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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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10 minutes ago, 2307Garfield said:

And a small question, how to raise efficiency? Sometimes we always have 100%, sometimes it doesn't go up at all. Maybe you should add some modifications to every zone in elite mode, like on arenas on Sedna. And add more rewards depending on the end score, it will take ages to farm khora and vandal weapons.

Efficiency is simply gained from killing enemies, though Simaris will warn us on using the same abilities over and over again (he'll lock the ability for a few seconds if you ignore his warning). Not sure if that affects the efficiency gain.

Scattered around the map are "Efficiency Stimulus" which is similar to Life Support in Survival. Treat it like Life Support, as it restores 10% Efficiency and there's no "overflow" of efficiency.

I do agree on how long it takes to obtain Khora, just like farming like Ivara. On the bright side, there's some good stuff from the game mode (Relics, the new Corpus Freight Scene, Focus, etc.).

Edited by Duality52
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The big thing for me that hit me early on is, where's the music?? The game mode is definitely action packed, but it feels a little dry and uninvolved without background music of some sort.

It'd be cool to hear music according to the tileset or enemy faction, which changes during each phase. Alternativly, a new music for the mode would be great.

Beyond that, the lack of regular resources strikes me as a little odd. It might be good for the enemies to at least drop credits and endo, to make it a viable place to farm some endo.

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Feedback so far:

1. Please fix what I am assuming to be a bug in that Nidus' Mutation stacks reset after going through a portal. If this is intended please clarify why you designed the game mode this way. 

2. Please make is easier to tell what rewards are received upon going through a portal if any. I can hear a reward sound, but have only once actually seen a reward notice pop up, and that was for a relic. 

3. Please increase the scaling on the focus gain after clearing more than one portal. I was noticing little difference in rewards from what I can earn doing standard endless content in a group. If you are looking to make this the legitimate focus grind method to replace the current Equinox sleep farm or groups running Bere then the totals need to be similar for amount of time spent or people will just return to those activities for their focus.

Edited by Phais
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It do appear that, if you proceed to next conduit too fast you won't be rewarded. I experienced this myself and few people from my alliance did as well. But of course since game mode is new it may be intentional. But it seems kind of random to me at least.

Also some from alliance also say something about freezes and crashes. No further information about that on me however.

Plus I don't speak Germany as the odd orb box thing do suggest.

Edited by YoDoge
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  • Way too many relics
    • These aren't rewards "for" veterans, just more relic fodder that only dilutes the drop table
    • Should have been "X% for ANY Relic of Y Tier" not individual percentages for each relic that only hurts the drop table
  • Not enough enemies
    • At a certain point, you're just waiting there for enemies to spawn, then you run out of efficiency even though there's nothing you could've done
  • Wouldn't it make more sense for a HIGHER EFFICIENCY to SPEED UP the timer?
  • Sentinels don't respawn
    • Considering everything is supposed to "refresh" per wave, sentinels stay dead
  • Still waiting on that toggle to disable Peculiar Mods
Edited by Sean
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There are 2 things that stick out for me. EDIT: I forgot to mention that I've been running it SOLO.

1. Simaris' Efficiency keeps ticking down during the portal transfer animation. I assume it is supposed to be paused, ala between Relic rotations.

2. Spawn rates are quite low to retain positive net Efficiency past 5th Zone. There are times where 5 seconds had passed without seeing any enemies. There are also times where there are no spawn upon entering a new tile through the portal.


Since this is a time attack mode, I hope you guys will take a look at this. Every second matters

Edited by RzdAkira
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I don't find it to be a "new game mode" it's basically a survival without loot, no LSM and less enemies, crownded in one tileset.

Not enough enemies to keep high effy sometimes.

Have to wait for effy to drop at 0% to get out.

Death when you don't go through the portal - instead we should just get out of the sanctuary.

Crash happen sometimes.

Maybe you should add a new money with this, a "sanctuary coin" and some new item/skin to buy from Simaris. Or just earn Simaris reputation.

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The drop rates are... dissapointing to be honest, every 2 waves to get 1 reward, even more a very diluted drop table... Either give rewards each wave or de dilute the drop table
Also the efficiency after 10 drops way too quickly comparing to the last ones, even picking up the stabelizers

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This mode is fun and enjoyable but there's problem to me.

as i'm playing solo there is problem about obtaining effciency rate that aren't enough to survive before clearing zone 7+ . obtaining from orb that get effciency. I think it's should get 20% or 30% from it. Getting effciency from enemies are lower than enemie in Survival mode (or maybe I don't get it about this one xD), I hope next hotfix will increase more gain effciency rate for solo player.

thank for reading.

