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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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47 minutes ago, VoidWraith said:

Or grind for stuff to sell and get plat to trade for items you want that can only be obtained in Onslaught

Onslaughts not all about rewards either.. it's a good xp farm, focus farm, and game mode (but why play for no rewards?)

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your on the 4th hotfix DE is trying to find out what in the code causing the bugs, so try not to get so upset that you cant get your loot.

try an calm down, as on the last stream they said they wanted community to give feedback on it so they could work towards getting it done. 

you cant expect them to always have a stable build when they bring in something new an the stress test of a player build does more than isolated dev build

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Simply put: update a user's account whenever they are awarded with a mission drop, rather than only during extraction. Finish a wave of Interception and get a relic? Update the user's account during the Extract/Battle vote, rather than at the moment of extraction. Finished five more minutes of Survival and got 300 Endo or something? Update the user's account then and there (presumably in a temporary section wherein they lose the loot if they abort, but KEEP the loot if they crash). And it goes without saying, but just finished wave 8 of Sanctuary Onslaught and got a Khora BP? UPDATE THE USER'S ACCOUNT AND LET THEM KEEP IT NO MATTER WHAT

The reason these horror stories happen is because the game waits until the extraction -- the most vulnerable moment because data in RAM is being unloaded and overwritten with the Relay that is being loaded in -- to bother updating anyone's account with a few bytes of data that can VERY easily be lost in a host migration or a host crash

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34 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:


35 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

(presumably in a temporary section wherein they lose the loot if they abort, but KEEP the loot if they crash)

Then what's the risk in going later to a Defense if I risk nothing? Going to fail? Just end task.

38 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

The reason these horror stories happen is because the game waits until the extraction -- the most vulnerable moment because data in RAM is being unloaded and overwritten with the Relay that is being loaded in -- to bother updating anyone's account with a few bytes of data that can VERY easily be lost in a host migration or a host crash

I wasn't aware DE shared the details of their back end processes for Warframe.

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10 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Then what's the risk in going later to a Defense if I risk nothing? Going to fail? Just end task.

Hmm, good point. Is there a way for computers to differentiate between a deliberate usage of WM_CLOSE or Task Manager-triggered killtask, and a error-induced crash? I know in Linux-based systems the server could just check if anything was passed to stderr

10 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

I wasn't aware DE shared the details of their back end processes for Warframe.

It's really not complicated what's going on here. After Sanctuary Onslaught, the game unloads the tiles from your RAM to replace them with the Relay. That is the definition of a loading screen. The fact that you can lose items at all during a host crash means that it was the host's computer what was tracking those bytes, and not a shared virtual machine or a DE-owned physical one

Edited by TARINunit9
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A fun game mode so far.

Can't help but want to add onto it, like adding a "Chaotic" mode where you fight all fractions fighting each other or "Nightmare" mode where all fractions fight you. Imagine a Toxic ancient buffing a corrupted heavy gunner. The insanity! 

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I dont know the backbone of Warframe server, but from what i've seen. If a player is playing host. Then his pc is being used to host the mission for the squad as. His pc will act like a server. Not everyone that starts a session is automatically a host. There is some check involved, for which i dont know what it involves. It could be ping and sheer horsepower. This is actually a good design in terms of low latency for players and very low server load on DE side. But it appears that there is some syncing issue when the host leaves abruptly. Thus all progress data for the clients, is lost. The host should make sure that every client is properly synced and all game related progression has been handed over to the new host as well as DE -as DE does update account info- prior to terminating its session. 

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2 hours ago, Grimmstyler said:

Probably so.. But i see a lot of complaints about how Onslaught needs to be fixed..

Other than Host Migration, a poor PC is probably the case for most players not being able to play Onslaught due to crashing..

The issues with Onslaught have little to do with poor PC performance, and issues with the gamemode itself.

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb Pitiful:

-I was shocked to find that ultis (4) can not be spammed in this mode. 

My Molecular Prime has a duration of 7 secs. 

Ability gets blocked for 7 secs. (There is a red number counting down, what starts at 7 unless I missed something here.)

Wait time for next spam: 7 seconds. 

