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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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Feedback: it's fun. I'm going to enjoy seeing how long I can last. 

Bugs: White-screen. Need to enter Operator mode to get rid of it. 

Concern: did a 22min run, got 480,000 points but no rewards or items. This correct? 

Edited by NuttiKrust
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1 hour ago, Ecliptix said:

That is a big post. My only issues really other than the crashing is the curve at which the efficiency decays ramps up pretty quick and that some maps just do not have enough spawns. I never expected this to be an end game mode unless you just really were super competitive to be at the top on the leader boards. I just dont have aspirations of being that cool so Im relatively happy with it although it is really one dimensional.

A big reason they did that was to make it seem more difficult. You can cheese kill high level enemies, so to stop that they made it so that you must be able to increase how quickly you must kill. It's a way of limiting how long one can feasibly go.

I'm with you, I never expected it to be an end game mode, however DE is trying to pass this off as end game. That is what I am disappointed about. If they introduced it as just a new way to gain focus and some relics then I would be fine. Of course that comes with the stipulation that they would be working on a true end game.

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Yah I dont like pre forming groups often for stuff like this so cheesing it can be difficult with out that cohesion. I am not even sure what end game would be in this game. I never personally saw raids that way outside of them being the only place to get arcanes but with that changed I am not sure where to go from here.

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1 hour ago, ljmadruga said:


You two should not be talking bad about raids when I can count on one hand the number of raids you have attempted between the two of you.

(Not to mention that every single one of the attempts was AFTER the raids were announced to be removed. Hmm, I wonder why? /s)

Raids had their own dedicated community that, despite the aforementioned obstacles to even start one, grew and stuck together since they were introduced.

Using Eidolons and Sanctuary Onslaught as a replacement for raids is comparable to using a bandaid to heal a severed limb.

In their defense, there was, and still is, a ton of players who complain about raids being removed. If you see anything enough, you are going to get tired of it. What they should have done though is actually read the post and realize that I was mostly talking about lack of end game and how raids gave us some sort of end game. I had one kid try to tell me that I only missed raids because of the plat. Well I quickly ground his argument into dust when I told him that they could have simply added arcanes to eidolons and kept raids and I wouldn't have had a problem at all.

Granted they don't have much experience at all and probably are just saying stuff because they feel like they have to say something even if it has no substance. Still at least that shows they are somewhat willing to put forth something and we should be trying to help them understand the argument as a whole.

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I enjoy the new mode, it's fun and entertaining and all the concerns I have have been voiced already. 

I feel as if the drop tables should be adjusted, Khora parts rate increased in the standard mode. Possibly removed form elite like some people have said (the rate is so low already it is doing nothing for the people runnign eilte other than clutter). I feel like there's a lot of clutter in the tables, for both elite and standard modes. 

Also the other main concern I have is the efficiency runnign out so fast, especially in solo. I like the option to solo but the speed that you run out is alarmingly fast.

Spawn rates are a bit off too. There needs to be more spawns especially in certain tilesets, losing a round because not enough mobs are spawning is frustrating. 

Edit: Forgot to add the lack of resources or credits or anything other than the rewards table is kind of disappointing as well. 

TLDR: As I said, most of my own concerns have been voiced already. 

Edited by OkamiLuna
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After host migration i got 0 reward. I got 0 credits and 0 other rewards.

This is a main Warframe problem. I am sure u guys will never fix it . Just want u to know i am pissed of this. I ve spend money on this game. Other Games thats are online only can easy handle this . U cant. No wait. U can but u will not add a simple server communication to save geting rewards. But u ve no problem to add this communication to take relics from ur account. And hey we dont have any lag with that. Why u just take and save but not give and save?

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Me and a friend were going to do some sanctuary onslaught as of april 20 8:30~ PM EST and upon completing each round the portal to the next area would not appear for about 20 seconds, i originally thought it was due to internet speeds, but i was the host and my internet is working quite well, plus they tried it on their own and the delay was the same, i tried the mission with another friend and it worked fine. As of now this makes it impossible to reach beyond round 3 for my friend and difficult for me because i want to farm khora with them. Any insight on the matter would be greatly appreciated.

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Is it even possible to go past zone 16? Even at max efficiency, aka wiping out every enemy as soon as they spawn, I just can't keep up with how fast it drops. 
I am not sure about this mechanic, especially with convergence orb 2.0 (because the 1.0 version that should have gone ages ago wasn't bad enough). I was hoping Sanctuary Onslaught would give the chance to go high level survival without having to play non-stop for 3 hours on the same map, but the efficiency thing really kills the experience imo.

