht it is.).

Whatever the case, i do hope that DE take feedback on the reaction on the comment section here. Feedback is always good, espeacily when you learn from it and use it.

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DE does quality control.  If DE just added in whatever was 'popular' that would mean that people can troll voting to get in some rather ridiculous stuff in the game (even more ridiculous than a microphone polearm, trust me).  So yeah, a little 'favoritism' from the Dev's is a good thing imho.  And they push artists to do better (N00b's Mag skin and Nyx Aurelia are good examples of this).  I think we're all experiencing a little disappointment here, but I don't think the correct answer would be to attack the Dev's.  They will be sending out feedback for the next round, so why don't we all chill and wait.

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On 13/04/2018 at 10:18 PM, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

As I said, DE lost credibility when it comes to rejecting skins because they "stray too far from the Warframe aesthetic" when they created deluxe skins like Chroma Deluxe and accepted Tennogen skins like the Diva polearm skin. It goes beyond skins that don't meet DE's guidelines. It's all about personal taste or technical issues. And if a skin with a literal vintage microphone on it counts as "Tenno style", then just about every item on the Workshop that isn't explicitly Grineer or Corpus style is "Tenno style".

Welp, time to put you on mute.

To say that this is complete and utter nonsense is really understating it, but forum rules being what they are I think it's best to just leave it at that.

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On 14/4/2018 at 8:42 PM, (XB1)BeastBuster1999 said:

To the people who have and continue to support me, I just want to say thank you.  Your passion is a huge motivator for me to keep pushing myself!

It's so reassuring to hear that. owo

I'm in love with your Oberon skin that brings him back to the old paladin he was supposed to be and that helm is too cool to not be part of my fashion frame lol.

Your work is amazing, keep it up! : >

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Congrats to those who had their designs accepted, and congrats to those who might see their designs accepted after only a few tweaks!

I see myself buying too many of these almost immediately: the Rhino and Gara items, for example. Assuming I don't go nuts and buy both - it's a tough choice between the two Chroma options -, I may go with Graxx. Volt Fulgursor would be an instant purchase if I hadn't just caved on Volt Graxx the other day. I'm not making a wallet commitment on them yet, but I'm generally pleased to see a proliferation of "open-back" syandanas! They look great without hiding the back insignias.

I am pleased with [DE]'s expressed stances regarding their style guidelines. TennoGen is not and should not be a democracy. Warframe should always be, ultimately, the developers' artistic expression. Asserting their unique way of painting their world is why Warframe is so weird and disturbingly wonderful in the first place. My discovery queue introduced me to Oberon BotL and Trinity BotL today and they immediately struck me as not fitting in, however cool they might look. I agree that lukinu_u's work is exceptionally adept at merging Warframe with personal style, which is probably why that bunny Nova and carrot sword unnerve me so: they would perfectly fit in the game aesthetically, but not thematically - I would die a little inside if those particular two designs were enabled any time outside of Easter - when everything's sporting goofy bunny ears, anyway. The polearm is quite nice, though, and I hope the accompanying skin gets approved eventually.

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@[DE]Taylor Question: Are we only allowed to make Tenno, Grineer, Corpus, and Infested content? Your comment regarding being grounded in a Warframe faction makes it seem that way, but I don't remember that being a hard requirement for Tennogen content in the past, and I still contend that the majority of Tennogen content does not really look exactly like Tenno, Grineer, Corpus, or Infested content (outside of the specific series from Faven, FrellingHazmot, and Vuljborn). For example, Hitsu-San's content is really much more complex than Tenno style stuff, not really maintaining the minimalism of the standard Tenno style. While the texture of lukinu_u's content evokes that Tenno minimalism, the silhouette is exaggerated and the energy effect resembles that of Sentient designs. Even my own Excalibur Apex skin that got selected is more Dax-style than Tenno-style. Is this factional restriction a rule going forward, has it always been a rule, or is it not a rigid requirement? And if it's a rule, any guidance on how closely we have to adhere to it? And do the guidelines for Warframe skins also hold for weapon skins (for example, Tenno weapons are typically less organic than warframes)?

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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On 4/14/2018 at 11:42 AM, (XB1)BeastBuster1999 said:

Congrats to all the other creators with accepted pieces!

To the people who have and continue to support me, I just want to say thank you.  Your passion is a huge motivator for me to keep pushing myself!

I know some of you are expressing concerns about the designs needing further changes, but I wouldn't worry about it.  Throughout all the feedback I've received, I never felt like they were trying to change the skins into something completely different.  Just remember that the most recent versions exist because of DE's guidance and those changes (thus far) have been generally well received. 

I have no idea what kind of feedback I'll be getting, but I am eager to find out.  I do believe that whatever they say, will ultimately push the skins in a positive direction, as that's been the experience so far.  And I do promise that, as long as I am getting feedback from DE, I will never give up trying to get my work into the game!

Dude it has been a pleasure to support your work. I definitely love the BotL skins because they merge the past of Humanity with its Future, at least according to Warframe Lore.

You have my support, bro! And if it all works out I'm eager to see your BotL skin for Chroma and Nidus when that day comes

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Another round of nothing. Sorry, Im waiting for 1 syandana type that a substantial ammount of people also want: simple, full length, not too flashy syandana. There was Altair, Altair 2.0 and ION syandana from one and the same creator. And all those creations were popular.

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How can people not talk about this?? One more skin to melees and we still can't have skins on zaws.... There is no sence in that and on the fact that noone talks about it and DE doesn't work towards getting that to a possible feature... Is it THAT difficult to do that you never talk about it? you can't even say that it's not a popular worry because it is! A lot of people would kill to have that feature in the game... I may risk on saying EVERYONE wants that feature... We got a post talking about it on january and until now we still didn't get ANY PROGRESS information on that.... Sooo sad dude... 

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33 minutes ago, -Insan1ty- said:

How can people not talk about this?? One more skin to melees and we still can't have skins on zaws.... There is no sence in that and on the fact that noone talks about it and DE doesn't work towards getting that to a possible feature... Is it THAT difficult to do that you never talk about it? you can't even say that it's not a popular worry because it is! A lot of people would kill to have that feature in the game... I may risk on saying EVERYONE wants that feature... We got a post talking about it on january and until now we still didn't get ANY PROGRESS information on that.... Sooo sad dude... 

One thing that irks me about this post is that you spelled Sense "sence"

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