Time span I don't spam, because ability is already in progress: 7 seconds. 

What is blocked? 

So, if I just used my 4 and Simi just remembered his powers,it is blocked for the whole duration, just to be unlocked for the next cast while the ability is ROFLing though the room and have nice tints of green Nova explosions everywhere  <3 Bridging the gap. 

I think, Spawns have their intervals, too. You can even see them spawn out of nowhere, a thing usually hidden outside your view. 

Or just lag, who knows :/

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I hardly ever comment on topics anymore but I did want to drop in and give my appreciation for the new game mode. Specifically, I appreciate the Elite Onslaught mode. I think it is a great balance of challenge and reward.

As a veteran, I felt I was starved of content that was meaningful for my current power level. I was basically only logging in to do sorties and run the occasional few relic missions to sell items. This mode feels great for content that actually has to be managed and provides a reward commensurate with all the "stuff" I've accumulated and the effort to actually do the content. Thanks DE.

If I had to make one additional request is to balance the ability to stay in the mode with my actual performance. A lot of folks compare it to survival but I think it's different in a key way. In survival, especially considering the life support capsules, is largely dictated by your ability to stay alive. Whereas In this game mode, it's more about your lethality. Survival has the benefit of a hard point where you are no longer surviving; i.e. you're dead. In onslaught, I think the point where you aren't killing enough is more subjective and harder to justify. It feels as if, " I was killing stuff, albeit slower, but apparently it wasn't 'good enough' to stay. I wanted to stay, thought I should have been able to continue, and don't think it's fair to be 'prematurely' ended." I think this is part of the feedback about how it feels unfair especially for solo players who don't have the same spawn rate as teams of four and therefore can't go as far even though they are still killing things; i.e. their lethality is on par with individual members of the team of four. I think making the conditions for staying in onslaught more objective or at least individually equitable would be an improvement.

Lastly, I'd also like to see more scaling rewards. In other words, if I stay past the first C rotation and endure a greater challenge I'm rewarded more than just resetting the game. To your credit, the focus gains do scale but I'd like to see something more tangible for when the veterans inevitably max their focus trees as some have already done. A personal suggestion, after the first rotation have rewards given on an increasing amount of odd zones. It would look like -A-A-B-C, AA-A-B-C, AAAA-B-C, AAAABB-C, AAAABBCC, repeat.

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K only feed back on this right now is Please fix the host migration issue if I want to go into zone 9 but the other 3 leave don't end the simulation on me with a bugged reward screen where I can't see my rewards but am still getting them either end it and show me my rewards or let me keep going solo cause at this point I'm over it till I find a new clan and have people to play with again and not just public matching randoms.

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It's nice and densely packed, fast paced, and usually a bit of fun, but... There's no variety in the gameplay? And the reward payout is pretty slow, not to mention all the issues. If people deliberately leave early, the game is basically #*!%ed, either because you don't have enough players to continue, or because of host migration issues, or not getting rewards until you move onto the next stage. And to make matters worse, everybody in pubs has gone full dbag mode as of tonight.

I remember hearing about how every stage in the Dark Sector rework was going to have a different gimmick. What happened to that? This is just a more intense, but slower payout survival.

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Okay so I just found that when you play in solo mode if you pause the game the efficiency meter still drains! I paused it for a very short time and it was 95% when I unpaused. Really hope this gets fixed.

Edited by Abyssshy
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The payout is only slightly slower than survival, because of the small time it takes to use the portals. One round is 2.5min and you get rewards every two rounds.

I agree that this is the most repetitive thing in Warframe ever. At least the elite mode, where each zone is always the same. Repeating the mission gets boring very fast because of this.

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1 hour ago, Abyssshy said:

Okay so I just found that when you play in solo mode if you pause the game the efficiency meter still drains! I paused it for a very short time and it was 95% when I unpaused. Really hope this gets fixed.

Not only that but the timer to open the next conduit also runs while paused. Well, the actual timer is stopped, but if you stay 30 seconds paused, the conduit will open 30 seconds before the timer ends. It can open even while paused.

EDIT: To add, this has only happened since the 22.18.4 hotfix.