Edited by Anthraxicus
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3 minutes ago, Ecliptix said:

Yah I dont like pre forming groups often for stuff like this so cheesing it can be difficult with out that cohesion. I am not even sure what end game would be in this game. I never personally saw raids that way outside of them being the only place to get arcanes but with that changed I am not sure where to go from here.

That is the question that everyone is trying to answer, but don't realize it. What is end game exactly. Some people who enjoy stuff like eidolons and onslaught think that having the best gear is end game. To an extent, that is end game because it takes time and grinding to get that gear. To others like myself, end game challenges my mastery of the game itself, not just the gear.

To me, end game would be taking my knowledge and experience from playing warframe and putting it to the test. It would be testing me on how mobile I could be, how quickly can I pick out a major threat and react, the knowledge I have of my teammates and what they need, where I need to position myself, basically all the other factors that aren't gear related. Hence why I gave the idea for the zones. I'm like you, I don't have a "perfect" idea of what end game would be like, I just know that it shouldn't be reduced down to "do you have XYZ? Then you win".

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Fun as hell. But also equally as unplayable. Been through about 18 runs so far. Have only been able to walk away from 3 of them with what i earned. Someone dc's, game locks up, game crashes, get stuck after going through portal in between rounds, forcing me to look at a load screen until the game decides to just boot me back into the orbiter, screen turns white (even after hotfix that said it was fixed). Constantly losing my affinity gained and keys. At this point i'm upset. I'll wait a few days for the kinks to be hammered out. Fun in concept though. This was not ready. Probably the single worst launch of any mode i've experienced since i've been playing. Including the plains. and i've been here since update 7

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I wish you had not gimped the early focus (8 rounds just to reach normal convergence orb levels) and the focus gains for most of each round (45 seconds good, the rest irrelevant).  If focus were better on the basic level instead of it being mainly about the elite level, it would be fun to throw various things at the basic level and come out with decent focus for your time, but the basic level is just fluff to get slightly better Khora drops.  You might as well just do survival somewhere so you also at least get resources.  Onslaught asks us to give up resources, drops, leveling frames, time with no useful focus bonus, ...  a lot, actually.

Also, suspecting the mode (basic or elite) is distinctly less rewarding to smaller squads.  Like we needed more of that in the game...

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I just spent about 3 to 5 hours this afternoon and i lost many relics and at least 1 part of khora; crash and host migration happens all the time even after the hot fix, and we just keep losing time and rewards, it's so frustrating :angry::sad:

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I don't find the rewards worthwhile enough to keep playing the gamemode, especially in its base form. The progression and cycles are slow and tedious, the rewards filler in the form of endo and relics I already have, and it's honestly too much work for a 5-9% chance at getting a shot at a Khora part. I acknowledge why there isn't loot- it would play havoc on the materials economy, but I'm still itching my head wondering whats the point of playing beyond the first 8 zones?

As a veteran- I don't need the focus- the Eidolons took care of that for me so I have no reason go beyond. Rewards or loot would be nice, but they aren't there in this mode. If I go beyond 8, I'm setting myself up for failure with the difficulty spikes resulting in me failing before a rotation; and for what exactly? I don't know- the game-mode is fun in that there's a constant horde of enemies to kill, but I have nothing to show for all of them that I do cut in half- I don't feel rewarded for my time.

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Okay here is one really big problem I have with the new thing, count it as a bug or whatever, but:



Sitting there for upwards of 20-30 seconds or more just waiting for the stupid portal to spawn in, wasting an unnecessary amount of efficiency and robbing us of our chance to keep going :T

I'm not sure WHY it ends up taking for freaking ever to spawn, but there needs to be something done about it, for sure.




there goes the F------ LATO VANDAL RECEIVER I GOT....

Edited by LeoLeonardoIII
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I'm trying my best to come up with a good, lengthy post about the subject, but I'm having one of those infrequent moments where I'm having mental mindfarts. I'm just going to be blunt about it.

I am one of those (apparently few) people who like to contribute to the team and not act as an independent vacuum. While I don't mind being carried, which seldom happens as is, there is absolutely no fun to be had when players bring warframes and weapons capable of nuking rooms with 1-2 button presses. I've ducked out of several of these missions so far, because the majority of people I team up with are bringing Mesa, Saryn, and maiming strike atterax weapons. I don't want to stand around with my thumbs up my rear end, because I have a teammate or two killing 70%+ of all the enemies who only spam their 4th ability or do slide attacks.