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Game keeps crashing every single time at the very first zone - first it hangs up then crashes directly to the debug window, what i could see of the gamemode itself was a snorefest based on the cheesiest builds currently possible

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1 hour ago, Hrulfyr said:

Right, finished a run. Got to zone 13, then we decided to quit. My thoughts as requested:

Simaris is all about efficiency, yet he expects us to be inefficient running a game mode that has no loot, and a very harsh reward pool with things we can mostly farm elsewhere. For Khora, it's comparable to what you farm for Nidus, except no loot, and lower tier relics that aren't guaranteed, as well as the usual endo reward that doesn't really meet the effort you have to put into the mission. My question there is: why would people run this over anything else? The usual response would be "because it's fun", but I'm not sure that holds up very well with the global playerbase.

Spawn rate is high to very high, as the enemies just kind of teleport in, and you can't delay spawns or make them spawn further away, like you can on regular missions. The enemy scaling goes very quickly until about rotation C where it appears to start stagnating. As a result, The New Strange is a very low requirement to be doing a mission like this.

Speaking of low requirements, once you are locked into a squad and you enter, you have no way of dropping out. As a result, you are stuck with the squad you are given, and are at their mercy for when they want to quit, should they decide to keep going forever. Not all people have jobs, ergo you may get complaints in region chat saying "Ugh I had to leave a sanctuary mission because my squad didn't want to leave and I lost everything because I was AFK".

Finally, something minor I noticed: it seems a Nidus' stacks reset to somewhere at 5 when you head through a portal. I'm not sure if this is due to balance or otherwise, but it's ever so slightly annoying. I don't know of any other mission that does this, either, but I suppose since the balancing of the gamemode's duration is about keeping up the killcount, that probably makes sense.


TL;DR: Good game mode, but loot pool's the only reward, hard for newbies that meet requirements, and no getting off the ride early.

In regards to Nidus stacks, it seems as though the ability reset on entering conduits used a nullifier mechanic; during the transition, Nidus seems to lose about three or so stacks due to drain (you can see the stacks drain bit by bit instead of a straight delete).

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • An overuse of Warframe abilities can skew Simaris’ data. You may find he has different tolerance levels against ultimates than first abilities. You may never even encounter this rule, but if you do, know that it is only temporary. 
  • Each Conduit entered/Zone advanced removes current buffs, active Warframe abilities, combo multipliers, and resets Energy to the respective base level. Harder enemies from a baseline! 

I can understand having no gear and amping up levels for a challenge, along with the other limits, but why god ever put these in. This just speeds up and enforces a meta even stronger and set in stone than usual.
Yesterday it was stated the conduit would work like a Nullifier bubble, which was already an issue, but you guys went even beyond that and made it reset energy and the god damn melee combo counter as well?
I just wanted to go into a mode finally and start taking out everything and having fun from the get go from tough enemies. 
With all due respect I just thought you guys would have learned by now that forcing veterans to self-gimp the gear they've built up is not how you should go about creating a challenge for them.
You do it by making the enemies tougher and more diverse, changing things up by spawning more Eximus and heavies than usual, etc.
Please, and I'll be blunt here, please remove these two mechanics completely. People want to use their favorite Warframes without being completely shafted.
This is without even getting into the spawning problems and crashes that others brought up, albeit the crashes will be fixed soon at least.
I was actually hopeful for this update for finally getting a veteran focused game mode, yet history repeats itself and dashes my hopes once the update actually hits and has all the downsides. Just feels bad man.

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Ignoring the reported Crashes (experienced once in a Group, never crashed during Solo). The Sanctuary Onslaught is horribly not optimized for Solo Play as the Efficiency Drain is really fast regardless of what Warframe or Weapon you bring past Zone 7+. The farthest I managed to reach was Zone 8 with 1% Efficiency left before it booted me back into my ship. Even if you could kill enemies without any problems or issues, the Efficiency Drain as well as the Spawn Time for enemies seems to take much longer in farther Zones. 

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I have a fairly good PC and so far i havent been able to finish even one round, as the game crashes very often. So right now the mode is more frustrating than anything else, but when it runs i find it enjoyable.
i can't say anything to the droptables, because of my mentioned problems.