Edited by Naftal
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Sup all and hopefully DE,

I was playing the 20-30 Onslaught earlier today and, other than bugging out all to hell, I was able to get in with a sub level 30 'frame. I didn't do anything special, just walked up to Cephalon Simaris in the Pluto relay, hit the button, and was in in a rank 25 Khora. I didn't even know that you NEEDED a rank 30 frame until someone asked me how I did it. It didn't work from the orbiter mission screen, or at the relay after I tried it from the orbiter screen. Just posting this here because even though it's a new mode and they're always full of bugs, if DE wants to lock Onslaught to maxed frames then this is one that needs to be pointed out.

I don't know where else to put this so DE would hopefully see it, so I posted it here. If it's in the wrong place, please tell me where I should post this instead. I have no idea if there's a bug report place specifically, but yeah, there you go. Again, tell me if there is one, I'll send this there.

Thanks, and have fun


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23 minutes ago, Naftal said:

The payout is only slightly slower than survival, because of the small time it takes to use the portals. One round is 2.5min and you get rewards every two rounds.

I agree that this is the most repetitive thing in Warframe ever. At least the elite mode, where each zone is always the same. Repeating the mission gets boring very fast because of this.

Adding to this is the repetitiveness of the actions themselves. Instead of fighting a smaller number of very tough enemies, you are repeatedly nuking rooms full of enemies with a negative health multiplier, knowing that each killed non-eximus enemy replenishes only a fraction of a percent, requiring us to constantly keep up the nuking. In short, we're at the mercy of eximus spawn rates and our nuking capabilities. Although I love how this results in fast ranking up of equipment (used no less than 10 Forma today alone) if I'm taking an EV or buff role, that's really the only good thing that comes out of this. It would be nice if each zone had some unique modifiers (type displayed by the mission progress stats below the minimap), such as:

  • Lower health but more enemies (how all of Onslaught works right now)
  • Higher health but fewer enemies (the reverse of how Onslaught works right now)
  • Hidden enemies (clusters of enemies inside small Nullifier bubbles; destroy the bubbles to nuke the enemies inside; larger tiles only)
  • Ghost enemies (all enemies appear as Ballistica Prime ghosts, and their names and levels are hidden but health bars are still visible; larger tiles only)
  • Unlimited reserve ammo but no damaging abilities allowed (like a Sap Scrambus aura covering the whole map but no HUD distortion)
  • Corruption (random fissures spawn and corrupt enemies in an AOE; if you are within the radius, your frame also gets corrupted for a few seconds, no reactant required)

This is all a simulation, so it would have been nice if Simaris was a little more creative in his experiments. What's an experiment if you barely change the variables?

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Hi DE! The gamemode is awsome, but there is a problem with it. When its released you was able to use a warframe thats under 30. This was a bug and got fixed sadly. Warframe is about to farm to get better loot etc. but I felt kicked in the nuts after the hotfix and don't let me play with my mesa because i used a forma on it to test the best build that was a mistake to put a level limit on the gamemodes mostly for the regular version. I know that on elite public noone want to see a random guy with fully lvl 0 equipment and I agree the cap on elite mode, but why you need to put it on the regular mode. Just imagine that you have a level cap on defense or survival those gamemodes endless too, whats the differents? If someone want stay for a 100 zone he never gonna do it in public so that player will recuit members, clanmates and friends and they don't gonna bring a lvl 0 frame. I hope DE you remove the cap from the regular mode.

Edited by R4IDEN_HUN
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So far I have lost in total around10 hours worth of farming due to host migration just kicking everyone out of the game for no rewards. I have lost a few Khora sets, the new bloom mod, at least 1 full set of the Lato vandal and a few of the same parts for the Braton vandal in addition to a heap of Radiant and normal relics and a decent amount of endo. This has just killed any enjoyment for the gamemode.


Something needs to be done to guarantee the rewards even if the host screws everyone else over. There could also be a vote function like in other mission to continue after the rewards just to make sure that you know if ppl are intending to leave so you don't have to rely on them being smart enough to use the chat functions in game to notify the squad that that was the last zone they were going to do.

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