And it's not like I can really blame them. Sanctuary Onslaught handles difficulty scaling differently than other endless missions. Instead of enemies getting stronger in level, their efficiency value quickly decreases with the more zones you progress through. After zone 8, you really have to start killing enemies as quickly as they spawn, otherwise you won't maintain efficiency. These same enemies are still able to get 1shot by my amprex or Nidus with less than 50 mutation stacks, but unlike Mesa or maiming strike users, I'm not able to kill nearly as many enemies by comparison.

I'd personally would like to see enemies scale more with level with every zone you pass through rather than have their efficiency value plummet. I want to have to end the mission, because my weapon and frame isn't strong enough to kill an enemy quickly, rather than because I'm not nuking rooms and having teammates leech.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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I like this mode, it is fun and exciting but the rewards are not motivating enough. Adding kuva to the reward table is suitable as many have already maxed the focus tree in endgame while KUVA is something that you will never have enough. Thus, kuva should be on the drop table of elite onslaught or double the amount of kuva in elite mode. Thanks.

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Spin to win, yes, Press 4 to win...no actually...as the more you keep using your 4 eventually Simaris pops in with "Stahp doing that!" And actually prevents you from using your ultimate...

The only issues i'm really having is the lack of spawns later in. Like...it seems to slow down...

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Tried running Elite Onslaught, and I have to say... eugh.

  1. Efficiency pickups suck. Needing to pick things up in general sucks. Can we please have a non-defense Endless mission where we don't need to deal with that?
  2. The "reset abilities/multipliers/etc. at the start of round" isn't that big of a deal, but please properly reset them. I ran a Shield of Shadows Nekros and I nearly died to Wave 2 simply because my previous round of Shadows were still "alive" somewhere and couldn't be summoned.
  3. I got booted out Wave 3 because for some inexplicable reason my kills completely stopped benefiting Efficiency (I was killing decently fast) and there were seemingly zero pickup spawns. This was in the Infested Ship tile.

On the flip side of things, the Community was asking for immediate access to higher-level enemies, and Elite starts off at 80-85. Shame all the same people are too busy complaining about not wanting the available rewards; this should really go to show that the issue at hand is really not that the enemy levels are simply too low for them to be fun. Warframe has a lot of mechanical complexity when it comes to combat (owing to the damage types, crits, etc.), but very little depth. It'd be nice to see a paradigm shift away from cheese content and toward a more balanced (on both sides of the equation) experience.

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1 minute ago, Hixlysss said:

Spin to win, yes, Press 4 to win...no actually...as the more you keep using your 4 eventually Simaris pops in with "Stahp doing that!" And actually prevents you from using your ultimate...

The only issues i'm really having is the lack of spawns later in. Like...it seems to slow down...

How soon does Simaris actively block your 4th ability? I just had a mission where Volt spammed his 4 throughout the whole session all the way up to zone 8 (I left at the end of it, he probably continued doing it in 9+).

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6 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

I want to have to end the mission, because my weapon and frame isn't strong enough to kill an enemy quickly, rather than because I'm not nuking rooms and having teammates leech.

This so freaking much. I wanna fail when i'm too weak. And not when the game just decides to say: "You shall not pass!".

You're only allowed to hardcore cheese after zone 10. And even while i was using a max power str. volt with a ranged riven oneshotting plague keewar including 3x CP and a nuke equinox in my team we still had no chance at zone 16. Don't even think about using weapons let alone short-ranged melees. Just wow. I was looking forward to a nice survival-alternative and believe it or not, i actually find this new game mod very fun with lots of variation due to different maps and enemies but the efficiency drop simply kills it and enforces a very strict meta.

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Well, yes, any mode that asks players to kill on a harsh timer is going to naturally skew players towards min/max builds in terms of efficiency.


It's kinda why I'm always skeptical of demands for a "challenging endgame" for Warframe, as any such thing will naturally reveal deficiencies that don't come across in regular play, to the detriment of the enjoyment of the players.


I'm super glad, at least, that this is very much a side-activity. It is kinda odd, though, how the mode that encourages min/maxing it supposed to reward Goofs. 

Edited by ShogunGunshow
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