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Have ran the simulation about 5 times.  First went off without a hitch.  Second tried the elite one and it worked as well.  Then game has crashed no less than 10 times.  Rejoined previous group a number of times as I had 2 Khora parts in inventory...but could not stay in game for more than a minute before crashing entire game.

When the runs worked it was fun and earned good focus.  Crahses were at various times...soemtimes on spawn into new level...sometimes on spawn of conduit...sometimes just running and jumping.

The crashes make this almost unplayable.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Enter the Conduit to the Sanctuary and maintain Efficiency against increasingly difficult Specimens for 2.5 minutes.
  • Each Specimen you kill attributes to your overall Efficiency, with Eximus Specimens attributing more. 
  • Efficiency Stimulus’ are spawned per zone that each grant 10% Efficiency - use them wisely!
  • Each zone after the first triggers a 45 second Focus Boost that scales in multiplier (MAX of 16x) - kill Specimens as fast as you can!
  • When a zone is complete, Simaris will open a Data-Conduit to a new and harder zone within his Sanctuary.

2.5 minutes, AKA half of a normal 5 min rotation. Of course, many modes have rotations that seem to happen much faster, so this number could be better, but it is still logical. 

Also, not mentioned here, it seems that Efficiency drain increases per zone. So sometimes the kills seem to not do much, but they do. 

Edited by jjpdn
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The game mode needs to be tweaked.
Our team did great in killing enemies in a lots of different ways.
However the efficiency went down faster than we could kill.

The %gain of enemies definitely must not go under a certain value so you can at least hold the efficiency constant by killing lots.

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Honest opinions.... I went in solo so obviously might be different in a group. 

I had no issues playing it but it felt no different to survival other than we need to grab the glowing efficiency orb rather than health.  The 'reward' every 5 mins doesn't help matters there either, personally I'd prefer rewards every 2.5mins (ie every round). 


I went in with inaros because of the 'ability restrictions' and just switched to melee and pressed e a lot, no real challenge (admittedly I went in on the easy one but I can do the same on level 100 sorties so expect similar on the harder one).  Because the 'high' number of enemies are running at us the melee multiplier will just ramp up really fast too. 

Kind of felt the lack of normal loot table rewards was a bad idea, at least put the normal drops in too, more endo/credits/resources etc are always good even if it's just the same old stuff we already have. I literally came away with a bit of focus, an endo and 2 relics which I don't actually have any need for..

Felt focus return was maybe a little low, I came out with like 6k on my melee and 6k on my frame after 6 rounds at 2.5mins each...so 15mins of gameplay.  Was expecting a little more after devstream comments etc.

The 2.5min sessions feel too long for me personally, or more accurately 5 mins because you have do 2 for ANY reward, while it might be needed on the higher rank levels or larger maps, mainly due to no clear direction for the efficiency orb, I was literally spending over half of the time just killing enemies.  This actually made it feel quite boring and really didn't make me want to go back again.... and that's after just one single game of it.


The efficiency orb could do with a pointer or something to point us in the right direction, while I had no issue finding it on the easy level (went to try it out solo first)

Would have liked a 'finish now' option like on defence, although not sure if it actually does happen later


The reward tables lack anything interesting imo too.  I don't really need relics, especially lith, meso and neo.  I could maybe do with axi (not even in drop table) ones but not really important either and I really don't need a 300 endo reward...  The drop chance on khora seems rather low too, and while I don't mind a little farming, it needs to be something that's fun and well first impressions of the mission weren't of it being fun.


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The main reason I wanted to play it is to reach daily focus cap faster by casually playing without boosters - sometimes solo. This mode doesn't appear to be any faster, in fact it appears to be slower.

I honestly don't understand why gathering focus for the daily cap have to be such a chore. Especially after introducing other eidolons that allow you to farm focus outside of the daily cap. Why gathering focus for the daily cap can't be buffed? Is it to punish people that don't want or don't have the time to do the eidolons? Or just prefer doing everything else but eidolons/adaro? I'm really struggling to see any logic in this. I have 24MR, I've been playing for quite some time and as long as I can remember I hated and still hate (which is probably the only thing about this game that I honestly hate) gathering focus - simply because there is little to no freedom in doing so.

Please either buff casual focus gains for the daily cap across the board or at the very least just outright give constant convergence orb buff in sanctuary that lasts forever as long as you are inside. Having it for the ~45 seconds at the beginning of new zone is not enough.

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